Monday, May 22, 2017

Chicago - Sept. 25, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Sonia and Xavier
Before opening the session, Nelson was shown an image of two brothers.  One of them was about 14 years old, and this boy was torturing his younger brother.  The younger boy was afraid to speak up about what was happening, and Nelson was shown that if the abuse was not stopped, the younger boy (who was tired of living in fear), would find a gun and shoot his older brother.  The older boy thought he had an excuse for his behavior.  He told Nelson, "They treat him better than me, giving him everything when I get nothing.  They forget I am here."  It was determined that the older boy was autistic.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) appeared briefly to explain that the current situation with autistic children would become much worse - as these children were becoming teenagers, and their erratic behavior was unpredictable.  Nelson tilted his head back and forth, as the autistic spirit debated if he was able to communicate.  "I am inside my own head," the spirit told Nelson, "and do you know how hard it is when you want to say something and you cannot?"
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): After the opening prayer, Marisol read the prayer for the sick.  Understanding that sickness could be defined as physical or mental illness, Marisol asked the group to focus on those who had any need "for love and care, and for them to know they are sick."  The difficult spirit wanted to sit through Nelson, but the spirit still thought he was autistic,  and he was convinced that he was unable to speak, which made his attempt to sit through Nelson even more arduous.  The spirit arrived slowly, with his mouth wide open, gasping for words:
Spirit (using the vocabulary of a child):  Ahhh.  I can only...ugh.  (the spirit began to cry)  Whis...what.  I didn't like it.  I don't like it!  I was put in a corner.  I don't like it...why not him?  I don't understand.  I hit myself.  I don't understand, why you can hear me?  No one gets me, what I think.
Marisol: It's not fair to hurt someone else.  You are a spirit without a body, and you are not there anymore. 
Spirit:  How can you hear me?  No one ever heard me.
Marisol:  You are using a body that can speak.  Who took your voice away back then?
Spirit: He did!  So now he is like me.  But I don't want to be there.  I want..I want to be free.  Normal.  I want to be normal (his crying intensified).
Marisol: And you can, if you listen to that friend next to you.
Spirit: There are many of us out there - a lot like me.  A lot like me.  I don't have to hit myself?  I can be free?  I want to be normal.  (pause)  That's all I want, to be normal and to be heard.  Take his hand, that's what you said?  I will take it!  I don't want to suffer.  Take me, take me please...aye, take me please...
The spirit departed as Nelson slowly recovered.  Frank explained that he worked with autistic children at his school, which prompted Caballito to return with a message for Frank and the table: 
Caballito:  Pray that they can be awakened, as they are in a very dark world.  Very few can arrive (from the spirit world) to help them.  When there is love and peace, we can get there.  That is the real work, to lift those in such bad conditions.  (directly to Frank)  This is why you are here.  You see them every day, and we are with you.  Prepare yourself and call us - so we can work with you to show them the correct path.  This is an epidemic (in the material world) and it is all spiritual.  They will never know what to do, as it comes from where we are from, not from your world of medicine and the body.  Frank, bring them (those spirits) here, so we can continue the work.  I wanted to briefly express this, as it is difficult work.  Thank you, and I will be right here if I am needed...
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  While he was speaking, Caballito was also refreshing Nelson.  Carmen had been studying a spirit related to Janet's "nieta," Angelica.  Janet was asked to move to a center seat across from Carmen, in an attempt to encourage the spirit to sit:
Spirit: I gotta do something, something big.  Why did you bring me here?  I gotta do something big, to get attention.  I am going to do what I want.  I am going to kill him.
Nelson: Easy...
Spirit (to Janet):  I don't want to talk to her!  She stopped me.  She knows everything, but she cannot do anything because of me.  Blood will be flowing...
Nelson:  Relax.  Everything will be alright, there is no need for that...
Spirit: I already have something directly in my hands...
Nelson: You should let that go.  It's not a nice gift.  (pause)  They (the spirit guides) are slowly taking away your power.
Spirit: I am in battle every day.  So is she (Janet).  So you know what?  I am going to take that creature.  (pause)  Hmmm, there is a nice breeze.  I wanted to keep taking care of her, but I don't have any energy for it.  I have nothing.  I will leave.  I am not allowed to say anything else.  I will go with them.  They are telling me I will get what I need...
Carmen's guide sat briefly to cleanse her.  Continuing with Janet, Marisol sensed a spirit of depression and suicide around her.  This spirit had many problems, and he had already played a role in causing two previous suicides. 
Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  The spirit wanted more suicides to occur:
Spirit (irate and hitting the table): Damn it!  Diablo!  Devil!  Damn it all to hell!  I am here and I am going to show you who I am!  Get closer - and I will show you that you know nothing!  I want to strangle someone.  You know what they did to me?  I will show you.  (began to cry)  They sat me down and made me watch my only family get hanged. (crying intensified)  I was tortured!  It was the worst.  Always on different days, so I would suffer even more.  (sobbing with head on the table)
Nelson: Everything ends today...
Spirit: I was kept in a jail.  When they picked up a family member, I was forced to watch, to go.
Nelson: Everything in life ends.  And today you will see your entire family.
Spirit: I have also been responsible for some of their pain.  But I wasn't bad.  I don't understand how I can see them...
Nelson (to Janet):  Sometimes we come from a very dark past.  This spirit has been putting thoughts into your mind.  You need to get those thoughts out of your head.
Spirit: I am going to leave these ropes (for hanging) behind.  I am going to go see them, see my family.  I need to clean all those problems.  I'm sorry.  Goodbye.
Caballito (through Nelson for Janet):  You need to forgive and forget.  Move forward.  Open your heart and go deep inside it.
Janet: I'm tired of this sick world.
Caballito (to Jose):  Do you see how she is?
Janet: Maybe I will do what my family did.
Caballito: You cannot do that.
Janet: I need to see the purpose of it all.  I can't share what I think.  I don't care about anything.
Jose: But you don't listen...
Caballito: I need to change your way of thinking - even if it means leaving people behind.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Caballito wanted to change topics, as another spirit was prepared to speak:
Caballito: Have you ever known a "part time" mother?  She enjoys motherhood one day and rejects it the next?  (to Xavier and Isaac)  Do you feel heavy and weighed down?  (they did)  Does your house feel that way, like a cloud is always over it?
Xavier:  When I walk in, it's like a breeze hits me - a breeze of smog.
Caballito: There is something there that has never been resolved.  (Sonia has felt it, and she has prayed for the clouds to be moved)   She (the mom) left, but she left everything behind.  All the mental indecisions of life.  That place is filled with baggage.  Luggage that has accumulated.  No one wants to open those bags.  We need an independence day in that home - for everyone.
Sonia (emotional, to her grandchildren): Clean it for you.  Let it go.  It's so heavy in there.  So heavy.
(Caballito was replaced by a spirit who also spoke through Nelson
Spirit: Someone left, and we are looking for her.
Jeff: She's not there anymore.
Marisol: She is in the bags.  Maybe it's time to remove those?
Jeff: What is your purpose with her and that house?
Spirit: The one that left was not the one we wanted.  The father didn't leave.  I want him out.  Just give me some time.  I want him out!
Jeff: Did he do something to you?
Spirit: He is not a friend.  He blames everyone except himself.  He never looks inside.  That house belongs to me!  I am the owner, and everything in there is MINE.  I don't really want the house, I only want what is inside.  Those three boys belong to me.  They are tired of him, and he doesn't want them.  Kick him out and the kids are mine.
Marisol: Listen to that friend standing next to you.
Spirit: He's saying they are not my kids anymore.  Don't confuse me!  I came to talk to them and now I have to leave?
Xavier: That was in the past.  You have to go.
Spirit (tearfully): I only wanted to protect them.  The parents were never there.  You do not want to open that luggage!  You do not want to hear what is in there!  They call me a monster, but those kids are animals.  Where was he (the father) when they needed him?  (very emotional)  Don't leave them on their own!  I am going to leave, but if they are not cared for, I will fly right back here.  I will take all of the luggage (14 suitcases) with me.  They really are nice kids.  (weeping)  Protect them.  Next time I come, I want to see them happy and content.
Spirit 7 (via Marisol):  Our session was filled with difficult, emotionally draining spirits, and Marisol was sensing another very forceful spirit.  This spirit knew that his message had to be delivered in a compelling manner.  Too many reminders had been given to members of our group without any action, and it was time for a strong, very persuasive lecture.  When Marisol's uncle Cando was in the material world, this spirit was his main spirit guide:
Spirit (authoritative and angry): They called me Don Juan.  He (Cando) is still head strong.  Everyone has a mission, and he is suffering for it now.  I am being honest.  All of you lack the basics of spiritism!  You are all here to work, and this is an opportunity to clean yourselves!  Passing a spirit is only the first part - all of you are still dirty!  We need people who can work, who are not so tired.  We must work more, this group needs to progress.  And so do you, Carmen.  Progress and work better.  Pardon me, but I had to say these words.  Thank you for keeping the doors open, maybe I will return again - calmer.
Nelson reminded the group that spiritism allowed us to know things that helped to make our lives happier, and spiritism gave us a purpose or reason for our lives on earth.  And when we transition back, it will be the beginning of our real lives.  "Look around you," Nelson advised, "and you would be lucky to find one happy person.  We have this (spiritism) to show us who we are.  So be thankful - and a little more humble.
Jeff commented that he was surprised to have a visit from a spirit guide who spoke in such a harsh manner.  Caballito stepped forward with some specific messages, and they were delivered in the same strict tone as the messages from Cando's spirit guide:
(for Juanita):  It is time for her to pick herself out of that bed!  Sometimes a little pain is the only thing that makes someone strive to be more.  As she allows more time to pass, soon she may not be able.
(for Gabe):  He thinks he can hide - that I don't see it all.  He needs to learn that sometimes, not everything we need in life can be fun.  We get to a point in our life where it is time to grow up - and do the right thing.  You opened the door to spiritism, and now you know better.  Your mother told you that, earlier over the phone.  (Gabe agreed)  Listen to those words!  Your responsibilities will not go away because you ignore them.  You know the right things to do, so start acting that way.  Follow your mind and not your heart.  I need him to start thinking.  I keep repeating the same message over and over!  Thinking does not mean that you cannot still have fun.
Gabe:  Can you give me an example?
Caballito:  You want to call your sister and see if she needs something, but you think that your girlfriend may not like it. Do you understand?
(for Jeff):  Are you making plans to visit that one who brought you into the world?  Be prepared, it may not be a nice surprise.  Do the same as Gabe should be doing, and ask her, "Is there anything that I can do for you?"  That is why she is the mother and you are the son.
(for Denise): And how is your niece? 
Denise: She had a setback yesterday, but she needs to do the work on her own.
Caballito:  That friend comes from very dark places, and it is difficult for her to reconcile that life with this one. She will, but it is up to her to appreciate what this life offers her.  She has a lot, but she does not appreciate it.  And you need to know your own limitations.  Tell her you love her, but that you can only get to a certain line or limit.
(for Sonia):  It's getting close again to have that heart to heart conversation (with her son).  He still hasn't understood the message.  He has not realized that they are children - not adults.  He is still responsible, and he does not understand how far his responsibility goes.  Why wait until a situation is in front of us when we can avoid it?  Are there any questions?  Is everyone better than when they came in today?
(for Janet):  Your rope is very long, and it comes with many other situations.  But there is always an end to it, and that end is getting closer.  Otherwise, it will follow you into the next life.  They (her family) are responsible for themselves, but we need to worry about the others (the spirits) around them.  Your family needs you, you are their light.  Don't dim it.
(for everyone):  Take the love we have shown here today home with you - to work, and to your neighbors.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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