In attendance: Angel, Carmen, Eva, Ivan, Jeff, Junior, Maribel,
Normita, and Nelson
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): It was exactly two months since
Nelson's mother had passed away, and he wanted to read the prayer for the
recently departed to hasten her progress. Once he finished reading, his spirit
guide (Caballito) continued the prayer by extending it with his own words.
Junior read the opening prayer, and Eva wanted to offer a prayer for all the
mother's who had transitioned back to the spirit side. Nelson reminded the
group that all of us have had more than one mother.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): The normal process for Nelson
before a spirit sits is that Caballito mentally explains to him what will
happen, next he ushers the spirit in, and Nelson allows the spirit to use his
energy to speak. With the next spirit, there wasn't enough time for any of that
to happen. Nelson was shown that Jeff's mother was about to fall on the floor,
and Caballito silently told Nelson that they had to go to her immediately,
without any explanation:
Nelson: I see her passing out. She's dizzy. Someone needs to hold her,
she's falling! She's alone. She is surrounded by so many spiritual
enemies, they control her behavior - and what she says. She is going to fall,
someone has to help her...(Caballito took Nelson to her and the two of them
returned with a spirit)
Spirit (insistent): She is coming in a box, and she will not be
talking any more. I have tried many times to finish what I started, and today
is the day that I will finish her. The way she finished me. That's how they
found me, dead on the floor. (Jeff realized that the spirit was the father
who raised him)
Jeff: Can you forgive her for that? Let it go?
Spirit: Forgive her? How can you forgive someone who harmed me for so long? It's the things she said, the things she still says. She hurts me every time she speaks.
Spirit: Forgive her? How can you forgive someone who harmed me for so long? It's the things she said, the things she still says. She hurts me every time she speaks.
Jeff: I know, I understand. She does that to everyone, because she doesn't
know any better. But you know better, so try to forget about her.
Spirit (crying): Do you know? Do you know she let me die all
alone on the floor? It hurt so much.
Jeff: I know it was difficult.
Normita: You are better than that, you are not like her. You are
different. Don't tie yourself to her anymore. Leave her, you are not
responsible for her any more.
Spirit (confused): He took me from that situation. Where am
Jeff: In a place where we will listen and help you.
Jeff: In a place where we will listen and help you.
Spirit (intense crying): I recognize you! I know you, you are my
Jeff: Yes. And you were an excellent father.
Spirit: I am so glad they didn't let me finish what I wanted to
do. I had no idea that I could see you.
Jeff: And you can come back anytime you want. Just go with those friends
around you now and they will help you to relax and to forgive and learn.
Spirit: I don't need to be with her anymore? For anything?
Jeff: It's time to think about yourself and not her.
Spirit: Can they forgive me for my ignorance? I can go and I will
go - and I will learn. It's me and two others, we are three.
Jeff: It's going to be a wonderful journey...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson was being shown a new
spirit. It was a woman with blonde hair who died from a horrific cancer.
Enormity realized it was her mother's sister - Angel's mom:
Nelson (to Angel): Do you have any children?
Nelson (to Angel): Do you have any children?
Angel: One son. He is in school in Aquadilla.
Nelson: Your mother, his grandmother, she is preoccupied with him. She's
not here for you, only for him.
Normita: Towards the end of her life, she was very reclusive.
Nelson: I see her walking and walking, saying that it's not her fault. She
walking up a hill, and it's not her fault. She's asking us, 'What is your
proposal?' I am sensing your son telling his mother that he is alone. So alone
and far away. He feels alone. Solo, solo.
Angel: He moves through life like he's in a dream.
Nelson: And he is tired of it. Is there a mountain near your house? A
hill? (yes) That's the road his grandmother is walking on, going up the hill.
(Nelson was shown the son hanging from a tree branch on the hill) Your
son thinks he has an illogical life. We cannot permit him to become a
casualty. (Normita began to read a prayer - the plegaria del naufrago, or
the plea for those who are lost. See the prayer here: In
the middle of the prayer, a spirit representing the thoughts of the son
Spirit (depressed): Nobody cares. I'm alone, walking that road.
I have nothing. No one.
Normita: You have love, and that's what you need in this world.
Spirit (hands extended, looking up): Who am I? Why am I here? I
have nothing...
Angel: Yes, that's how he feels.
Spirit: I want to go with him (to die by hanging with Angel's
Junior (to the spirit): You do not have a body. You cannot feel
that way.
The spirit explained that Angel's son was now 22 years old, and in his
prior life, the son committed suicide (by hanging) at age 23. The spirit said
that it was the same pattern repeating itself in this life:
Spirit: We tell him, 'Regresa nosotros (Come back to us).' I
hear him calling me.
Normita: Like him, you have many who love you, and this is a new
opportunity for you in your spiritual life. It's your decision to end your
Spirit: What is in my hands is that I have to repeat it (the same
behavior). I already have it (the noose) on (demonstrated as if it was
tightly around his neck).
Normita: It doesn't need to be that way.
Spirit: There is a man here. He says he can remove the noose.
(pause) Mira, look at that. Forgive me. We are a group of 19.
The spirit hugged himself tightly as he departed, as if he had finally
learned to love himself. Nelson advised Angel to speak with his son, and he
told him not to dance around the subject. He should invite the son back home to
spend the weekend with his parents. He needs to know that he is loved.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): On Saturday, Caballito showed
Nelson that the spirit of a very powerful judge was present at our session. He
was observing our group, and Nelson said that his both is light and his level of
intelligence were both very intense. It was as if our group was being presented
as evidence in a court case that the judge was presiding over. The judge was
not a good spirit, he worked for the other side. The court case was about his
belief that Puerto Rico was heading in a negative direction, and this would make
it easier for his side to collect more souls/spirits for the dark side. It
seemed that Caballito wanted to demonstrate to the spirit judge that there were
some Puerto Ricans who were resisting the trend (our group). Nelson described
the judge as smart, arrogant and grand, and he was a skillful orator with many
formal gestures:
Spirit (formally): The more impure, the easier. I am dedicated to
only one thing - the suffering of life. And here (in Puerto Rico) there is no
love, no compassion, no caring for your brothers. There is even fighting among
friends. Am I lying?
Junior: No, it's correct.
Junior: No, it's correct.
Spirit: It's in their hands, and it has been that way for some
time. They are not worried about their pueblo, only their own material gains.
It is not just here, look at Venezuela, Brazil, Africa. Their children will
suffer for an eternity over what is being done now. And we will collect. I
thank my superiors for allowing me to bring you these words. Find the correct
road. Become intellectuals, not consumers needing more, and more and more. I
am insignificant. Think! Thinking is significant. It is difficult to modify
your behavior. Very difficult. But there is a road, my friends, and acting
incorrectly leads to the wrong road. It's not an easy road. Thank you for this
opportunity. I am only one, a spirit judge. But in my group there are more (he
listed everyone in the group and the number added up to 2017).
The judge folded his arms tightly across his chest and he was gone. Eva
said she saw many military spirits during the opening prayer. Nelson was
exhausted, so the last part of the session was dedicated to discussions and
education. The group recited the closing prayer in unison.
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