Sunday, November 5, 2017

Puerto Rico - June 7, 2017

In attendance:
Bey, Christine, Diane, Diego, Eva, Ivan, Ivette, Ivette's daughter, Jeff, Junior, Lourdes, Luis, Lydia, Lydia's sister, Mirelsa, Nelson, Nydia, Rina and Yiri  
Nelson read a selection from Allan Kardec's The Gospel According to Spiritism (Chapter 10, Item 10): 
"One of the problems of humanity consists in seeing wrong-doing and evil in others before seeing it in ourselves.  In order to be able to judge ourselves, it is first necessary that we see ourselves intimately reflected - as in a mirror.  To be permitted to look at oneself from the outside; as if we were someone else, we can ask ourselves what we would think if we saw someone doing what we do.  Pride is what causes us to hide all of our faults, both moral and physical, even from ourselves."
Selfishness and ego became the theme for our session. For many mediums, time travel is possible - but the reality is not what science fiction writers often imagine it to be.  When we sleep, our spirits can be separated from our material bodies.  How is this possible?  See:
Why would a spirit guide ask a medium (and they always ask, as we have free will) to separate their spirit from their human body?  Why would anyone need to travel back in time?  As with everything the spirit world gives us, it's an opportunity to learn and improve.  One of the most common requests at every center we have ever attended is that people want to know more about their past lives.  Spirit guides give us glimpses, but it only happens when it's needed or requested.  Last Sunday night, Nelson's main spirit guide (Caballito) showed up in the middle of the night and asked if he was ready for a journey.  Nelson agreed.  The destination was Valencia, Spain in the 17th or 18th century.
Caballito showed Nelson a magnificent, very impressive castle.  The interior had massive candelabras, and huge chandeliers for torches. After a few minutes, Caballito told Nelson that now he would show him the same castle at night.  It was completely dark.  Caballito told Nelson to look closer, through one of the windows.  There was a very tall, very pale man with long gray hair seated at a massive table.  He was counting gold coins, over and over, and the only illumination he had came from a candle about the size of a birthday cake candle.  Next, Caballito took Nelson to a locked dungeon door.  When it opened, there were elegant, well-dressed people walking around.  There were individual rooms, similar to jail cells with the bars removed, but the people were free to wander - but only in the area with the cells, not past the locked door.  Caballito explained that the man upstairs had arranged for the wealthy people to vanish from wherever they once lived, so he could have all of their money and valuables.  In his mind, they were not really imprisoned, as he let them walk freely.  There wasn't any heat or light in the castle, so it was a damp, musty, very dark place.  Although the man counting the coins had plenty of gold, he never spent any of it - as his guilt was too great, knowing it never really belonged to him.
Caballito took Nelson back to the man counting the gold coins.  He told him that the moon would be appearing soon through a window, and Nelson would recognize the man.  It was his sister's oldest son.  In his current life, the older son suffered from colds, various types of rashes and the flu, as well as stomach aches, cramps and other illnesses.  In other words, in this life he suffered from everything that one might catch from living in a drafty old castle.  The older son was also very tight with money.  He lived frugally, and if his mother asked him to pick up an item for $1.50 from the grocery store, he insisted that she pay her back - even though she was willing to help him financially with groceries, laundry, meals, etc.  Her son was 27 years old, and he was heading in the same direction as the man who was alone and sick in the castle - counting his money over and over,and never spending it.  Caballito asked Nelson to invite his sister to the Wednesday session.  In a previous session, she had asked for some spiritual insight into her son, and the man in the castle was a major piece of his puzzling past. 
The spirit world often provides us with verification of what was shown or explained - to prove it really existed.  Nelson easily found the castle in Valencia (which was probably why the name of the location was provided by his guide).  Here it is:

The oldest son of Lourdes was having a difficult moving away from his past life in the castle, and in his current life, he is as alone as in that past life.  Nelson said that he could see every doctor in the world, use all the lotions and creams needed for his rashes, and nothing would work. His past life consumes him, and it blocks all of his happiness.  He's intelligent, but this was something that he could not understand.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  A spirit sat through Nelson to explain the feelings of Lourdes' son:
Spirit: Mami, she will help me.  Mami can resolve it.  It's who we are.  It's my castle, my property.  Mine, but Mami always rescues me.  (laughing)   I want things cheap!  It's better.  I'm counting my money, and I am not sharing!  But there is something on my conscious.  Why do I not enjoy life? 
Junior: this is an opportunity to change that, and find some light.
Spirit: This man is saying no more counting.  How much do I have?  Let me count it all again.
Eva: That doesn't bring you happiness.
Spirit: He's alone (Lourdes' son), do you understand?  I feel sorry for him - but not really, I feel more sorry for myself.  I'm alone, but I am not alone.  I have four children, six women, and two men with me (other spirits).  We will all leave together.  Now he's really alone.
Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) arrived to refresh Nelson and deliver another message.  Nelson was previously shown that Lourdes' son has no interest in marrying the girlfriend he has been dating for several years.  In addition to helping her son understand that his current behavior mirrors his former life in the castle, Lourdes was asked to explain to her son how his current behavior was misleading the girlfriend.  When Caballito asked Nelson to visualize the girlfriend, she was wearing a wedding dress to demonstrate her intentions. 
Caballito: It's a delicate message.  Mom might listen, but his father?  (to Lourdes)  This is the format to use when you speak to him.  Tell him that his future, with that girl, if he doesn't care for her, she needs to know.  It isn't fair.  She hasn't done anything wrong, or anything harmful, so why would he hurt her?  
Lourdes: Perfect.  I understand.
Caballito: It's not easy, and you will need to discuss it with your spouse.  Tell your son that he can be apart from her, but he will not be alone.  I will step to the side now, as we have more work coming.
Lourdes shared that her son loved castles and anything related to them, and Jeff commented, "It's in his perispirit."   
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Nydia): Nydia was studying a tearful spirit related to Ivette and her daughter.  The daughter was in her late twenties, and still lived at home.  She and her mother argued constantly:
Spirit (crying): Why can't I find freedom? 
Nelson: We will help you do that now, at this very moment.
Spirit: It's a huge pain. Here (indicating the heart).
Nelson: If you do not like her, why are you around her?  Being apart from her world would bring you happiness.
Eva: You've wasted a lot of time.
Junior: You will not find happiness by causing others to suffer.
Spirit: I'm not interested in that.  When she sleeps, I go to her.  That other one is in the middle.
Junior: You do not have a physical, material body.
Eva: Listen to that man (the spirit guide) next to you.
Spirit: He talks a lot.  What a thing he is!  Fight, fight, fight.  It's all they do.
Junior: You can find your liberty with him, that man.
Spirit: I'm not interested in that, but I will listen to him.  I want peace. 
Nelson: Yes, let her be tranquil.  She's suffering with you around. 
Spirit (argumentative): She permits it!  She's a psychologist, but she doesn't understand her own mother.  It's like a barbeque grill being lighted - when you stand too close, you burn your pants!  (laughed)  But I don't want my pants on fire any longer (laughed).  He wants me to say that I will no longer bother them.  I won't molest them.  We are a group of five.  We will go.
Once the spirit departed, Eva asked the mother and daughter to hug each other.  Junior told them that everything was dependent on the two of them now.  Nelson advised the daughter that she was an adult now, and she needed to make friends with her parents.  Things could be talked out with respect.  Nydia's spirit guide arrived to cleanse her.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Nelson turned his attention to Luis.  Earlier in the week, he was shown a vision of Luis flipping a coin with two faces (similar to a villain from a Batman movie).  Depending on how the coin landed, Luis would decide what face to put on.  when he was alone, Luis might decide on one face, but later, he would change that face to another.  Nelson told him, "We have to decide on which face to wear."  Nelson understood that Luis did not want any additional responsibility or sacrifices, as he liked to go where life was good.  (Luis agreed)  A bohemian spirit arrived to clarify the issue:
Spirit (jovial):  All that responsibility?  It's not for me.  Don't bother me with that work.  I think I will go to the beach.  Why would I change what works?  And her (Eva, Luis' mother)?  Always telling me what to do!  Bothering me!  (demonstrated with a rapid conversation in Spanish punctuated with laughter
Junior: You won't admit much - because she's here - listening.  Find some harmony.
Spirit: Hmmm.  Should I be responsible or go sit on a mountain?  (pretended to flip a coin)  Mountain!  Let's go!  Look at that nature!  So beautiful.  No obligations, no work, what a mountain.  But I understand that I have to leave.  There are two of us, representing both faces...
The spirit departed, and Luis shared that he liked his life as it was, without any problems.  Nelson told him that both sides of his two faced coin needed to be combined to make something harmonious.  Nydia said the spirit was very loving, but that we need to actively participate in the process of change as our lives expand and unfold. 
Spirit 6 (via Nydia):  Nydia asked Christine to come forward, as she wanted to give her a cleansing, energizing pass.  Nydia explained that just as Luis was evolving, so was Christine.  "I have observed her innocence," Nydia said.  Nydia saw Christine on the right road for her journey into having a child, and she cautioned Christine to be aware of things done in the name of love, as sometimes ego is disguised as love.  The group discussed the issue. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson): A new spirit was emerging, and he was related to Lydia, her mother, and her sisters.  Lydia's mother was married in this life, and her husband was now in the spirit world. It wasn't his spirit who wanted to speak, it was the spirit of his father.  The father had 22 children in his lifetime, and he now had all of them with him in the spirit world.  He wanted to assure his family that he functioned as a guardian angel for all of them.  Nelson described him as "a cultivated soul," and he arrived with a poem, comparing life to sugar cane (La vida es como la cana de alsugar).  He listened when Ivette's daughter (his great granddaughter) was speaking, and he said that she was the result of the sugar cane he planted.  He told us there were no words to express his happiness over her.  His wanted his son's wife (Lydia and Ivette's mother) to know that he saw her still in the material world, and she was not alone.  If she needed help, she could call on him or her late husband, and they would respond.  He thanked our group, explaining that his work was to erase ignorance, and groups like ours made it easier.  He told Eva that her father was one of his friends in the spirit world, and that there was a bond of love and caring between them.  The spirit had a large group of friends, and Bey's mother (Nelson's grandmother) was also with him.  "Your mother has a message for you," the spirit told Nelson's father, "so I have to go.  I thank all of you, and many blessings until the next time." 
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Nelson thought the session was finished, as he was not aware that the spirit of his grandmother wanted to speak:
Spirit (strong, like  a preacher):  I know this family, these sisters (Lydia's family, who had been connected to Nelson's for a very long time) and I welcome you!  Some of your family members are on my side now.  We are clearing the road, making a direct path for spiritism, just like we used to do when we held our meetings hidden in the sugar cane.  We have to clean it.  Based on my observations, we will become a large group, working together, as friends.  It's my work, my mission!  (The spirit spoke individually to some members of the group)  In the spirit world, everyone is my child.  But my son (to Nelson's father, Bey), this is your mother asking about you.  (Bey said he was good)  Open your heart and listen to me.  And Lourdes?  Junior?  Open your hearts and listen to your father.  (to Bey)  The years left in your material life, devote those to spiritism.  (very dramatic)  Stop chasing the foolishness of material things!  The work is not here, in the material!  It's difficult work, but it is profound!  (Nelson was shaking)
Junior (to his father):  Give up chasing old girlfriends, the idea of a car, and embrace the spiritual.
Spirit: Is my message clear?  Those words came from the core of my spirit! This is my spirit speaking.  It is me, it's Philomena!  (to Lourdes)  Your mother is on the right road.  She's working.  Doing excellent.  She has given up that material body - finally!  The correct step.  She's happy, but she wants to see you happy.
Lourdes: She was an excellent mom.
Spirit: Her love continues, and one day she will speak.  (to Nydia)  There are many friends in the spirit world preoccupied with the families they left behind.  Your father is one of them.  Continue your work, while we work with him...
Spirit 9 (via Nydia): The spirit of Philomena left with a stirring, very emotional plea on the importance of spiritual work.  As Nelson recovered, Norma (a spirit guide for our table who was married to Philomena's oldest son) arrived through Nydia:
Spirit: Good afternoon, my friends.  With your permission, I would like to say a few words.  I have been preoccupied with my family.  My children have been giving the material world too much attention.  It seems like they are experiencing one thing after another.  Material things DO NOT HELP THE HEART!  My oldest daughter, I have a message for her.  I hope she can be here next Saturday.  It involves negative situations.  The spirit world is incredible, and my spirit is evolving.  But a mother never forgets her children.  I need to see them evolve.  Just a little, like a grain of sand.  Don't stop the process of evolution.  My spirit has been content at these reunions.  Thank you to Nelson and Jeff for coming here and adding their energy to the sessions.  Keep doing it.  (they said that they will)  There is no cause more noble than spiritism.
Nelson: This is my work.  I'm a spiritist and I will continue, regardless if people like what I say or what is written down.
Spirit: You cannot abandon it.  Those who have a problem and abandon it, it is their problem, not yours.  This does not belong only to Puerto Ricans, it belongs to the world. 
Spirit 10 (Caballito through Nelson):  Bey, your mother took away 18 spirits of dancing women from you. 
Bey: What's wrong with dancing?
Junior: It has nothing to do with the material world dancing, it's with your spirit.  They are a distraction.  Materially, you do not function the same as you once did (he's 88 years old), even though your spirit still feels as if it is in a perfect condition. 
Caballito: They would be called 'zombies' in your material world.  Lourdes, I will remove three spirits from you.  They are short and gordita (chubby), and they do your bidding.  Their hair is wrapped tightly around their heads into a bun.  They unwind it, and they use it to entrap your husband so he stays away from you.
Nelson asked Diane who the other person was in her house, and it was her grandmother (not sure if she was a spirit or material).  Nydia sensed that Diane bothered the grandmother, and the group discussed the relationships between the five people living in Diane's house. 
Caballito (for Diane): We need to calm that house.  Is there time?
Eva: We have time.  We care.
Caballito: There is someone there who bothers you.  That person wants you to get the blame for something that is not your fault.  (Nelson began to feel overheated)  It's a spirit who was executing his plan.  There was something about water and a bridge,and it seemed as if when one took a drink (the spirit or a person), someone else took a drink.  As the spirit arrived, he told Nelson his problem was with Diane, and not her boyfriend (Ivan):
Spirit: She doesn't like anything, that house, that car, nothing!  (to Diane)  It's your life, learn something!  She doesn't care about anything.
Junior: Why are you interested in her?
Spirit (very animated): Nothing makes her happy!  She doesn't like anyone.  Mira!  Only me.  She likes me.  My happiness is mine.  Evil, evil, evil thing!  Not even a sunrise satisfies her.
Nydia: Forgive that behavior.
Spirit (loudly):  She belongs in an ambulance!  Her suffering helps fuel my happiness.  Devil!  I want to see her squashed on the floor like a bug (demonstrated).  Don't talk to me about her!  (irate)  I have a perfect plan, and I will not repent or forgive.  Devil!
Diane: No, no, no.
Spirit: I talk to her, but she thinks I don't exist.
Eva: Try talking to her with love.
Spirit: Like this guy (the spirit guide) who keeps talking to me?  Fine.  I'll go.  I'm going with him.  (to Diane)  Don't call me for anything!  I have 50 with me.  49 and me.  I'm abandoning her.
Eva: If you learn how to love, maybe you can return. 
Nydia strongly advised Diane not to allow these types of spirits in her house.  Nelson also gave her some advice, explaining that this opportunity was a "new sunrise" for her.  "The problem is that everyone around you is surrounded by negative spirits," Nelson said, "Read Kardec's The Book of Spirits and clean your life.  If you have questions, ask.  Learn, so you can find your road - and happiness."  Nelson shared that he always wondered why all of his family members had white, pale skin, and his was darker.  He asked his spirit guide about it once, and Caballito replied, "Because if you were white like the others, you wouldn't be Nelson."
The group recited the closing prayer in unison.

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