Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Florida - October 14, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  After the opening prayer, Jackie read a selection from Kardec's Book of Spirits on The Mission of the Spiritist.  Nelson's guide spoke from his position behind Nelson to ask the table that if we understood what was read, then why don't we do it? 
Caballito: What will it take for someone to truly believe?
Jackie: Something drastic...
Caballito: Why wait for that when it can be avoided?
Astrid: Human weakness and arrogance of the spirit.
Jackie: We always need proof before we take responsibility and change.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson said that we needed to listen to what the spirit world asked from us, as he began to sense anxiety, pain and chaos coming from the spirit side.  There were spirits laughing and having a good time.  "We were successful in our partnership," Nelson heard one of them say, "and I am going to get my prey."  It seemed as if the spirit was referring to John, the husband of Gloria's daughter.  "It's her, not him, who belongs to me" the spirit said.  Nelson envisioned this spirit standing at the foot of John's bed, as the conversation continued with the spirit moving into Nelson to sit:
Spirit (looking down at John):  I thought you were a man?  Get up now and prove it.  Always ready to fight with me, well what kind of man are you now?  Now she is mine.  Where are those who defended her?
Jackie: We're still here.
Spirit: I am getting so close...
Jeff: Why do you want that victory?
Spirit: She's mine and she belongs to me.  Nothing happens over there without me knowing it.  (laughing) you should have seen the other one who went over there (Gregory, the grandson of Gloria).  We burned his hands!  We cannot stop until she is with us.
Jackie: Only God controls that...
Astrid: You are wrong and you cannot go back.
Spirit: Oh I am going back.  I only came here to show you who owns that place.  The smell of death is already there, it's a burnt smell (laughed).
Jackie: The smell of death is with you - it's your body.
Spirit (listening to the guides): I cannot go back, he tells me.  He didn't lie when he told me if I came here (to our table), I would be better.  All of you think that all I am is revenge (raised his arms).  I know I am a spirit, so don't tell me that, I am not a fool.  He (John) stole what belonged to me.  He killed me to have her!  But she told him to kill me so that she could be with him.  I want to get rid of that in my mind.  I've tried, but I only think of that one thing.  I am not ignorant.  I know the first part of forgiveness is to leave her alone.  There are seven of us, with me, it's eight.  I'm taking that poison away, he (the spirit guide) wants you to know.  He says I cannot even say goodbye to her.  I have done many things.  Many things.  I am taking all that away.  I am going to become who I am and not what she is.  Tell that boy who saw me that I am sorry I gave him such a hard time.  Forgive me.  (pause)  I am going to a new planet, with a new atmosphere...
Astrid: Where you will feel lighter.
The spirit departed suddenly, with Nelson gasping for air.  The table discussed his visit.  Nelson's guide stepped forward with some specific messages for the group:
For Jackie (referring to the windows being opened at Mary's house):
Now you see how I do the work?  We sent someone to the house to open those windows for her.  All of you need to know that when work is done, there are many spirits involved, helping with the work.
For Frank:
Go on your vacation and enjoy it.  It might be your last trip.  Take all of your medication with you.  It's important that you do not think about your ex-girlfriend at all.  Things are there that will remind you of her and it will make you sad.
For Jeff:
When you talk to your mother, ask her how her health is, and how she is doing.  Ask twice.  She will tell you something that will shock you.  Just say wow.  I will be with you when that call happens.  We need to reconcile that relationship.  You might be at peace, but she is disappointed with you.  It's okay.  You would be surprised to see her now.  Remember that after all, she is just human.  And she is still your mother.  She helped make you who you are - she put those values there.  And you know better...
For Jackie:
There is some cleaning we need to do before you go on vacation (to visit her sister).  Things may appear okay, but they are not.  You cannot go to some places when you are there.  She is not telling you everything, there are things hidden.  But it's okay to go.
For Santiago:
Let your sister (Gloria, absent form our table) tell you what she wants.  If she doesn't want to tell you, it's okay.  You can ask whatever you want as long as you show concern.  Ask, "Is there anything I can do to help you?"  Don't let her behavior change who you are. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide was ushering in the spirit of an elderly female.  It was the mother of Santiago and Gloria.  "Sometimes even this spirit cannot go over there," Nelson said, "as she doesn't allow it."  Santiago said that Gloria often felt her mother around her, and the conversation continued: 
Spirit (sitting through Nelson): That spirit who shows up is pretending to be me.  It is not me.  They say that spirits do not get sad, but we do when something is not what we expect, or what we want to see from someone we love.  I am not allowed to get close.  (to Santiago)  Don't forget that she is still your sister.  Do the best you can, my son.  Now is the time she needs you the most.  She's responsible for her own actions, even I can't stop her.  My words don't get in, she is listening to the words of others.  Those are not my words, these are my words.  We removed some spirits today, but there are so many more, we could not remove them all.  Sometimes we are not allowed to get too close.  Jackie knows that about her mom.  This young man (Nelson) did not recognize me.  He didn't want me to sit, but I couldn't waste an opportunity to thank all of you.  (to Santiago in regards to Gloria)  My son, keep doing it, don't stop.  You get hurt when she doesn't listen, but don't stop.  If you do, you will regret those moments later in life.  Don't stop.  For all of you, don't stop loving your mothers.  Think of them.  Jackie, your mother was here with us.  She wants you to take that trip when you are ready and everything there is ready.  (to the group) Thank you for what you have done here.  These few words mean a lot to me.  (for Gloria) We are trying to restore her energy to make that flower be a flower again.  (to Santiago) I have not come often, as there was no need.  But now there is a need.  I requested permission and it was granted...
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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