Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Chicago - September 11, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  After the opening prayer, Nelson read the Prayer for the Recently Deceased, and just as he did last week, Caballito extended the prayer once it was finished.  Nelson had been smelling smoke from a fire all morning - as if wood was burning.  After a short discussion prior to being seated at the table, it was determined that what Nelson was smelling was related to a house fire that took four lives.  Marisol's uncle who was now in the spirit world (Cando) was married with one son when he and his wife divorced.  Cando remarried, and his first wife (Olga) had additional children with another man.  After a while, Olga was planning to leave the father of her children, as she was considering a return to Cando.  If the father could not be with Olga and her children, he wanted to assure that no one would ever be with any of them - so he deliberately set the house on fire, and he watched as the family burned to death.  This man later died in another fire, crawling on the floor in an attempt to escape.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  The spirit of the arsonist was present, and he was the reason for Nelson experiencing the thick stench of smoke. Nelson was shown an image of the mother trying to shield her children by covering them with her arms.  Maricela had a similar vision of the family huddled together in a corner, and she said that we could not help them until we helped the spirit of the man who caused the fire.  It was difficult for Nelson to let such a criminal use his body and energy.  Caballito gently explained that the spiritual repercussions from the man setting the fire were excruciating.  The four lives lost in the fire were reliving their last moments over and over, the man who set the fire was still burning, and Cando's spirit was unable to progress, as his son died in the fire.   Nelson began crying in agony as the spirit arrived:
Spirit (remorseful): Aye, aye, aye.  The things we do that we can't take back.  I would do anything to take it back, and I can't!  (sobbed)  How are they going to forgive me?  How?  How can I ever move away from being burned?
Jeff: You need to understand why you are burning.
Marisol: Ask for forgiveness and support to redeem your soul.
Spirit: I see them.  I see them and I want to go to my knees and say how sorry I am for what I've done.  I know they (the spirit guides) are going to take me, but I want to ask for forgiveness.  I wasn't willing to share what I thought was mine.  How wrong.  I thought this way no one else would ever have her.  I've been tormented, I haven't had one second of peace.  It's an eternal fire. 
Marisol: God is merciful. 
Spirit (shaking his fists up and down in front of his chest):  They told me that some of you here knew her, so I wanted to say I was sorry, I am so sorry!
Marisol: Ask for a way to redeem your spirit.
Spirit: I know my time here is short.  I can liberate them, those I harmed.  (pause)  They are free now, but I will never be free.  (listening to the good guides near him)  If they are free, then one day I can be free? 
The spirit jumped in his seat and left.  Nelson was shaking, but the smoke smell had vanished.  Janet shared that after he lost his son in the fire, a change came over Cando - as he felt guilty over not being able to save his son or the others lost in the fire.
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  A new spirit was emerging, and it was related to Denise and Lisa, her troubled niece.  On Wednesday, Lisa set Denise a text implying that she was going to end her life:
Spirit (authoritative): I need your attention, everyone needs to pay attention to me.  I am almost done!
Nelson: What is your message, my friend?
Spirit (insistent): Denise needs to take care of me!  I'm always here.  I do not have a body, but I can do a lot of damage.  (Denise began to cry as she understood the impact this spirit had on her niece
Denise: My attention was with you.
Nelson: Lisa is an adult, she has to take care of herself.  (to Denise) Neither one of you can stop the other.
Spirit: I am just starting with her...I want to see her all chopped up.  She will not let go of that knife she has with her.  Chop her up in small pieces.  Ouch, I have a pain in my neck!  We are going to that hospital...
Carmen's guide ushered the spirit out and sat briefly to cleanse Carmen.  Nelson was being shown that this spirit died by hanging herself from a tree.  She had 12 other spirits with her - six who had mental issues and six others who did not.  When Denise found Lisa, she was clutching a tree branch that extended over the river.  Nelson was shown that the water she was attempting to drown herself in wasn't even as deep as her waist.  Lisa needed to stay on her medication and if she did not, she needed psychological help or an institution.  Caballito returned to explain that Lisa never had any intention of ending her own life. 
Sonia had been shown things while the spirits of the arsonist and the suicide spirit were seated, and she wanted to share them with the table. With the spirit who caused the fire, Sonia saw the silhouette of a lady standing behind the male, with her hand on his shoulder - as if she forgave him.  Sonia could not see their faces, and Nelson said it was because their faces were burned off.  Sonia also saw the tree that Lisa was clinging to when she was found.  She saw it as the tree of life. 
Nelson explained the ongoing issues with his niece in Puerto Rico (Mirelsa).  She was in a very dark place in her previous existence, and her current life was a way for her to advance and to help those spirits from her last reincarnation.  Without her medication, Mirelsa saw those previous spirits, and she went back with them to where she came from - which caused her to run from them, screaming in fright.  The pattern of these self-induced spells was repeated over and over, and it was damaging her physical health.  Mirelsa was thirty years old and she weighed only 80 pounds.  When Nelson spoke to his brother about the situation, he envisioned his niece in a coma condition, with her mind in one world and her body in another:
Sonia: It has to do with the weight.  Her body will shut down.
Nelson: We have been trying to get a past life regression with a doctor for her.
Marisol: It's what she needs.
(Update:  The appointment for the past life regression is scheduled for September 23. Nelson had previously asked for some help from his guide, and Caballito moved into Nelson to answer)
Caballito:  We do what we can.  Be strong, because it is going to happen.  There is nothing you can do.  It is the same for you, Denise.  Let. It. Go.  You must be the one who says (to Lisa and her entire family) that you are not going to run anymore.  Please stop.  The next time everyone wants to run, tell them that you will only take one step at a time - because you know better.  You know this.  Set the example.  Love the way that you are doing it is not love.  Where are her parents?  WHERE ARE HER PARENTS?
Denise: Her dad was with me all night.
Caballito: So why were you there? 
Marisol: You could sign the hospital papers and leave...
Spirit 5 (via Sonia):  The discussion with Denise caused a spirit to move into Sonia to speak:
Spirit (to Denise):  How many times do we need to tell you?  How many?  I have a headache from saying it.  How many is enough?  If you are not already crazy, you will be soon enough.  Just take this headache away, because it is not mine.  Stop crying...
Caballito (to Denise):  If you continue doing what you are doing, YOU will be in a hospital - and nobody, do you hear me, nobody - will come to see you.  Take care of yourself first, because you cannot stop others from doing what they want to do.  Pack some clothing and live in your car if necessary - because you cannot live the way you are with her.  Do you understand?  DO YOU UNDERSTAND?  Live under a bridge if it's the only way to keep your mind sane.
Marisol noticed a spirit earlier who was peeking into the room but seemed too frightened to enter.  Caballito explained that we had many visitors on Friday for the memorial service, and they came with spirits attached to them.  Some of those spirits were now curious about what we were doing.  Similar to the humans who attended, the spirits felt a calm peace in the center.  Isabel said she noticed a light shining on one wall, but when she looked again, the light was fading.  Caballito explained, "The energy of the guides who are here to protect caused that light you experienced.  The whiter the light, the stronger the energy."
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  The conversation about light prompted the spirit of Charlotte (the founder of the temple) to arrive.  She wanted Sonia to know that after the memorial on Friday, it was she who turned off the lights - using Sonia's hand. Nelson was tired, and he hoped that Charlotte would communicate from a position behind him, but Charlotte wanted to express some things in her own words:
Charlotte: Be careful when you speak, as it represents who you are.  Yes, there were many friends here, and some of them were invited and some were not.  Those who were not invited, we will take them away today, with us. How nice for others to perceive and receive what we have put into place!  I was happy to see those candles lit, as we did that, too.  (to Sonia)  I want to be really honest with you.  At one point, I did not think that you had what it takes (to run the center), and now I know that you do!  You took my place, and I am so happy to pass the torch to you.  This man (Nelson) was so stubborn, he did not want to let me sit!
Jeff:  Sometimes he is apprehensive...
Charlotte:  Say it - stubborn!  He is stubborn!  You see how quietly I speak, and I know you understand that it was not easy for a woman to build this place.  (softly)  Do you know what I did to get everyone to focus? This!  (hit the table loudly with her fist)  Do you see how that works?  (did it again)  As for those people you were discussing, those who want to come here - I never closed these doors to anyone, and it would be wonderful.  This is for all, not just for a few.  Invite some friends, and tell them the doors are open as long as they are respectful.  (to Marisol)  And if you are not ready for your son to leave, he is welcome to stay here with us.  I know what you were thinking, and we will watch over him for you.  Thank you....
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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