Friday, March 25, 2016

Chicago - September 26, 2014

In attendance: Denise, Jeff, Marisol, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 
Nelson reminded Marisol that she wanted to mention an upcoming "spiritual storm."  This message was related to the leaders of a Spiritist Society.   Marisol explained that changes were often difficult, and she perceived the upcoming storm as a "complete reorganization" that would shake up the organization.  If one of the members does not find the spiritual help that she needs, she will begin to question her own faith - which will "shake her to the core."  It is the job responsibility of Nelson and other mediums to pass on messages to individuals, but we always have free will to decide how we will interpret and react to this spiritual communication.  Nelson envisioned a storm cloud over the entire group, and Marisol agreed.
When Nelson and Marisol cleansed a house earlier in the week, Nelson sensed a little boy (possibly spiritual), residing somewhere in the space.  This child spent his days looking out of the window, apparently waiting for the return of his parents, but they never showed up.  Marisol explained that there was a young boy currently living in the building with a father who was a truck driver.  Maybe this was the boy Nelson sensed?  Perhaps the boy was adopted?  Or could he be looking at his previous life?  Our group will work again on this boy (regardless if he is material or spiritual) in another session - as he needs our help.
Nelson sensed something in the stomach of Jeff's mom.  He saw her surrounded by dwarf figures or elves, and our table determined that these spirits represented mischievous leprechauns.  Jeff's mom was worried that the leprechauns would take her money, so she had become obsessed with hiding it all around her house.  Having been recently diagnosed with several conditions, Jeff's mother had anxiety and fear that the doctors would take all of her money for treatments or surgery.  The money was more important than her health.  Nelson saw her situation as desperate, with a grapefruit sized tumor blocking her ability to eat and breathe.  The leprechauns had arrived to collect what she had been hoarding.  Nelson heard them laughing loudly, dancing circles of confusion around Jeff's mom, as they were hoping that she would faint and die.  We needed to explain to the leprechauns that this behavior was not allowed, and they could not cause someone to die.  Nelson began to cry as he realized how difficult and stubborn these spirits were.  "Just like her," Marisol added, and Jeff agreed.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson heard a spirit say, After all, she's mom," as he brought one of the leprechauns to the table.  It was the spirit of Jeff's younger brother, Scott.  The conversation continued:
Spirit: Why are they bringing me here?
Jeff: Your job is not possible.
Marisol: We want to hear your story...share it with us.
Spirit: What is this place?  (loud laugher and coughing) You want to hear my story?  When someone owes you something, you pay (referring to Jeff's mother).  She took everything from us.  We are collecting.
Jeff: What did she take?
Spirit: We would work, and she would take the coins we made.  She told us we had nothing.  Days passed, years.  No coins for us, and we worked for years.
Marisol: Forgive her.
Spirit: It's time to collect my coins...
Jeff: You don't need those coins...
Marisol: Those times have passed.
Spirit: She gave us no money.  Not even for water..
Marisol: Forgive her so that you can feel better.
Spirit: We looked for her for so long.  And she is still the same, not sharing with anyone.
Sonia: But you are not of this world anymore.
Spirit: I'm confused.  I don't recognize any of you.  What is this about?  You will hear me here?  I'm not going to feel this way anymore?
Denise: Forgive her and feel better.
Spirit: I forgive her, but I know she has not forgiven me.  They tell me her suffering is her suffering...
Sonia: You can help her to heal.
Spirit: Look!  They are even going to give me my coins!  They are bringing a big basket of them.  There are 15 of us and multiply that by 1000 coins each.  Wow.  We are taking it all with us.  I am taking that ball (referring to the grapefruit sized blockage), too. 
As the table encouraged his decision to leave, the spirit still had more to say:  "Don't open your eyes that big, these coins are MINE."  Referring to the spirit of Jeff's brother near him, the spirit sadly added: "He said that we have debts too.  Look at that!  A carriage!  The first coin that we will use is for the carriage that will take us.  We are going in style.  Nice.  In style, I like that. Tell her to forgive us for what we have done.  We were just looking for what belonged to us. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Jeff's brother spoke through Nelson and addressed the table: "Good afternoon, all.  Some of you will not know who I am.  That wasn't easy, so I had to help him.  I wanted to let you know to be at peace.  Things will happen, but they are not anyone's fault or problem.  We do what is allowed, but some things cannot be done or touched."  Looking at Jeff, his brother said, "I needed to speak this way.  A 17 year old could not deliver this message.  Do not wish any harm - nothing but love, as our mom is a good lady.  She thinks about you all the time.  You were the only one she never worried about.  She understood that you knew what to do.  (pause)  I am silent at times because I am also doing other things.  It's nice to see you and see what you are doing.  It's not the path you thought you would have, is it?  Continue doing what you are doing.  Don't change a thing."  As he softly faded into the background, the spirit had a message for the entire table:  "Happiness to all of you - in the heart.  A glass of wine is good.  Remember that I liked my beer."
(Note: Jeff's brother died in a car accident at age 17, but his spirit is that of a very old man.  When Nelson first passed this spirit years ago, he expected to see a young boy.  The spirit explained that the 17 years in this lifetime was all he had left to complete.)
Spirit 3 (via Marisol): There was a message for Denise, and Marisol delivered it in English and Spanish.  Marisol hands were burning and hot.  She sensed that Denise had experienced an upset stomach or heartburn during the past week, with Monday being a particularly difficult day.  Marisol saw Denise as very anxious, and Denise agreed.  Nelson sensed that Denise often thought that she "might drop dead tomorrow, and if she did, nobody would care." Marisol realized that Denise felt unloved.  Mia added, "The only one who has to love you is you".  The spirit speaking to Denise moved into Marisol:
Spirit: You think that no one is ever going to love you?  Then just die!
Sonia: Why is that?  Why do you feel that way?
Spirit: She has no value.  She's nothing.
Nelson: What is your relationship with her?
Spirit: I hate her.  She betrayed me (long pause).  I loved her and she hurt me.  I remember it very well.  She feels alone?  You don't know what I did when she left me...
The table realized that this spirit was angry for several reasons.  Because Denise did not marry him, the two children that would have been born in their previous existence never came.  Filled with despair, the spirit poisoned himself.
Nelson: That was in a moment of weakness.  You don't have that anymore.
Spirit:  I was desperate, lost. I don't want to keep remembering that moment.
Nelson: Then forgive her.
Spirit: I should forgive her?
Denise: I am sorry for the pain I caused. 
Spirit (weeping uncontrollably):  I was so lost, so desperate.  I did what I shouldn't have done...
(the spirit decided to leave)
Nelson: Take the two children you were supposed to have with you.
Spirit: Yes. But I have already taken more than I should have...
After Marisol's spirit guide helped the spirit transition, she asked if it was permissible to offer a blessing for our table.  "God's peace to all," the spirit guide intoned, "May his presence be all around you."  Addressing Denise, the spirit guide told her: "Time to change!  No more negative thoughts.  Today is a new day.  Do it - done!  Today you are reborn.  God bless you, Denise.  End this!"  The guide performed a cleansing dance for Marisol, Denise, and everyone at our table.  After her departure, the group discussed the experience.
Spirit 4 (via Marisol):  After asking permission to be in Mia's space, Marisol offered passes to her.  Nelson wanted to know why Mia had recently traveled to Puerto Rico.  He sensed that she was not welcome, and he knew that she had attracted some negative spirits who attached themselves to her.  "Be careful where we go," Nelson advised, "as some spirits look for a little bit of light and they become attached."  Marisol sensed that Mia needed to open herself.  "Find a little bit of love," she advised, "don't hold it back and don't be afraid."  Jeff thought that maybe Mia was afraid to be hurt, and Sonia believed that Mia was blocking out love.  "Everyone here loves you," Nelson told her, "and your good intentions will not be repaid with bad actions."  Nelson also sensed a strong resentment over the recent trip to Puerto Rico.  Mia had hoped that she could help her family and treat them to a special trip.  Instead, she felt alienated and angry when her help was not accepted.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  An angry male spirit arrived, and he seemed to be attached to Mia's father.  Referring to Mia's family, he said, "They have no faith in the floor they stand on."  He continued speaking in Spanish:  She's coming here to tell us what to do?  We don't want to hear it.  Huh!  Huh!  We (the spirit and Mia's father) do not want anyone to love us.  Only on my terms."  The others at the table explained that the children of Mia's father wanted to be with him because they loved him.  "I didn't ask for that," the spirit responded, "Get them on the first plane out of here."  The spirit was very authoritative, and he called himself "Patron" or the commander in charge.  "I give the orders," he said, "I'm in charge, the boss, the master!"  As the spirit began to explain his story, the table realized that this spirit was killed by Mia's father in a previous life.  It was a cold hearted killing, similar to a mafia hit.  In this previous life, Mia was the woman that both men wanted.  The spirit had been lured to a field, shot in the back, and then chopped up and left for the birds to consume.  "No compassion," the spirit cried, "I want him to feel what it felt like for me, nothing more."  This spirit believed that Mia came to Puerto Rico seeking him.  After calming him down, the spirit said: "One day I will forgive him (the father), but not yet.  He was a coward for not killing me face to face."  The spirit felt the guides around him applying a large bandage to the hole in his back.  He decided to leave with them, telling our group, "Forgive me if I was offensive or out of place."
The table discussed the two spirits.  The passes from Marisol were not related to the spirit from Mia's father.  Marisol needed to give the passes to Mia to soften her "hardening of the heat".  Nelson agreed, stating that Mia needed to "let love in," by forgiving herself and finding self-love. 
Nelson asked Marisol about an argument she had earlier in the week with her uncle.  Marisol explained the circumstances, and Nelson wondered what would happen to the uncle once the building where he lived was sold.  Marisol thought it would difficult to persuade the uncle to leave, and Nelson understood that as long as the uncle resided in the building, it would never sell.  The uncle planned to visit Puerto Rico on vacation in December, and Marisol would attempt to turn the vacation into a permanent relocation.
Nelson heard a spirit laughing over the attendance for a suburban presentation that some members of our group attended on Saturday.  "Be careful how we represent this," the spirit cautioned our table.  This led to a discussion of the "elitist" stance taken by many spiritual groups, and the possibility of an available location for our group to continue meeting.  Marisol felt a prayer needed to be said, but she realized that it was too strong for this reunion, so it would be saved for another session.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

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