Friday, November 17, 2017

Chicago, July 23, 2017

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Don Juan, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isaac, Isabel, Jeff, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and X 
Briefly, before the opening prayer:  Marisol smelled word burning again, and Nelson had the same sensation that he experienced on the way to the session - he should get into his car and drive away.  He said, "I don't know what is here that does not want me here, but I'm not going anywhere."  Denise's mother was back at rehab, but she was mentally gone.  She insulted everyone who came near her.  Nelson explained that her mind was unfiltered, and she was telling everyone what she really thought of them.  He advised Denise to respond with, "I love you, mom," as it would have an impact on the spirit(s) near her.  Carmen read the prayer for loved ones, and she asked for peace for those who had passed in her own family. She hoped it was a way to keep spirits from bothering her other family members who were still in the material world. 
Marisol sensed angry, cursing spirits, and they were the ones making Nelson feel as if he should drive away.  They wanted Marisol to tell Nelson that they were just getting started with him.  These spirits felt that Nelson "stuck his nose in where it didn't belong," when he passed a group of spirits who alerted Sonia and her daughter to a situation that could cause the daughter to lose her job.  Something that everyone already known or assumed was exposed, and the extremely irate spirits were looking for someone to blame for the unraveling of something that took them so long to build. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson cautioned X that he would also be a target in the material world.  His relatives might assume that X confirmed the allegations, and they wanted to set him up in their home to be arrested.  Nelson advised X to stay away from the house as long as possible, as there was a huge battle going on in both the material and spiritual worlds to maintain what had already been established.
Sonia: There are negative and positive forces clashing.  My head is spinning.
Nelson: They are so angry.  They are capable of anything for revenge.  (to X)  The harm they want to do to you - nobody would believe it.  I cannot let them harm you...
(After mentally urging the spirits to be respectful and calm, Nelson channeled one spirit from the group)
Spirit: He (X) is not a part of us anymore.  We are not going to be kind to him.  He got us into trouble.
Jeff: you got yourselves into trouble.  You cannot violate laws.
Spirit: No one tells us what to do!  (to X)  Get away from us.  Do not get involved!  We are capable of a lot, and none of you can do anything about it. 
Jeff: You think that's freedom, but it's not.  Someone is telling you what to do.
Spirit (to Sonia):  And her!  That old hag, telling everyone what to do!  They came in, and I kicked them out. (laughed)  She ran for her life!  She thought it would be so easy, but she walked in, and ran right back out.  She had no idea what was involved.  That house belongs to us!  Tell this one (Nelson) not to be involved.  Tell him to shut his mouth.  We are not a rug to walked on. 
Jeff: We know, you are very powerful.
Spirit: Don't tell me I'm a spirit either.  (to X)  You are a traitor, we don't want you near us!  We slit the heads of traitors (demonstrated).  We worked so long to have that place, and we will not let it go easily.  They (the material people living in the house) can do whatever they want.  We only care about the spiritual.  I'm here today because I have free will, and you are not going to convince me of anything.  I only came here to confront the traitor. 
Jeff: But after coming here, you cannot go back there.
Spirit: I know I cannot go back!  I'm intelligent.  I left that place, but there are others who stayed behind.  Don't think that I didn't leave trained replacements over there!  We own that place.  I only wanted to see his face, I wanted to confront the traitor face to face.
Jeff: And you have done that, so now you can move on.
Spirit: I don't like some of the people we will face when we go there.  We are 7 x 4 (28 spirits).  Do you understand that number?
Jeff: Seven days a week times the four people living in that house.
Spirit: He's very smart!  Don't think that's the end of it, the danger isn't over.  There are many more.  I will leave with my group, and we are really 29, it's 28 plus me.  I will leave the same way I came in, with respect.
Nelson advised Xavier to lay low and avoid that house and his relatives until they shifted their focus to someone or something else.  There wasn't any reason for him to be penalized.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Carmen asked a question about her brother.  Nelson described him as a charlatan (an imposter, fraud or hoaxer).  He created situations to harm himself, and then laughed at the antics.  The conversation shifted to Marisol's vacation.  A female spirit from the trip had returned to Chicago with Marisol, and Marisol invited her to our session.  Nelson said that the spirit refused to sit, because she knew it would only be a way to encourage her to move on - and she had no intention of leaving.  She was "collecting things" (debts she felt were owed) from an old man.  His suffering was her happiness.  The spirit was surprised by Marisol's visit, and she followed her to make sure that Marisol would not interfere with her plans.  Marisol said she had a horrible night with the spirit.  The spirit would return to the old man, to wait until he passed from his prostate illness/cancer.  The spirit guides were able to remove four of her friends and take them away, but the spirit said, "I will only go once I have him."   Juanita added something she saw to the conversation.
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  The spirit of Marisol's mother was arriving.  She was grateful that Marisol did the things she asked when she passed (colored her hair, made her look pretty, and took her to Puerto Rico).  Marisol shared that her mother asked if she was dying while she was in the process, and it was difficult for Marisol to respond.  The spirit sat through Carmen:
Spirit: Thank you for those things.  In that moment, I saw myself, and I felt like I was coming back.  I didn't want people to look at me and call me ugly.  I had to accept it, and I appreciated it when you told me the truth - that I was passing.  I will always take any opportunity to protect you.  I want to work hard, so I can come back.  Thank you.  Take care.
Marisol asked Sonia if she was planning a vacation, and Sonia responded that it would not be until January.  Marisol advised her to take it sooner, as vacations were a necessity for our material bodies.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson was studying something with Gabe's mom (Nelson's sister, Lourdes).  Now that her mother had passed, Gabe's mother felt that she had no one to protect her.  Nelson heard her thinking: "She's gone, and she was the only one.  Who can I call?"  Jeff said that no one was ever really alone, because the spirit guides were always with us, and that there were other family members (all of them were spiritists like Lourdes) that she could contact for support.  No spirit sat through Nelson, but he continued to hear the thoughts of his sister:  "Mom, I miss you so much.  If you were here, none of this would be happening.  My world is crumbling, little by little.  I'm all alone.  You have kids, and they grow up and move away, and you are lucky if they give you a phone call.  The one next to me (her husband) brings me more problems than solutions.  I'm lonely, with no one to talk to, but I'm also proud.  They should be calling me."
Sonia: It doesn't work that way.
Thoughts: They all know what I'm going through.  I know they must talk about it.  Why don't they help me?
Sonia: You are isolating yourself from them.
Thoughts: Mom, if you hear me, it's okay.  Come and get me.  I have nothing here, so I'll go with you.  I'm so alone...Who thought it would all end like this?  When it's not one thing, it's another.  I used to go to mom.
Nelson saw an image of Gabe's mom walking on the beach.  As she continued, she became smaller and smaller, without any one around her.  Nelson sensed that his sister was looking at the ocean, and she was wondering how far she could walk into it before she disappeared completely.  Nelson was the last person she wanted to hear from, as she felt that he had all the good luck, while she was stuck with all the bad luck. She blamed him for her issues.  Marisol said that happiness only came from within ourselves.
Spirit 5 (via Carmen):  When the spirit guides bring a spirit to our table, they still have free will to decide if they will sit or not.  When the female spirit with Marisol was brought in, she decided to return to where the guides found her, instead of sitting.  Our job at the table is to speak about the spirit - so they can hear our voice, understand our intentions, and make a determination to sit or leave.  When Nelson was shown the thoughts of his sister, his vocalization of those thoughts was not for our benefit.  He was speaking to the spirit with Lourdes, as a way to encourage that spirit to sit.  The male spirit would not sit through Nelson, but he agreed to sit through Carmen:
Spirit (standing): I'm so happy - I'm laughing and dancing!  Everything has been taken away from her (Lourdes) and now she is only taking care of me!  (to Nelson)  Not everyone wants to be like you!
Nelson: She's not happy.  She has even forgot how to smile. 
Spirit: We laugh together at night.  She's free from everyone - happy!  I don't let her sleep much, because I need her.  She's my partner.  How could I ever leave her?  No one is removing me.  I get so jealous of him (Nelson)!  Every time he comes around, she changes.  When he comes, I move to the side, but then I come right back once he goes.  We have so many fun moments!  I need her over here (in the spirit world) with me.
Nelson: She feels you around her.
Spirit: And who is going to remove me?  I used that other one (her husband).  I'm the owner of that house, and I sleep with her.  Sometimes I look at you (Nelson) and I don't understand your love for her. That's when I get involved.  I don't want him, that dumb one (the husband) to get close to her either.  She is so pretty!  My queen!
Nelson: Learn to love her in a different way.
Spirit: But that dumb one will be leaving soon.  I didn't ask to come here, and now I need to go?  Seeing my body scared me, but my queen will be fine.  She will sleep deeply, perfectly.  My queen will progress, so I will go to a nice palace.  Tell her I'm sorry.  I was blind.  My energy (darkness) was bad for her.  I will come back to her again, once I've learned.
Emiliano said that all the large flies in his garage were gone after the session last Sunday.  Nelson asked about his brother (Nazario) who sometimes lived in Chicago but also lived in Michigan.  Again, it was an attempt to get a spirit to sit at our table, but it only led to confusion among the Romero family.  The brother only lived in Chicago part time, so when Nelson asked who the fourth person was living in the house, they claimed there wasn't anyone living there full time.  Nelson also understood that Nazario did not live alone in Michigan, but none of his relatives could confirm anything.  Someone had performed a recital in the house on Wednesday at 7:30am, and a white candle was lit and it became stuck in a pot.  Was it a spiritual attempt to kick everyone out?  Regardless of all the conflicting stories, Nazario was suffering from something spiritual, and it was having an impact on his material body.  He had headaches and neck pains.  The person he lived with in Michigan was still a secret, and the spiritual work we needed to do for him was related to a coworker.  Nelson asked if he could attend our next Sunday session to clear up the confusion. 
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Nazario had a mini-stroke, and Nelson needed to pass the spirit who caused it, even if Nazario was not present:
Spirit (calmly): We are enemies.  I can't stand him.  I want him to slowly die.  I want him in bed.  He's bad.  How did you see me?  I don't care who interferes.  Keep praying, but don't pray for me.  I look like a demon.  What light are you talking about?  Do you see what is around me?  I came here from a place of the dead.  I want him (Nazario) to be the same.  Being dead is the best.  No more suffering.  I want him here, with me.  He has never been happy.  No one kisses him, or shows any affection.  I make them spit on him.  He wonders if he is really that ugly, because I make them see him as disfigured.  Never help him. Everything on me hurts.  I lived too long in the fast lane.  And he's always in a rush.  Those ants biting him?  They are my ants.  That's what he did to us.  We are many.  We died in a cave.  He put us there.  We ate ants and bread.  Now they expect good things?  (pause)  Can you remove the ants?  I'm hot and itchy.  We are missing some body parts.  That's why sometimes his legs don't work.  (pause, as the spirit listened to the guides around him)  I can leave without pain, if I forget about him?  We call him 'Rushy'.  Pray for him, but not for me.  We were just with him, but I'm tired of running.  I want to lie down and relax.  (to the spirit guide)  I will leave the ants with you, sir.  We are 16 ants, and 18 others with me.  I'll go now, to feel better.
There was a discussion regarding Nazario arriving at the Chicago house and leaving all of his spiritual baggage there when he returned to Michigan.  Nelson was exhausted from trying to extract information to entice the spirit to sit, and from passing the spirit.  But he saw an insistent, sad spirit with Isaac.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Isaac if he felt any sadness around himself when he was at home.  There was a spirit with him who wanted him to feel that way.
Nelson (to Isaac):  You don't like sadness, you hate it.  You move people away from you because you do not want to be sad.  But you do notice that in your house, people are sad.  (Ice agreed)  Sometimes, even though we come here, we don't notice what is around us.  You feel it, but you don't see it.  You feel that way in your house.  Why don't you like sadness?
Isaac: It puts me in a bad mood, I guess.
Nelson: I am talking to a spirit who doesn't understand that you have reincarnated.  In your previous life as a Franciscan monk, this spirit was with you.  He is all dressed in brown (see below for an example), and he was in charge of you in that life.  It was a silent order.

Frank: The Franciscan monks also believed in self punishment (flagellation, or the act of hitting oneself with a whip as part of a religious ritual.  It started with the Roman Catholic Church, and it's still common today with Spanish, Italian, and Philippine Franciscan orders.)  
Jeff: To be a better human, they had to suffer.
Spirit (arriving through Nelson):  Why is he (Isaac) talking?  He needs to be silent and sad.  My spirit will grow if I punish myself with sadness.
Denise: It's a different life for him now.
Spirit: He left our group, and I needed to find him.  We were told that the only way to get closer to God was to punish ourselves.  Why do you say he is different?  He looks the same.  He needs to be sad.  He has a sad face, and I always remind him to be sad. Why is he one of us but not with us?  (Note: Several members of the group coached the spirit, but he insisted on hearing Isaac's voice.  Isaac remained silent.)  I have been looking for him because we were very worried about our group missing a member.  No one was allowed to talk.  We were told to punish ourselves, to work, and to pray if we wanted to improve.  When someone went missing, we looked out for each other. 
Marisol: This is a new opportunity for you to find happiness. 
Spirit: Are you telling me I don't need to be sad anymore?  (to Ice)  I was tired of not feeling happy.  You don't need me anymore, if you are happy.  We will go, and find our own happiness.  We are twelve.  (pause)  I'm going to try to smile (made a weak attempt).  That's all I can do for you.  I'm going to go.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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