Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chicago - August 9, 2015

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esmeralda, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Juan, Juanita, Jeff, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron and Sonia 
As the opening prayer was finishing, Eva began to cry.  She explained that she had felt like crying for the last few days, because she did not want to leave Chicago.  Eva's said her visit was emotionally fulfilling, and that she would miss our group and her family.  She wanted to thank the spirits for all of their work and resolutions, and the efforts with her grandson.  Eva knew that she had grown spiritually.  Nelson advised her that when she returned to Puerto Rico, Eva would be able to direct her own spiritual path.  He added that her son and daughter both have the capability to become mediums.  Luis learned much, and now he understood even more.
Before moving to the table, some members of the group had related stories of "family dilemmas."  Gabe had not yet shared a story, and Nelson knew that he wanted to express himself.  The situation with Gabe's mom (Nelson's sister) was becoming more complicated, and Nelson believed that Gabe wanted to close himself off, away from his family.  Gabe agreed, saying that he wanted to find his own happiness, but his mother did not approve, making it difficult for him to keep a up good relationship with her.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson said Gabe's mom (Lourdes) was being used by the spirits - and she allowed it to happen.  Marisol added that Lourdes' actions towards Gabe were not about "how to love, they were about how to control him."  Nelson saw a black cloud over Lourdes (he drew a picture of it that resembled the shape of Puerto Rico) and this cloud covered only her.  The spirits within the cloud were laughing at Lourdes, and she was lost in her own darkness.  Nelson suggested that she seek counseling.  He heard the spirits taunting him: "Let's see if he is good enough to find that cloud."  As a spirit moved forward, Nelson began to sweat.  The spirit was saying, "He abandoned me!  No way out!"  Marisol saw the situation as if Lourdes was in a tunnel, and she was wondering how to get out.  The spirit arrived: "Nunca!  She is never getting out!  Tell him (Gabe) not to interfere or we will knock him out.  I am the one with the power!  (laughing)  I want her to become crazy, with nobody to help her. She made fun of us and laughed.  I want her to be alone."
The spirit was angry at being restrained, and he wanted to blindfold Lourdes and torture her. Marisol, Carmen, and Gabe all counseled the spirit, as he continued his tirade: "I don't feel good because they took me from there.  She (Lourdes) offered us a lot and she has not done anything.  I am very angry!"  Marisol encouraged the spirit to forgive Lourdes so that he could feel better.  The spirit eventually agreed to take what was his (the black cloud and the blindfold), but he warned that there were many other black clouds around Gabe's mom.  He asked for forgiveness from Gabe for the animosity he had caused.  The spirit said he would take 14 others with him, and he left dramatically, leaving Nelson red faced and gasping for air.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen):  Almost immediately, a new spirit arrived to sit through Carmen.  She was Gabe's mother from a previous life, and she was crying.  The spirit was not part of the group from the black cloud, but she was around Gabe's mom in this life, encouraging her thoughts:
Spirit: I want him back home, I want my baby...
Nelson:  But he is happy and content here.
Spirit: No!  I am going to continue to fight with him until he comes back home.  I have given him headaches and heartaches.
Nelson: You are a spirit, it's time to move on...
Spirit: I am not happy with her (Lourdes) in a corner.  Who will take care of him if I move on?  Who will I take care of?  They say I have to learn...
Nelson:  Yes.  You need a school and a hospital to feel better.
The spirit agreed to leave and she took three others with her.  The mediums advised Gabe not to travel to Puerto Rico, as there were many things that needed to be cleared away, and these complicated issues would not be resolved in a few months.  Nelson and Marisol saw the situation as a forceful wind sucking up energy, similar to a tornado.  The winds were causing the black clouds that hovered over Gabe's mom.
Spirit 3 (via Marisol): Marisol had observed a spirit who was not at all happy with our group.  He insisted that we did not know anything, and he wanted Nelson to shut up.  He said that he was with no one, but he was not alone.  He was a soldier, with a "mission" to destroy our group.  As the spirit arrived, Marisol understood that this spirit wanted us to do the "bad work" that he enjoyed:
Spirit (speaking rapidly): None of you know anything.  I am trying to breathe.  All of you are crazy.  I wanted to rip that book out of his hands.  Do not read anything else!  (the spirit angrily shoved everything in front of him further away). 
Nelson:  You will not be allowed to break this up...
Spirit (looking at Sonia): She's a busybody!  I want her to lose those keys.  I will make her fall.  I want to break this up! 
Nelson:  They brought you here today because those plans are over.
Spirit (motioning): I will upend this table!  I will!  I am the boss here.  I broke up another group...
Nelson: No.  Look, they are all here now.  (the spirit struggled as if being restrained)
Eva: This is a harmonious group.
Spirit (to Jeff):  You!  Stop writing!  I am in charge of this division, in charge of creating conflicts within this group, I have my orders!  Do you see my papers?
Nelson:  They are taking your boss away now.  For hundreds of years you have been doing wrong things.
Spirit:  They are taking him away with 17 others!  To a hospital?  But I have my papers, my mission!
Nelson:  You also need to leave - to go to a school.
Spirit (agreeing to give up his papers): We will go.  There are 102 of us, plus the 17, plus our boss...
Nelson previously saw this spirit on Wednesday, when he was running and hiding around the center.  Denise saw him today in the restroom.  Nelson reminded our group that we are also a family.  The table discussed how groups like ours were often under attack from the spirits who wanted to close them down.  Nelson envisioned a female spirit in her 30's who was with the group.  Her job was to travel back with Eva to Puerto Rico, with hopes of shutting down that group.  Nelson also mentioned that our sessions often had spirits around our table who were not in any condition to sit.  These spirits were taken away by the good spirits.
Nelson noticed a spirit around Bernardo, and this spirit presented himself as a snake.  Carmen understood, and Bernardo explained that in his recent dreams, he saw hundreds of snakes - and he does not like them.  Nelson sensed one enormous snake who squeezed Bernardo at night, leaving him with little air to breathe.  This was "the mother of all serpents," and it was very ugly.  The snake made hissing noises instead of speaking.  Carmen said that she heard hissing noises at night, and Bernardo had felt his bed moving. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  There were 20 snakes, and Nelson was asking one of them to sit.  The snakes encouraged Carmen and Bernardo to argue, and the conflict that brought them to our table today was a disagreement about selling the house.  Nelson hunched his shoulders and began to hiss, as one of the snakes arrived:
Spirit:  Tell them to let me go.  Stop it.  (looks at Carmen)  I will not speak to her!
Marisol: You can speak to me...
Spirit:  I want to finish with him (Bernardo), and she gets in the way. 
(Marisol continued to counsel the spirit, explaining that the snake no longer had a body - and a spirit guide was helping him to speak)
Spirit (stamping his feet, and turning away from Marisol):  What?  Who are you people?  Witches?  I haven't let him eat.  I squeeze and squeeze him.  (the rattle was being removed from the snakes tail by the spirits)  I cannot make noise anymore?  They are telling me I died?  I am so tired, I don't have the strength to move.  I'm dead?  I don't have a body?  Where am I going now?
Marisol: To a hospital, so you can feel better...
Spirit: There are many of us - six.  I will go now and leave them (Carmen and Bernardo) alone.  He's a good guy, this man (referring to the spirit guide)...
Spirit 5 (via Nelson & Marisol):  Marisol sensed a spirit related to Maricela.  This spirit was standing behind her.  Was it a sister?  After some additional conversation, it was determined that the spirit was Maricela's mom, who died six years earlier from a brain related cancer.  There was an issue with an older daughter, and it was never resolved.  When the mother died, she took the pain of this argument with her.  Focusing so much on the conflict between her daughters had not allowed the mother to elevate herself in the spirit world.  The mother spoke from a position behind Marisol, and she cautioned Maricela to be careful when she is a passenger in a car.  She should not to drive with just anyone.  Maricela said she had dreamt of her sister asking for forgiveness.  The spirit of the mother saw all of the fighting between the sisters, and she wanted to intervene, but she could not.  Juanita does not speak with this sister, as she knows that it will make her ill.  There was a spirit who wanted a car accident to happen, and the mother did not want it.  The mother wanted peace between the sisters.  There was a young man in the material world (a brother) who gossiped and kept the sisters apart.  As his name (Mauricio) was mentioned, the mother arrived, sitting through Nelson.
Nelson cried deeply.  The spirit was filled with sorrow, and she wanted the table to know that she was not at fault for what her children were doing.  Maricela said her mom died too soon, and she wondered why her mother was crying:
Spirit: All I can do is cry.  I don't want to cry anymore.  When will it stop?
Marisol:  It will stop today.
Spirit (to Marisol): I remember you!  (to Maricela) How can I stop crying, when you keep crying?  Crying just to cry.  I came because I want to prevent something from happening.  If it happens, there will be even more tears.  You were my daughters and you always will be.  That other one needs to be hit with a twig to learn.  (the spirit became very emotional)  Today is my celebration, it's my day to leave.  I know I am a spirit.  I don't want any more tears, and I want to feel better.  Because I am a spirit, I know that I will not see them (the daughters) for a while.  (the spirit rocked softly in her seat, visibly moving her hands on the top of the table) Thank this man (Nelson) for giving me a chance to speak.  Don't abandon my friend (Marisol).  She will always help you....
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): After the spirit left, Nelson advised Maricela not to cry for her mother, but to smile for the memories of her.  Nelson asked his spirit guide (Caballito) to cleanse him.
Caballito: Buenos Tardes, mi amigos.  What a beautiful act between a mother and daughter.  Jeff, you were worried over the family notes, don't be.  Laugh about it, just like the necklace you received.  Laughter is the happiness of the heart.  Now you all know why I requested family stories last week - to attach and bring the things we needed to make today happen.
For Marisol: Tell him what you want him to know, as later it will be more difficult. 
For Carmen: With love, you like to get what you want.  Don't argue so much.  Here is a bouquet of white roses for you.
(Caballito stood and moved near Juanita and Maricela to cleanse them with his towel.  He folded it thicker than usual, and said it was needed to strengthen the love.)
For Maricela:  Call your sister and say that you are sorry - even if you feel that you have nothing to be sorry about...
For the group: Send pure energies, just good energy, and that is what you will attract.
Eva: The Law of Attraction.
Caballito: Thank you for allowing me to work.  We are not as elevated as you may think, we are all worker bees, doing God's work.  On the other side, it is difficult to find good workers, because the love has to be pure.  It is difficult to find real love without any "stops".  Let me explain the stops.  I love my mom - BUT! - I love my cousin - BUT! - those are the stops.  No stops, don't do it, as they prevent you from learning and growing.  That's the message for the families.  (to Jeff)  Today I am taking 125 extras (spirits) with me.
For Eva: I want to speak with you, once again, and one favor.  Be careful of where you go.  Don't lose the knowledge.  We all belong to the spirit world, and thank him for his help.  I will give you a yellow rose to help you.  Call Rossana and talk with her sometimes, as she forgets the path.
For the group: Cando (Marisol's uncle who passed) was here today, observing.  He says to keep working, and one day, he will be able to talk.  He is happy to be remembered...
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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