Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Florida - May 19, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Gregory, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago 
For the educational portion of the session, the group watched the 2010 Brazilian film Nosso Lar (Our Home) based on the 1944 book by Chico Xavier.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Astrid how she was feeling in regards to her mother.  She shared that she often felt low and stressed, as her weekly interactions with her mother and other patients in the hospital drained her energy. Nelson cautioned Astrid to be careful and to be prepared for some unpleasant spirits.  Jackie saw a group of spirits in the hospital room, and she said they were determined to keep Astrid's mother in the same misery that she was in now.  These spirits were holding her back.   Nelson encouraged Astrid to liberate her mother from these spirits.  Astrid said that she been trying to do this, and Gloria added, "The more Astrid wants it, the more they want to stop it."  Gregory understood that both Astrid and her mother were suffering, and this ordeal has been a trial for both of them.  Gloria added, "There is an end to everything."  An angry spirit passed into Nelson from the group in the hospital room: 
Spirit: Do not attempt to remove me from that room.  It's where I belong. 
Gregory: We need to break those chains.
Gregory saw the situation as Astrid, her mother and these spirits all connected to each other by heavy chains that were very difficult to break apart.  Gloria began to read a prayer for the obsessed spirit, and Astrid moved behind Nelson to offer passes in an attempt to calm this presence.  The spirit did not want to forgive, and he was reluctant to leave.  Even after he said goodbye to our table, he was still around, until the good spirits forcibly removed him while he screamed not to be taken away.  "It's time to put a stop to it," Nelson said.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson and Gloria):  Nelson felt the energy of a female spirit that usually sat through Astrid.  She was showing him an item similar to a music box with a key.  She removed the key and closed the box, indicating that the same should be done with Astrid and her Mom.  Both Nelson and Gloria saw Astrid leading a very productive life.  This spirit spoke through Nelson, saying, "This has to end today, it's like a term you say - closing a chapter in a book.  We need you to continue what you started."  Nelson saw the spirit as a very proper lady, refined and well dressed, and he realized that she had a dual purpose.  Her arrival was a way to cleanse Nelson after the negative energy of the previous spirit, and she also believed that her message for Astrid would have more impact if she delivered it through Nelson.  She told the group that the room was filled with all types of spirits.  Some have arrived to learn, others wanted to help, and many of them were just like our group - growing from the knowledge and experiences shared at the table.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a spirit that encouraged Gregory not to stop doing what he has been doing.  This spirit hoped that he will continue to say what he sees.  Gregory was also warned that he would be walking into a place and feeling that he should not be there.  If he felt uncomfortable, he should just leave.  "Trust your instincts", the spirit advised, "and trust in yourself."
Nelson wondered if Jackie had received a phone call from her sister (she had not).  Jackie was scheduled for some medical tests in the future, and Nelson offered her the opportunity to bring the topic to our table as the dates approached.
Spirit 4 (via Gloria):  The spirit of a family member was around Santiago, promising him that he was "never alone".  When he needed strength for himself or Astrid, all he had to do was ask, and it would be given to him.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Chicago - October 5, 2014

In attendance: Denise, Jeff, Marisol, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 
After Mia read the opening prayer, Marisol offered an additional prayer for the spirits.  Nelson sensed a spirit who believed that everyone at our table was thinking of someone in need that they wanted to mention.  Sonia asked for prayers in regards to her niece who needed maturity.  Denise spoke about her mother, and she hoped that her health would be steady and strong.  Marisol asked that her recently passed uncle (who was still in the process of transitioning) be given guidance.  Nelson wondered how Marisol's son was doing.  Marisol said he was stable, but there was also a sadness in his eyes.  She sensed that he
wanted (or knew) that his own transition back to the spirit world was not that far away. Nelson agreed, saying that the conflict was that his spirit did not want to go but, "his body cannot take it anymore."  His spirit understood the transitioning process, but Marisol's son was still was sad at the thought of leaving his mom.  Throughout their time together in the material world, Marisol had done everything necessary for her son, and Nelson saw that the eventual transitioning would be a form of  "relief" for both of them.   
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A strong, authoritative spirit sat through Nelson, and he spoke in Spanish.  This spirit was the former director of a spiritist center in Puerto Rico, and he wanted our group to know that he was around now to "help his disciple" (meaning Marisol's uncle).  He wanted Marisol to know that he was also frequently around her, and that she was not alone.  This spirit said that he had other spirits with him, and they were all around Marisol and her uncle, ready to assist whenever they were needed.  The spirit sensed that he was in a slightly unfamiliar location at our table.  He promised to return again to become more familiar with our group.  He mused, "Observe...and then..." The spirit reminded Nelson that they had met before, at his center in Puerto Rico in the material world.  Because of his age, this spirit was no longer working as a medium at that time, but he remembered Nelson and his mother when they visited his center.  The spirit said they were seated in the back, and he said, "I am now going to do what you did earlier in my center - sit back and observe."  The spirit quietly moved away from the table.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw several different groups of Shamans (or male witches) near our table.  He sensed that they were there to practice some type of "white magic."  While some of the groups were positive, others were not.  One of the spirits stepped forward to clarify the situation, speaking from a position behind Nelson.  "We do what humans do," the spirit said, "Vengeance, and controlling the behavior of others.  We like to create things.  Chaos, fights.  More humans are on this dark side than the light."  Before we sat at the table, our group had a discussion about Argentina, and Nelson understood that this group of spirits was somehow connected to that conversation.  The language changed to Spanish, and we realized that these spirits were related to Marta's son, Sebastian.  Sonia told the spirit that his conversation needed to be positive at our table, as the spirit rocked back and forth with indecision over what to say.  The spirit explained that he was, "brought here to stop them, and I told them they must stop."  The spirit explained that there were many others with him, and these attached presences needed to realize that their behavior and influence over Sebastian were not acceptable.  The spirit banged loudly on the table, and said, "A family should be love, not conflict!"  The energy level of this spirit was very strong, so he was unable to sit.  Another spirit was speaking for him.  He wanted us to deliver a message to Marta.  She should not be close to her son at any time now.  Marta needed to wait until things calmed down and returned to normal.  She and her son are opposites in temperament and they cannot be together.  The spirit wanted our table to know that he had also undergone a transformation.  He told us his "work is for good now, not how it used to be."  As proof, he offered to take his group of 175 spirits away with him.  Nelson shivered, describing the group as "so cold," and Sonia added that they were "stone faced."
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol had a message for Mia.  Despite her feelings of "espíritu de pánico" (panicked spirit), Marisol believed that Mia would one day be working as a medium.  She just needed to allow herself to be open to the spirits.  Nelson sensed that Mia hoped to be "the perfect medium," and he knew that before she worked, Mia would "need to be certain" of her abilities.  He saw her as a working "madame" in one of her previous lives, and he said that her uncertainty in working as a medium now was related to this past existence, when her skills were used for negative purposes.  Without realizing it, Mia was apprehensive about taking the same path in this life.  Marisol offered an example of a tarot card reader.  They have a gift, but when they try to make money from their ability, the gift becomes negative.  Mia was advised that when she saw things, she needed to say them.  "You are a medium," Marisol told her, "and it's a process that comes with time, over meditation and being still.  It's scary, but open yourself."  Marisol added that the breathing involved with meditation changed our energy level, giving the spirits permission to come in.  Nelson encouraged Mia to establish a solid relationship with her spirit guide(s).  The table discussed the situation, encouraging Mia to continue her growth and development.
There was something related to one of Nelson's brothers, and Marisol was trying to discern the message.  One of the brothers saw Nelson's life as "easier," while he viewed his own life as misunderstood and lonely.  The table determined that these feelings belonged to Nelson's older brother, Junior.  He felt separated from his family, and Marisol sensed that he had recently been experienced some type of "enfermo" or illness.  She was correct, as Junior was still recovering from a fall.
Spirit 4 (via Marisol):  Marisol explained her process of passing spirits at the table.  She communicated with her guide first, and then a spirit would pass into her, almost as if her spirit guide acted as a secure gateway or guard for the spirit to pass.  As she was explaining the process, it was illustrated with an example, as an angry spirit moved into Marisol.  The spirit demanded to know, "Why was I brought here?"  He was agitated and upset, moving around in his seat as if he wanted to be freed.  The conversion continued:
Spirit: "Dolor!  Dolor" (Spanish for pain)
Nelson: Be calm, you cannot push him (referring to his brother, Junior)
Spirit: Dolor!
Nelson (referring to his brother): What is your relationship with him?
Spirit: To be evil.  (pause)  He's my friend (the spirit hit the table with his fist).  Huh!  Why all these questions?  Huh!  (turning away, the spirit shook his head in frustration).  The memory remains from when we were friends.  Now he is a traitor (laughing).  Treason!  Traitor.  Who is next to him now?  NO ONE!
Nelson stood and walked over to Marisol in an attempt to calm the spirit.  "Betrayed!", the spirit said, "Dolor!"  Whatever pain this spirit experienced, he now wanted Junior to feel the same way.  There was silence as Nelson (and everyone else at the table) tried to remove the pain.  The spirit loudly cried out, "NO!" and his demeanor seemed to shift.  He asked for forgiveness.  Referring to Junior, the spirit said, "There is no reason for his spirit to be ill." The spirit began to realize that he was tired, and he asked for forgiveness again, as he slowly understood that he was being called away.  The spirit had decided to leave, and as he departed, he said softly, "How beautiful it is!"
Marisol's "madame" spirit guide had brought this spirit to our table, and she had returned to cleanse Marisol.  As with so many spiritual situations, the passing of this spirit was not the only lesson.  Nelson understood that when Mia was able to one day work as a medium, the process that was shown to us today would be similar to how Mia would work.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Earlier in the living room, Mia had updated the group on the health of her brother-in-law.  Nelson sensed a spirit who stressed that this individual was not okay, and he needed further testing.  "Don't wait too long," the spirit advised.  "Is he diabetic?  Check it.  Something is not right, and it needs to be discovered."  Denise felt as if someone was dizzy, and she thought it might be related to Mia's parents.  When the symptoms were not for them, Denise realized that the dizziness was related to the brother-in-law.  Nelson saw a doctor with paper files saying, "Things are OK".  Standing behind the doctor was a spirit repeatedly urging him to "look deeper".  Nelson clearly understood that this doctor had treated his patient with extreme disrespect.  The spirit that was behind the doctor was now with the brother-in-law, and Nelson envisioned him as a solid military man, a father figure to Mia's brother-in-law.  "Look deeper," the spirit repeated.
Spirit 6(via Nelson):  "This one is too close to me," Nelson said, and Marisol understood.  A group of spirits had arrived, and they were related to Jeff.  They were surprised to see Jeff as "not the man he used to be." This group was dancing and partying as the conversation continued:
Spirit (speaking to Jeff): What is wrong with you?
Sonia: He is not into that now.
Spirit: C'mon.  The party is in full throttle.  He liked to dance.
Jeff: The party has ended for me.  You need to find the same peace and contentment.
Spirit (dancing and moving in his seat): Let's get on top of the table and dance!
Denise: There are other ways to have fun.
Spirit: We don't like him anymore.  I don't like him.  He's not handsome anymore.  The nights, the weekends we spent together...
Marisol: He is no longer in your world.
Spirit: We were told there was a party.  We thought this table was a stage.  We had a good time!  Give him a microphone, and you will see!
Jeff: I have learned and moved on.
Sonia: Your spirit needs education now.
Marisol:  Do you have a body?  Look at yourself.
Spirit: We take over other peoples bodies.  (addressing Marisol) We don't like you.  (looking at Sonia) We like her better.  They are telling us that this is the last party?
Sonia: Yes.  The last hurrah.
Spirit: We will leave a lot of our friends behind?  There is a different party?  Instead of what we like to drink, they are giving us plain water.  Where is the vodka?  (referring to Jeff)  He is not that guy anymore?  I am taking the party with me.  Seventeen of us.  No more party.  I'm going with him.  I'm sorry, all we liked was the party.  (long pause)  Can I say something else?  And the boys!
After the spirit departed, the table discussed several topics.  Nelson's spirit guide was standing behind him, and he wanted the group to know that the work today would now continue, silently in the background.  He also wanted us to know that other spirits had been brought in to observe the work at our table today. 
Directing his attention towards Mia, Nelson's spirit guide told her, "You finally have a place where the knowledge is there for you.  Don't waste time.  Go directly from A to B, no longer routes.  Don't go all around the mountain to get to the top."  Noticing Denise, the spirit guide happily told her, "What a difference!  And it's not finished yet."  With Sonia, Nelson's guide wanted to know what was going on with the niece that was mentioned at the start of the session. Frustrated at having to speak from his position behind Nelson, the spirit guide decided to sit.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  "I always have to fight him," Nelson's spirit guide sighed.  "For this one, I wanted to ask the questions myself."  The conversation continued:
Spirit: What kind of action has been taken?
Sonia: Some spiritual, but it hasn't worked.
Spirit: This is a very delicate situation, my friend.  Where is she living?
Sonia: In Puerto Rico, with her mother.
Spirit: And her living situation?
Sonia: Terrible.
Spirit: Would her situation improve if she were to move?
Sonia: She has been told many times...
Spirit:  Real help will come for her now.
Nelson's spirit guide asked Sonia to phone her sister twice in the upcoming week.  She could talk about any topic except the niece.  The message was repeated (call twice within the week but do not discuss the niece), while the spirit guide swayed gently in his seat.  If the niece entered the conversation, Sonia should immediately change the subject.  The table understood that the two phone calls were a way for the spirit world to establish a connection.  "We will see what we can accomplish," Nelson's spirit guide said.
Nelson's guide also had a message for Nelson:  "Tell him it's okay to take a couple of minutes of time.  He thinks he is in control, and he is not.  He tries very hard, and he is a very good spirit.  A very good soul, but he still has a lot to learn."  Glancing towards Marisol, the spirit guide welcomed her to the table and gave Nelson more advice: "Use her to share your experiences.  He needs that.  Both of you will grow with the knowledge and the group will grow in size.  We need you.  Continue.  We are here."
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Friday, March 25, 2016

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Spiritism has an answer for everything - and it's often much more simple than we thought.  "Speaking in Tongues" is defined as speaking in a language previously unknown to the speaker.  How is this possible?

Some religious practices (such as Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians) believe that speaking in tongues is a sacred language.  With these organizations, the vocalizing of a different language does not create sentences that can be understood - it's a series of speech-like syllables without any meaning.  This method is referred to as Glossolalia.  The speaker uses accent, rhythm, intonation and cadence to break up the words into syllables that are similar to the their native language. 

Xenoglossy is the name used by spiritists.  A person is able to speak or write a language that he or she could not have acquired by natural means, because a spirit is providing the language.  We have experienced this circumstance in many of our sessions.  In Argentina, we had a Spanish speaking medium with a spirit guide who spoke Portuguese.  In some situations, the medium will start speaking in tongues (for example, in French), but because there isn't a translator available at the table, the spirit world provides one.  it would not be beneficial for a medium to deliver a message communicated entirely in French to a table that only spoke English.

In The Mediums' Book, Kardec explains this further with Question 7:
"When a spirit communicates through a medium, does he transmit his thoughts directly, or does he use the incarnated spirit of the medium as his intermediary?"
"The medium's spirit acts as the interpreter of the communicating spirit, because he is linked with the body, which, in such cases, plays the part of speaker, and also because there must be a conductor between you and the discarnate spirits who communicate with you, just as, for the transmission of a telegraphic message, there must be a wire connecting the points of transmission and of reception, and at the ends of the wire, an intelligent person who transmits, and another who receives, the message conveyed by the electric fluid."

In order for a spirit to truly express his desired message through the medium, that spirit needs a medium with whom it shares a fluid affinity, a strong moral affinity, and an intellectual similarity, with respect to ideas, knowledge, and vocabulary.  In our sessions, the spirits of departed mothers are often transmitted by mediums who are currently mothers in the material world.  The spirit is more comfortable with someone who is living what they once were in a particular reincarnation.  In the absence of a well-prepared "perfect match"  medium, a spirit will use another medium, despite that medium's limitations.  The spirits first seek out and work with the medium that is best able to accurately convey their message.  We do the same thing in our lives on earth when we look for friends who are similar to ourselves. 

Just as we seek out relationships with people who share our interests, The spirits look for a medium with a similar moral nature of the spirits thoughts and behaviors.  A Spanish speaking spirit could sit through a medium who does not speak Spanish, but the spirit would first seek out a Spanish speaking medium, as there is already an affinity between the two.  When there is no affinity between the spirit and the medium, that medium becomes an unwilling interpreter. 

Xenoglassy is meaningful speech or writing in a language in which the speaker/writer has no familiarity. 
Glossolalia is a collection of meaningless sounds that resemble an existing language.


Chicago - September 26, 2014

In attendance: Denise, Jeff, Marisol, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 
Nelson reminded Marisol that she wanted to mention an upcoming "spiritual storm."  This message was related to the leaders of a Spiritist Society.   Marisol explained that changes were often difficult, and she perceived the upcoming storm as a "complete reorganization" that would shake up the organization.  If one of the members does not find the spiritual help that she needs, she will begin to question her own faith - which will "shake her to the core."  It is the job responsibility of Nelson and other mediums to pass on messages to individuals, but we always have free will to decide how we will interpret and react to this spiritual communication.  Nelson envisioned a storm cloud over the entire group, and Marisol agreed.
When Nelson and Marisol cleansed a house earlier in the week, Nelson sensed a little boy (possibly spiritual), residing somewhere in the space.  This child spent his days looking out of the window, apparently waiting for the return of his parents, but they never showed up.  Marisol explained that there was a young boy currently living in the building with a father who was a truck driver.  Maybe this was the boy Nelson sensed?  Perhaps the boy was adopted?  Or could he be looking at his previous life?  Our group will work again on this boy (regardless if he is material or spiritual) in another session - as he needs our help.
Nelson sensed something in the stomach of Jeff's mom.  He saw her surrounded by dwarf figures or elves, and our table determined that these spirits represented mischievous leprechauns.  Jeff's mom was worried that the leprechauns would take her money, so she had become obsessed with hiding it all around her house.  Having been recently diagnosed with several conditions, Jeff's mother had anxiety and fear that the doctors would take all of her money for treatments or surgery.  The money was more important than her health.  Nelson saw her situation as desperate, with a grapefruit sized tumor blocking her ability to eat and breathe.  The leprechauns had arrived to collect what she had been hoarding.  Nelson heard them laughing loudly, dancing circles of confusion around Jeff's mom, as they were hoping that she would faint and die.  We needed to explain to the leprechauns that this behavior was not allowed, and they could not cause someone to die.  Nelson began to cry as he realized how difficult and stubborn these spirits were.  "Just like her," Marisol added, and Jeff agreed.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson heard a spirit say, After all, she's mom," as he brought one of the leprechauns to the table.  It was the spirit of Jeff's younger brother, Scott.  The conversation continued:
Spirit: Why are they bringing me here?
Jeff: Your job is not possible.
Marisol: We want to hear your story...share it with us.
Spirit: What is this place?  (loud laugher and coughing) You want to hear my story?  When someone owes you something, you pay (referring to Jeff's mother).  She took everything from us.  We are collecting.
Jeff: What did she take?
Spirit: We would work, and she would take the coins we made.  She told us we had nothing.  Days passed, years.  No coins for us, and we worked for years.
Marisol: Forgive her.
Spirit: It's time to collect my coins...
Jeff: You don't need those coins...
Marisol: Those times have passed.
Spirit: She gave us no money.  Not even for water..
Marisol: Forgive her so that you can feel better.
Spirit: We looked for her for so long.  And she is still the same, not sharing with anyone.
Sonia: But you are not of this world anymore.
Spirit: I'm confused.  I don't recognize any of you.  What is this about?  You will hear me here?  I'm not going to feel this way anymore?
Denise: Forgive her and feel better.
Spirit: I forgive her, but I know she has not forgiven me.  They tell me her suffering is her suffering...
Sonia: You can help her to heal.
Spirit: Look!  They are even going to give me my coins!  They are bringing a big basket of them.  There are 15 of us and multiply that by 1000 coins each.  Wow.  We are taking it all with us.  I am taking that ball (referring to the grapefruit sized blockage), too. 
As the table encouraged his decision to leave, the spirit still had more to say:  "Don't open your eyes that big, these coins are MINE."  Referring to the spirit of Jeff's brother near him, the spirit sadly added: "He said that we have debts too.  Look at that!  A carriage!  The first coin that we will use is for the carriage that will take us.  We are going in style.  Nice.  In style, I like that. Tell her to forgive us for what we have done.  We were just looking for what belonged to us. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Jeff's brother spoke through Nelson and addressed the table: "Good afternoon, all.  Some of you will not know who I am.  That wasn't easy, so I had to help him.  I wanted to let you know to be at peace.  Things will happen, but they are not anyone's fault or problem.  We do what is allowed, but some things cannot be done or touched."  Looking at Jeff, his brother said, "I needed to speak this way.  A 17 year old could not deliver this message.  Do not wish any harm - nothing but love, as our mom is a good lady.  She thinks about you all the time.  You were the only one she never worried about.  She understood that you knew what to do.  (pause)  I am silent at times because I am also doing other things.  It's nice to see you and see what you are doing.  It's not the path you thought you would have, is it?  Continue doing what you are doing.  Don't change a thing."  As he softly faded into the background, the spirit had a message for the entire table:  "Happiness to all of you - in the heart.  A glass of wine is good.  Remember that I liked my beer."
(Note: Jeff's brother died in a car accident at age 17, but his spirit is that of a very old man.  When Nelson first passed this spirit years ago, he expected to see a young boy.  The spirit explained that the 17 years in this lifetime was all he had left to complete.)
Spirit 3 (via Marisol): There was a message for Denise, and Marisol delivered it in English and Spanish.  Marisol hands were burning and hot.  She sensed that Denise had experienced an upset stomach or heartburn during the past week, with Monday being a particularly difficult day.  Marisol saw Denise as very anxious, and Denise agreed.  Nelson sensed that Denise often thought that she "might drop dead tomorrow, and if she did, nobody would care." Marisol realized that Denise felt unloved.  Mia added, "The only one who has to love you is you".  The spirit speaking to Denise moved into Marisol:
Spirit: You think that no one is ever going to love you?  Then just die!
Sonia: Why is that?  Why do you feel that way?
Spirit: She has no value.  She's nothing.
Nelson: What is your relationship with her?
Spirit: I hate her.  She betrayed me (long pause).  I loved her and she hurt me.  I remember it very well.  She feels alone?  You don't know what I did when she left me...
The table realized that this spirit was angry for several reasons.  Because Denise did not marry him, the two children that would have been born in their previous existence never came.  Filled with despair, the spirit poisoned himself.
Nelson: That was in a moment of weakness.  You don't have that anymore.
Spirit:  I was desperate, lost. I don't want to keep remembering that moment.
Nelson: Then forgive her.
Spirit: I should forgive her?
Denise: I am sorry for the pain I caused. 
Spirit (weeping uncontrollably):  I was so lost, so desperate.  I did what I shouldn't have done...
(the spirit decided to leave)
Nelson: Take the two children you were supposed to have with you.
Spirit: Yes. But I have already taken more than I should have...
After Marisol's spirit guide helped the spirit transition, she asked if it was permissible to offer a blessing for our table.  "God's peace to all," the spirit guide intoned, "May his presence be all around you."  Addressing Denise, the spirit guide told her: "Time to change!  No more negative thoughts.  Today is a new day.  Do it - done!  Today you are reborn.  God bless you, Denise.  End this!"  The guide performed a cleansing dance for Marisol, Denise, and everyone at our table.  After her departure, the group discussed the experience.
Spirit 4 (via Marisol):  After asking permission to be in Mia's space, Marisol offered passes to her.  Nelson wanted to know why Mia had recently traveled to Puerto Rico.  He sensed that she was not welcome, and he knew that she had attracted some negative spirits who attached themselves to her.  "Be careful where we go," Nelson advised, "as some spirits look for a little bit of light and they become attached."  Marisol sensed that Mia needed to open herself.  "Find a little bit of love," she advised, "don't hold it back and don't be afraid."  Jeff thought that maybe Mia was afraid to be hurt, and Sonia believed that Mia was blocking out love.  "Everyone here loves you," Nelson told her, "and your good intentions will not be repaid with bad actions."  Nelson also sensed a strong resentment over the recent trip to Puerto Rico.  Mia had hoped that she could help her family and treat them to a special trip.  Instead, she felt alienated and angry when her help was not accepted.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  An angry male spirit arrived, and he seemed to be attached to Mia's father.  Referring to Mia's family, he said, "They have no faith in the floor they stand on."  He continued speaking in Spanish:  She's coming here to tell us what to do?  We don't want to hear it.  Huh!  Huh!  We (the spirit and Mia's father) do not want anyone to love us.  Only on my terms."  The others at the table explained that the children of Mia's father wanted to be with him because they loved him.  "I didn't ask for that," the spirit responded, "Get them on the first plane out of here."  The spirit was very authoritative, and he called himself "Patron" or the commander in charge.  "I give the orders," he said, "I'm in charge, the boss, the master!"  As the spirit began to explain his story, the table realized that this spirit was killed by Mia's father in a previous life.  It was a cold hearted killing, similar to a mafia hit.  In this previous life, Mia was the woman that both men wanted.  The spirit had been lured to a field, shot in the back, and then chopped up and left for the birds to consume.  "No compassion," the spirit cried, "I want him to feel what it felt like for me, nothing more."  This spirit believed that Mia came to Puerto Rico seeking him.  After calming him down, the spirit said: "One day I will forgive him (the father), but not yet.  He was a coward for not killing me face to face."  The spirit felt the guides around him applying a large bandage to the hole in his back.  He decided to leave with them, telling our group, "Forgive me if I was offensive or out of place."
The table discussed the two spirits.  The passes from Marisol were not related to the spirit from Mia's father.  Marisol needed to give the passes to Mia to soften her "hardening of the heat".  Nelson agreed, stating that Mia needed to "let love in," by forgiving herself and finding self-love. 
Nelson asked Marisol about an argument she had earlier in the week with her uncle.  Marisol explained the circumstances, and Nelson wondered what would happen to the uncle once the building where he lived was sold.  Marisol thought it would difficult to persuade the uncle to leave, and Nelson understood that as long as the uncle resided in the building, it would never sell.  The uncle planned to visit Puerto Rico on vacation in December, and Marisol would attempt to turn the vacation into a permanent relocation.
Nelson heard a spirit laughing over the attendance for a suburban presentation that some members of our group attended on Saturday.  "Be careful how we represent this," the spirit cautioned our table.  This led to a discussion of the "elitist" stance taken by many spiritual groups, and the possibility of an available location for our group to continue meeting.  Marisol felt a prayer needed to be said, but she realized that it was too strong for this reunion, so it would be saved for another session.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

Monday, March 21, 2016

What is the definition of karma? For every action, there will always be a reaction. Your thoughts and actions are powerful because they carry energy.  Whatever you do will always come back to you.  You are the one constantly changing your world, little by little.

Karma is a term from Hinduism and Buddhism.  It is defined a the sum of a person's actions in this and previous existences, which decides their fate in future existences.  Kardec thought of karma as injustices.   Our injustices from one lifetime must be repaid in our current lifetime - or another reincarnation.
How can we avoid karma?  We 
are spiritual beings in a physical body.  We incarnate from our spirit form into a physical form. Once we are here, we create karma by our deeds and actions.  After the death of our physical body, we return to the spirit world to learn spiritual lessons and look for ways to resolve any karma that we previously created.
There are no coincidences. A man and woman may choose to have a baby, but it is the choice of a spirit (if evolved enough) to become the soul of that child, so it can learn the spiritual life lessons necessary to resolve any injustices from the previous incarnations.   Not every spirit has earned the right to choose their parents.  And the parents also have free will to accept or reject that spirit. This can happen by miscarriage or abortion. In some instances the parents may even discard the newborn infant, or end the parent/child relationship.  Any of these choices would create new karma for the parents and the child, resulting in the need to reincarnate together again (possibly into different roles) to resolve the karma.
So how do we know when we are doing the right thing instead of creating karma for ourselves or others?  We have a conscience.  This allows spirits, both incarnate and discarnate, to pass moral judgment over their own thoughts and actions.  In other words, we know better.  We are our own judge, because we have been given the tools to discern good from bad.  During our transition from being a spirit, we may have forgotten or misunderstood these rules of good and bad. When we incarnate in a physical body, we preserve an intuitive memory of the rules, but how much we remember depends upon our moral and intellectual advancement. 

Our material body need to be educated through our memories, revelations, intuitive suggestions from good spirits, and our own experiences over multiple existences.  Our ability to discern good from bad also depends on our level of evolution. This memory of good and bad may also be influenced by our lower instincts, and it is through the process of reincarnation that we gradually work to lift that veil of imperfections.
Although there are many types of spirits, there three main classifications are:
- Pure spirits, who have attained the highest degree of perfection
- Good spirits, characterized by their ethical nature over their material instincts
- Inferior spirits, with a predominance of material instincts and a possible tendency for harmful acts  
As Kardec wrote, "it would be illogical to assume that the spirit of a savage or criminal suddenly becomes wise and virtuous. It would also be illogical to suppose that, contrary to God's justice, they continue perpetually in a state of inferiority."  So there are humans at all levels of knowledge and ignorance, and the same is true for the spirits who populate the spirit world. From one incarnation to the next, and also between the incarnations, all spirits maintain their individuality, including the level of moral and intellectual advancement they have achieved at any given time.  So the spirit world reflects all the vices and virtues of human beings living on Earth.  In fact the scale is even greater in the spirit realm, because it includes spirits that come from other worlds, and they may be at levels far higher than the most distinguished of men, or far lower than the least advanced person on Earth.

Kardec, Allan. "Spirits." The Spirits' Book.  Trans. Allan Kardec Educational Society (translated from 2nd edition in French). Philadelphia, PA. p:35, and 50-54.

Kardec, Allan. "Elementary Principles of Spiritism." Christian Spiritism (a compilation of two Kardec books: Spiritism Reduced to Its Simplest Expression and What is Spiritism).  Trans. Allan Kardec Educational Society (translated from original French editions, published 1860 and 1859). Philadelphia, PA. Allan Kardec Educational Society. 1985. p:125-129.

Chicago - September 21, 2014

In attendance: Denise, Jeff, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 
Nelson sensed a spirit who wanted him to ask how everyone at the table was doing.  There was a message for Mia's sister, involving her financial worries (the situation will improve with time).  Nelson also mentioned Etel in Argentina.  Nelson saw her "drowning" and feeling alone.  Sonia suggested that we contact Etel's family to get them involved, instead of waiting for Etel to reach out.  Jeff cautioned that we needed to be empathetic in addition to sympathizing.  Nelson's spirit guide advised that he contact her.  
Nelson also felt as if his ears were being plugged, and he believed that Etel might be experiencing the same sensation.  The table determined that Etel was listening to the wrong voices (as the real voices were blocked) and Nelson understood that her cancer was focused on her lymph nodes.  Mia added that the lymph nodes connected the perispirit to the physical world.  Nelson saw this infection as little white balls.  He sensed that if Etel no longer used her mediumship abilities correctly, they would be taken away.  Nelson also sensed a spirit who was pretending to be a good spiritual guide for Etel - but he was not.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson heard the spirit say to Etel, "You don't need anyone, you have me," as he sat through Nelson:
Spirit: She is listening to me only.  I am the one with control.  I am the one with control, and she listens to me.  I am the driver, driving her.  Nothing else goes in, so don't try.  I shut out everything.  (laughing)  It's time for her to go.  She thinks she's been helping a lot of people?  No.  She is not the only sick one, even in her own family there is sickness.  That's what she did with us, she shut us down.  What is it you say about "payback is a ..."?  (pause) They brought me somewhere.  I don't know you people.  Who are you?  Different, different.  The work is not done, it's not completed.  They told me I need to go to a doctor?  It will be my operation, not hers? 
Jeff: You need to be in a hospital.
Spirit: Mine comes first?  Not hers?  (pause)  I feel so sick...
Denise: Get healthy and have the help you need.
Spirit: Can I get some water?  (pause) I cannot drink it, but I'm thirsty.  It's a different hospital, not like hers.  I'll feel better?  She will be able to listen?
Sonia: Accept it and let her go.  No more.
Spirit: They are telling me I need to leave her.
Jeff:  That's why you are here with us, to be helped.
Spirit: I am taking everything with me.  There are 27 of us, covering everything - her mouth, senses, heart.  She didn't want to listen.  I need a better doctor, a different hospital, they say.
Sonia: Yes, they are enlightened.
Spirit: Tell her I'm leaving.  Moving.  My time there is done.  I'm gonna go there with him.  (Mia randomly opened the Book of Spirits and began to read a selection)
Spirit: They are showing us the beds...
Sonia: Light and progression for your spirit.
As the spirit departed, Nelson saw Etel in a very weak condition.  She was lethargic, in a controlled state similar to a zombie, unable to think for herself.  The good spirits were now giving her passes to replenish her strength.  Nelson also sensed a new group.  It was a very large group of spirits, and one of them said, "We are hobos.  When you see us, you make fun of us."  The table discussed the issue, agreeing that these vagabond spirits were very similar to the homeless people in the material world.  These spirits were so needy, they would attach themselves to anyone who would allow it. (Update: Etel had successful cancer surgery on September 25th). 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson said the assembled group had a foul odor, and he was overwhelmed with how many of them were present.  After some persuasion, one of them stepped forward and sat through Nelson.
Spirit: We are everywhere. You think we are crazy, we are not.
Mia: Some of you cheat...
Sonia: You are obsessors, taking over thoughts.
Spirit: You people understand us.  Some people are easy to get to.  They brought us here.  It's a good place?
Sonia: There is positive energy.
Spirit: Guides brought us, they have done a collection.  It's time for peace.  I don't want to be confused anymore (the spirit began to cry).  I am so tired...
Sonia: You will find peace...
Denise: We are here to help you.
Spirit: Do you understand?  We drift.  I'm so tired.  We go here, we go there.  We like those who give us drinks.
Sonia: That's not the best thing for you...
Spirit: It makes us not as crazy.  You have no idea how many of us there are - so many, just sitting, standing.  (pause)  Some of us need medicine (drugs).  Now they say we won't need that anymore?  When you see us, don't laugh.  You don't know the stories, the demons we deal with.  I have my own.  They will take them away?  My mind will be mine?  (The spirit began to cry again, this time because he was happy)  Sorry.  Some of us are happy and some of us (hobo spirits) belong to all of you (referring to the table).  All of us will go.  We are 185 hobo's.
Jeff: Does that include you?
Spirit: No. The 185 are all seated.  Standing up there are 349.  Those over in that corner - drinking - they are a bigger group of 620.  My group...this group of mine.  Our minds are not ours (the spirit gestured as if injecting narcotics into his arm).  We are the biggest group, 909.
Sonia: You came to the right place.
Spirit: They do this once in a while, cleansing and relocating to a better place.  When you see one of us, give us help.  Understand who we are.  Just say, 'Someone will help you'.  I cannot be here too long.  Look at that, they are bringing nice cars, look at them.  To take us to the hospital...
As the spirit departed, the table discussed the "hobo spirits" and Jeff shared a story of a homeless man he saw sleeping on the sidewalk a day ago.  Initially disgusted, when Jeff walked by the same spot later, he noticed that someone had purchased apple juice and set it near the man.  At first it seemed as if the apple juice was just enabling the homeless man to make himself more comfortable on the sidewalk, but now Jeff realized that offering something - even if it was only understanding - was a better solution than just walking by with disgust.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The spirit of Don Polo (a frequent presence at our table) had arrived and he spoke from his position behind Nelson, saying, "I didn't forget about you".  When we last met, Don Polo gave our table an assignment - asking us to hug and forgive someone.  He wanted us to go around the table now and share our experiences with this "compromise" so that we could learn from each other.  Don Polo said that he had brought other spirits with him who wanted to hear our stories and observe our table.  As soon as Nelson finished sharing his story, Don Polo changed positions and sat through him:
Spirit: It's nice to be able to come back.  It's so easy to judge others, but it's hard to understand them.  You can all do different assignments.  You know, I was around all of you when you did this assignment.  I go everywhere, and I am always with him (Nelson).  It was a small assignment, but the accomplishment was big.  The hearts and minds that you changed will compensate you in many other ways.  We are watching and observing.  Try to become a more caring, loving, understanding human being.  (pause)  Appreciate your own lives when you see hobos.  Try harder to understand that other place you go (the Spiritist Society lectures).  We are moving them in the right direction.  I've been there, observing like you, and taking notes like you.  Change will come, but slowly.  (looking at Denise)  Things will get better for you.  Be patient and understand others.  Control your thoughts, and learn to say, "Not now".  (addressing the entire table)  There is a new assignment for next week.  We are planning something different.  So go out - and have another week.  Try to help all that you meet.  Give them a smile, and you will find inner peace.  While we were talking, I have gotten a group of spirits together from this table that I will take with me.  There are 45 spirits belonging to everyone at this table.  Here is something for next week.  I want everyone to ask me any question you want.  Just one question.  I think we are done for today?  We are, you can close.
Mia closed with a prayer.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Chicago - September 28, 2014

In attendance: Denise, Jeff, Marisol, Nelson and Sonia 
Marisol's uncle, a former director of a Chicago spiritist center, passed away on Friday.  We read the prayer for the recently departed and reminisced about his life and work while he was with us.  Nelson sensed hundreds of spirits patiently lined up, waiting to be heard at his now closed center.  One of them asked,  "Where are we going to go now?"  The conversation fluctuated between English and Spanish.  Nelson also realized that Marisol's uncle had not yet fully crossed over into the spiritual realm, as he was worried about his former center, all the spirits who still needed his help, and his own progression.  Nelson heard him asking, "So what now?"  Nelson told the table that we still needed to pray for him in order to move him forward on his transition.  As for the assembled spirits who were lined up, a group leader was stepping forward, with bloody knuckles from his incessant knocking on the closed doors of the closed center. 
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  As the spirit sat though Nelson, he said, "You are so nice, so kind.  I would knock before, and we had a good communication (with Marisol's uncle and his center).  Nobody answers my knock now.  Is the door closed? ¿Qué lugar? (Spanish for "What place?").  Is there another door?  I have many friends with me..."  Sonia explained to the spirit that he and his friends were now welcome at our door.  The spirit noticed a "senora"  who had traveled with them, and he wondered who she was.  The table determined that it was Marisol's grandmother, the mother of her uncle.  She had guided this group of spirits to our location.  The spirit was thirsty, and he asked for water as his conversation continued: "A new door?  Lugar.  We are confused, looking for him (the uncle) and we cannot find him.  His place was filled with spirits.  We were sad now because the door would not open.  Do you know how many we are?  We are 1,923."  After some persuasion from the table, the spirit and his group decided to leave with Marisol's grandmother.
Marisol's grandmother remained behind to address our table from a position behind Nelson.  She wanted us to know that it was, "good to know that I can continue my job."  She explained that in addition to helping the group of spirits find their way to our door, she had appeared for another purpose - to help her son with his transition.  "But I had to do the work first, so he can wait," she said gently.  Nelson described her as very pleasant and funny, and Marisol explained that her grandmother was a medium and a healer when she was in the material world.  She used to receive remedies for health issues in her dreams, and she would share these remedies with anyone who needed them.  She expressed how happy she was that Marisol was continuing to work, and she wanted to let her know that eventually a door to another spiritual center would open for her when she was ready.  She added, "In the meantime, you have this.  Keep working.  Put your house in order." 
Nelson sensed something for "La", an 84 year old daughter of Marisol's grandmother who was living in Puerto Rico.  "I go to La and I talk to her," the grandmother said, "but she will not do what I say.  She's very stubborn."  The spirit said that La was not well (and Marisol agreed).  The spirit advised Marisol to visit La in Puerto Rico, and she promised to be with Marisol on the entire journey.  "Next time, let me sit," the grandmother told Nelson. "Sometimes the problems with mediums is that they think they have nothing to learn.  You are going to learn a lot from me," she advised sweetly.  Marisol's grandmother also told us that she continues to do her job, but she has been looking for someone to receive and write messages from her to help others.  It would be similar to what she did when she was in the material world.  She seemed frustrated with her inability to find someone, describing her ongoing efforts with a Spanish word for "crap" or "nonsense".  As this spirit prepared to leave us to tend to Marisol's uncle (her son), she explained his situation.  His spirit was no longer in his material body, but it had not been fully removed either - it hovered or floated over his body.  Marisol's grandmother explained that this was a process we all must experience, and she left. 
Denise's eyeglasses fell from her face and landed on the table.  A new spirit had arrived, and this was his way to be noticed - even though he was not yet ready to sit.  Nelson asked Denise about her ongoing "war" with her father, and Denise explained that her father was not taking care of himself.  His living arrangements left a lingering smell in his room that Denise could not tolerate.  She described it as, "the smell of death."  Nelson felt as if Denise's dad had given up and that he wanted to go, and Denise agreed.  Nelson advised Denise not to fight with her father, as his choices were not her business.  As difficult as it might be to see him making poor decisions, they were still his choices, not hers.  Sonia wondered, "Why are we holding on to all this stuff?"  Marisol said the spirit of Denise's father, " has given up," and Nelson agreed, as he was shown the father's room as the setting for a funeral. 
Nelson believed that the house should be completely aired out, with the windows and doors left open.  He sensed layers of "catacombs" being built within the fumes of the dark, dank air and the rank smell of the father's surroundings only encouraged this atmosphere.  Marisol asked Denise if she was able to relocate to a studio apartment or to move in with a roommate.  She sensed that Denise needed to find a safe space for herself within the house if no other arrangements could be made.  Denise was working on it, and Marisol cautioned that the safe space was not just for Denise's physical health, it was also to protect her spirit.  Denise shared some of her health issues with the table.  Marisol realized that Denise was an "emotional eater," and Denise agreed.  Nelson strongly recommended that Denise have her stomach checked - by a new doctor, not her current specialist.  There was something there.  A spirit spoke through Nelson in an urgent tone, advising: "Listen!  You have been given a message!  Find a new doctor.  Call as soon as you can."  The table realized that a spirit had slipped into Nelson to speak as he told Denise, "Something is not right...."
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The spirit started speaking briefly in Spanish, and then he switched to English:
Spirit: I am not leaving that place.
Denise: What is the reason for you to be there?
Spirit: I am not talking to you.  (The spirit moved Nelson's hands behind his back, as if he were being restrained by someone)  Why are they holding me back?
Marisol: Listen to the kind spirits around you...
Spirit: I like it quiet.  I was doing what I need to do.
Marisol: Do you feel better (for what you have done)?
Spirit: No.  I'm a mess.  Look at me.  But we find what we are looking for and then we do not want to leave.
Marisol: You belong in the spirit world.
Spirit (angry, and struggling in his seat):  Why are they holding me back?
Marisol: Your intentions are not good.
Spirit:  They brought me here,  Under arrest!   They took me.  I was not finished.  (pause)  You know I don't like him (referring to Denise's father).  He is not nice, and not kind.  Not good.
Marisol: We have to forgive.
Spirit (noticing the guide who is with him):  He says I have to go.
Marisol: And forgive, so that you can move on.
Spirit (sighing): I'll leave him alone.  I've done enough.  Me and my group.
Jeff: How many are in your group?
Spirit: How old is he?  (pause)  We are 79, one for every year.  It's a house of nuts.
The spirit departed, and Marisol told Denise to protect herself.  She should not be responsible for anyone else, because if she takes on the responsibilities of the others in her household, Denise is the one who will be sick.  Denise was advised to pray for protection and to push away the negativity when it arises.  "You have protection if you ask for it," Marisol reminded her.
Marisol also sensed that Nelson was undecided about something.  Nelson explained that although he loved his family in Puerto Rico, he is often called upon to resolve most of their problems.  After he helped them with an issue or situation, there wasn't any change in behavior, and no responsibility on their part.  The cycle repeats and repeats.  Marisol saw the situation as, "very heavy," and she cautioned that like Denise, these recurring situations "do not belong to you, Nelson."  Nelson sensed a group of madames surrounding his mother.  They felt lost and unable to work.  One of them sat through Nelson.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  The madame was very animated, and she spoke in Spanish.  She clapped her hands and told us she wanted to "open doors".  She explained that she "worked differently."  She described her good works as "carrying on when we are ordered to."  She explained that she was always around Nelson's mother, and described herself as "very strong."  She often had to "do things behind the scenes, as some things cannot be said."  She saw the situation in Puerto Rico as, "They have a party, but nothing gets done."  The madame also understood that "a bigger place was needed" (for our sessions), and she demanded to know, "Where are all the people?"  She urged Nelson to be calm and tranquil in regards to his family, repeating "calma" in Spanish several times.  "Take it easy," she cautioned, "It will all come when it should, one step at a time."  She sensed that Nelson was not sleeping well some weekends, and she wanted him to know that he "was not the salvation for his entire family."  The madame said that their situations were "in their own hands," just as Nelson's work was in his hands.  She continued:  "The salvation of your mother is in her hands, it's her responsibility.  Each person is responsible for their own being."  She explained that her group knew that they were spirits, and they knew what they were doing.  The madame also said that she enjoyed working with Nelson and guiding him, "because he does good things".  The madame described Nelson as a "good guy" and told the table that she was going to "cleanse him too."  She described herself as wearing a white turban, and explained that she was with a group of, "eight madames and one director," adding quickly, "But we do not like titles."  She said her group was "all dressed in white, and the white turban is our flag."  Once the madame had finished cleansing Nelson, "so that he can continue to work," she and her group left quietly.  The table discussed her presence.
Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  Marisol's spirit guide arrived, and she wanted to use Marisol to give passes to Denise.  (Note: Marisol's spirit guide is also a madame)  The passes were lengthy and intense. Marisol also stood behind Jeff, explaining that he might be lonely sometimes, but he was well loved.  She sensed a sadness in his heart, that "you don't show your partner."  Once she was reseated, Marisol's spirit guide spoke to the group in Spanish.  She was a powerful presence.  After she left, our table discussed the possibility of meeting anytime for a reunion/session, whenever the need arose.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): The spirit of Don Polo spoke from behind Nelson, promising to return again at our next session.  He wanted to remind us that our "questions were always good."  Referencing an earlier conversation in the living room before our session, Don Polo wanted the group to know that the spirit of Nelson's aunt (Norma) was with him, and she was very busy learning.  She was smiling, looking at Nelson and missing him, fondly remembering the work they did together.  Jeff thought that the two of them would eventually work together again.  Nelson saw Norma as "protected," as if she were inside a bubble, and he realized that her energy level was very different from his own at this time, so she had to be separated.  Nelson heard Norma when she said, "Keep doing it."
Don Polo said that the reunion could be closed.  There was more work to do, but that work would be done in the background on the spiritual side.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

Monday, March 14, 2016

How Many Spirit Guides Do We Have?

Do we have just one guide, a dozen, or hundreds?  Do we need to find a way to communicate with all of them?

Your spirit guides are a collective energy.  We all have more than one guide, but it would be difficult to determine how many.  The quantity of the spirit guides around us is not as important as understanding why they are there. The spirit guides around us are varied, and they are in place to give us guidance - if we learn to listen and trust them.  These are the basic categories:

- Life Guides: These spirit guides stay with us for our entire life.  They are extremely familiar with the life plan we agreed to before our reincarnation, and they have agreed to help us along on our path.  There is very little chance that these guides would depart from us during our lifetime - but it does happen. 

- Part Time: These guides are less dominant in our lives.  They are often around to help with a certain aspect of our lives, such as relationships, career paths, or health concerns.  These guides may not belong only to you, they may be assisting multiple people.

- Temporary Guides: These guides show up to assist us with a specific task or crisis.  They are usually brought in by our dominant (main) spirit guide for additional support because they have experience or expertise in the situation we are enduring.

- Main Spirit Guide: A guide who was specifically assigned to us.  If we are elevated enough, we may have negotiated the relationship when were in the spirit world.  Our main spirit guide has many roles.  For the mediums, this guide functions as a filter for other spirits, ushering in the various energies while keeping the medium safe.  If we establish a strong connection to our main spirit guide, it is easier for him or her to select other guides to assist us in navigating the maze of our human lives.  

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...