Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Florida, April 23, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Gregory, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Santiago and Gloria's son 
For the educational portion of this session, the Gospel of Spiritualism was passed around the table, and various participants read random paragraphs from the text.  In addition to the opening prayer, Jackie also read the prayer for the departed. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Gregory if he was experiencing any issues with his roommate.  Although there were no current instances, Nelson felt that Gregory should temporarily leave the house if any conflict should arise.  Nelson and Jackie both envisioned the roommate being used by a spirit who wanted to irritate Gregory.  The spirit sat through Nelson, and he was angry at being brought to our table.  He did not want to be removed from Gregory's house.  After various efforts from members of the group to establish a conversation, the spirit connected with Jackie when she asked him to look for the peace he once enjoyed in his past.  This spirit eventually left with the good spirit guides who brought him in.
Spirit 2 (via Jackie):  This was a spirit who had visited the table before, and his presence seemed to be related to the prayer for the departed that Jackie read.  It was the spirit husband from the wife who was the director of another spiritualist center.  He was confused and stuck in a routine that existed before he passed (craving cigars and treats from Dairy Queen after his treatments).  Astrid told him that, "Everyone fulfills their own karma," while Gloria encouraged him to, "Look after yourself, progress and study."  The spirit of Jackie's mom arrived to take him away.
Spirit 3 (via Gloria): There appeared to be a tall, thin woman standing near Astrid, but the group could not get a clearer reading on who it was.
Spirit 4 (via Astrid): A man dressed in a skeleton suit (similar to a Halloween costume) was moving around Gloria's son, joking with him in Spanish.  This spirit was attracted to his wife, and he wanted the son to leave her.  The spirit believed that the wife belonged only to him.  The conversation continued in Spanish, and the spirit confessed that he hides from the son whenever when they are together with the wife at home.  A grandmotherly spirit (named Maria?) arrived to remove this spirit presence. 
Spirit 5 (via Jackie):  A female spirit that was over 300 years old was around Gregory.  She had long black hair, and in one lifetime, she and Gregory were married.  His name in that existence was Armando.  The spirit now understood that this happened many years ago, and she visited our table to say a tearful goodbye to Gregory, as she moved forward in her journey of spiritual progression.
The group has a brief discussion on the philosophy of spiritual belief.  Kardec called spiritism a science (because it can be proven) and a philosophy (as it is a way of living).  It is not a religion, it is the relationship between the spirit world and the material world.  There are no religious rituals or ceremonies. no priests or ministers  - and no marriage ceremony like most religions. The activities consist of studying and applying the Kardec books, applying spiritual healing to the sick, and helping others.  It's simple:  Be kind, and do no harm."
Spirit 6 (via Jackie):  There was a man standing behind Gloria's son, and he was dressed in some sort of military uniform that was foreign to Jackie.  Astrid and Gloria recognized him as an uncle who was always attentive and helpful to Gloria's daughter, but the son had never met him.  Jackie described him as very strong and rigid, like a "protector".  Gloria's son wondered if was the spirit of his father, but the group assured him that it was an uncle.  "Your dad will come, but not yet," Nelson told him, "Keep the door open, and life will eventually get easier." 
Nelson and Gloria realized that the "protector" uncle wanted them to remove the earlier spirit (in the son's house) before he returns.  Using sage, they combined their energies to remove and resolve the issue.
Brief Messages: 
- Gloria envisioned Gregory's grandfather proudly standing behind him, saying, "This is my boy". 
- Jackie sensed that a female in Gloria's building was suffering from an ailment that has not yet been diagnosed by a doctor.  The medical issue will be uncovered soon. 
- Gloria reminded her son that he is surrounded by good spirits, and he could always ask these spirits for help and guidance.
Jackie closed the session with a prayer.

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