Friday, November 10, 2017

The Process of Reincarnation (and the role of the Perispirit)

(NOTE:  We are in Buenos Aires, where the sessions we attend are preceded by a class.  This was a portion of our class from the November 9, 2017 session.)

 PRINCIPAL POINTS - How Does the Spirit Reincarnate as a Human Baby?
- The union of the soul to the body begins at conception and is completed at the moment of birth.
- When a Spirit must incarnate in a human body in the process of formation (a fluidic link, which is nothing more than an expansion of his perispirit), links him to the embryo that attracts him with an irresistible force from the moment of conception.
- The Spirit, since it is caught by the fluidic tie that binds it to the embryo, enters a state of turmoil that increases as the loop adjusts. That state is very similar to the Spirit incarnated during a dream of the body.
- The Spirit after birth continues in a state of turmoil; in a situation that dissipates gradually, as the organs develop.
- Childhood is not only useful, necessary and indispensable, but it is also the natural consequence of the laws that God has established and that govern the Universe.
- Spirits only reincarnate to perfect themselves and the fragility of the first years makes them flexible to education, to reform their character and repress their bad inclinations. It is the duty of the parents, to guide their children in the path of good, the sacred mission for which they will have to respond.
THE UNION OF THE SOUL TO THE BODY - An irresistible force

§ 344. At what moment does the soul join the body?
"The union begins at conception, but is only completed at the moment of birth. From the moment of conception, the Spirit appointed to inhabit a body is united by means of a fluidic bond, which becomes narrower and narrower until the moment in which the child is born. The cry that comes out of his lips announces that he belongs to the group of the living and servants of God."

The reincarnation is produced by a gradual approach, but it is definitive:
§ 345. Is the union of the Spirit with the body definitive from the moment of conception? During that first stage, could the Spirit renounce and decide not to dwell in the designated body?
"The union is definitive, in the sense that another Spirit could not replace the one that has been designated for that body. However, as the ties that bind it to the body are very weak, they are easily cut. This can happen by the will of the Spirit, who recoils when realizing the tests he has chosen for the upcoming life. In that case, the child does not live."

§ 353. Given that the union of the Spirit with the body is only carried out completely and definitively after birth, can the fetus be considered to have a soul?
"The Spirit that should animate him exists, in a certain way, outside of him. Therefore, to speak properly, the fetus does not have a soul, since the incarnation is only in the process of being in operation. However, it is linked to what it will have."

In The Genesis, the Encoder describes this union: "When a Spirit must incarnate in a human body in the process of formation (a fluidic link, which is nothing more than an expansion of his perispirit), links him to the embryo that attracts him with a force irresistible from the moment of conception. As the embryo develops, the loop shortens. Under the influence of the this vital principle of the embryo, the perispirit, which possesses certain properties of matter, joins molecule by molecule to the body that is formed. That is why it is possible to say that the Spirit, through its perispirit, is rooted in a certain way, as a plant on earth does. When the embryo reaches the fullness of its development, the union is complete, and then it is born to the outer life ".

What irresistible force would be that of which Kardec speaks?
As explained by the Spiritual Instructors to André Luiz, reincarnation obeys automatic embryogenic principles, based on magnetic harmony with the parents and the strong desire of the reincarnating Spirit. There is no doubt, then, that the magnetism of the father and the mother, among other corporeal structures, acts decisively on the candidate for reincarnation.
The perispirit is important in the process of incarnation. In this regard, Léon Denis says: "The perispirit thus plays the role of a fluid, elastic mold that lends its form to matter. Hence, for the most part, the physiological conditions of rebirth are deduced. The qualities or the defects of the mold reappear in the physical body, which is not, in most cases, but an ugly and gross copy of the perispirit."

§ 339. Is the moment of incarnation accompanied by a disturbance similar to that which occurs when the Spirit leaves the body?
"Much older, and especially longer. With death, the Spirit comes out of slavery; with birth, it enters it."

§ 351. In the interval between conception and birth, does the Spirit enjoy all its faculties?
"That is relative, it depends on the period of gestation, because it is not yet incarnated, but it is linked. From the moment of conception, turbulence begins to take over the Spirit. That turbulence warns him that the time has come to start a new existence, and it is increases until the child is born. In that interval, his state is approximately that of a Spirit incarnated during the sleep of the body. As the time of birth approaches, his ideas are diluted, as is the memory of the past, of which as a man he no longer has consciousness once he entered life. However, that memory gradually returns to his memory during the state of Spirit."

In his book, The Genesis, Allan Kardec explains:
- In the final period of gestation "the Spirit loses consciousness of himself, so that he never witnesses his birth".
- The Spirit "loses the memory of his past, although he does not lose the faculties, the qualities or the aptitudes acquired previously," that remain "transiently in a dormant state and that, upon returning to the activity, will help him to develop more and better than before. "
Léon Denis describes the turbulence of the reincarnating Spirit as "a clumsiness, a kind of annihilation that invades him little by little. His faculties are watched, one after the other; his memory fades and his consciousness falls asleep. The spirit remains as if buried under a thick chrysalis. "
INFANCY - Childhood and Adolescence 

The Superior Spirits explain that the confusion that accompanies the incarnation does not suddenly cease with birth, but it dissipates gradually:

§ 380. In a young child, the Spirit, beyond the obstacle that the imperfection of the organs opposes to its free manifestation, do you think as a child or as an adult?
"When it is a child, it is natural that the organs of intelligence, not being developed, can not confer the intuition of an adult. In fact, his intelligence is very limited, waiting for the years to mature the spirits' reason. The confusion that accompanies the incarnation does not cease suddenly at the moment of birth. It dissipates gradually, as the organs develop. "

§ 382. Does the incarnated Spirit suffer during childhood the constraints that the imperfection of the organs imposes on it?
"That state is a necessity. It is natural and in accordance with the designs of Providence. It is a period of rest for the Spirit."
- Children have the appearances of innocence. Even in a child of bad tendencies, their faults are hidden behind the unconsciousness of their actions.  However, that innocence does not constitute a real superiority, but the image of what they should be.
- The purpose of this innocent aspect is to encourage adults to give them love and protection, necessary to their fragility.
- When the Spirit reaches adolescence, a change in character occurs. "It is the Spirit who recovers his nature and shows himself as he was - his real and individual character reappears in all his nakedness. This character will continue to be good if the child was fundamentally so, although in all cases there will be evidence of nuances that early childhood kept hidden.

"Childhood also has another use. The Spirits only enter the corporal life to perfect themselves, to improve. The fragility of the first years makes them flexible, accessible to the advice of the experience and of those who should make them progress. That is when you can reform your character and repress your bad inclinations. Such is the duty that God has entrusted to the parents, the sacred mission for which they will have to respond. "

"In this way, childhood is not only useful, necessary and indispensable, but it is also the natural consequence of the laws that God has established and that govern the universe."
EPILOGUE - Summary

Like all the other periods in the life of beings, reincarnation is subject to laws: the degree of purity of the perispirit and the molecular affinity that determine the classification of the Spirits in the Hereafter, also fix the conditions for a reincarnation.

In a visual format:

A man (in the brown shirt) who is already incarnated, is met spiritually by his future son (kissing his hand) who will reincarnate, with the spirit guide for the future son (blonde hair), and the instructor (spirit guide for the incarnate.  So we have started the process for a spirit in the spirit world who will reincarnate as a son in the material world.

The instructors in the "Reincarnation Department" studying the future body of the spirit who reincarnate.  They are always reasons why we reincarnate in the body we will receive.

The spirit guides involved are accompanying and encouraging the spirit to reincarnate, and helping to clarify the process and the promises.

The individual spirit guide and all the other spiritual collaborators, in the process of the reduction of the perispirit down to infant size.

The spiritual meeting where the spirit guide gives the spirit guide of the mother the infantile form of the son to be reincarnated. 

The two spirit guides realizing the primordial (embryonic) union. The circle represents the expanded vision of fertilization.

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