Saturday, May 6, 2017

Puerto Rico - May 6, 2017

In attendance: Bey, Carmen, Christine, Eva, Helvia, Ivan, Jeff, Junior, Lizette, Lourdes, Luis, Mary, Milagros, Nestor, Nelson, Nilka, Normita, Nydia, and Rina
Nelson expressed his thanks to the group for their support in March during the transition of his mother back to the spirit world.  Nelson shared a story of Erika (from the Chicago sessions) and how her persistence and faith paid off after several months of trying to get an X-ray that was advised by Caballito.  He also reminded Mary that she was advised in January to take life easier - and she still has not learned that lesson. 
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nydia and Nelson): There was a male spirit present for Mary, and he was causing Nelson to cough violently.  Nydia was also envisioning another spirit connected to Mary who presented himself as a dog, because that was the way that Mary was being treated by her family.  The two spirits took turns speaking.  The spirit with Nydia was angry and vengeful, and he drew deep breaths as he spoke - similar to a dog panting.  Mary and Junior counseled the two spirits:
Nelson's spirit (hitting the table):  De espalda!  (so backwards)  What is this pain?
Nydia's spirit: The pain of suffering.
Nelson's spirit:  That's a meal for her (Mary).  And I am not leaving until it's over.
Nydia's spirit (to Mary): Do you want to know my name? 
Mary: Is it Angel (Mary's husband)?
Nydia: Yes!!  Angelito!  But he is not an angel.  She takes care of everything while he live an enjoyable life.  If she gets sick, none of them will help her.  She (Mary) has been given many messages (laughed) and now she is my friend!
Mary: I have been cleaning in my house for three weeks, trying to remove you...
Nelson: I am like dust (blows air out) and just when you think I am gone, I is back.  Angelito is a criminal!   Juntos!  Together!  There will be no tranquility in that house, no calm with a criminal! 
Nydia: Because she is involved in everything she should not be involved with.
Junior:  Let's open a door of happiness for you - a new opportunity to progress.
Nydia: We area group of black madame's - and we are leaving.
Nelson: No.  Not with those two criminals together.  (pause)  This guy (the spirit guide) is bothering me a lot.  He is worse than dust (demonstrated by blowing air again).  We are four, and we will all go.
Nelson asked Normita about her husband, and she shared that he was not well, and he was uncertain as to what was going on.  She said he sensed spirits, and there was one particular spirit that would completely take him over.  When that spirit arrived, his mood changed completely.  His anger was so strong that the rest of the family would leave the house.  The mediums had some suggestions:
Nelson:  Invite him here to a session.
Nydia: His life is "too material." 
Mary (firmly): Is he waiting for a written invitation? 
Helvia was sensing a spirit, but she was reluctant to let it sit.  Nelson advised her, "Little by little, just let it happen.  This is your family.  Spirit work is a combination of a guide and a medium.  What are you sensing?
Helvia: Energy.  And I don't think it's my mother...
Nelson:  It's your guide.  Let go completely...
Nydia recommended that Helvia read the book written by Mary and Etel from Argentina to help.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nilka saw some old clothing in a corner and it was related to Lizette.  Nelson asked her how many children she had (2), and he sensed the spirit that Nilka felt was related to the daughter.  Nelson said, "She has another mother, and it's not you.  It's a spirit who wants to be her mother instead of you."  (as he spoke, the spirit moved into Nelson):
Spirit (to Lizette): That girl is not yours.  She is mine!  Mine!  She's my child!
Junior (to Lizette):  What is her name?
Lizette: Camilla
Junior (to the spirit):  Is that the one you are looking for?
Spirit (annoyed):  I don't care what you call her, SHE IS MINE!  (Note: In The Spirits' Book, Kardec advised that asking a spirit for a specific name was not a reliable coaching method.  The spirits identify humans by their energies - not by human names.)  She's my child!  No, nunca!  MINE!
Junior: You are a spirit, and she was your child in a past existence.
Spirit: No, she is my child.  I do not like her (Lizette)!  I am an intelligent person, and I know what is mine. 
Junior: You are a spirit, you are not material.  There is a division.  You need a school, to progress.
Spirit: What I need is to separate my daughter from her
Normita: You do not have a body!  She has a body.
Spirit (tearfully):  But she talks to me.  It touches my heart!
Normita: She has another family in this existence.
Spirit (more tears):  That is difficult to accept.  How can I say goodbye? 
Normita:  You can come back later - after you progress and learn - and see her again.
Spirit: I want to give her a kiss.  Adios my child, adios.
Junior: How many are with you?
Spirit (sadly): One.  Only me.
As Nelson was recovering, Nilka sensed that Lizette's daughter thought something was wrong with her, as she felt the motherly spirit presence around.  "Ask your daughter if she is suffering," Nilka advised, "She wants to talk about it."  Nelson added, "Only when her suffering ends will she find true happiness."
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Nydia):  Nydia sensed a spirit that was having an effect on Lourdes.  As she mentioned it, Nydia and Lourdes both began to cry:
Spirit: So much pain.  Dolor!  (rocking back and forth and holding herself)  Help me, help me, I am all alone with all this pain!  (Nilka moved to Lourdes to comfort her, while Mary stood behind Nydia, as it became apparent that the spirit with Nydia was a reflection of how Lourdes was feeling.)
Spirit (painfully): Aye, aye, aye.  This is terrible.  Dolor, dolor.  Such pain.
Nelson: You are not alone.  Look around you.  Your brothers and your father are all here.  (to Lourdes)  There is a spirit with your spouse.  (to the spirit with Nydia)  You do not have a body to experience that suffering. 
Spirit (the crying intensified for the spirit and Lourdes):  Life!  What a life I am living.  I want to go.  I will go!  This is difficult, so difficult.  We are 27.  (The spirit had a painful departure, and Nydia's guide arrived to cleanse and energize her.)
Spirits 6 & 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide stepped forward to address Lourdes directly:
Caballito (very stern):  You cannot permit this.  There are difficulties with your spouse, which is why you feel alone (Lourdes agreed).  This is a distinct pain, and you know where it comes from.  Clean yourself, and clean that house.  Clear away the imperfections with tranquility and compassion.  NOBODY is alone!  The spiritual help continues regardless of how involved you are with the material world issues.  Lourdes, accept your troubles with love.  Your family is around you, there is no reason to be tormented.  Have a life of love and spiritism, and you will live in harmony.  Has your husband been to a doctor?
Lourdes: He has a lot of pain - mucho dolor.  It's affecting me a lot, and I also lost my mother...
Caballito: Are you the only one here who has lost a mother?
Junior: When those things happen, you reach out to family.
Caballito was showing Nelson the spirit who was with the husband of Lourdes.  The spirit described himself as "a dictator," and he was influencing the husband to act the same way.  Nydia said, "He was a dictator in a previous life, and he is a dictator now..."
Spirit (arriving through Nelson):  Yo digo (I say it)!  I am the dictator!  Do what I say.  No one refuses me!  (standing)  I know I am a spirit, and this is MY WORK, to make her (Lourdes) suffer alone. 
Lourdes:  Completely correct.  There is a lot of pain.
Spirit (mischievously): It's a special pain.  In a format just for you.  No other opinions are permitted!  (to the group)  My question to you is why am I here?  (hit the table)  Why?
Junior: Why do you want to control things?  No more.
Spirit: Listen, they opened the door.  It's crazy, completely crazy.  Do you want to know more?  Should I open up my suitcase?  There's a joven in there.  Juan Pablo is his name.
Nydia (to Lourdes): Find some light in your house...
Spirit: She will only find herself on the floor!  (pause)  I'm tired, I want to be free of them.  Let them think on their own.  (to Lourdes)  Don't invite me back, and I will end my work.  (forcefully, almost yelling)  Is that what you want?  Tranquillity?  (yes)  Do you want to know who will go with me?  It's a large group.  There are six, of us and we are with 32 nuns, and 44 children from the nuns.  Thank you for listening.  Adios.
Caballito returned to refresh Nelson after the difficult dictator spirit.  As he worked, he addressed Rina:
Caballito:  How is your daughter?  How is Mirelsa?
Rina: I talk with her frequently, and I see the progress in her recuperation.
Caballito: Really?  What is the condition of her appetite?
Rina: She is doing well.
Caballito: Physically?  Is she in pain?
Rina: She's between this existence and the past.  She's not interested in anything.
Caballito: Can I ask you a favor?  Do you and your spouse, her father (Junior) discuss her condition?  (there was no response, and Caballito became very strong and adamant)  The two of you have equal responsibility for her, and that doesn't end now that she is older.  She is still your child.  Can this friend of mine (Nelson) visit her one day with the two of you?  You will not be alone, and it will be very difficult work, but I can help with the spiritual side of it.  We need a spiritual extraction, and I will ask for some help from my good friend, Don Polo.  (Junior began to tear up)  Can it be arranged?  Jeff, you can go, but stay in the car.  You will be the driver.  Tell him (Nelson) that you will drive.  He will tell you that he will drive, but tell him I said it should be you.
Caballito was forceful and direct, and he spoke in a loud tone that demanded respect.  He asked for a towel, but Jeff forgot to bring one, and we could not locate one in Junior's house.  As the towel search continued, Caballito asked Nelson's father how he was holding up.  He said he was okay and coping.
Caballito: It will two years of spiritual progression for that friend (Nelson's mom).  It's a lot of time, but she will not be alone.  None of you in that family will be alone.  You know your mother, she wants to do it all, right away, in a hurry (pricita or rapidly). 
A towel was finally located and Caballito asked Ivan to step forward.  Nelson later shared that he told Caballito he was too exhausted to do any kind of healing, and Caballito showed him a vision of Ivan crying in a corner, all alone, and wanting to check out of his life.  Caballito asked Nelson, "So, shall we just leave him like that?"
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Caballito explained to the group that they would witness something new.  There was the spirit of a priest with Ivan, and this spirit was being punished with a penance that involved him standing upright for a very long period of time.  Ivan said his right leg felt numb, and that was what the spirit wanted - to slowly numb Ivan with pain until he gave up.  Caballito asked Ivan to grab one end of the towel while he held the other end.  He silently told Nelson that the spirit would be transferred from Ivan to Caballito.  Once that happened, Caballito would leave quickly with the spirit.  The procedure was very loud and very difficult for Caballito.  He twisted and grimaced in pain as the spirit moved into him.  Caballito shouted with agony, and then he and the spirit both disappeared.
Spirit 9 (via Nydia):  There was a spirit influencing Nestor, and Nydia gave him some advice: 
Nydia:  Your decisions now must be clear, transparent, and easily understood by everyone.  The more you think, the less you act.  Be firm, and decide.  (Note: Nestor was facing issues at work, with his ex-wife, his daughter, his family time with his father and his girlfriend.  He was trying to please everyone, but they were all angry or disappointed with him.)
Nestor:  It's strong, it's difficult.
Nydia:  But it's with you.  Create harmony in your life.
(Nilka was seeing the spirit of a woman, and she was acting coy and modest in order to attract Nestor's interest.  She was in an English-speaking Catholic Church, and she was reaching out for something sweet  or dulce, but she could not stretch far enough to reach it.
Mary:  Are you looking for a light?  It's hot,  Burning!
Nelson (to Nilka):  Don't be afraid to say what need to be said.
Spirit (speaking to Nestor through Nilka):  Hello, my love.  (stood up to reach out)  I want to go to him...
Nelson: No,  Instead, why don't you talk to us, and tell us about your energy.
Spirit (sad and wistful): I like it.  I like him.  What what is going on?  I need to be with him (playfully stroking and plying with her face).  It would be wonderful...
Nelson:  You have something with you, what is that?
Spirit: It's nothing.
Nelson: Its a knife (switchblade).
Spirit: I want to use it on her! 
Junior: She's not responsible.
Spirit (laughing):  I'm with her! (snapped her fingers)  He's happy with me! 
Nestor: No, no, no.
Nelson: Why do you really have that knife?
Spirit: To control him.  I'm the one that makes her cry.  Let him be with me!
Nelson:  Take that hand they are offering you.  It's a tranquil road for you, with happiness.
Spirit: My happiness is with him (started to cry), only with him.  It hurts.  It's hurts to be alone. 
Nelson: Your time with him has passed.  (all the mediums stood up as the spirit departed)
Nilka told Nestor that the spirit was with him, in his house.  Nelson added, "And anything can happen in a moment of anger." 
Nelson asked Milagros how the situation was with her daughter.  (Note: Her boyfriend was arrested and he blamed the daughter for turning him in.)
Nelson: Where is her ex?  Just because she doesn't see him, the problems with him are not over.  Be cautious.  She has a brother, correct? 
Milagros:  Yes, she has two.
Nelson:  There is one who looks out for her and one who is tired of her.  He feels that all she does is make mom (Milagros) cry - and he wants to be done with her.  If she wants to go out for a beer, she should have it at home.  She is better off alone.  There are difficult spiritual issues around him.
Milagros:  I understand it is a process that requires precaution. 
The group recited the closing prayer in unison.

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