Monday, November 20, 2017

Chicago - July 26, 2017

In attendance: Denise, Gabe, Isaac, Jeff, Nelson, Sonia, and X 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson wanted to make a petition (an earnest request) to the spirit world for three people:  Claudia, Mildred, and Lourdes.  All three were suffering in different ways for various reasons.  Nelson said it was becoming more disheartening to hear from anyone, as it seemed to be a constant stream of negative news.  Caballito arrived to add his comments:  "Get used to it.  This will happen more and more, and you need to be prepared.  No reluctance (a lack of willingness or desire to accept something); become more open to deal with this."  After the opening prayer, Nelson read the Prayer for the Sick.  Caballito extended the prayer with his words once the reading was over.  Sonia was being shown puffs of fluid (like steam) floating up.
Caballito needed to take Nelson somewhere with him, but Nelson was reluctant.  "Don't take me anywhere," he said softly, "Don't take me, I'm here.  Oh my God."  Nelson asked Sonia if the liquid she saw was yellow, and she replied that it was white:
Nelson: It's contaminated.  All three of them have the same yellowish poison inside of them, with different levels of intensity.
Sonia: There's no material there, it's all spiritual.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson started coughing, and he was having difficulties breathing.  He placed his hands on each side of his face, and he said he felt like vomiting:
Nelson (with his hands over his eyes):  Oh my God.  He's taking them out of there.  Easy, easy, easy. 
Sonia: I see them being removed.
(Caballito had taken Nelson to the hospital room of Claudia.  Her bed was surrounded by the spirits of military soldiers who wanted revenge.  One of them sat through Nelson to explain more.)
Spirit (with authority):  Who are you, to come and get me?  I am where I belonged, and I was not finished with my job.  (pause)  How difficult it is to suffer.  But (Claudia, in a previous life) made me suffer, and she laughed.  (referring to Claudia)  Now who is going to help you?  (laughed)  You can call all you want, ask for anyone, but I will not leave until you are no longer with me.  She thinks she is suffering?  It hasn't even begun!  Criminal!  She is a criminal!  Don't look so surprised.  (Sonia, Denise and Gabe coached the spirit)  No one is going to save her, we are taking her.  Pray all you want, I don't care.  My solution is taking her.  This man came to pick me up, from very far away.  He told me he picked me up to help me, but I only came here to tell you that I will finish my assignment, the deal I made.  I'm good at my work, and I am slowly taking her.  Now she asks for mercy?  I'm taking her.  I only think of her in that bed.  (pointed at Jeff, referring to the trip to Buenos Aires that he and Nelson will take this autumn)  Don't you dare show up over there!  You call her Claudia, but I call her 'General'.  And I call her 'devil'.  She committed treason against us with no compassion, so now I do not have any compassion for her!  I'm taking her.  Open your eyes to that demon!  No one helped us.  And she's not different, she is still the same general.  She sent us down that mountain, into the camp of the enemy, and then she betrayed us and left!  And now we finally found her.  (to the spirit guides)  Don't touch me!  Let me suffer, I'm used to it.  We have found our happiness by finding her.  We will bury her.  We will take her to the location where we died.  You will not convince me of anything else.  We spent so many years trying to find that CRIMINAL!  We could not forget what happened.  My last words to that general were, 'You betrayed me!'  Look at her begging.  How easy it all was.  Nobody asked us anything until this guy (Caballito) showed up.  He was dressed like a commander (in a military uniform resembling theirs), so how could we refuse?  I can go now, we all can go, but the problem is that if we I do, I have to leave her.
Gabe: How many of you are there?
Spirit: 250 soldiers.  We all died together because of that general.  It was all her fault.  All of you have been nice to us, so we will leave - and put her in the hands of whomever wants her.  I did what I wanted.  It's done.  We are 250 that she killed with an act of treason.  They are saying we will wake up someplace new.  Thank you for letting my hate flow freely.  (to his troops)  Let's go, my friends! 
Nelson returned, but Caballito stayed in Claudia's hospital room to clean away the residue left behind.  As he was recovering, Nelson said that the same group of spirits were responsible for the death of Claudia's father.  it was their way to hut her.  The spirits were insistent that no spiritual passes given to Claudia would have any effect.  Nelson did not want to travel to the hospital with Caballito, but now he was remembering the details.  Claudia was asleep when they arrived, with oxygen (or something else) in her nose.  She had an IV drip attached to her arm.  There was a material world woman in the room with her (possibly her mother or Mary), and the room was overflowing with the spirits of the soldiers.  When Caballito arrived, his uniform and rank caused the soldiers to clear a path to Claudia.  This occurred on Wednesday at 1830 to 1900 hours AR time (6:30pm to 7pm US time).  At 19:50 AR time (7:15 US), Caballito was preparing to leave Claudia's room, as the spirit guide from the center in Gerli was there with her.  Nelson was shown that Claudia was sitting up and talking, and she asked for some juice.  The guide from Gerli and Caballito were giving her passes and energy, but only as much as was allowed.  They wanted to remove what did not belong there, but there was a mass of a meat-like substance in her shoulder near the breast that could not be removed.  It had to stay.  Nelson began groaning in agony, and exhaling deeply.  Claudia had become overexcited, and she had to be calmed down.  Nelson/Caballito spoke gently to Claudia:  "Just relax.  It's us.  Close your eyes, go to sleep." 
Nelson jumped in his seat as Caballito returned to speak again. Caballito had brought everything he took from Claudia and the hospital to our table.  He called it a spiritual operation:
Caballito (in preparation for the spiritual operation on Claudia):  We will remove as much as we can.  Nobody needs to get excited.  It is not that difficult or important.  Don't attach any unnecessary value.  When the damage is already caused, it's more difficult.  Don't tell Nelson, but to do this type of operation, I need a human, so I'm using his hands.  He is not crazy, tell him that I am.  I never do anything half done.  (pause)  Now we are done.  He (Nelson) thinks that he will never come back.  He thinks that everyone will think that he can cure, and he cannot.  I can.  Now I can remove myself.  I want you to continue (with the class).  To discuss what you were going to discuss.  (referring to Claudia)  We forget where we came from, and what we did.  (to Sonia)  On Sunday can I request something?
Sonia: I may not be here...
Caballito: I knew that, and that is why I am directing this to you.  I want you to do something, because you will not be here.  (Caballito asked Jeff to give Sonia a towel to place on her usual chair at the table.  Sonia said she would mentally be with us at 2pm, but Caballito asked her not to do it.  The towel would represent Sonia, so it was fine that she would not be with us physically.)
Caballito: I want you to not be here, don't think about this.  It will come to your mind (laughed), but just have a glass of wine.  Remember not to think of it.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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