Friday, March 4, 2016

Florida - May 5, 2013

In attendance: Gloria, Gregory, Jackie, Jeff and Nelson
For the educational portion of this session, the group discussed the various differences in the organizational aspects of religions.  Although spiritualism is not a religion, Nelson was interested in the formats and rituals that participants adhered to with organized religions, as he had never belonged to any religion.  The group discussed the ability to challenge what was being said in the religious services, who was responsible for the content, and the general format and beliefs for each different type of service.  The opportunity to learn more about a topic, or to understand a concept was also discussed (this is often accomplished in organized religion in the same method as spiritualism - by reading, or with fellowship situations such as groups, clubs and the like).
During the discussion, Jackie felt the presence of a calm spirit with a message advising us no to challenge.  We don't have to challenge an idea to learn, but we can question the concept in a way that doesn't offend anyone.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson felt a spirit that was related to Pam, even though she was not present at the session.  He believed that the message from this spirit was a continuation of the session from Tuesday, and he cautioned the group that the message from this spirit may not be something that Pam (or any of us) wanted to hear.  The spirit was situated by the corner section of the table where Pam sat on Tuesday (Gloria saw him as a small dwarf), and he seemed to be encouraging Pam to commit suicide little by little, one day at a time. "I haven't finished, and I want her to suffer," he told us.  This spirit believed that he and Pam had established a pact to commit suicide together, and while he kept his promise, she had not.  The spirit said that Pam witnessed his suicide but she did not keep her promise for them to die together.  The group spoke to this spirit for a while, telling him that ending his own life was wrong.  His friend Pam understood this, and that's why she did not participate.  The spirit wondered why Pam knew enough to stop herself, but, "Why didn't she try to stop me?"  The spirit felt that he could not speak directly to Pam on Tuesday, because she would not believe it was him, so he waited until today.  As he left with the good spirits who brought him, he had a message for Pam:  "Tell her that I forgive her for not doing it, and she needs to forgive herself now for leaving.  Tell her to stop hating everyone around her."
(Note: Please see the next post regarding spiritists and suicide
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson cautioned Gregory again about  his roommate.  The roommate needs help, but he doesn't know how to ask for it.  This spirit advised Gregory to be careful (remove the bullets from the gun in the house, hide the machete/sword that was given to the roommate as a gift, etc).  The group discussed the previous medical issues of the roommate and thought that his situation might be a combination of medical (possibly a bipolar condition) and spiritualism (seeing his past lives when killing satisfied an urge). 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Jackie's sister will call her with a request, and whatever it is, Jackie should say "No".  By doing this, Jackie will not deny her sister anything, but she will help herself.  There was a spirit around Jackie who wanted to make her feel alone, and Jackie verified that she had heard noises and felt an intruding presence.  She spoke out loud to them last night.  The spirit sat through Nelson:
Spirit: She likes it, all that noise. (clapped his hands on his knees to make more noise).  It's noisy because I am not acting alone.  there are three of us, and we make unusual noises in different places all around that house. 
Jackie:  you and your friends are not alive, and you no longer have a body.  You are deceased, and not welcome in my home.  Anyway, aren't you tired?
Spirit: It is a lot of work to make those noises.  (the spirit experienced a breeze of fresh air)  We are tired, and we need some of that "fresh air".  (The three of them left together.)
Spirit 4 (via Gloria and Nelson):  Gloria saw her son with huge white wings, as if he was being encouraged to fly.  Nelson was studying a situation with a spirit who was indecisive about her decision to return to the material world.  This spirit had expected to be born into the family of Gloria's son - but not as his child.  As she was being prepared for reincarnation, the spirit was told that she would be a retarded baby, possibly through the daughter of Gloria's son.  The spirit understood that her life would be very difficult, but this was necessary, as it was an opportunity to repay a portion of the debt she owed from a previous life.  Should she come now?  Wait?  It appeared that everything was "on hold" until this spirit and the daughter decided what to do and when to do it. 
Spirit 5 (via Jackie): Jackie's Mom appeared, not to sit, only to offer an observation.  Today was the 25th anniversary of the start of her "spiritual life" (she passed away 25 years ago), and it was interesting for the group to realize that she was celebrating her new life in the spiritual world like a birthday - instead of focusing on the time she spent on earth.
Nelson and Gloria noticed a large group of friars observing the group, dressed in brown robes belted with beads.  They were present since the discussion in the living room, and they were curious about why their religion was not mentioned.  They did not feel rejected (in fact, they complimented the group on the ability to discuss the differences with each religion without rejecting the specific beliefs).  They seemed excited to observe the discussion and the session, as they now had additional knowledge to discuss and debate within their own group.
Jackie closed with a prayer.
(Note:  At this sessions and the last one, the pens ran out of ink.  I always have a spare, but one of those stopped writing as well.  I asked if I should continue to take notes.  Nelson believed that the pens kept running out of ink during some sessions because the spirit world was cautioning me on what to write and how to phrase the potentially delicate situations in which there was a possibility of offending people.  For these notes, we have changed some names, but most of them are accurate.  We want the spiritual message to be heard and understood, but we do not want to challenge or criticize the beliefs and decisions that others may have made.  Each individual has free will to make their own choices, and the notes will continue.)

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