Saturday, March 5, 2016

Kardec on Suicide

From "The Spirit's Book" by Allan Kardec, it says about suicide:

Question: What is to be thought of those who resort to suicide in order to escape from the troubles and disappointments of this world?

"They are weaklings who lack courage to bear the petty annoyances of existence. God helps those who suffer bravely, but not those who have neither strength nor courage. The tribulations of life are trials or expiation's; happy are those who bear them without murmuring, for great will be their reward! Unhappy, on the contrary, are those who expect their well-being from what they impiously call 'chance' or 'luck'! Chance , or luck, to borrow their expressions, may favour
them for a time; but only to make them feel, afterwards, and all the more bitterly, the emptiness of those words."

Question: What are in general the effects of suicide on the state of the spirit by whom it has been committed?

"The consequences of suicide vary in different cases, because the penalties it entails are always proportioned to the circumstances which, in each case, have led to its commission.
The one punishment which none can escape who have committed suicide is disappointment; the rest of their punishment depends on circumstances. Some of those who have killed themselves
expiate their fault at once; others do so in a new earthly life harder to bear than the one whose course they have interrupted."

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