Sunday, May 14, 2017

Puerto Rico - May 14, 2017

In attendance: Bey, Christine, Diego, Eva, Ivan, Jeff, Junior, Lourdes, Luis, Nelson and Nydia
Prior to the opening prayer, there was a group discussion on how everyone was responsible for their own actions and destiny (that conversation became the central theme of our session).  After the opening prayer, Eva read a prayer for mothers and Lourdes read Kardec's prayed for the mothers who have passed on.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Diego about his dad's condition, and he responded that it was not good, but he was uncertain over that the doctor said.  The conversation continued:
Nydia (regarding the health of Diego's dad): It's his responsibility - nobody else.  It starts and ends with him.
Diego:  He likes to be in control, to give lectures.
Nelson:  I am seeing a plantation.  It's in Spain.  He was the owner, and he had many workers.  Whatever he said, it was done (and he expected the same response in his current life).  On this plantation, if someone did not do what he said, he fed them worms.  They had to swallow the worms alive, so the worms would slowly eat away at the insides of the person.  That's why he has lost half of his intestine, and if he doesn't change, he will lose more.  The two of you (Ivan and Diego, his son in this life) were with him.  Ivan, you were just below him, and you took over the plantation.  He resented that, which is why in this life he thinks that Ivan has nothing from him - appearance, the way he acts.  (Nelson began to choke, and it was hard for him to swallow.  He felt like vomiting)  Diego, he sees you differently than Ivan.  You like to do things that no none can see.  Keep secrets (Nelson demonstrated by hiding his face in a corner of the tablecloth.  There was more violent coughing, and a spirit arrived to sit through Nelson.  He looked at the floor as he spoke:)
Spirit: Demon!  Devil!  Where is that demon (the father)?  Such a criminal.  Where is he hiding?  Criminal!  I'm his friend, I am his very good friend.  (Junior coached the spirit until he was calmer)
Spirit: My primary concern is with the meal.  We were three 'Los Brisas' (the last name of the father, Ivan and Diego in their prior life), we were numbered I, II, III.  Now I have a hunger and I cannot eat.  (began to cry with pain)  Aye, aye, aye.  What a devil!  So evil.  The doctors cannot stop the pain.
Eva: Its a manifestation of cause and effect.
Junior: How many in your group? (15)  All of you are invited to a school to learn...
The spirit left suddenly with his group.  Nydia recommended a prayer, and Junior added, "He needs to get on the right road." 
Spirit 2 (via Nydia): Nydia's spirit guide arrived with some words for our group:
Spirit (very valiant): God bless you.  My spirit is happy with the work.  It's a constant evolution.  This was a demonstration of cause and effect, and the need to study spiritism. You need the correct instructions for your lives, for happiness.  It's freedom (somos libres).   It's not physical, it's emotional.  We are all prisoners of our own thoughts and actions because we are unwilling to change.  It's an evolutionary process.  I want to thank all of you...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson was idly staring at a hill, and as he watched, it slowly became a mountaintop.
Nelson (to Christine):  I'm not interested in looking, but I see you on that mountain - nude.  You are breathing in the fresh air, and you are very happy.  You are communicating with everything around you - talking - and the conversation is very interesting.  Everything is so beautiful, it's like you are having a conversation with God.  There's the spirit of a young girl with you now.  She wants to be your daughter. Her spirit is as free as yours, and she is grabbing your hand.  She's not wearing any shoes, she feels free.  She grabs your hand because she wants to show you things, and she is a very pretty spirit.  She was brought here because she understands that she has to separate herself from you - to start the reincarnation process to be born as your daughter.  It's so beautiful, and she is a very intelligent spirit.  She has been visiting you, but she knows that she cannot do that anymore, as she has to prepare herself (the spirit moved into Nelson):
Spirit (adorably childish):  This is life, this is what I enjoy!  Que linda, que linda la vida!  I want to be with you, but (distracted) mira.  Mira, what a flower!  Look!  Such nectar!  What a beautiful mountain. I am very content to have this opportunity to ask you something.  I talk to you a lot, and you never hear me.  (the spirit began to cry as she realized that what she wanted to tell Christine was that she had to leave her to prepare to be born as her daughter)  I have been with you a long time, and our habits are the same.  We both twirl our curly hair (demonstrated).  There's a man here telling me that I will see you again soon.  So I'm not sad, and I won't say goodbye, I will say, 'see you soon'.  I leave with happiness.  That's my name - Felicidad!  So I leave, because I can tell you that I will see you soon...
The light, happy spirit left on a soft breeze as it was blowing.  It was apparent that if Christine agreed, this bright spirit would become her daughter.  Nelson was energized and gratified.  He attributed it to the spirit of the little girl, explaining that his process was for his spirit to step aside to allow another spirit to use his energy to speak.  The spirit used Nelson's energy for something good, and it left him refreshed.
Spirit 4 (via Nydia): Nelson asked Lourdes how her husband was doing, and she said he was improving:
Nelson: Improving mentally?
Lourdes: It depends on the situation.
Nelson: I'm asking about his mental condition not with you - or the kids - with himself.
Lourdes: It's good.  He knows it's a process, but it's difficult - serious.
Nydia: He didn't accept what happened (as she spoke, a very authoritative spirit sat through Nydia)
Spirit: I don't accept this!  Why is this happening to ME?  What do I do with my pride?  Explain it! 
Nelson:  There are some material things that are a part of every life.
Spirit (cried with Nydia's head on the table):  All my efforts, for such a long time - and look how I am treated! 
Junior: Those things are not important.
Spirit (still crying):  but it hurts, it hurts.  It hurts!
Junior: On earth, on this planet, we experience trials of pain.
Spirit (in pain):  Aye-eeh, aye-eeh.  I don't want to go through this.  Why me?  So much pain, aye-eeh.
Junior: Leave the material in the material.
Spirit: What is the cause?  Why me?
Nelson: You have to decide if you want to live with the material or with the spiritual.  Little by little.
Spirit: I am here with 23 friends. Stop the suffering (still crying but more determined).  My spirit!  My soul!  I will leave with my compadres to find some light.  This is terrible.
Nydia had a difficult recovery from passing the spirit.  She advised Lourdes to read the prayer for those who are afflicted.  Nelson advised that Lourdes' husband needed to be more open.  He feels that his life is only between him and Lourdes, and he is suffocating himself because he is not willing to share his concerns.  He needs to stop keeping his problems concealed, and Lourdes should ask him about it.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson was being shown a hierarchy of priests in Spain.  All of them were in colored caps that indicated their rank within the Catholic church.  There was a spirit emerging, and he wore a red cap (to indicate that he was a cardinal). Nobody questioned his decisions, he had complete authority.  He was responsible for making Lourdes' husband (Luis) act the same way.  In his current life, Luis' mother was very religious, and in the past life that Nelson was seeing, she was the Mother Superior at the church with the cardinal.  She never obeyed him, and they fought constantly in that life, and the same pattern was repeating in the current life.  Lourdes was not with her husband in the past life, but his oldest son in this life was there with him.  The older son from this life was a lessor priest who fought with the cardinal in the prior life (and that pattern was also repeating in their current life together). 
(Note: Jeff realized that we had visited this past life before at a Chicago session.  Luis was the cardinal in charge, his oldest son was a priest working under him, and his youngest son was a new priest hiding young boys from abuse.) 
In his current life, Luis believed that all of his children never listened to anything he said, they just did what they wanted, and it frustrated him.  Nelson saw him asking someone for a glass of water, and when it arrived, he insisted he asked for 7-Up. The conversation continued:
Nelson: Does he have problems in the stomach area?
Lourdes: No, nothing.
Nelson: It's the pain from his leg - it hurts him in that area.  (Lourdes agreed)  The spirit of the cardinal leaves him alone for a while, and then he brings the pain again.  (Nelson spoke directly to the spirit)  What are you getting from this?  Why do you enjoy bothering him?  (the spirit arrived to respond)
Spirit (angrily hitting things as he spoke):  I need things to be in order!  Its what I say!  It's hot in here, where's the air?  No respect for me here.  Who am I taking to here?  Demons?
Junior: You can say whatever you want here.
Spirit: I have a lot to say!  (the spirit started a rapid tirade in Spanish that lasted for quite a while)  I have to molest him, I have to give him pain.  Dolor!
Junior: Its time to move on.
Spirit: No, no, no!  Not until I take his hand and restore order.  I am very elevated.  I have my prayer book, and this is my work - my God.  When he reads prayers, his ritual, I read my book with him and observe.  When I go there, I go alone.
Lourdes: His mother in his life is very Catholic.
Spirit: That monga!  Nun!  She has too many opinions, and I am disposing of her.  She has to serve only me!  She protects him!  (pause)  This guy (the spirit guide) is talking a lot.  It bothers me.  Maybe we will leave that house.
Junior: How many in your group?
Spirit: There can only be one cardinal, and that is me.  There are seven others who did all the reading and writing for me.
Jeff: You were very important!
Spirit: Except here.  We have six boys...and they..well they did the necessities of the world, if you know what I mean.  And that Mother Superior and her nuns - seven of them.  (pause)  And four kids.  I didn't want to talk about them.
Nydia: Abortions.
Spirit: We had three nuns dedicated to that.  Goodbye.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): The spirit of the cardinal departed abruptly, and Nelson's spirit guide arrive with some advice for Lourdes:
Caballito:  Make mutual decisions.  Not just what he decides, and do not involve your kids.  The two of you need to have harmonious conversations.  He knows what you believe, so it would be okay to ask if you could read a prayer first.  Say, "I want us to be in harmony, so I want to read this first."  You will know which one, just as you know that this is not your brother speaking.
Lourdes: I know.
Caballito:  This is my work, and I need to do it.
Junior: The results are important.
Caballito (to Luis):  Sometimes you wonder where the strengths of those melodies you compose come from.  You are not alone, we are helping write those beautiful things.  None of you are alone.  Don't call us when you are angry, don't make a phone call to us in an angry mood.  We do not answer angry demands.  Call us when you are at peace - and happy.  (to Diego)  You dodged a bullet, and you didn't know who to call.  You called this one (Nelson) and he called me.  You were never alone in that moment of pain.  All you needed was a little bit of faith.  (for Nydia)  How is your pain?
Nydia: Gone.
Caballito:  Would you do a favor for me?  Invite your son.  It would be an invitation for him to join his spiritual family.  (Nydia agreed)  Jeff, is it okay to use you as an example?  (it was)  Jeff understands nothing that is being said here (all the sessions are in Spanish), but when he writes the notes, everyone thinks that he does understand.  (to Jeff)  I want to thank you personally, and that is something I do not do often.  Thank you for allowing him (Nelson) to do his work.  The two of us are one. 
Caballito (to Nelson's father):  You know this is not your son, it's his friend - with a few words.  Nobody is alone, but the idea of being alone is in our thoughts.  Being alone, that feeling is only material.  You are never alone spiritually.  Little by little, learn to accept life.  There are difficult things and it's always changing.  Make good changes.
Bey:  I don't want anything negative.  And the life of my wife?  I call her, and she responds.
Caballito: Why?  She is not here anymore.  It is her friends around her who are responding.  She is involved in a grand plan, and like you, she is not alone.  You asked where she is now.  Its not necessary for your children to visit you, as you are not alone.  I'm going to move to the side.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson began to drip with sweat.  He saw himself in his father's house, and he asked, "Is it this hot in your house?" (it was)  The spirit of a happy madame arrived:
Spirit: Carumba, carumba!  Mi amiga!  I am a black madame, like the rest of my group.  I am in that hot house.  I talk to him, but he never answers.
Junior: He can't hear or understand you.
Spirit (regarding Dona Patria): There is a lot of curiosity over that life.  (to Lourdes)  Your mother did her job, and we were with her until the end.  She was never in pain.  We made sure she was comfortable, and you never heard her complain. 
Eva: It's the sign of an elevated spirit that she suffered without any pain.
Spirit (laughed): Does she know that pain is all over the world?
Junior: Your energy is very strong.
Spirit: I only want her to be tranquil.  It's my work.  Those friends that bothered her are now with me.
Bey: She was the greatest mother in the world who raised four children!
Spirit: She had a black doll that looked like me.  The house was cleaned, but that black doll is still in that room.  Nobody could remove it.  It's not needed anymore.  She was a madame like me, and another madame (the spirit of Norma) brought me in today.  She was a madame like us, and she is very good.  (looked at Nydia)  And you are the same!  He (Nelson) was worried about his arm - for three days!  He put some cream on it (Vics!) but it was me.  I will take 16 madames with me, along with 14 other blacks and four male madames.
The group recited the closing prayer in unison.

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