Monday, March 14, 2016

Florida - May 14, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Gregory, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago 
For the educational portion of the session, the Gospel of Spiritualism was passed around the table, and various participants read random paragraphs from the text.  Nelson explained that his mother was in the hospital and his cousin's son (Ivan) was experiencing several issues that seemed to have a spiritual connection.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson & Gloria): There was a boy (not human but spiritual), from Ivan's prior life around him in the hospital.  The vision expanded to include several black spirits watching over his bed.  Nelson realized that Ivan was once a black doctor highly admired by his peers.  Unknown to any of them, he was using his patients as human guinea pigs to test his medical theories.  These brutal experiments allowed the doctor to advance himself within the community, empowering him with prestige and acclaim.  The spirit of Ivan was now suffering from his past abuse of this experimentation.  Gloria was shown a hand with a finger that was irritated or infected, and she heard a single word, "revenge."  Jackie said, "Hatred is so heavy."  Astrid understood that Ivan would have some sort of sickness for the rest of his life, but he will be able to live with it.  Nelson noticed a spirit at the end of Ivan's hospital bed who wanted his material body to reflect the truth.  One of the spirits entered Nelson, and he told the group that the experimentation, "was all done only to help the white man."  The conversation changed to Spanish.  Astrid and Gloria were eventually able to persuade the spirit to move on, and he departed. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson sensed the presence of a female spirit who was filled with innocence and love.  She cautioned the group not to fully discuss what happened with Ivan and his past.  She says that it is enough to tell his family that everything will be fine.  With the help of the other mediums, Nelson realized that this spirit was his grandmother from his father's side.  She had previously shown herself to him before.  The table discussed her life on earth, and the many things she did that made her special (for example, making sure that every worker on the plantation was fed before she ate anything).
Gloria asked Jackie about the "roamer" (a wandering spirit) that she encountered in her house (it was a male spirit wearing a cape and hat), and Jackie said that she only encountered him in her doorway - he never came into her house.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson was shown the spirit of a lady around Gloria's son, and this entity was not happy to have him back in his house.  Nelson's vision was expanded to show him a spiritual and a material group, and both were unhappy to have him back.  The spirits and the humans may be working together to remove him from his home.  The female spirit began to show more of herself, and Nelson described her as very clever - and she was planning an unpleasant surprise.  The spirit had two faces, and she demonstrated her ability to speak from both sides.  Her negative energy was being fueled by someone in the family.  The spirit insisted that she was sent to the home to remove Gloria's son, and that it was her only mission.  The table discussed who this person might be, and Nelson was told that the female spirit was not yet ready to sit at the table.  The spirit explained more about her ability to use deceit, disguises and even her hairstyles to achieve whatever she wanted.  She cautioned Gloria to tell her son to avoid believing some things that he may hear from a close female friend he trusts.  Jackie envisioned this person as someone well respected in the church that Gloria's son attends.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson told Gregory, "Don't be afraid, just do it, as you are not alone."  A sweet, quiet older spirit was around Gregory, and she had been with him for a quite a while.  She told Nelson that she would remain with Gregory during this life and his next reincarnation.  Both Jackie and Nelson realized that this grandmotherly spirit was a spirit guide for Gregory.  Gloria believed that this spirit chose to reveal herself at our session as a signal for Gregory to realize that the spirit world was going to start something good for him.
(Note: See the next post on "How many spirit guides do we have?")
Nelson looked at Astrid and was shown a small hole in her neck.  We discussed the meaning of this vision, wondering if it referred to a potential breathing issue, a recurring cough, or if there is something beneath the skin that we could not see.  Nelson slowly realized that his vision referred to Astrid needing to be careful about what she says - and to whom.  Gregory offered more insight:  "Your words come out of that hole and just fall out, so they never have to come out of your mouth.  Astrid said that she was planning to say something that she now saw as potentially hurtful, and she thought the warning might be related to this matter.
Spirit 5 (via Gloria): Gloria wanted to return to the spirit of the man in the cape that Jackie experienced.  She saw him related to Frank (a friend of Jackie's who was recently in her home).  The group discussed Frank's situation.  Gloria said that Frank was a good person who was trying to be spiritual, BUT only if the messages he received were the ones he wants to hear.  Gloria also understood that Frank's former girlfriend was still suffering in the spirit world from the cancer she died from - as Frank was keeping her earthbound (by speaking to her spirit, collecting photos of her, and his interaction with her surviving family members).  Nelson said that the girlfriend's spirit had no clue that she was dead.  Jackie will try to speak to Frank.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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