Sunday, May 28, 2017

Chicago - October 2, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isaac, Isabel, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Juan, Maricela, Marisol, Mary Elena, Milagros, Nazario, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xavier
Nelson had invited a group of spirits that were around his mother in Puerto Rico, and he hoped to encourage them to sit today by speaking to them before the session. Marisol read The Prayer for the Sick (see it here in English: after Nelson read the opening prayer.
During our Wednesday education meeting, the spirit of a doctor was present.  He wore a white shirt with gray pants, and he showed himself to Nelson before arriving at the center.  This spirit thought he had been summoned to assist with heart surgery for Bernardo, and he assumed our white tablecloths were in place to define the operation table.  The spirit was confused because he could not see any operating equipment, and Denise explained. "Our equipment is our minds and voices."  The spirit had his own surgical instruments, and as a good spirit, he was ready to assist us.  A month or two ago, Bernardo's doctor tested him and determined that he needed heart surgery to insert a stent (a tubular support placed inside a blood vessel to relieve an obstruction).  Bernardo was frightened and apprehensive, and the spiritual doctor had arrived to reassure him.  Carmen believed that the doctor may have been her father, as he passed away during his open heart surgery.  Our topic for the evening was "positive thinking" and the spirit told Bernardo not to be afraid.  After delivering his message, the doctor packed up his surgical instruments and promised to return.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Bernardo revisited his doctor between Wednesday and our Sunday session - and all of his previous heart test results had disappeared.  Everything was blank.  Nelson said it was very easy for spirits to distract a human and cause the results to be erased.  Nelson wondered who might benefit if Bernardo's heart surgery never occurred.  There was a lengthy discussion about Bernardo's two bothers in Puerto Rico, and how they were hoping to inherit land or money.  The irony was that this disputed land never legally belonged to Bernardo's family, as his grandfather forcefully took the property from the natives who lived there.  Bernardo's upcoming surgery and the continued land dispute caused a spirit representing the natives from the land to sit:
Spirit: I will make them walk in the same way they made me walk.  This one (Bernardo) is the most fearful.  She (his wife, Carmen) should not even be involved.  I am charging all of them interest for the time they were on that land.  (to Bernardo)  I already have your father incarcerated, and I have additional jail cells for each one of you.  Why would you think that you would not pay for your actions?  You will pay me back!  All of you!  Cry all you want, I have no pity.  
Marisol: Listen to those (the good spirit guides) next to you...
Spirit: Everything was taken from me - so do not tell me that they were decent people!  No one knows the history.  I only know it because I got the incarcerated one to talk.  They do not have a home there!  Because they had the power at that time, we could do nothing.  If we spoke, we were killed.  I escaped, and I will be around that family forever.  I will be very happy when they are all in a cell, looking at each other.  Revenge will give us strength.  None of them had a heart - which is why all of their hearts are suffering now!
Marisol: Aren't you tired of those same thoughts?  Forget them, and join the others who are like you...
Spirit: Are you tricking me?  Because you will pay for it if you lie to me.  Should I give him (Bernardo) back his blank white heart?  Look - it doesn't even have veins.  They are telling me if I leave, I will finally be able to see my wife.  I will be on a land better than that one!  I will unlock him, and I am going far away from him.  I will leave, but I am not asking any of them for forgiveness...
The spirit took 14 others along with him.  Marisol started smelling a bakery, as if fresh bread was being made.  She asked if anyone had a connection to a bakery - until it was understood that the bread making ritual was related to Marisol.  Nelson saw that the Marisol's live in mother-in-law had some rituals of her own.  She would ask for rides and leave the house to conduct her business, because she did not want Marisol to see what she was doing.  She was also hiding mail that was related to her son's law school admission.  She made her son feel guilty for wanting to "leave her alone" by bettering himself. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson understood that the mother-in-law controlled every family situation. Marisol was the only one she had been unable to control, because when she saw Marisol, she saw herself:
Nelson:  Keep one eye open with her...
Sonia: And have an extra eye open in the back of your head.
Nelson: She has a very dark past.  (Nelson was being shown a black cauldron, with the lid firmly closed)  We need to open that pot...
Carmen: I don't think we should open it...
(The spirit of a madame arrived to sit through Nelson)
Spirit: Do not mock me, I know more than her (referring to Marisol's spirit guide, who was also a madame)  Do not meddle, when I have not meddled with you.  I do my work, and I do it well.  If he goes to school, that would be two jobs - she has one and then he would have one.  The consequences of leaving her (the mother-in-law) alone are not my problem.  She pays me, and I go my way.
Marisol: There are other jobs you could be doing.
Spirit: I do my job for money, not for the benefit of humankind.  She lives very well, and so do I.  We have our potions, and they work.
Marisol: Maybe I can offer you something else?
Spirit: If it's not money, forget it.  In the world we live in, that's what we need.
Marisol: Listen to my guide...
Spirit: I don't like her.  She works differently, for no money.  She does have some light, and we don't have any.  What do I need to do to be like her?  She's always dancing and happy.  Do I have to leave the money behind?  It's so easy to trick people into giving it to me.  We work so hard, and still we have nothing!  And that lady (the mother-in-law) knows a lot - she teaches us!  I guess I will leave, but do I need to also leave my candles, incense and cards behind?  There are 24 of us, and two other madames with me.  I will put on my white dress, and I will go to learn new things...
Maricela said she smelled wet dirt, and Marisol said the smell of bread being made was gone.  Denise had sensed a spirit arriving earlier at the center, and Nelson said that many spirits came to our door, but not all of them were allowed inside.
Spirit # 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol was studying the group of spirits from Nelson's mother.  She sensed that Nelson's mother was very remorseful because she had promised to work with these spirits during this lifetime, and although she started the spiritual work, Nelson's mother did not accomplish everything she had planned.  Now she was sad that she would not be able to accomplish everything:
Nelson: That was her work, but I am here and I am willing to take on her spiritual responsibilities.  You are not abandoned.  Whatever you wanted to do that she did not allow, I am here for you.
Spirit (arriving through Marisol):  We don't know where to go.  We are lost.  There are a lot of us.  (sadly)  She was supposed to open the door for us, it was supposed to be our work!  Look at all of us now.
Nelson: Look at her now.  She cannot open that door, but I am here.  Come to my door - it's open.
Spirit: But we were supposed to work with her!  She feels the sadness and cries.  Will she be able to work with us?  She needs to know that she can still help us, even now.  Working with you is different.
Nelson:  She needs some time to understand, but she will be able to work with you again.
Spirit: They are going to take us someplace where we will wait to see her (on the spirit side) when she gets there.  Tell her not to feel so sad.  Do you understand?
Nelson: I didn't want her lost (in the spirit world).
Spirit: That is not our decision.  Just tell her not to be so sad.  They will take us to a place so we will not be so alone - until it is time for her.  Thank you for helping us understand that the work can continue in another way (the spirit left crying, with her head on the table).
Spirit # 4 (via Nelson):  Caballito had some questions and messages for the group.  He started speaking from his position behind Nelson, but he eventually spoke through Nelson.  He wanted to know how Erika's trip to see her brother was progressing, and Erika said that her days off were approved and she would be booking her flight soon.  Caballito asked about Juanita, and Maricela said her energy was getting better, and she had stood up twice, but her recovery was still a slow process.  Caballito said, "Her future will be beautiful."  Next, Caballito asked Janet how things were going, and she replied that she was feeling better and taking things slowly.  Caballito was curious about Frank and his daughter:
Caballito: Frank, are you taking care of your daughter?  That is what is important.  Sometimes we get so involved with other things, we can forget what is important.  Sometimes your daughter feels alone, and that has an effect on her.  Give her more affection.  You need her more than she needs you. She is happy when you are happy.  When you pray, also pray for her.  She's a happy spirit, so let's keep it that way.  We will take five spirits from her away with us today.  (pause)  It is not easy to take them away, they are fighting to stay.  We cannot let them sit and say what they wanted, as your daughter is not here to understand them.  (pause)  There are six spirits, not five.  Five with your daughter, and one with her mother.  Do not allow her mother to get so angry with her.
Caballito was speaking through Nelson, and he had a message for him.  He switched from Spanish to English, so Jeff could write it down:
Caballito:  I am going to say something that this one (Nelson) will not say.  Today is his last day here, and he is as sad as all of you.  He won't tell you he is sad, but he feels it as you do.  He has work in other places, and I am always here with you when you get together on Sundays.  You are not alone.  I need to make sure that these groups continue to grow - to do the work.
(for Jeff):  You did what I asked you to do?  (plan a trip to see his mother, but the mother did not want him to visit her)  She will come to her senses, but I needed you to open the door.  Leave it open.
Caballito spoke to Carmen in Spanish and asked for a towel to fold and place on her chest.  (no notes) 
(for Mary Elena):  You have been searching, and I will answer your question - but you are not yet ready for that answer.  We must prepare ourselves first.  So I will answer, but if I did it today, you would run out of here and never come back.  When that time comes for me to answer, you will tell me that it wasn't your question - and I will say to you that it was your question.  I will take away some bulk today (stood behind her to give her passes).  You have so many headaches from what those children give you.  That is a hint about your question.  Let that kid be, we will deal with him later.  Instead of crying, laugh.  Crying hurts the heart, so stop crying and look at each other - and be thankful.  I am taking eight spiritual friends away from her.
(Caballito stood in front of Isabel):  I do not want to see her crying anymore.  (to Ron)  You do not know this, but she goes alone to a corner to cry - where no one sees her.  Can I take that sadness away?  There is so much sadness there, even I am feeling sad.  (Isabel began to cry)  I am going to take it all away.  (to Ron)  What she does, when she cries, she brings spirits around her who are sad - and they never leave.  (to Isabel)  I need to ask you not to bring them around anymore by feeling sad.  If you feel sadness, open a book and read.  (there was a pause while the passes were given)  Just as I use Nelson, more powerful presences are now using me to do the work.
Isabel said that she worried over her husband's health, and Caballito said that the spirits would work with him, "And he will do the work he needs to do for himself.  (lightly)  You cannot worry yourself into joining me on this side - sorry, I had to lighten the mood."  Maricela thanked Caballito, and he responded by removing 122 spirits.  These spirits were an accumulated assortment, with some of them related to everyone in our group.  Caballito reminded everyone, "If you need me when Nelson is not here, call me. God bless you all."
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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