In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Erika, Emiliano,
Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Marisol,
Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xavier
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): After some coaxing, a forceful spirit sat through Nelson to explain more:
Spirit 4 (via Sonia): When Carmen was passing Cando's spirit, Sonia envisioned Carmen entangled in spider webs. A spirit wanted Carmen to know that her message was similar to the one that Cando delivered:
Caballito returned to close the session with some brief messages from his position behind Nelson:
Caballito asked Erika if the trip to see her brother was planned. Erika said that they would visit Japan and Korea together from mid-November until Thanksgiving. Erika was apprehensive over getting lost or missing a connection, and Caballito wanted to reassure her:
The 900 year old castle is described on travel sites as one of the most haunted places in the world:
The first Lord of the Isles, was named John MacDonald (Lord of the Islay). In my current existence, my true last name is "McDonald" (my mother remarried after I was born). The Lord of Islay looked like this - very similar to how I look now (but with less hair!):
Maricela updated the group on Juanita's condition. There was an
insurance issue with her upcoming treatment at Rush hospital, and Marisol
offered to help expedite the process. Nelson saw a small white amoeba (the
center nucleus circle in the drawing below) that was causing the issue with
Juanita's leg:
Nelson thought that the amoeba was a material world issue with a spiritual
cause. On Friday, Sonia saw a similar situation with both of Juanita's
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): After some coaxing, a forceful spirit sat through Nelson to explain more:
Spirit (rocking in his seat with his hands secured at his waist):
It doesn't matter what you do! Let me go! It's an eye for eye with her, and
she cut my legs! I want to see her the same way. I had to use a walker. I
remember it like it was five minutes ago, and I do not forgive her! I am only
giving her what she gave me - he same amoeba that ate me, I am giving it back to
her. (Marisol counseled the spirit with help from Maricela) There is
no need to tie me up, I cannot walk out of here because I do not have any legs.
She cut them off! Go back (to Juanita in the hospital) and tell her to
suffer. I have no compassion.
Marisol: But she is not the same one, the same person.
Spirit: She is like a monk now, but it's the same person.
Marisol: She is sweet and compassionate now...
Spirit: Not with me! She wanted me to separate myself from something, and
I had to leave. She won that battle - but not this one.
Marisol: It sounds like both of you lost.
Spirit: If I leave her, will I get my legs back? It's shameful that I must
call for help for everything.
Marisol: Just listen to the those guides around you...
Spirit: He was the one who tied me up! but I want to be fine again, so I
don't need help from anyone. (pause) I am convinced, I am getting my legs
back. Now it (Juanita's situation) is not my fault. Good luck with
The spirit doubled over in pain, and left Nelson unable to feel his legs.
Six spirits were removed. Nelson stood up to reestablish the feeling of his
legs. "Spirits who are hateful and want to cause pain are capable of doing
this work," Nelson said. Xavier shared that he had felt flushed and hot right
before the spirit arrived.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen): Carmen was sensing the spirit of
Cando, and he had a brief update for our table:
Spirit: I want to say very little. I am enduring, slowly. I will always
come back (to this group), but my energy is not there yet, so I cannot help
Nelson understood that Cando's visit was encouraged by the removal of the
spirit from last week who set the fire that killed his son and three
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Janet is things had
improved in her house, and she replied that she had a feeling that it would be
better, as her daughter and her family were planning to move out. The
conversation continued as Caballito spoke from his usual position behind
Caballito: Realize that it takes no time at all to get something
dirty, but it's often a long process to get it clean again. Sometimes you have
the solutions in your hand, but they are difficult to implement. Do not feel
bad or think about it twice. A word said correctly is better than one not said
at all.
Nelson was being shown a desert landscape filled with thorny cactus
plants. A small pathway was being opened for Janet to proceed. Although she
might be hesitant with so many thorns in her way, the thorns were soft and
plastic - and they would not cause any injury. Janet was alone on the path, but
Jose could follow her lead once it was established.
Spirit 4 (via Sonia): When Carmen was passing Cando's spirit, Sonia envisioned Carmen entangled in spider webs. A spirit wanted Carmen to know that her message was similar to the one that Cando delivered:
Spirit (strongly): Let go! Your progress is slowing because you are so
busy taking care of other petty issues. No more! Continue the real
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Marisol): While the spirit with
Sonia was speaking, Marisol was also being shown spider webs. These cobwebs
were related to Nelson's niece (Mirelsa). Marisol saw her seated in a corner
with her head bowed, completely covered with a thick layer of spider webs.
Marisol asked why she was in this condition, and she heard a spirit reply,
"Payback." It seemed as if Mirelsa was quickly going downhill, and Marisol saw
the situation as very bad:
Nelson: She is more curious about the life she left behind than the one she
lives in now...
Spirit (jumping into marisol and hitting the table): Devil! Diablo!
Devils are all around me. Oowee, oowee, oowee, I don't want to see. (the
spirit turned the chair around to face the wall) Cover me with a blanket, I'm
dizzy and I want no light. (Nelson saw the spirit huddled in a dark cave filled
with ugly animals) They are coming for me!
Nelson: Today you will see another light. You do not have a body, so you
do not need to be afraid.
Spirit: It's dark in the cave - and I am scared. what am I going to see?
Who can I trust?
Nelson: Talk to my friend (spirit guide). Look, he is clearing away all
those cobwebs so you can see the stars and the light.
Spirit: But what if I come out and something happens? I want to go where I
can't see those things (the spirits who had disguised as deformed animals in the
Nelson: Don't go with me, go with him.
Spirit (after a long pause): I have never seen that light.
Nelson: Because you were selfish - with no compassion for anyone. You and
she (Mirelsa) come form a very dark place.
Spirit: I feel sorry for her now. She is living what we did. I am going
away, to be happy...
A total of 14 spirits were removed, and Nelson understood that his niece
had "no compassion for herself." Sonia started to describe something she was
shown when the spirit sat, but she was interrupted by the arrival of
Marisol's joyful guide. Her spirit guide wanted to celebrate Marisol's "return
to work of her instrument," as she danced and clapped. After she stepped back,
Marisol recommended that Nelson's niece should consume wheat grass juice once a
day. The doses should be divided, with one ounce taken each day. The wheat
grass can be mixed into any juice,and the dosage should gradually increase to
two ounces a day.
Sonia shared that with the spirit for Mirelsa, she was shown a silver lock
with a thick leather strap. Once the spirit was removed, it was unlocked and
Sonia saw a head floating away - and a purple heart.
Nelson asked Janet more about her oldest daughter. Caballito told Nelson
that Janet's granddaughter was able to see spirits, but she has not really told
anyone about it:
Janet: She sees and hears things, but she doesn't know what they
Sonia: She's putting up a front.
Nelson: Has anyone talked to her about spiritism?
Janet: She was raised with it, but she gets scared when I try to talk to
her. They put things into her head, and she acts on it.
Marisol and Nelson understood that suicidal spirits were around the
granddaughter, and Janet confirmed that there was a suicide attempt. The
spirits surrounding this girl were too strong to sit. Prayer was recommended
until next week, combined with a gradual softening up from the spirit
Spirit 7 (via Nelson): Throughout our session, Nelson
noticed the spirit of a very proper woman who was primly seated in a chair near
the back of the room. The woman was formally dressed, and she never moved from
her seat. After observing our session, the proper lady decided to speak. She
was Jeff's mother from a prior life, and she whispered a message regarding his
mother from this life: "Don't get involved." Jeff's mother confused the gas
pedal with the brake earlier today, which resulted in her driving into a wall of
her church:
Spirit (dignified voice): I have done something that I should not have
done, but it was a payback - for something that was stolen from me. (to Jeff)
Don't get involved. I have been protecting you for a long time from that
woman. What are those notes you are taking? Stop it immediately - we have
servants for that. What a horrible paper. Yellow! What happened to
Jeff: What happened to you?
Spirit: I asked first. What manners! I should send you to your room like I used to do. That other one has influenced you. I raised you as my own - she had to go. She was a servant! I felt like I needed to protect you, so she was banished.
Jeff: What happened to you?
Spirit: I asked first. What manners! I should send you to your room like I used to do. That other one has influenced you. I raised you as my own - she had to go. She was a servant! I felt like I needed to protect you, so she was banished.
Jeff: She came back.
Spirit: Who allowed her to do that? She became your mother
again. I almost got rid of her today. I'm afraid that I did something
not very ladylike. You look exactly the same. You even speak and move like
me. Wait, why was I brought here again?
Jeff: To understand that it was another life, another time.
Spirit: To let you go? Oh no, no, no! Give me a second, the servants are
removing my hat. That veil was in my way. They are trying to tell me that I
must let you go. Be cautious, as I will no longer be able to protect you. I
protected you for so long - with all my servants. They called you a lord.
Jeff: Thank you, but it's time to move on. How many servants?
Spirit: Oh, I don't know. I will have to count them, from three castles.
Those servants looked out for you. You deserved the best, even though everyone
was afraid of you. Whenever I had something unpleasant to accomplish, I gave it
to you. There are 48 servants, I have finished the count. They are busy
packing everything up for me to take with me. I must wait while they roll out a
red carpet, as I do not step on the ground. I was only protecting you from
her. (to the servants) Don't forget to roll up that carpet to take with
(Note: Read more about the proper lady and see two of her castles at the end of
this post)
Caballito returned to close the session with some brief messages from his position behind Nelson:
For Marisol's husband (Ernie): From the two law schools he is
considering, the one with the nearest location is the one he really wants. If
he pursues it, we will help clear the way. And again, one day soon, he will
walk in here with you. He no longer feels those energies that were around your
son because they are removed. But now he knows they were real.
(Xavier shared that he had a dream last night about Marisol and her husband
in a car)
Caballito asked Erika if the trip to see her brother was planned. Erika said that they would visit Japan and Korea together from mid-November until Thanksgiving. Erika was apprehensive over getting lost or missing a connection, and Caballito wanted to reassure her:
Caballito: Everything will be fine, and you will have the time of your
life. Do not allow any negative thoughts to intrude. This has been
(spiritually) planned for a very long time, and there will be many good things
from this wonderful trip.
Nelson closed with a prayer.
Note: During her visit, the proper lady hinted that the existence
she shared with Jeff was in Edinburgh, Scotland. The 11th century Edinburgh
castle now houses the crown jewels and the national war museum:
The 900 year old castle is described on travel sites as one of the most haunted places in the world:
The first Lord of the Isles, was named John MacDonald (Lord of the Islay). In my current existence, my true last name is "McDonald" (my mother remarried after I was born). The Lord of Islay looked like this - very similar to how I look now (but with less hair!):

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