Friday, March 11, 2016

Florida - May 7, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Gregory, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Pam and Santiago 
For the educational portion of the session, the Gospel of Spiritualism was passed around the table, and various participants started to read random paragraphs from the text.  The reading was interrupted when Nelson and Gloria sensed a spirit related to Jeff's Mom.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson and Gloria):  Jeff's mother is mentally ill (as explained by the spirit of Jeff's younger brother, Scott) and Jeff needs to love her for who and what she is, and try not to judge her for the things she has said or done.  Nelson and Gloria saw Scott as a bright light, an older spirit who wanted to help the woman who agreed to give birth to him in his last reincarnation.  Jackie and Astrid envisioned Jeff's mother surrounded by difficult spirits who were very heavy, and Gloria kept hearing the name, "James".  The James spirit was functioning as a husband for Jeff's mother, living with her daily.  After some persuasion, the spirit of James spoke through Gloria.  He wanted to lock up Jeff's mom - because she did that to him in a prior life.  The spirit was coaxed into moving on, but the group cautioned Jeff that his mother was s not getting any better, spiritually she is getting sicker.  One of Gloria's Indian guide spirits arrived to cleanse her and the group after this difficult spirit.
The reading from the text continued, and the random portions that were selected all seem to reference the issues with Jeff's mother.  Astrid was shown a small girl petting the dog in the living room, and the dog was appreciative and content. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  This spirit is a woman related to a couple from Puerto Rico.  The wife was not well, and Nelson saw surrounded with the spirits of her dead relatives gathered all around her.  Her biggest fear was that she does not want to lose her money, and she was afraid that someone or something was coming to take her material possessions away.  The loss of her assets was more important to her than her illness.  The group discusses her situation, and we came to understanding that at one point, her daughter rejected this woman as a mother.  There are issues of prestige, reputation and power involved with her, and Nelson knew that she did not want her daughter to have any of her money.  The female spirit found it ironic, as she said that this woman, "will eventually have nothing."
Spirit 3 (via Gloria):  The spirit of Gregory's paternal grandfather was around him, and he told the group that his presence was possible, "because love never dies."  He told Gregory that he was taking care of his grandmother (Gloria), and he has some remorse, because he wants to do more, and he cannot.  Jackie began to see the same spirit.  Gregory's grandfather told him that he had the opportunity to do something in the material world that he never did, and now he realized the larger impact in the spiritual world.  He also said, "Don't worry about your Dad, he will come around."  The spirit left the same way he arrived, reminding us again that, "love never dies."
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  The spirit of the father from the daughter of the other spiritist center was in attendance at our table again, and he was happy to see our group reading and learning.  He was disappointed with his daughter's center (it was once his group), and he described it as, "just an empty place."  He added that he saw there wasn't real to him.
Nelson was shown plenty of mothers gathered in the spiritual world.  They get together to celebrate on Mother's Day, and perhaps they are appearing to Nelson to show him that the holiday has more meaning than a way to generate consumerism.  Sometimes, the familiar holidays we create on earth are a way to gather the spirits together again later.  Many of the moms will stay in the spirit world, some will move on, and some are not yet ready to participate in the holiday, but they are standing by silently, observing from the sidelines.  Marian feels that the love of a mother has the same intensity in the spirit world as in the material world.
The group discusses what we keep and what we know when we die.  Marian reminds the participants from the Sunday session to communicate with Patty regarding the message for her from that day.
Jackie asks Marian if she has spoken with May, her daughter.  She sees May being placed in the middle of a situation at the Elk's Club (where she volunteers), and Jackie cautions that "no matter what she chooses, it will not be right", so it would be better for her to avoid making a decision on the conflict.
Spirit 5 (via Astrid): There is a native woman from Paraguay standing next to Nelson, dressed in white.  She has been present since the discussion regarding Norma, and Astrid thinks she might be beckoning Nelson to consider a visit to Paraguay instead of Argentina. 
Jackie closed with a prayer.  

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