Monday, March 21, 2016

Chicago - September 21, 2014

In attendance: Denise, Jeff, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 
Nelson sensed a spirit who wanted him to ask how everyone at the table was doing.  There was a message for Mia's sister, involving her financial worries (the situation will improve with time).  Nelson also mentioned Etel in Argentina.  Nelson saw her "drowning" and feeling alone.  Sonia suggested that we contact Etel's family to get them involved, instead of waiting for Etel to reach out.  Jeff cautioned that we needed to be empathetic in addition to sympathizing.  Nelson's spirit guide advised that he contact her.  
Nelson also felt as if his ears were being plugged, and he believed that Etel might be experiencing the same sensation.  The table determined that Etel was listening to the wrong voices (as the real voices were blocked) and Nelson understood that her cancer was focused on her lymph nodes.  Mia added that the lymph nodes connected the perispirit to the physical world.  Nelson saw this infection as little white balls.  He sensed that if Etel no longer used her mediumship abilities correctly, they would be taken away.  Nelson also sensed a spirit who was pretending to be a good spiritual guide for Etel - but he was not.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson heard the spirit say to Etel, "You don't need anyone, you have me," as he sat through Nelson:
Spirit: She is listening to me only.  I am the one with control.  I am the one with control, and she listens to me.  I am the driver, driving her.  Nothing else goes in, so don't try.  I shut out everything.  (laughing)  It's time for her to go.  She thinks she's been helping a lot of people?  No.  She is not the only sick one, even in her own family there is sickness.  That's what she did with us, she shut us down.  What is it you say about "payback is a ..."?  (pause) They brought me somewhere.  I don't know you people.  Who are you?  Different, different.  The work is not done, it's not completed.  They told me I need to go to a doctor?  It will be my operation, not hers? 
Jeff: You need to be in a hospital.
Spirit: Mine comes first?  Not hers?  (pause)  I feel so sick...
Denise: Get healthy and have the help you need.
Spirit: Can I get some water?  (pause) I cannot drink it, but I'm thirsty.  It's a different hospital, not like hers.  I'll feel better?  She will be able to listen?
Sonia: Accept it and let her go.  No more.
Spirit: They are telling me I need to leave her.
Jeff:  That's why you are here with us, to be helped.
Spirit: I am taking everything with me.  There are 27 of us, covering everything - her mouth, senses, heart.  She didn't want to listen.  I need a better doctor, a different hospital, they say.
Sonia: Yes, they are enlightened.
Spirit: Tell her I'm leaving.  Moving.  My time there is done.  I'm gonna go there with him.  (Mia randomly opened the Book of Spirits and began to read a selection)
Spirit: They are showing us the beds...
Sonia: Light and progression for your spirit.
As the spirit departed, Nelson saw Etel in a very weak condition.  She was lethargic, in a controlled state similar to a zombie, unable to think for herself.  The good spirits were now giving her passes to replenish her strength.  Nelson also sensed a new group.  It was a very large group of spirits, and one of them said, "We are hobos.  When you see us, you make fun of us."  The table discussed the issue, agreeing that these vagabond spirits were very similar to the homeless people in the material world.  These spirits were so needy, they would attach themselves to anyone who would allow it. (Update: Etel had successful cancer surgery on September 25th). 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson said the assembled group had a foul odor, and he was overwhelmed with how many of them were present.  After some persuasion, one of them stepped forward and sat through Nelson.
Spirit: We are everywhere. You think we are crazy, we are not.
Mia: Some of you cheat...
Sonia: You are obsessors, taking over thoughts.
Spirit: You people understand us.  Some people are easy to get to.  They brought us here.  It's a good place?
Sonia: There is positive energy.
Spirit: Guides brought us, they have done a collection.  It's time for peace.  I don't want to be confused anymore (the spirit began to cry).  I am so tired...
Sonia: You will find peace...
Denise: We are here to help you.
Spirit: Do you understand?  We drift.  I'm so tired.  We go here, we go there.  We like those who give us drinks.
Sonia: That's not the best thing for you...
Spirit: It makes us not as crazy.  You have no idea how many of us there are - so many, just sitting, standing.  (pause)  Some of us need medicine (drugs).  Now they say we won't need that anymore?  When you see us, don't laugh.  You don't know the stories, the demons we deal with.  I have my own.  They will take them away?  My mind will be mine?  (The spirit began to cry again, this time because he was happy)  Sorry.  Some of us are happy and some of us (hobo spirits) belong to all of you (referring to the table).  All of us will go.  We are 185 hobo's.
Jeff: Does that include you?
Spirit: No. The 185 are all seated.  Standing up there are 349.  Those over in that corner - drinking - they are a bigger group of 620.  My group...this group of mine.  Our minds are not ours (the spirit gestured as if injecting narcotics into his arm).  We are the biggest group, 909.
Sonia: You came to the right place.
Spirit: They do this once in a while, cleansing and relocating to a better place.  When you see one of us, give us help.  Understand who we are.  Just say, 'Someone will help you'.  I cannot be here too long.  Look at that, they are bringing nice cars, look at them.  To take us to the hospital...
As the spirit departed, the table discussed the "hobo spirits" and Jeff shared a story of a homeless man he saw sleeping on the sidewalk a day ago.  Initially disgusted, when Jeff walked by the same spot later, he noticed that someone had purchased apple juice and set it near the man.  At first it seemed as if the apple juice was just enabling the homeless man to make himself more comfortable on the sidewalk, but now Jeff realized that offering something - even if it was only understanding - was a better solution than just walking by with disgust.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The spirit of Don Polo (a frequent presence at our table) had arrived and he spoke from his position behind Nelson, saying, "I didn't forget about you".  When we last met, Don Polo gave our table an assignment - asking us to hug and forgive someone.  He wanted us to go around the table now and share our experiences with this "compromise" so that we could learn from each other.  Don Polo said that he had brought other spirits with him who wanted to hear our stories and observe our table.  As soon as Nelson finished sharing his story, Don Polo changed positions and sat through him:
Spirit: It's nice to be able to come back.  It's so easy to judge others, but it's hard to understand them.  You can all do different assignments.  You know, I was around all of you when you did this assignment.  I go everywhere, and I am always with him (Nelson).  It was a small assignment, but the accomplishment was big.  The hearts and minds that you changed will compensate you in many other ways.  We are watching and observing.  Try to become a more caring, loving, understanding human being.  (pause)  Appreciate your own lives when you see hobos.  Try harder to understand that other place you go (the Spiritist Society lectures).  We are moving them in the right direction.  I've been there, observing like you, and taking notes like you.  Change will come, but slowly.  (looking at Denise)  Things will get better for you.  Be patient and understand others.  Control your thoughts, and learn to say, "Not now".  (addressing the entire table)  There is a new assignment for next week.  We are planning something different.  So go out - and have another week.  Try to help all that you meet.  Give them a smile, and you will find inner peace.  While we were talking, I have gotten a group of spirits together from this table that I will take with me.  There are 45 spirits belonging to everyone at this table.  Here is something for next week.  I want everyone to ask me any question you want.  Just one question.  I think we are done for today?  We are, you can close.
Mia closed with a prayer.

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