Make peace with the past, make love to the present, and you will understand and enjoy the future.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Florida - October 25, 2015
In attendance: Astrid, Jeff, Gloria, Nelson, Rafael, and Santiago
As Nelson finished reading the opening prayer, he heard a spirit comment
that "the lady who reads it is not here today (Jackie)." Nelson was guided to
read a short segment from Kardec's Book of Spirits about "Freedom of
Thoughts". We have unlimited freedom with our thoughts, but our thoughts can
influence and attract positive or negative spirits - so we need to be cautious.
Thoughts are a direct link to the spirits.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Before he finished with the
reading, Nelson heard a spirit say, "We know who we are, and we know what we
do. This discussion will not change it. I go to people and whisper
suggestions, and they follow what we say." Nelson tried to continue, but the
spirit was insistent:
Spirit: Nobody will change my way of thinking. We like to see the
fights and the families destroyed. Did you think it would be easy to bring us
here? Look at us, we are being restrained and held back (by the spirit
guides). This is the last place I wanted to be. We know what you do here,
giving us something we don't want. I don't like what he's showing us, what we
have done.
Jeff: You made the mess...
Astrid: ...and now you must make amends.
Spirit: Take that away! We have to compensate for all the damage
we have caused. I don't like it. My friend told me not to go there (to our
table) because they will change you! He was right. I don't even know
where they want to take us now. We are not that many, only 24, but the damage
we caused was huge...
Astrid saw some of the spirits around Rafael when he first entered the
session. Nelson's guide told him that a few spirits were taken from everyone in
the room. These spirits wanted to create conflict with the group, hoping to
break it up. Nelson was shown little balls of black being combined. Astrid
added, "Until they make one big shadow."
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Gloria about her son.
He was actively looking for a new job, and Nelson advised that he should not get
depressed with the process. Nelson was shown that someone at his old job did
something to set him up. Everything was planned for Gloria's son to take the
blame. The conversation varied from English to Spanish. At one point, Nelson
was shown a symbolic large net being thrown over the son, to keep him confined
or immobile. Nelson heard the son thinking that he deserved better treatment
from his former employer, and he wondered why this happened. Nelson saw him
with an obedient, rigid military posture, a symbol of his attempt not to worry
his mother, Gloria. A spirit arrived, sitting through Nelson and moving his
arms as if he was rowing a boat. The spirit spoke in Spanish, explaining why
his group wanted Gloria's son trapped in a net. The spirit could not breathe,
so he decided to let the son out of the net:
Spirit (looking at the empty net): He escaped!
Astrid: No, you let him go.
Spirit: Those were the thoughts of someone else, not my own. Now
I will learn to think for myself. We had that net tightly closed (they were
a group of 16 spirits).
Astrid: They will all get help - like you - to remove those bad
Gloria: Those spirits were as trapped as my son...
Nelson: But there is something else in that house...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson drew a picture of the
son's house in Puerto Rico. There was a parking area underneath the elevated
structure, and near the exterior stairs leading up to the house, the spirit of a
man was hanging from a noose on a tree. Once the spirit realized he had been
seen by Nelson, he began to cry and ask for help: "Please! When, when?" We
eventually discovered that all the land and a previous house once belonged to
the spirit of the hanged man. He was determined that no one would ever take it
from him. The man was hanged as a punishment, and he was slim, with a very
white color, and he was wearing a hat. He was angry and arrogant, and he spoke
as if we should be honored by his presence. He was surrounded by black slaves,
and the spirit insisted, "I never did anything to any of them." Astrid told
him, "But you ordered someone else to do it." His bones were shown to him, and
the spirit eventually agreed to "go with those black ones." He wanted to assure
that he "would not catch the blackness from them," and he agreed to take three
others with him. He said he would leave with his dignity and his hat, and he
insisted that the blacks be in a second line, not in the front with him. After
he left, Nelson described him as an old Spanish man who owned all the land in
the area at one time. He lived in a wooden house (not the same as the house was
now) and he remained hanged in that tree for many years. Nelson advised Gloria
to tell her son and his family not to hang any Halloween decorations.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide arrived.
"Don't pray only to ask for something, pray for the dead. When the 'spirit
side', as you call it, is cleansed, there is less suffering in the material
world. When we clean that side, your lives become more peaceful. I want to
talk about feelings of envy. We have those because that is what we have
earned. The day we deserve better is the when those feelings of envy will go
away. Our own families are envious of what they don't understand. Would you
believe that some envy Nelson - even though they do not want what he has?
That's why I am here, to work on him. People say that they like him, but they
are envious. They don't like what he has, and they don't understand it.
Caballito moved to the side as he showed Nelson where the negative feelings
of envy were coming from. Nelson began to cry, as it was from a source he never
expected - the group in Chicago. The thoughts from the group were the cause of
Nelson's physical illness on Saturday. Astrid advised that we forgive everyone
and move on. Nelson said that he always told everyone that he does not have any
powers - nothing. Nelson's spirit guide stepped forward again to resume
speaking through Nelson:
Caballito: They wouldn't understand. They don't know the harm
they are doing. I went there today, with a group of spirits. They would not
let them sit. I waited. I knew if I brought them here, he (Nelson) would let
them sit. Then they wonder why the work is not getting done. I was there!
They would not allow it.
Gloria: It's like Judas with Christ...
Caballito: Very well said. I am going to take those spirits with
me. I took them there, brought them here, and now I need to just take everyone
with me.
Jeff: I'm sorry - I know you did not expect that from that group - -
Caballito: Or from any group! We started today talking
about thoughts, and now we see how difficult it is to remove thoughts. When
someone says, 'I would love to have that,' it is the connotation of a thought
of envy or jealousy. Those thoughts cause difficulties for others. Those
thoughts are very harmful. So please, when those thoughts come - and they will
- say no, those are not the thoughts that I want, or the type that he or she
deserves from me. Start with your thoughts, not your actions - actions are
secondary. Have good thoughts and wish happiness to others and you will find it
for yourselves.
How do you think we convince the spirits to visit you? Loving thoughts is
how we start. We tell them, 'That is not a good thought or the best thought to
have.' When they understand, then they agree to visit you. We go to them with
the best of our thoughts. It's all about the thoughts, they are the power. I
have a friend here today (Gloria) who often says, "I have a pain, but it will go
away." And it does (Gloria agreed). So from now on, your thoughts
will control your life instead of your life controlling your thoughts. Think
only good thoughts, not emotions.
Do not answer quickly. When anyone comes to you with a fast idea or
thought, think about what you will say - and you won't say it. Think!
Sometimes it is not worth it to respond at all. Learn to control your thoughts,
as all of your life is thoughts. That's what we will present to you when you
return to the spirit world, as you call it, all of your thoughts. Now that you
know that, think twice. Do you see how easy that is? It's in your hands to
find your own real happiness. Jeff, I know that you are writing this down, so
send it not only to the group in Chicago, but also to the ones in Puerto Rico -
everywhere. When they ask, "Who sent this?" you should tell them, "A good
friend who loves us." When you need me - I have said this many times - call
me. But that thought has to be the real one, because I can see it. Because you
cannot lie, we see the thoughts.
I will take those friends (spirits) from the Chicago group with me, 69 of
them Some from everyone who attended. I will take 59 from the Puerto Rico
group and 49 from this (FL) group. I want everyone at the end of today to feel
that they have learned something. That's what you were thinking, wasn't it
Astrid? (Astrid agreed) You see, I know the thoughts
(laughed). Be happy - that's what spiritism is all about.
Caballito faded away. Gloria said she noticed a spirit around Rafael
earlier, but it had been taken away with the others. Someone was having
thoughts about Rafael, and Gloria envisioned that person standing in front of
Rafael. "It's a female," Nelson and Astrid said at exactly the same moment.
Nelson explained that mediums get the thoughts of the spirit as well as an
understanding of who sent it. Nelson knew that there were some material and
spiritual influences who did not Rafael to improve. The group discussed the
issue, and Nelson closed with a prayer.
Chicago - September 6, 2015
In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Isabel,
Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron and Sonia
Nelson read a selection from Kardec's The Mediums' Book on
disposition. Many people present a pleasant face to the world that often masks
the reality of their negative intentions. Juanita sensed that Sonia liked to go
around and around, and at some point she will need to be more direct and make a
decision. Carmen said she had a bad week of family members asking her for
spiritual help. Nelson advised that she should not get involved with things
that she cannot change, and he recommended that she just say no. Everyone needs
to learn how to use their mediumship ability correctly in order to take proper
care of it.
Nelson wanted to return to the topic of Sonia, as he sensed that similar to
Carmen, Sonia's children were also looking for her to solve their problems, and
"that's the mind set we have to change." Nelson said that Sonia believed that
if her children would have listened to her, they would not be where they are now
(and Sonia agreed). When they found themselves in some sort of mess, the
children came back to Sonia hoping for a resolution - and they were angry when
she doesn't do exactly what they wanted. In their minds, all of Sonia's
spiritual work was not worth it when it did not give them what they
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): A spirit was around Sonia that
reflected what her children thought, and he moved forward to speak through
Spirit: She is not doing what I want, so I bother her. That's why
she goes over there, so we can benefit from it. Do you think I am
Sonia: You need to educate yourself.
Sonia: You need to educate yourself.
Spirit: I don't like her as a mother. It's her job! If I have a
problem, she should fix it. Now where will they send me whenever I need help?
Who will help me?
Marisol: That guy next to you will help you - to be more independent.
Spirit (to Marisol): I am only looking for a mother to take care
of me. What about you? I can go with you.
Denise: You can take care of yourself...
Spirit: But I am next to her (Sonia) all day long. Mommy!
Mommy! I hear her when she read prayers, and those do not resolve my problems.
I am just looking for a mother - anyone? (pause) I am willing go with
anyone. (pause) Now they are telling me I am dead? I need something,
maybe some water. I don't feel good. (pause) Nobody will help
Marisol: You can help yourself - with prayer.
Spirit: Another prayer? Enough prayers! I need a mother, they are easy.
Fathers are stronger.
After some additional counseling, the spirit apologized to Sonia. The
spirit asked Sonia to keep praying for him as he needed the prayers, and so did
the many others with him who were also confused. The spirit was one of five
sons from a previous life with Sonia and he would take his four brothers with
him. "She was my mother," the spirit explained, "but she abandoned me to help
another." The spirit left quietly.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen): Almost immediately, a related
spirit had moved into Carmen to speak. This spirit was pretending to be a
spirit guide for Carmen whenever she was dealing with her family. Carmen was
listening to him, but like the earlier reading, he was presenting her with a
false face.
Spirit (to Nelson): He has a big, loud mouth and he is confusing
me. I'm mad at you.
Nelson: But I like you.
Spirit: She (Carmen) suffers from your confusion. I help her, and
now you confuse her.
Nelson: You don't help her, you want to hurt her...
Spirit: Call them (Carmen's family). Those children need
her help. Call them and see if they need anything. I told her that. You think
she has power over them? They make her sick.
Nelson: You make her sick. You need to leave her alone. Your kind of help
is not good.
Spirit: Well then, who am I going to help?
Nelson: Help yourself to get better - you are sick.
Spirit: I'm cold, very cold. Please help me. So cold.
Nelson: You are going to be able to work, but it will be on a new
Spirit: He (the spirit guide) is giving me a hand. Can I
take it?
Carmen wanted to help her family, but when she asked the spirit world for
assistance, this spirit (and often some others) would show up. With so many
spirits talking all at once, Carmen was confused and tired. Nelson advised the
spirit to leave with the good guides, and the spirit calmly agreed - and he
would take "all that suffering away from her now."
Marisol sensed a spirit around Nelson's mother. It was a female spirit
with a sore throat. The spirit had an immense sadness because she had not done
what she promised to do, and now the time was running out for her to accomplish
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Marisol): As the conversation with
the spirit progressed, the table realized that this was a spirit guide for
Nelson's mother. The spirit spoke through Marisol, sobbing deeply as she
Spirit: I don't want this to end. I haven't finished. I came
here to work, but now it's too late. We (the spirit guide and Nelson's mom)
should have done things that we did not, and now the end of my days is near. I
still want to help her...
Nelson: You will be able to give her help and passes once she is in the
spirit world.
Spirit (softly crying): She made a contract with me, but she never
gave me permission to do the work.
Nelson: You didn't waste that time with her - she did.
Spirit: I tried so hard to help her...
Nelson: Now your mission will be to prepare yourself to receive her in the
spirit world. You will see her again soon, and when you do, she will take your
hand. Her transition will not be easy, but you can help...
Spirit (to the other mediums): Do the work that was promised.
This sadness is painful...
Nelson said he wanted to talk to this spirit for a long time. He
understood that his mother had regrets. She wanted to do all of the work she
had promised over her lifetime now, and it was physically impossible. The
spirit demonstrated a written list of things that needed to be done. This
spirit guide was similar to a secretary, reminding Nelson's mother of what
needed to be accomplished. Understanding her new responsibilities, the spirit
guide left. Nelson said that no mother could do the work for her son, and
Nelson could not do the work now that his mother had promised she would
complete. Juanita added that it was like punching a time card and expecting
someone else to do the job. Marisol was still feeling the heaviness and the
heartache of the spirit, so her happy spirit guide briefly arrived to cleanse
Marisol stressed how important it was for the mediums to do the work they
had promised. It was difficult but necessary work, and "it's not pretty when we
don't." Marisol's said her uncle (Cando) was not ready to transition because
he knew that he would leave unfinished work behind. His job was to heal, but he
did not do enough. The group discussed the wife he left behind. She was not
feeling well, and she regretted letting Cando use their house as a spiritual
center. Nelson saw spirits who were still knocking at her door for help.
Nelson also envisioned the wife seated at a small table in her house. There was
a crystal globe, some shells and some type of candle or fire. People sat across
from her and she collected money and gave her impressions to them. She knew
this was wrong, but she justified it because she needed the money. Nelson
described the spiritual condition of the house as a cock fight - with voices
yelling and screaming all at once, and nobody listening to each other.
Nelson asked Emiliano if he liked things orderly and organized, and he said
he did. "There are times when we don't have control over other people," Nelson
explained, "and something is coming that is going to put things out of
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): It was difficult for Nelson to
have a conversation with Emiliano. A spirit wanted to sit, but Emiliano did not
want to talk. Nelson's guide eventually stepped forward to speak directly to
Caballito: There will be a strong discussion that you need to
stop. It's coming sooner than you think. I don't want you to get involved,
because things may get violent. It's about your son. I want you to be calm,
and not say hurtful things. Be an example. You have good intentions, but
sometimes they are not valid. Some things are hard, with a lot of fire, and we
need to soften them. Avoid a disaster that does not need to happen. She
(Emiliano's wife) stays quiet to avoid getting hot. Your house is
burning, and everyone can smell the smoke. In three words, can you describe the
energy in your house?
Emiliano: Normal.
Esperanza: Eye of the storm.
Caballito: How is the relationship between the three children?
(The oldest son does not speak to his father) Today is Sunday,
correct? Next Sunday, let's see if there can be one week of peace at your
house. When was the last time you hugged your children and asked them how you
could help them? Asked them what you could do for them? The problem is not
with the older son, the fire is with Alex. As parents, you do not want to
understand him, and he is dealing with difficult things to understand. We need
to eliminate this.
(Emilano was asked to move near the front. After speaking softly to
him for a few minutes, Esperanza was asked to join him)
Caballito: We need to eliminate the fire from this beautiful
life. He (Alex) has to make his life, just as you made yours. Your children
see you as the general that you once were in another life, and this does not
make them happy. This is not the first time you were born in Mexico. We are
sending others to cleanse you house. Go back to your house and tell your
children that you love them. Nothing is more beautiful than love. It can
conquer anything. We will leave it for next week, but with so much fire, we had
to cool things off a little - to protect the mediums.
(Emiliano and his wife returned to their seats)
Caballito: There is love in this group. Hold each other and help
each other. It's been a beautiful afternoon. We are quietly doing work in the
background. 112 misguided - call them that, not bad - are being led away from
all of you. Nelson's spirit guide also had some specific messages:
For Juanita: I have beautiful work to do with you. Say whatever
you want to say. The work will soon start with your hands.
For Marisol: I know you loved Cando. Keep praying for him, he
needs it for himself and for those friends who are around him.
For Jeff: Thank you, just that. Something will happen this week,
and we will both smile over it. You will know why when it happens. Just think
of me and say, "There it is."
For Sonia: There is a friend of the table who thinks she is ready
to come back, and she is not (Mia). Have that conversation with her, and if you
need help, let me know. Tell her, "Not at this time." She is not prepared, and
we do not want this wonderful chain around the table to be cut. I will be
speaking with her. She will tell you that she wants to come back, but not at
the table. Humans are selfish. We will work on it. Tell her to listen to the
guides and they will give her the answer. Are there any questions?
Maricela: Why do I feel overwhelmed and alone, like I want to cry?
Caballito: Because of the work today with your family. You are
not alone, you are seated right next to your father. Why not take this time to
hug him and tell him that you love him?
Nelson closed with a prayer.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Trumpets, Slates, Tables, and Cabinets
brought four "Spirit Trumpets" with her to one of our recent Florida sessions.
They resembled this one:
During the latter half of the 19th century, a number of
Spiritualist mediums began to advocate the use of specialized tools for
conducting séances, particularly in leader-assisted sessions conducted in
darkened rooms. "Spirit trumpets" were horn-shaped speaking tubes that were said
to magnify the whispered voices of spirits to an audible range. "Spirit slates"
consisted of two chalkboards bound together that, when opened, were said to
reveal messages written by spirits. "Séance tables" were special lightweight
tables which were said to rotate, float, or levitate when spirits were present.
"Spirit cabinets" were portable closets into which mediums were placed, often
bound with ropes, in order to prevent them from manipulating the various
aforementioned tools.
Spirit trumpets, like the tin model shown above, would often "float" about the darkened room (sometimes luminous bands were affixed to the trumpet so the effect could be visualized), and "spirit" voices would issue from it. There were many trumpet tricks. If the medium's hands were not controlled (a practice intended to prevent trickery) he or she could simply move the trumpet about, with a rubber tube being attached through which the medium spoke.
The spirit trumpet pictured above collapses into five sections and fits into the oil cloth bag pictured next to it. The trumpet has an inscription towards the bottom reading "Anna" with a line drawing of a bell connected to the last letter. This could mean that the medium's name was Annabell, or it could have been the name of the medium's spirit guide.
The trumpet is about 30 1/2 inches high and the outside diameter is about 7 inches. The trumpet has a glow-in-the-dark ring painted on the inside of its mouth so that it can be seen if it was floating in mid air.
This is how the trumpet would look when collapsed for traveling:
Here is an example of a more modern trumpet:
And here is a boxed version:
Chicago - August 30, 2015
In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Marisol, Nelson and Ron
Marisol sensed a group of mischievous dwarf spirits. Nelson said that they
could not move on until they realized that they were stuck in their
bodies. Once they understood that the physical body was gone, their spirits
would grow and their bodies would return to their original size.
Nelson heard someone knocking at the exterior door. It was a group of
spirits who were dedicated to doing evil. They knew they were spirits, and they
wanted to recruit others into their group. They pounded heavily on the door and
asked to be let inside. Nelson understood that this huge group of spirits had
arrived today because it would be the end of their evil.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): One spirit had been allowed
inside, and he spoke through Nelson:
Spirit: We go everywhere, and where we go, they do what we say!
None of you are safe from us (laughing), when we are present, there is
no peace! We need to finish this mission, and recruit the bad ones. That's our
energy. We take it. We need to close this (group) down, because you are taking
away what we need. Look at you! Do you think this group of lonely people will
stop us? We don't like any of you!
Marisol: I love you, and I can offer you another power that does
Spirit: We don't like you people here. We report to others, and
we were sent on a mission to close this.
Denise: Aren't you tired?
Marisol: You could have another mission...
Spirit: Why are they holding my people back? Leaving them outside
that door?
Marisol: You are their leader...
Jeff: You are speaking for them.
Spirit: Without them, I lose power. I'm tired of not thinking for
myself. Can I tell you something? Those ones at that door, I would not let
them in. There are 900 of them, 100 spirits for each one of you here today.
Now they are telling me that my new job is convince the others to go with
Gabe: You are not alone...
Marisol: You are strong and powerful, capable of doing anything...
Spirit: I was the strongest man, and now I am afraid of them. Do
not open that door, I'm chicken now, but I need to go outside to take the others
with me - all of those.
The good spirit guides encouraged the spirit to go outside and persuade the
large group to move on. Immediately after the spirit departed, another large
group of spirits arrived. This group was having a party, and one of them moved
forward to sit through Carmen. Denise said that she had heard this group in the
building earlier.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen): The spirit spoke softly at first,
as if he was trying to win our favor. After a few minutes, his tone became more
authoritative and very similar to the spirit that Nelson had just passed:
Spirit: We were sent to destroy this!
Nelson: You are doing harm to others and yourselves...
Spirit: Look how many came in with me! We came in with her
(Denise) and we need to complete our mission. Everyone here is going to leave
now and not come back.
Nelson: Even if I am the only one here, I will open the door. You are the
one leaving - to a better place - and your friends are going with you. It's a
school, where you will learn to do good instead of harm...
Spirit (argumentative): I am already very intelligent - and I need
to finish my mission!
Nelson: You finished your mission when you arrived here today. Listen to
that good spirit next to you...
The spirit had another group of 900 with him, and all of them were
dedicated to creating fights within families and groups. They were tricksters,
dressed in white to appear as good spirits, but the forceful energy from the
real group of good spirits now had them kneeling in submission. Reverting back
to speaking in a whisper, the spirit sighed, "My mission has changed." He left
quietly with his group.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson was shown that the first
group of 900 spirits were still outside, as it was not an easy task for the good
guides to persuade them to go. Many conversations were still taking place.
Nelson's spirit guide spoke to clarify the situation:
Caballito: As many as we removed, the evil side is always
recruiting more. Don't let your guard down. They are very powerful and very
smart. When they are sent on a mission to collect souls and they return with
more, it makes them a celebrity. They are empowered. These are collectors of
souls - hunters. There is a God for good, and a God for evil - and there are
many souls willing to do anything.
Spirit 4 (via Marisol): The group discussed a spirit
center in Puerto Rico where a medium named Carmencita was working. Carmencita
was Marisol's aunt, and it appeared as if she was being misguided. A tense but
very confident spirit moved into Marisol to speak:
Spirit: I didn't want to come here, I am not doing anything to
you, why are you bothering me?
Nelson: You are bothering a friend of ours.
Spirit: I'm only here because they insisted. I'm the smart one,
I'm controlling her! She's the dumb one.
Nelson: You love that show she puts on - and she likes it.
Spirit: (laughing as she imitated Carmencita's
behaviors): Here's my business card! Now we will read this book! She
pretends to heal with her hands (demonstrated). I have an audience! I
love an audience!
Nelson: You need to be responsible for what you are doing to her.
Spirit: That's my job! I scare the others away, and she is
my puppet. It's very satisfying.
Carmen: You need a school to learn new skills...
Spirit: I'm the leader here, but now you are confusing me. I have
my ego. She is the one who is lost and confused.
Carmen: You will have the applause you want once you leave her
Spirit: I will go. She can be there, and I will be me. I've done a lot of
harm. I will leave her with her books...
The spirit agreed to take 90 other spirits away with her. The table
discussed the situation. Nelson explained a similar circumstance with a medium
from Florida. She was also misguided, as the bad spirits had made her confident
that she had powerful abilities. With an upcoming operation on her arm, and the
husband of her daughter suffering from stage four throat cancer, this
medium (Marian) needed to understand that her "powers" we not what she thought.
Nelson wanted to mention her name at our table, in the hope that she could find
strength, a better understanding, and a little peace.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): An angry spirit had arrived, and he
spoke directly to Jeff:
Spirit: Be prepared! Be careful, because you do not have the power to be there (with the group in Florida). We have control, and no prayer will get there. No Indians (Marian's spirit guides were Indians) and no madames. No one believed anything she said there. Tell him (Nelson) not to go back, or we will hit him hard! They are going to call you soon. They think he (Nelson) is the only one to help them. Bring him back! We need him here!
Spirit: Be prepared! Be careful, because you do not have the power to be there (with the group in Florida). We have control, and no prayer will get there. No Indians (Marian's spirit guides were Indians) and no madames. No one believed anything she said there. Tell him (Nelson) not to go back, or we will hit him hard! They are going to call you soon. They think he (Nelson) is the only one to help them. Bring him back! We need him here!
Marisol: You know you need help. You are misguided.
Spirit (laughing): We like the power! (accurately imitated
Marian passing a spirit at a table) What a bunch of fools! They don't see
anything! They give me all the power...
(Jeff and Marisol continued to counsel the spirit)
Spirit (to Jeff): They don't even like you! None of them. They
tolerate you to get to him (Nelson).
Jeff: That's okay...
Marisol: This behavior is not good for you...
Spirit: You're right. I'm tired, leave me alone. He's taking my
powers away, and there is nothing I can do. When we are weakened, we see the
things we did wrong. (struggled in his chair) Don't show me that.
Ugh. Take it away, I don't want it.
Marisol: Take away all those things that you put over there.
(the spirit explained that 22 screws were incorrectly installed into
Marian's arm)
Spirit: Do you know how many we are? The same - 22! I have said
nothing but the truth!
(the spirit abruptly departed)
Spirit 6 (via Marisol): Marisol sensed the spirit of one
of the guardians of the temple:
Spirit: May the peace of God be with you. I came to thank you for
the work today. I won't be long, she (Marisol) does not like me to sit, so I
had to tug a little. I need to thank you because you were kind to those who are
as stubborn as children.
Nelson: Can I ask about a member of this group - Mia?
Spirit: Much work has been done for her. Her work is now in her
hands. I have a message regarding Sonia, which is why I came today. Ask her
(Sonia) about a dream she had. She doesn't like to ask for help, but she needs
it. She wants this center to open more and grow, and she needs your help. She
feels responsible for the growth, and she needs to know that she is not alone
and that you understand. This is weighing on her. We are meeting and planning
among ourselves. But there needs to be planning in the material world, on your
side. What you did today cleared the path. It's a universal work, and more
needs to be done. We need to train (more mediums) as we need more. Do you
understand? Please bring this message to Sonia. May the peace of God be with
you all.
Jeff asked Marisol if the spirit referenced a dream that was related to
her. Marisol said she had dreamt about an event that she and Nelson were
holding at the center. Nelson said he had the exact same dream. People were
coming in, and the mediums were working - describing various issues and
circumstances around the attendees.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson): As Nelson was preparing to close,
we were reminded once again that we do not control the agenda. A spirit related
to Gabe's mother wanted to sit. She was a regal queen, and Nelson was reluctant
to pass her spirit. Nelson's spirit guide returned to usher her in:
Caballito: How can we deny help to one who is always asking
(Gabe)? He is on the right path, doing the right things. It's part of the
(opening) prayer, not to deny help. He doesn't want his life to be interrupted
by things he cannot control. There is a moving bullet looking for him.
Jeff: So avoidance is probably the best?
Caballito: No! It will not solve the problem. You are too fast
with solutions...
(an angry female spirit arrived, pushing Nelson back in his
Spirit (very authoritative): I don't need help from anyone.
Everyone around me does what I say, obeying. Whoever tries to get involved, I
will take them with me. What I say goes.
(Marisol counseled the spirit)
Spirit: I don't do harm as long as they obey. I am content! They
(Gabe's family) are all crazy. I don't need them, they need me! I was
not going to come, but they tricked me.
(Carmen also counseled the spirit)
Spirit: I am getting angry now. I feel hot, burning up. But then
I remember what it is, and I control it.
(the spirit imitated Gabe's mother acting arrogant)
Spirit: They have to come to me! I don't want to see him, and if
he wants to see me, he has to come to me. I am already doing too much to travel
to him. Can't you see that I am a queen? He must go to his knees and say that
he is sorry. Whoever doesn't do what I say, I ignore them!
(the counseling continued, but the spirit refused to listen)
Spirit: Look at him (Gabe's father) kissing my feet.
Beso, beso! A little bit more, and that's enough. And now, some fresh air for
me! Look at all the peons I have around me (gestured at her feet).
Just like them, she (Gabe's mother) does what I say. I am a queen, all
others are below me. I want to destroy her, and I will make her be alone. She
wasn't my sister - she sent someone to kill me so she could stay
with my king. And now she will have her own kingdom of one person! Oooh, I
have a headache (laughed) but really I don't. But if I have to go with
these peons, just kill me now. They are crazy and they will make me
(the good spirit guides showed the queen her body)
Spirit: Worms do not eat queens! (pause) I do not have
my crown anymore? Now I will have a real headache. I want her (Gabe's
mother) to see me as the queen. She took everything from me! She wasn't
nice to me. (pause) I will go if you put the crown back. Without it,
how will they know that I am the queen? Look at my fingers. Where are my
rings? My fingers are ugly without them...
The spirit agreed to leave, and she would take 14 of her "peons" along with
her (15 spirits total). Nelson's spirit guide returned to offer Gabe some
advice regarding his mom:
Caballito: Don't be her enemy, be her friend. Enemies attract
enemies, and friends attract other friends. Love will attract love. Reach out
with love, not obligation. In life, you want friends and love. Walk straight.
Guide yourself. Looking back, you will question how you acted ignorantly at
times. Your actions guide you daily, and actions speak louder than words.
Actions and words go hand in hand, and if the actions speak of love, those
actions can change hardened spirits. Show that you are not the same boy as
before. Her actions are not yours, we all have our own free will. You are on a
distinct path all your own - demonstrate that. Remain clean through your
actions. (to the table) Let everyone be responsible for their own
actions. We (the spirit world) are responsible for our own actions. I
have spoken with a louder voice for those spirits who we are taking with us
today - so that they can hear this message. (to Gabe) You have a lot
of love to give, but he is afraid of rejection. Let go of those difficult
Caballito (to the table): Keep doing the work - there is a lot of
work to do. You are never alone, there are guides all around you, all the
time. If we took a spiritual picture, you would be surprised at how many of us
there are with you. My spirit - all of us - are content and full of love. And
we want all of you to have that, too. Thank you for the work today, it was for
the world.
Nelson closed with a prayer.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Chicago - August 23, 2015
In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Marisol, Nelson, Ron,
Sonia and the Romero family
There were prayer requests from Marisol (for her new position at work), Ron
(his sister's husband), Carmen's granddaughter (four months pregnant), Sonia's
ex-husband (Victor), Maricela's brother, and Denise (for Sonia Torres).
Marisol sensed a melancholy mood around the room, and Nelson recognized it
as the extreme sadness from a group of frustrated children. These innocent but
lost spirit children ranged in age from three years to about 16 years old. The
despondent children were following parental instructions to "sit and wait, and
they would come and get me, but they never did." None of the children
understood that they were dead, and they were frustrated and frightened from
waiting and waiting for parents that never arrived.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): A ten year old boy spoke through
Nelson. He had gone on a trip and something happened that he did not
understand. While playing "hide and go seek," he fell and hit his head.
He tried to call out for help, but he could not, and help never arrived. Now he
was waiting with the others, tired and hungry, with no idea what to do
Spirit (crying softly): When are they coming? Who can tell
Marisol: Listen to that friend next to you.
Spirit: I was told not to go with people I do not know. I don't
understand what happened. This guy said I could tell you my story.
(Jeff and Marisol counseled the spirit)
Spirit (as he began to understand): They say we can stretch out
our legs and wake up again? We have been in the same position for so
long. There are so many of us (18) and we are all stiff from sitting
still. Two of them have not spent much time here - they said to tell you that.
Oh wow. They tell me I will celebrate my birthday! I will be eleven years old,
and we can play that game again. I wanted to cry and now I want to laugh. They
will show me my parents! (cried with joy) My 11th birthday. I can
open my eyes to a new life - it's my birthday. Tell him (Nelson) thanks, as he
has been very kind to us. He is another kid like me.
On the ride home after the session, Nelson explained that his spirit guide
(Caballito) always appeared to him as a ten year old boy. In an effort to
reassure the spirit children that it was safe for one of them to sit, Caballito
had shown himself and Nelson as little boys again.
Juanita said she experienced a sensation of being unable to breathe when
Ron spoke earlier about his sister's husband. Nelson drew an illustration of
two kidneys ("dried out, like prunes") in reference to Carmen's granddaughter.
(It was later determined that his illustration depicted two ovaries).
The picture symbolized something that looked like it wanted life - and yet, it
did not have life. There was a question of who to save - her or the baby.
(Note: There was a lengthy discussion in regards to Carmen, her
daughter, the granddaughter and Bernardo.)
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Carmen explained that there was
currently no communication between herself and her daughter, since her daughter
had closed off the communication. A spirit sat and spoke through Nelson,
stating, "I am happy she said that. She is telling the truth. I will not shed
a tear for her (the daughter)." This spirit had been around Carmen's
daughter (or Carmen, it was difficult to tell) from the time she
was divorced. Carmen said she had been fighting with the spirit for 30 years,
from the time that her daughter was twelve years old. After some additional
coaxing and questioning, it was determined that this spirit was Carmen's
previous boyfriend from this lifetime. He had transitioned to the spirit side,
but he never forgot Carmen. In their previous reincarnations together, Carmen
had promised to marry him (twice) and she never did. The same pattern was
repeated again in this life, and the spirit felt betrayed. The spirit looked at
Carmen, but she never saw him. He insisted that her children were his
children. The spirit was stubborn and angry over being abandoned again by
Spirit (forceful): What is mine is mine! I came to get what is
mine, and I have spent a long time looking for her. I am here for vengeance
now, not for love. I advise all of you not to fall in love because it's a lie.
The love converts to hate. I have been involved in everything, and now I want
vengeance! I have been waiting for a long time. Why can't I do what I want? A
person goes blind with vengeance. I am taking them all!
(Marisol and Carmen counseled the spirit, advising him that he was a
spirit now, and his intentions were misguided and not good.)
Spirit: Why won't they let me do what I want? You want to confuse
me! I scare him (Bernardo) and he doesn't defend her - what kind of man is he?
I make noises and they don't know where it comes from...
Marisol: Look at that body, is it yours?
Spirit: No, where is my mustache? That is not my body, it's an
old guy. I died of cancer, as nobody dies from a broken heart - but still -
it hurts. I looked everywhere, but I was broken. Can I be happy without
Marisol: Yes, now you can be happy...
Spirit: I was never able to be happy, but it sounds good. I will
leave her, I am not interested in her anymore. I came here with a lot of
things, but I am going to leave them over there. I am leaving all my hate
here. I'm going to meet young women over there. I am taking six, including
myself, along with me...
One of the spirits who left with the ex-boyfriend had been bothering
Bernardo. Marisol was studying a new spirit, and this spirit was related
to Carmen's daughter (Linda). The spirit wanted Linda to be mentally unstable
and the spirit wanted her to lose her mind and have a nervous breakdown.
Marisol experienced a sense of nausea and a headache. Linda was a medium, but
the spirit had a very easy time controlling her. Linda resented Carmen's belief
in spiritism. Linda was married, but the relationship was not an easy
Spirit 3 (via Marisol): The spirit agreed to sit through
Marisol. Carmen moved to a different chair.
Spirit: It is better just to leave me alone. I didn't want to
speak. I want to break her face!
(The spirit slyly called out for Carmen to return to her seat)
Spirit: I was going to make her fall and be found on the floor. I
don't like her; I only want bad things for her. What's wrong with her dad?
Nothing. She bothers me and doesn't let me do my work. I want her (Linda, the
daughter) to be crazy like I ended up! In an insane asylum...I hate her!
Nelson: Accept what happened to you without worrying about her. It's
different for her. They are going to take you to a hospital where you can feel
Spirit: I have a lot of hate, and I am not alone!
Nelson: The ones behind you are going to a different place. Think about
yourself now.
Spirit: I will go. There are seven crazies with me and we will
all go. Forgive me, and thank her (Carmen) for insisting that I come here today
to speak...
Spirit 4 (via Marisol): Marisol's spirit guide arrived
with a message for Carmen. Her daughter was not well. One stone was removed
today, but there were more. Bernardo should speak with her, as they have a
better relationship - body to body and spirit to spirit. After thanking our
group for the work, Marisol's guide left as quickly as she arrived.
Juanita sensed a rage within Denise. Just as Carmen needs to learn to
close her "spiritual antennas" whenever she leaves her house, Denise needed to
do the same thing with her environment.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Nelson's guide had arrived, and he
spoke from a position behind Nelson. Caballito initially phrased his advice in
the form of questions:
Spirit: When a storm is coming, what preparations should be made?
How can we prepare for a storm (in the material world)?
Marisol: Have things on hand and not wait for the last minute...
Spirit: (to Gabe): What are you going to do when the (spiritual)
storm arrives? The storm is coming, and you are not prepared for it.
(Gabe's mother and sister will arrive in Chicago next Sunday. Nelson
described a spiritual "tractor" pulling a massive amount of spiritual debris and
negativity along with them.)
Gabe: I am not prepared, but I am preparing things...
Marisol: You know their behavior, so you can predict the patterns. Have a
plan A, a plan B, a plan C...
Jeff: He has some ideas, but he doesn't want to do the homework.
Nelson: This is a tornado of bad spirits, and he needs to be ready. It
is very powerful and difficult. I had to remove myself from it. He cannot
react, he has to be proactive. Those spirits cannot sit today. They are not
ready, and I can't force them.
Gabe: Maybe next Sunday?
Spirit: If it is not too late. You (Gabe) need to tell the
tornado how things will run before it arrives.
The group offered suggestions to Gabe and Nelson closed with a
Chicago - August 16, 2015
In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff,
Milagros, Marisol, Nelson, Sonia and the Romero family
After the opening prayer, Nelson asked if we thought that the sufferings of
our material life could be lessened. The group agreed that they could. Nelson
a read a passage from The Medium's Book and
he explained that spiritism was not about suffering, as we should progress and
grow without pain. Nelson asked Denise why she seemed to be choosing pain
instead of growth.
There were prayer requests for Marisol's brother-in-law (he is on a list
for kidney replacement), Carmen's two elderly uncles (suffering with
Alzheimer's), Sonia's ex-husband (Victor Colon, undergoing a quadruple bypass
and dementia), Maricela's dad, and Ron (Isabel's husband) who was sick at home.
Sonia updated the group regarding Mia (she is walking and will be discharged
from the hospital this Friday).
Spirit 1 (via Marisol): When Sonia was speaking about her
ex-husband, Marisol understood that his dementia resulted from a lack of
oxygen. His blood flow was also a concern. Marisol also sensed that Sonia's
son was surprised by his father's situation, and she knew that the father and
son shared a past history from another lifetime. A spirit who "wanted to finish
him" was moving forward. He arrived with clenched fists and sat through
Marisol. He was overheated with anger, and he wanted Victor to die.
Nelson asked the spirit what Victor had done to him. "He was a devil - a
traitor," the spirit replied, "and he took everything from me. I died from
suffocation, and so will he. Why is that son there? Why would anyone help
him?" Nelson asked the spirit to forgive Victor, and the spirit wanted to know
what Nelson's relationship with Victor was (a friend). In a previous life,
Victor was responsible for this spirit dying from a lack of oxygen when he was
left in a hole to suffocate. The spirit eventually agreed to "wipe his hands"
of Victor by going to a hospital with the guides. He thanked Sonia for bringing
him to our table, and he insisted that he did not deserve her kindness. He took
seven others with him (ironically, the number of children that Victor
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson sensed a spirit who asked
if our group invited every spirit, "even the spirits who are not good?" When
Nelson answered yes, the spirit said, "How dumb you are to invite everyone in, I
wouldn't do it." The spirit explained that everyone in our group was trapped in
some sort of hole, and the negative spirits were standing on the lids. The
spirit arrived and sat through Nelson:
Spirit: Everyone here is in a hole, and none of you know how to
get out. We have sumo wrestlers standing on the covers, and they have been
there for months. Why did you invite me here? I don't want your help!
Denise: We are here to help...
Spirit (laughing): Hypocrites! Where is the help you think I
need? I was obligated to come here. You don't know what is behind all of it.
It's a lot. We want to take all of you out. I am going to put everyone in the
same hole with that gringo (Jeff) sitting on top.
Gabe: Aren't you tired of all that?
(Marisol continued to counsel the spirit, advising him to go into the
Spirit: We are everywhere, and there are many of us. I don't want
to go back there. Insects and snakes are biting us. It's a bottomless hole and
everyone is in bad shape. If you knew the vermin that was there, sucking on
blood - I prefer to go to hell.
Marisol: You can leave and take them all (the insects, etc. that
symbolized other bad spirits) with you...
Spirit: There are 143 insects and vermin, six snakes, and 24
rats. Another 83 spirits (some of them were with Mia) will be taken to
a hospital, and I will leave with them. I wanted to hit him (Nelson) with the
lid from that hole twice. Be careful who you call here - as you don't know who
will arrive...
Spirit 3 (via Carmen): As soon as Nelson finished with
the previous spirit, a new spirit arrived. The spirit was for Milargros, and he
sat through Carmen:
Spirit (taunting): I play around with her. I bring her, I take
her. I love her so much. I just want her for myself. I bring her flowers and
she feels young. I don't like it when she ignores me...
Nelson: You cannot be with her. You do not have a body. The flowers
you bring her are black. You were here on Wednesday...
Spirit: But she was not here, so I couldn't talk to her! I get so
angry when she doesn't hear me, so I make her sick. I take her energy away
whenever she's planning to come here (laughed).
Nelson: Everyone at this table cares about her. If you go, you can return
one day as her friend.
Although he did not like Nelson's offer to return as a friend, the spirit
agreed to quietly leave. Juanita shared a vision she had of Marisol's son
(Andres) walking. Nelson explained that what she saw was his spirit walking, as
only his body was ill. Nelson also sensed that Juanita wanted to tell a family
member (Erika) something, but she thought that if she delivered the message,
Erika would not believe it.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide arrived. He
explained that Erika's situation was a difficult combination of the spiritual
and material worlds. Caballito asked Erika, "When are you going to start
living?" Erika was the only one who could resolve her issues. An empty glass
was placed in front of Juanita, and Jeff was asked to pour a small portion of
water into the glass - and to discard the rest. Erika drank the water, and
Nelson's guide moved over to her. He spoke softly in Spanish, and Jeff wondered
if English might be easier for Erika to understand. "I am speaking to the
spirits behind her," Caballito corrected. Erika was told that she has a lot to
offer, but her behavior has been attracting bad energy. Her material issues
could be cured, but only with Erika's commitment. Caballito added that Juanita
was destined to start working as a healer, and she should say what she wanted to
say. He moved to the side to allow the other work to continue.
Spirit 5 (via Carmen): Juanita's spirit guide arrived as
soon as Caballito moved away. She said that Juanita was surrounded by broken
glass and used needles, but despite her surroundings, Juanita always asked for
help for everyone else. Her spirit guide said she loved and prayed for
Juanita. She promised to speak through her one day in the future, so that
Juanita could work at our table. It was as if Caballito had cleansed Erika, and
Juanita's guide had arrived to cleanse her.
Spirit 6 (via Marisol): As Juanita's guide stepped away,
Marisol began to sense a new spirit around Erika. Marisol envisioned Erika
preparing to go out and then changing her mind at the last minute, and this
spirit seemed to influence those decisions. Erika's delicate stomach was also
related to this spirit:
Spirit (angry): SHUT UP! Shut up! She's mine, so shut up.
(Nelson stood and moved near Erika. The spirit was still
confident, but more comfortable)
Spirit (to Erika): These people are all nuts. Don't come back
(Carmen counseled the spirit)
Spirit: I gave her everything. She didn't want for anything.
(The spirit wanted to stand up and kiss Erika, but Nelson told him to stay
seated) Nothing works now.
(Nelson encouraged the spirit to look at what happened in his prior
life with Erika)
Spirit: I gave her water with crystals (tiny shards of glass). I
didn't want to harm her, but tried it again just to have her with me. I have to
ask for her forgiveness because now I know that it gave her a bloody taste in
her mouth - and I caused her harm. So I wasn't good. I need to learn...
Carmen: You can go to a school and understand it all better...
Spirit: I have been with her for such a long time. Sixty years
(Erika is 25 in her current life). We were lovers, but her family did not
approve of me. I will go to that school...
Spirit 7 (via Carmen): Milagros stood by the edge of the
table as a spirit related to her arrived.
Spirit: I have been looking for you - where were you?
Milagros: I was sick, but I'm fine now.
Spirit: I want you back in that hole, sick again.
Nelson: that is not going to happen, she is going on a vacation.
Spirit: She doesn't have a ticket (demonstrated). So I
will go with her - or force her not to go.
Nelson: You are going to a different place for your vacation.
Spirit: No, I am happy with her. I don't want to leave. I loved
her so much...
Milagros: I am not happy when you are around - I get sick.
Nelson: You will feel better - and get the education you need, along with
light...and water...
Spirit: It's hurting me to let her go, but I'm too hot now, so I
After the spirit departed, Nelson had some advice for Milagros: She
should be there (on her vacation when she goes), and not here (in
her mind). This would require that she not worry too much about her mother
or the daughter she would be visiting.
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): Isabel stated that her arms and
back were hurting, and Nelson asked her, "Why do you try to carry things that
are not yours?" Isabel moved closer to the table. "There is too much weight on
your shoulders," Nelson told her, "and if you continue this way, you will fall.
If you do less, it will result in more. You are trying to solve everything by
caring too much - and you are exhausting yourself. You have a daughter, but you
focus on your son - who is strong and terrible. It's a difficult job. Are you
ever away from your husband for a long period of time? (no) Can you
go out with your daughter - just the two of you, to the mall, or shopping?" An
angry spirit related to Ron (Isabel's husband) was moving forward. He saw
Isabel as his servant, removing his shoes:
Spirit: Take my shoes off. I have a pain, and I do not want to
answer any questions. Leave me alone. If she wasn't here, I could finish him
(Ron). I don't want to listen to anyone, I like being over there. It's a very
crazy house. I am doing to him what he did to me. He's sleeping now, but I
make him itch.
Marisol: Don't you feel pity for her (Isabel) in that environment?
Spirit: No. We are enemies. When I want to sleep, I will sleep
until I get tired of sleeping. If she is not there, I can get him
(laughed). And she likes that idea! (putting his fingers in his
ears) I really don't want anyone to talk to me now. La, la, la, I cannot
hear you!
Isabel: Can you forgive me - and Ron?
Spirit: She loves him, and she's good. They are putting a cream
on me for the itching? They tell me I cannot go back there, so I will go. There
are eight with me. I am taking everything - the itchiness, all of the things
that irritate. I am tired and I want to sleep...
Spirit 9 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Alex if he had found
a job. He answered no, and Nelson asked him what he wanted to do next. Alex
wasn't sure, but Nelson envisioned him in a school environment. Alex knew what
he wanted, but he was unfocused and unable to express it. Marisol wondered what
Alex hoped for with his teaching degree. Alex explained that he wanted to help
communities, but the social justice became a burden. Alex was now looking for
opportunities to teach abroad:
Nelson: We need to open your heart so that you can
Marisol: So you can fly.
Nelson: The longer you wait, it will be almost impossible.
(Nelson's guide was speaking to the spirits of four soldiers who were
standing at attention behind Alex. The spirits thought that they were still
alive and on duty. These soldiers kept Alex confused.)
Nelson: Alex has a good heart, but no one has gotten to know it. We need
you to be less tight.
(One of the four soldiers frozen in time moved forward to speak through
Nelson - even though he was petrified and fearful of being punished.)
Spirit (to Alex): Who gave you the authorization to escape? Why
did this happen? We found you and now you are not moving again. This is my
place. My post. We will watch you. And where are we?
Marisol: The orders have changed...
Denise: The old orders no longer exist...
Spirit (marching in place): Who are you people? Do not
put into his head that he is allowed to think!
Denise: Don't you think it's time?
Spirit: I'm not allowed. It's not allowed, we will all get into
trouble. My mouth tastes like soap. We have stood at attention for years -
with soap when we did not behave or when we tried to think.
Marisol: There are new papers. You can sit if you want.
Spirit (amazed): I can sit? (speaking to Alex) Think!
Think! Think! Don't let anyone stop you like they stopped us - Think!
Marisol: You are free now
Spirit: I want to tell him to be free! Don't let the
guards stand in your way. I will not be punished if I think on my own - so
think on your own! I don't need to be afraid anymore. I'm going and I am free
to think, to move, to not be afraid. I can think! I am freeeeee....
The spirit left. Nelson said the soldiers came from a period in history
when Alexander the Great was conquering the world. The soldiers had large
unnatural eyes, the size of Alex's glasses. Marisol thought the soapy taste in
their mouths may have been a drug that caused this condition and kept them
Marisol was prompted by the spirits to ask about Nelson's mother. Nelson
said that as she became closer to her passing, his mother had become more
stubborn. She disliked the weekend ladies who helped her, as she only wanted
all of her children around her now. Marisol understood that Nelson's mother was
sometimes dizzy, and she advised caution for her not to fall
again. Nelson mentioned Carmen, a woman who attended the sessions in Puerto
Rico who was now hospitalized. Marisol saw her under the care of hospice.
Nelson's guide wanted to ask Jeff something. Would he be okay if his
mother went into a nursing home? Jeff understood and said he suspected it was
coming, and Caballito explained that it may need to happen soon, once Jeff was
back in Florida. His mother would eat better and flourish in that
Nelson closed with a prayer.
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Just A Thought
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