Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Chicago- July 2, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isaac, Jeff, Marisol, Maricela, Milargros, Nelson, Sonia, and X   
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  This was our first session in the upstairs area of the temple, and Nelson described it as a very happy day for us - and the spirit presences who were with us agreed.  The spirit guides who have watched over the temple since it was built in the 1960's are known as "The White Brotherhood."  These ascended master spirit guides were referenced in the Bible (Revelation 7) as the great multitude of saints “clothed with white robes” who stand before the throne of God. The Brotherhood works with earnest seekers and public servants of every race, religion, and walk of life to assist humanity in our forward evolution.  It was explained to Nelson that their white robes were a way for these spirits to look at each other and know one another. They had assembled themselves behind our mediums as a shield, and they were mostly quiet - with one that spoke a lot.  There were eight males and two females.  The spirits did not sit through Nelson, but they spoke to him from their established position:
Spirit: this place has a special meaning, and we want to assure that the space is respected.  Do good, help the world, and be kind to each other.  When we meet (the Brotherhood), we would not leave without agreeing to be kind to each other.  One day, all of the chairs you have in this room will not be enough.  Welcome others, but make sure they understand who we are and what we do. 
The builder and founder of the temple (Charlotte) stepped forward to speak directly to Sonia:
Charlotte: It took you a long time, but you have finally realized who you are.  I am so happy to see you at this table.  (Charlotte wanted to present a spiritual diploma, tied with a ribbon, to Sonia)  It's your graduation today.  You are finally sitting where you belong.  You always had the belief, but you never realized your potential.  Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. 
Sonia: I am very thankful for you starting this, and for all of those who came before me.  They taught me a lot, and I am grateful.
Charlotte: And this space may be used for other purposes if you wish (funerals, marriages, other services).
Nelson saw the Brotherhood spirits removing their white robes, perhaps as a way for them to blend with our group of spirit guides.  The faces of the Brotherhood were a mix of white, brown, black, Asian, Indian - every race and nationality.
Sonia: It's a mixture of doctrines...
Nelson: Because that's what the spirit world is, a mix of things that cannot always be seen.
The spirits seated themselves in the side pews, where a choir would normally sit.  They were eager and ready to experience something new.  Nelson said their energy resembled a feather - pure, clean, and floating.  It was time to start the session with the opening prayer.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen):  Carmen was in pain immediately after the prayer had been read.  A spirit related to a former attendee of the temple (Rafael) was present, and this spirit wanted Carmen to feel what Rafael was experiencing (a severe pain on the right side):
Spirit: Aye, aye, aye!  (crying)  Everything hurts, help me!  help me, I need a little water. It's too painful...
Nelson: They are bringing you some spiritual water.
Spirit (head on table):  Aye, aye.  I didn't know the end would be so painful.  I feel so dark, this has no end.
Nelson: It will finish soon.
Spirit: It's painful, they are showing me my life.  I need water to diminish this. 
Nelson:  There are spirit friends around you, and now that you are in Hospice, they are coming to collect.
Spirit: I cannot do anything for my wife and children anymore.  They cut me loose, the communication, and there is nothing more to say.  It's painful, but I will try to clean my path, to make my passing not so bad.
The spirit left Carmen gasping.  The group discussed why Rafael was having a difficult time transitioning back into the spirit world.  In his current life, Rafael had shunned the son named for him (and that son was experiencing difficult times), his daughter had an interracial marriage, another son was gay, and Rafael's inability to accept his life and the choices of his children was now having an impact on his transition. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  There was a spirit at the doorway in the back, and he did not want to come in.  Nelson understood that this spirit believed that our move upstairs was all for him, as he was such a special guest.  Marisol smelled wood burning, and Sonia was shown the red flames of a fire.  It was the spirit of the massive black male madame, and this was the third week that the spirit guides had been working on him.  He was powerful, very smart, and he knew he was a spirit.  He was after only one person - Marisol.  It had been another uncomfortable week for Marisol, and when she sat at the table, she envisioned a hurricane funnel around her, trying to blow her out of the temple:
Nelson: It's him.  He thinks you belong only to him.  That's why he agreed to be here today.  He has all the tools to give you, so that you will do what he does (work for a darker side).  He's weird.  He has all of his own people scattered all over the room.  He is saying that you are the target of all of it.
Spirit (moving into Nelson and speaking calmly and rationally):  Even though she is here, she really wants to belong to the other side.  She likes to work with us.  You people restrain her.  If you let her, she would take the blood and use it to cure.  I could cure that one (the previous spirit), the one who is dying.  I'm dressing her the way I want to dress her (like a madame), because I am here to take her with us.  We have everything prepared for the ceremony.  (to Marisol)  You must come with me.  Where I come from, the work is done. 
Marisol: I invite you to do work that does not harm.
Spirit: I do not harm, I work.  Do not accept what they say!  Look at my workers,with their heads down.  None of them could do the work, which is why I am here.  Now it's personal.  I am not weak, and the ones with you have learned that, dealing with me.  There are a lot of them, but we are stronger.  What will it take for me not to fail?
Marisol: Change your end goal. 
Spirit: Isn't that failure? 
Marisol: Change your goal, and when you reach that new goal, you haven't failed.  You have only changed the mission. 
Spirit: I am respectful, and they told me that I must be.  I am capable of changing and I will start by changing my surroundings.  (pause)  They (the good spirit guides) are removing my friends, so I am weaker.  How smart. There are 97 of them, I brought them here with me today.  They were excellent workers.  (sadly)  I will not be welcomed, where I am going.  I will be looked at with a different eye, until I prove myself.
Marisol: Listen to those ones who brought you here today, and you will be welcomed.
Spirit: It's not easy.  I was a boss for fifty years, and now I am just a worker.  They tell me my work will be with those that I have harmed.  I have to face all of them - including you (Marisol).  I will help the others, but not her.  I almost had her, I was very close. But I failed.
Marisol: I ask for your forgiveness if I harmed you.
Spirit: You harmed the work I was doing!  In many ways, and in many locations.  I have to say goodbye.  They tell me I am too heavy.  (to Marisol)  I am taking everything I put in your way.  It's a lot.  You were my target, but now I have to change it to a new target.  You humans do not know pain and suffering - this will not be easy.  I don't know where I am going, and at this point, I don't care.
Nelson said the spirit was squeezing him tightly, trying to stop the blood from flowing to his brain.  Sonia said that the red flames were replaced by a blue color, and Marisol no longer smelled burning wood.  Nelson was told that the spirit wanted to overcome Marisol as she was on the plane to her vacation.  The spirit had planned to insert a madame spirit into Marisol.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide had arrived to refresh him, and as he worked, he spoke:
(for Marisol):  You will find someone who asks you for help while on your vacation.  Say yes.
(for Denise, in reference to her mother):  What do you prefer, that she is crazy or dead?
Denise: I prefer she transition.
Caballito: She's completely crazy now.  She has no idea where she is, or who she is.
Denise: I know she has no idea what's going on.
Caballito: She is pulling out her hair, hitting herself...
Denise: And her feeding tube! 
Caballito: There are spirits making fun of everyone who visits her, except for you.  That building where you live?  The address should be changed to read "Nut House for the Crazy." 
There were eight people living with Denise, but Caballito explained that the building had 865 negative spirits living in it.  The group discussed some reasonable remedies.  Nelson advised Denise to spend as little time as possible in the building.
Spirit 5 (via Carmen): A spirit with Denise's mother decided to speak through Carmen in Spanish:
Spirit: Want to laugh with me?  Look at mom, alone in her bed.  This is so much fun!  I wanted to undress her, but I didn't.  She did that to me.  She did everything to me!  She used to burn me, pull my hair.  She locked me up in darkness, and I was afraid.  It was in a cave (in Puerto Rico).  She ate food in front of me, but she wouldn't give me any food.  (pause)  I don't do deals.  I want to keep putting pressure on her.  she put lit cigarettes and matches out on me - to burn me!  We want to be repaid in this life, before she goes.  (pause)  They (the spirit guides) are putting some sort of cream on my wounds.  It was so dark in that cave, and she laughed at my fear!  I cried, and all of them were laughing.  All that, done in this lifetime.  Those ones who pulled at me to escape - I died!  But now they have brought me water.  There was no pity then.  I wanted to be received at the door, noticed, I wanted to explain myself.  (The spirit was male and young, around 17 years old)  I don't want to hear anything else now.  Why was it only me?  I scratched myself.
The spirit left, and we discussed the possibility that this spirit was a half brother to Denise.  The details were murky, but once again, we had another example of spirits' who were coming to collect on secrets that we humans think will remain undetected. 
Spirit 6 (via Marisol):  Marisol was studying a spirit around her cousin (Carmencita) in Puerto Rico:
Spirit (trembling with frustration):  Why does she (Marisol) insist on helping her so much!  She's the slave.  She will fall, and no one will notice! 
Nelson: They will always end up together.
Spirit:  She's the slave to herself! 
Nelson: Don't let yourself become a slave because of her.
Spirit: What can I do?  I don't see any light - or any air for me.  Sometimes she goes walking.  That old one, she hits everyone.  Always asking for water, food, asking everyone where they are going.  Such a pain.
Nelson: Let's leave that old woman alone and concentrate on you.
Spirit: She should be the one receiving the hit!  That woman sends her to do the work, but everyone feels so bad for her - someone needs to take care of her!  She always had servants.  (pause, while listening to the guides)  Okay.  It's been fun.  Let's see if she finds her own freedom.  We're leaving. 
The spirit took two miscarriages (boys), 136 spirits from the land, and 14 house servants away.  Sonia and Marisol realized that the two boys were births that had somehow been stopped (with previous surgeries).  
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  The next spirit was also related to Marisol.  In a previous session, Marisol's father visited our table, and he had now returned - with his father (the grandfather of Marisol).  The grandfather had been told by his son that he would bring him to a place where he could be seen and heard.  The grandfather died when his oldest son (Marisol's father) was eleven years old.  He was walking back home from a night of gambling, and he was hit by a car.  His body rolled down an incline, into a river, and it was never discovered.  It was difficult for this spirit to realize that the children he left behind had become adults and that they were now with him in the spirit world, as his spirit had remained at the accident scene.  The spirit wondered how much longer he had to stay at that location, but he did not want to leave until he found his family, or they discovered him.  He felt guilty for leaving them, believing that the hardships they endured were all his fault.
Spirit (polite and respectful): I came very far.  I don't understand any of this.  I was told that he (Nelson) could see me, and he did.  I am here to inquire about my children.  My spouse.  One of my children brought me here, my oldest son.  I can leave that other spot today?  What happened to my oldest daughter?  Why can't I see my children?  I want them to finally see me.
Marisol: You will see them today.  I'm Daniel's daughter.  Your oldest daughter (Lola) had 15 children.
Spirit: I knew she was trouble!  (Marisol told her grandfather about the other grandchildren from his family)  So where am I going to go now?  How do I see them?  I understand what happened (the grandfather still had his deck of cards from the night the accident happened, and he had placed them on the floor), but why did I stay so long in that place?  I was never able to move forward.  (pause)  They are telling me to focus on other memories, not that one.  They (his family) did come to look for me?  I'm going to leave those cards here.  Before, I believed that the cards could tell a lot of things, but I spent so much time waiting.  Now they tell me that we will all be together.  We will start to be a family again.  I don't understand a lot of it.  (to Nelson)  Thank you sir, for noticing me.  My family is waiting for me.  I am so happy that I don't have to go back there.  Many things have happened in that river.  I don't know any of you, but I want to thank you.  (pause)  Look, my children are all here!  We are leaving together, soon.  (cried with joy and hugged himself)  My spouse!  At last.  As I hug her, I will say goodbye...
We discussed that when we die suddenly, our spirit can stay where it happened, hoping that the family will find them there.  Nelson described the grandfather as a lost spirit who finally found peace. 
Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) had returned, and he directed his attention to Alex:
Caballito: What is it that's holding you back (from taking on his next teaching job)? 
Alex: Priorities.  Putting things into place.
Caballito: I hope those priorities are yours, not those of anyone else.
Alex: There was an issue with my severance pay (from his last job in Korea) being deposited into the wrong bank account. 
Caballito: It happened because something else had to stop.  Now you can move forward. You left a friendship behind, and that person still thinks that you have not left, so issues were created.  (Alex understood)  It is okay to ask for a little help when you need it - that is why you come here.  You could have asked me for help.  Why haven't you?  Don't wait until things become difficult.
Alex: It's pride.  I don't like asking for help.
Caballito: Leave that pride outside when you come in here.
(Alex was asked to stand, with Caballito holding one corner of the towel, and Alex holding another corner)
Caballito: My energy is different from yours, and the towel will act as a cable to connect us.  Give me that bad energy, let it all flow to me.  That's it.  Everything you are planning will come true.  Can you be here next Sunday?  That friend will be here.  (to Jeff)  That towel is very hot, don't touch it until you go home.  (to everyone) I am always here, as a representative for everyone:
(for Sonia):  Things will get better.  I know there are things you are concerned with about your daughter.  You are not alone, we hear you.  And her (the daughter), we hear the requests. 
Sonia: Things are going fine, and getting much better.
Caballito: Do not be surprised when she walks in here one day.
(for Marisol):  Enjoy your trip.  Think of nothing but fun.  The route has been cleared, and no spirit will touch you.
(for Milagros):  Are you content?  (she was, and her grandson was much better)  Don't forget that sometimes, even though we may not want to accept it, we are responsible for taking care of others.  Do not think that no one hears me or believes me.  You are winning your share.  (to the group)  There is a familial chain that joins all of you, and that chain never really breaks.
Gabe: Question.  When everything is resolved with the family, that chain...
Caballito: Did I ask for questions?  I have not yet finished my work.  Erika, are you feeling good?  Do you have more energy (she did).  Is there another medical procedure scheduled?
Erika: For Friday.
Caballito: When that procedure happens, you will not be alone.  Do not think that there is something wrong, as they will not find anything.  Let them do what has been scheduled, but there will nothing there, and I do not want you to be nervous or stressed.  And Gabe?  What was your question?
Gabe: How do we resolve and finish our family chains?
Caballito: After there are no more material things to resolve, that chain becomes all about love and learning.  It doesn't dissolve.  Instead of a chain of suffering, it becomes a chain of love, caring, and understanding.  For this one (Nelson), he is always saying that he is done with everyone in this life, and he will not come back with anyone.  But he still has that chain, and he will come back with them.  But if it makes him happy, I let him believe what he wants, but he is still chained to some people. 
(for Milagros):  If your grandson wants to go - take him.  If not, leave it alone.
(for Maricela, who was still concerned about the spirits in her house who remained from her father's party several weeks ago):  That party continues.  Soon, we will welcome them here - when they decide to end the party, they will come.  We have worked on it, but that music continues.  The medicine for your father contradicts with their music.  Read prayers from the spirit books for them, not (Catholic) prayers from the other book.  It will be new music to their ears. 
(for the group): Material chains only exist when love is so fragile that it needs something material to hold it together.  Put love and caring first, and you will receive love and caring.  Do not wait to pray before falling asleep.  You interrupt yourself, and it's difficult to find the solutions you need.  Do not look too hard for something that is simple to find.  Do not make the task difficult.   I will take 16 friends with me today, a little bit from everyone.  My chain, you might call it.  I hope everyone feels better than when they came in today.  Once I earn my first gold star, I will share it all with you, just as I will share the home that I hope to build.  You can come and knock, because it will also be your home.
Sonia sensed that the spirit who was causing Carmen's migraines (she has not had them again) was sorry, and Nelson closed with a prayer.

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