Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Florida - October 18, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Jackie, Jeff, Gloria, Nelson, Rafael, and Santiago 

Upon Rafael's arrival and during the reading of the opening prayer, Nelson sensed evil spirits who wanted to cause death. Rafael said he experienced a mini-stroke during the past week, and this spirit was intent on "finishing the job." Astrid sensed an older female spirit with Rafael who was telling him he was young and handsome, and Jackie saw the same short female spirit from last week with him again. 

Spirit 1 (via Nelson): There was a large group of negative spirits around Rafael. They were not happy that he attended the session last week, and they were very upset that he returned. Nelson sensed something between Rafael and his father during his adolescence, and Rafael explained that he had to learn how to manage the anger he had with his father. Nelson asked, "Why did he throw you out of the house?" and Rafael responded, "He wanted me to be someone I wasn't." Rafael's dad wanted things his way. There was a lot of resentment between Rafael and the rest of his family, and Nelson knew that most of it came from past lives, as history was repeating itself when the family members would not change. Jackie heard a spirit say, "He should have never been born into this family again." Nelson's spirit guide was speaking to him from his usual spot behind Nelson, and he explained that this group of spirits were unable to sit at our table with so much hate. If they sat, it would harm Nelson. Nelson was shown that Rafael's father was losing his mind because he did not want to remember what he did. He was a miserable human being. Caballito arrived to explain more and to soothe some of the anger: 
Caballito (waving his arms in a circular motion): There is nothing to be worried about or afraid. These friends of mine - and I will call them that, as they are sons and daughters of God and need our hand to see the light. The work is difficult and necessary. We need to remove the sickness. This is not just for him (Rafael) to learn, this is for everyone, even Nelson. Rafael will be okay. He is on the right road, but it is filled with obstacles that he will understand one day. (to Rafael) Instead of asking, "Why me?" ask, "Why not me." There are 16 here that will speak only when they have more love and harmony. I will step to the side unless I am needed again. 
Nelson described the group of spirits as dark and scary. Gloria saw Rafael with some mediumship ability. The spirits talk to him and he listens, but Gloria advised him to read more and pray to understand the good spirits better. Rafael said he saw two spiritual knights of the Templar around himself. (Note: The Templars defined themselves as soldiers of Christ and the temple of Solomon. Their motto was, "Death in battle is glorious." The red cross they wore represented martyrdom.

Nelson said that these spirits encouraged Rafael to start using the power he had previously for vengeance and anger, "to make people pay for what they have done." Nelson advised him to move those feelings to the side when they occurred, and the conversation continued: 
Gloria: Take care of yourself. There were two spiritual nurses around you as you came in. 
Nelson: For a week or two, keep away and avoid contact from everyone in your family. 
Astrid: There is a voice of one family member that bothers you the most (Rafael agreed). 
Nelson: Keep yourself clean from that bad energy. When you see the spiritual Templars, tell them that was from another life. It will be a good week for him if Rafael can do what was recommended. 

Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson began studying a new spirit. It was a woman who resembled Jackie, and she identified herself as Jeff's grandmother. "That daughter of mine (Jeff's mother) is as difficult as ever," Nelson heard her say. "I tried, and I still try, but I cannot even go where she is now." The spirit shared stories of raising Jeff, his love of sweets, and how Jeff's mother disliked it when Jeff called his grandmother mama. She sat through Nelson to share more: 
Spirit (to Jeff): You remind me so much of me. I knew you were not my son, but you were. Anytime they allow me, I come close to you. One of my best memories was when I visited you in Chicago. I want you to be as happy and content as we were together. I want to remind everyone that all we take with us are the good moments. I am not an elevated spirit. One of my sons (Jeff's uncle) is not well. All I can do is pray for him, as I see him from far away, not close. It's okay for you (Jeff) to call me "mama". You would have been my fifth child, but the only way for us to be together was for you to come as my grandchild. I am so glad and thankful to all of you. I have always liked him (Nelson), he was so nice to me when I met him. Tell him I thank him for taking care of you in ways that I could not. When you need me, I will come around. When it's time, I will be there to get you. We will be together again in a better place, laughing like we used to do... 

Spirits 3 & 4 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Gloria if she had a nickname for her father (it was "tata"). Her father had returned to our table to see his two grown children (Gloria and Santiago), but he had not arrived alone. He spoke briefly in Spanish, and then he changed to English, "Tell the guy who writes (Jeff) that I did arrive on my ship. I learned from last time that I could bring some friends here. They are waiting outside, for permission to come inside. I hope you can help them. They are lost and here, they will understand." The group of spirits entered, and one of them moved forward to replace the father and speak through Nelson: 
Spirit: They say we can come and you will teach us? We are confused. We are alive, but not alive. 
Jackie: You're not in the material world. 
Astrid: You do not have a body, but you are alive forever. 
Spirit: We remember being on a trip, coming from Spain. On a ship... 
Jackie: The ship sank... 
Spirit: Yes. We got close, but a storm came. We were going to a big island, but we ended up on a smaller island where they spoke French. Some people on the boat spoke French, mostly we spoke Spanish. Some made it, some did not. The man who brought us here (Gloria and Santiago's father) is a collector of souls. Some of us are distantly related (to Gloria and Santiago, who had a relative in France). They said we will go to a school. We depended on each other, and that's the way they should be - all they have is what we had - each other. We are no longer drowning. Once we got to that door, they took that away from us. They tell you to give you a number that has meaning - we are 66. They are bringing a new ship now, and we are going on it as passengers, one by one. I will be the last. (looked at Jackie) In another time and place, one of our group would have liked her. He said, "That's a nice lady." Thank you for hearing my story, and keep that door open. 

Nelson saw their father caressing Gloria and Santiago, in the same way that Jeff's grandmother caressed him. Nelson also saw a female spirit around Jackie. She asked Jackie questions, but they went unanswered. At Yvonne's center, Jackie would respond to this spirit (and let her sit), so she wondered why she was being ignored now. Jackie understood that this was the healing spirit named "Lula." Jackie thought of her, but she was uncertain if it really was Lula, so she did not pass the spirit as she did in the past. 

Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Lula spoke from a position behind Nelson. She said it took her a while to realize what some people would do or say in her name, and she was surprised that people would say something that was not what she wanted them to say. She had been to Astrid's house (and Astrid and Gloria agreed, as they sensed her). She asked Jackie not to turn her down, as it made her feel that her work was not appreciated. She said she told Jackie to do something and she still has not done it. Jackie said it related to her health, and Lula said that health issues were her specialty. As if to prove her point, Lula recommended that Gloria drink more water, as she was not drinking enough. With more water, her back pain would go away. 
The spirit moved into Nelson, and using his hands, Lula magnetically charged a cup of water and asked Gloria to drink it. After it was finished, Lula wanted to know why Gloria and Jackie were not working as they should. She told them: "No excuses, work the way you were doing it before. It takes a while for the work I do to find a place, and I need both of you. Let him (Nelson) do his work, with the difficult ones, I need both of you. You (Gloria) will get well soon, and work at the table again. He (Nelson) would not let me sit when he saw the things I work with (plants, herbs, etc.). I tried to help Frank last time, but Jackie ignored me. We found another way, and he is fine. Thank you for allowing me to work again." 

Lula advised Rafael to drink liquid Aloe Vera to settle his stomach - in the same portion as the water that Gloria drank. Jackie envisioned the spirit moving around the room, performing a spiritual x-rays. There was a message for Astrid in regards to her youngest daughter. She should also drink more water, and she had an issue that had not been told to Astrid, because her daughter does not want to worry her too much. 

Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Lula said that we had many members of our group who had an affinity to Indians (Frank, Gloria, Nelson and Rafael). She welcomed that connection, as the Indians used the same natural healing techniques as Lula. Nelson was shown a large group of Indians, all of them from different tribes. In a seamless spirit transition, one of the spiritual Indians replaced the spirit of Lula. He looked directly at Nelson and said, "We are so alike. We knew how to cultivate the land and when the storms were coming. We still protect some of that land, as we will never give it up." Nelson began to visualize a small tribe among the Indians connected to the land in Puerto Rico that his father inherited. They were often with Nelson's father, but one of them said, "We still don't like that white woman (Nelson's mother), so we shoot arrows at her to irritate her." The conversation continued: 
Spirit (speaking with Nelson tapping his feet in rhythm, as if dancing to a drummer): We love our land and we care for it. We miss that old man (Nelson's father) as it is empty there now. The other white man on that land (Nelson's brother) is not well. 
Jeff: He has a lot of stress. 
Spirit (dancing intensified): We are waking everyone up. Today is our celebration. We will be free today. We are going higher, to a better place. We are all going up (raised his hands and took a deep breath). We did our last dance. We can go to a better land, to feel better, to do better things. I wanted to say goodbye to my friend (Nelson) who was always kind to me. He would say, 'It's your land, let me enjoy it with you.' Tell him that other one (the brother) is not well, but we cannot protect him any more - we have to move on. We will be reborn someplace else, but not on that land anymore. There are 29 in my circle, and me. We always protected that land, as some things there are not good. That one (the brother) needs to find new protection, he is not well. Tell him (Nelson) goodbye for me, I will miss him. 

Nelson wanted to return to Astrid's daughter, as something was not well. He advised Astrid and Santiago to find out what it was, as he felt it had the potential to explode. Nelson saw that the daughter was not communicating it, and it was something that needed to be talked about. Something was not right, and when things are left unexpressed, it can make us sick. 

Jackie closed with a prayer. 

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