Friday, March 25, 2016

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Spiritism has an answer for everything - and it's often much more simple than we thought.  "Speaking in Tongues" is defined as speaking in a language previously unknown to the speaker.  How is this possible?

Some religious practices (such as Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians) believe that speaking in tongues is a sacred language.  With these organizations, the vocalizing of a different language does not create sentences that can be understood - it's a series of speech-like syllables without any meaning.  This method is referred to as Glossolalia.  The speaker uses accent, rhythm, intonation and cadence to break up the words into syllables that are similar to the their native language. 

Xenoglossy is the name used by spiritists.  A person is able to speak or write a language that he or she could not have acquired by natural means, because a spirit is providing the language.  We have experienced this circumstance in many of our sessions.  In Argentina, we had a Spanish speaking medium with a spirit guide who spoke Portuguese.  In some situations, the medium will start speaking in tongues (for example, in French), but because there isn't a translator available at the table, the spirit world provides one.  it would not be beneficial for a medium to deliver a message communicated entirely in French to a table that only spoke English.

In The Mediums' Book, Kardec explains this further with Question 7:
"When a spirit communicates through a medium, does he transmit his thoughts directly, or does he use the incarnated spirit of the medium as his intermediary?"
"The medium's spirit acts as the interpreter of the communicating spirit, because he is linked with the body, which, in such cases, plays the part of speaker, and also because there must be a conductor between you and the discarnate spirits who communicate with you, just as, for the transmission of a telegraphic message, there must be a wire connecting the points of transmission and of reception, and at the ends of the wire, an intelligent person who transmits, and another who receives, the message conveyed by the electric fluid."

In order for a spirit to truly express his desired message through the medium, that spirit needs a medium with whom it shares a fluid affinity, a strong moral affinity, and an intellectual similarity, with respect to ideas, knowledge, and vocabulary.  In our sessions, the spirits of departed mothers are often transmitted by mediums who are currently mothers in the material world.  The spirit is more comfortable with someone who is living what they once were in a particular reincarnation.  In the absence of a well-prepared "perfect match"  medium, a spirit will use another medium, despite that medium's limitations.  The spirits first seek out and work with the medium that is best able to accurately convey their message.  We do the same thing in our lives on earth when we look for friends who are similar to ourselves. 

Just as we seek out relationships with people who share our interests, The spirits look for a medium with a similar moral nature of the spirits thoughts and behaviors.  A Spanish speaking spirit could sit through a medium who does not speak Spanish, but the spirit would first seek out a Spanish speaking medium, as there is already an affinity between the two.  When there is no affinity between the spirit and the medium, that medium becomes an unwilling interpreter. 

Xenoglassy is meaningful speech or writing in a language in which the speaker/writer has no familiarity. 
Glossolalia is a collection of meaningless sounds that resemble an existing language.


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