Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Chicago - July 16, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isaac, Isabel, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Milargros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and X 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) wanted to speak briefly to our group before the opening prayer was read:
Caballito: Sadness makes the lower level spirits happy.  Don't give them that.
Sonia: They feed off of it.
Caballito: They cannot feed from you when you are happy.  We create the spirits that are around us.  Do your own work - for yourself - and you will progress.  These Sundays together are a way to help you understand what needs to be done to make yourself happy.  Learn to accept all that you are.
Spirit 2 (via Sonia):  After the opening prayer, Sonia was with a spirit who made her feel as if her head would explode.  The spirit was related to Denise and her mother's transition back to the spirit world, and the influence Denise's family was having on the process:
Spirit: I want to scream out to them, 'Let me go!'  I want prayers for peace, I want to feel that peace and tranquility.  (quietly)  Let me go.
Nelson (to Denise): Let her leave, it's what she wants.  Be cautious over what is said near the bed of someone dying.  The hospital says they cannot understand you, but the spirit (of that person) can hear you.
Denise: My brother tells her to fight...
Nelson: And her spirit is in nothing but pain. 
Spirit (crying): Unite.  I am crying out, I am in pain.
Denise: She is receiving treatment, so she can eat.
Spirit (painfully): Let me go!  Get rid of it! 
Nelson: It's time to let go.
Spirit (speaking softly): I want prayers, I need peace...
Nelson: We will do that for you right now.  (Nelson read the Prayer for Suffering Spirits, and the spirit faded away from Sonia.  A total of six spirits were removed.  Read the prayer here: http://www.kardecpedia.com/en/study-guide/887/the-gospel-according-to-spiritism/7067/chapter-28-a-collection-of-spiritist-prayers/4-prayers-for-those-no-longer-on-earth-for-someone-who-has-just-died/for-suffering-spirits-who-ask-for-prayers)
Nelson was shown that Denise's mom would soon have a feeding tube inserted by the hospital, and he advised against it.  "All it will do is extend a life of misery," Nelson said.  Carmen also offered some spiritual advice.  We had a similar spirit in pain visit our table two weeks ago, and that spirit was around Rafael's father in Florida.  The father was in hospice, and although Maricela told the group that he seemed to be recovering, Nelson said last week that his time left on earth was short.  The father transitioned back to the spirit world yesterday.  Nelson read the Prayer for the Recently Departed, and once the prayer was finished, Caballito returned, to add his own words at the end of the prayer. (Read the prayer here: http://www.kardecpedia.com/en/study-guide/887/the-gospel-according-to-spiritism/7079/chapter-28-a-collection-of-spiritist-prayers/4-prayers-for-those-no-longer-on-earth-for-someone-who-has-just-died/for-suffering-spirits-who-ask-for-prayers/65)
Spirit 3 (via Carmen): Carmen was dealing with a spirit for the last four days that seemed intent on killing her. The spirit was drawn to our table for two reasons.  She had been listening to the prayer for the passing of Rafael's father, and Carmen's granddaughter had been asking for money she was promised after Carmen died and her house had been sold:
Spirit: I'm listening to everything.  She's dying tomorrow.  I had doubts of what I was looking for, but now I have it.  I have a knife, and these papers for her to sign.  Creating confusion is not good, I just need that will, that testament, those papers to be signed.  That young one (the spirit was with Carmen's granddaughter) is trying to find them, not the daughter.
Nelson:  Those friends, those spirit guides around you?  They have already taken those papers from you.
Spirit: I'm confused.  I was actually just looking for a pen, to sign those papers and get it all.  This one (Carmen) doesn't want to sign the papers, because she thinks she will die if she does.  (Nelson continued to counsel the spirit, until she agreed to go)  I'm leaving with the papers.  She can talk to that other friend, the next one coming up...
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): A new spirit connected to the previous spirit arrived through Nelson:
Spirit: She (the granddaughter, who is 23 years old) wants to know if she's getting it all.  If grandma (Carmen) goes, that other one (Carmen's daughter) will be easy for her.  I need the papers, so it will all belong to me.  I am not sharing.  Give it to me NOW!  I'm busy, I've got other things to do.  I'm already looking at that house, because I am not someone who wants to do a lot of work.  I'm not taking care of grandpa in his underwear, I will put him into a home.  I will visit him once every three months.  (becoming impatient)  Why don't you want to give me what is mine?  (Carmen coached the spirit)  They told me I would receive the papers today!  I'll treat that mondongo (silly one) right, I'll make sure of it.  (to Bernardo, the grandfather/mondongo)  Don't be afraid of the dark!  Don't forget about us and we won't forget you.  (pause)  I came here with this person (the spirit guide), and now I am still waiting for those papers!  I feel tricked.  That mondongo would just give the house to anyone.  He could remarry and give it to the new wife!  She and I (the granddaughter) we don't like to work.  We will take a vacation with the money you leave us, during your funeral, while it is happening.  (pause)  Now what is this?  I have to leave here with nothing?  With empty pockets?  Fine.  We are four, with one who likes the darkness.
The spirit left, and Nelson was spiritually shown Carmen's granddaughter as a vampire.  She was reclined in a chair, sucking the life from everyone around her.  She was only focused on schemes to get more money.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked the group if we felt a heaviness hanging over the world.  It was a sense of tension, ongoing conflict, and general malaise (cynicism and despair).  A group of spirits began to arrive, and they were marching down the stairs to the lower level of our center.  It looked like 300 soldiers, armed for battle and ready to fight at any moment.  The spiritual soldiers were just waiting for an incident to start a war - and they were ready to go anywhere.  This military battalion contained soldiers from all over the world, with different uniforms and varied hats.  Nelson saw dynamite and grenades, and Frank called it, "old fashioned technology," as a way for us to determine how long these soldiers had been assembled.
An arrogant commander was stepping forward, and he wanted our group to salute him.  The spirit was over six feet tall, and of a mixed race.  He told Nelson that he was just waiting for the orders to start a war and blow up half of the world:
Spirit (very cocky, with an arrogant attitude):  We are ready to go anywhere.  What everyone thinks, only we have the guts to do it.  They told me that this was the place.  Everything is set, we just need the location for the war.  We do not receive any calls for peace, all we hear are phone calls - so many phone calls - for war.
Jeff: You are very powerful, but that mission has been canceled.  There is a new assignment.
Spirit: Do not compliment me!  It's my job to be organized and ready, and my mission cannot be canceled.
If that happens, it means I have failed.
Jeff: It's not a failure, just a new assignment.  To a peaceful place.
Spirit: I have to tell my men to put down their weapons?  They will only listen to me.  (pause)  I thought today was the day, for the war to start.  We were not expecting these new orders.  Only cowards go back!  We will confront anyone and move forward.
Jeff: Your soldiers are tired.  It's exhausting to be that way, always be on alert.  Think of them - and yourself.
Spirit: My men are not tired, and I am the only one who gives orders here!  (to the solders)  Rest now!  I need to finish my conversation with this man (the spirit guide).  I do not like this.  Now my men are being disarmed.  I do not feel safe, so I will keep my armed guards with me.  I earned all of this, it was my work.  We are a battalion of 3,000 solders, not 300.  I do not want to give everything up so easily.  I know that I do not like this, but I will understand it later.  We are ready to move on.  I am putting my trust in you, do not betray us.  We are many, and we are all going - right through the front door.
As the spirits were departing, Nelson was shown that some of the soldiers were leaving against their will, and they were only obeying the orders they were given by the commander.  The spirit world was fighting an uphill battle with the constant potential of a world war.  Nelson overheard a spirit say the war did not necessarily have to be a big one, as many spirits prefer the quiet, smaller war happening with drugs - as "influencing the young ones is easy." 
Ron: There is so much hate in the world.
Nelson: And that hate is powerful.  It's not that easy to digest.  And the ones easiest to attack are the young ones.  They are the ones dying now. 
Caballito was showing large red ants to Nelson, and they were connected to Don Juan and his trip to Mexico.  Emiliano said that everything went well with his father's trip, but Nelson sensed that something Don Juan did caused the symbolic anthill to erupt.  One purpose of the Mexico trip was to participate in a Catholic celebration for a saint named San Juan.  The village that Don Juan comes from was told that he was a wealthy man in Chicago, so the San Juan celebration was a way to honor him and the saint with cash and gifts.  There were other darker reasons for the trip, and the situation was like a volcano, ready to burst.  Nelson encouraged Emiliano to invite his father next Sunday - as the spirit queen of the red ants wanted to speak directly with him.
Spirit 6 (via Sonia):  Sonia sensed something for Isabel with her sleeping habits.  Was she getting enough rest and sleeping soundly? 
Nelson: Do you ask Ron for help around the house?
Ron: She does most of the work.
Spirit (arriving through Sonia):  I'm sooo sleepy.  When is it going to stop?  I'm tired.  Sleepy.
Nelson (to Isabel):  Acknowledge that you are getting older, and you cannot do all the things you used to do.
(to Ron)  Take that trip to Vegas.  Sometimes we forget to be kind to ourselves. 
Spirit: She tells him to do something, but when he doesn't do it right away, she does it.  What is the rush?  Get away from that routine.  For your moral capacity and physical health, let things go.  Relax, and enjoy what you have.  When is that vacation? 
Ron: I wish I knew.
Spirit: You know that you are a grown-up.  You can go whenever you want.  Don't put obstacles in your way.  Don't worry about others.
Nelson (to Isabel):  What would happen if you got sick and end up in bed?  What's the urgency?  All it brings is anxiety.  We have limitations, and some of them come with age.  Deal with them.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Caballito was ushering in a new spirit who sat through Nelson:
Spirit (to the guides bringing him to our table): You can all talk until your mouths are dry and you can no longer speak, but I am still going to do what I want.  Stop talking.  (to our group)  No one cares about us, who we are, or how we feel.  No one cares.  (sadly)  Have any of you ever felt that way?  Why am I here?  No one cares.
Jeff:  I think someone does care for you.  And we want to hear your story.
Spirit: I hear you talking about love, but we go all around the world, and no one cares.  What is the purpose?
Sonia: When you come here - we care.  We listen.  We will give you the best care possible.
Spirit: We are invisible people - an invisible army.  Nobody notices us.  Who are we?
Sonia: We can help you find your way.
Jeff: You are in a spirit form, so not everyone can see you.
Spirit: I was here before, in this place.  But not up here.  It was in another room.  Nobody noticed me.
Jeff: What do you remember of your life?
Spirit: I was homeless.
Jeff: So you were wandering then, and now you are still wandering as a spirit.
Spirit: They spit on us.  I heard them when they say we are ignorant or stupid.  They look at us with pity when they do notice us, but they never talk to us.  Do you know how many of us are out there?  I hear them (humans who are still on earth) when they wonder whatever happened to us.  I will tell you what happened to me.  It's a sad story.  (pause)  I lost my wife.  I couldn't deal with life without her.  I became quiet, withdrawn. Until one of my own people (his family members) said I was crazy.  My own son and my own daughter!  I wasn't going crazy.  I just didn't know how to deal with being alone.  They threw me out of my own house, and then I wandered.  (pause)  Something weird happened.  I saw myself lying on the ground, on a street corner sidewalk.  No one in my family ever looked for me.  You just cry, until you become who I am now.
Jeff: What you saw was your material body on that sidewalk.  You are still alive, but you no longer need that body.  And I think your wife is looking for you now.
Spirit: I don't even know my name.  I brought some of my friends here with me, because they told us that today we would have our names back.  Do you know how many nights I cried out for help?  No one came until today.  Don't react that way to anyone, that way that we were treated. 
Jeff: How many friends are with you?
Spirit: 119.  We are an invisible army of good souls, he (the spirit guide) says to tell you.  Where we are going, will someone be kind to us?
Jeff: Yes.  Look how many you have helped!  All of you will all be comfortable now, and we are always here for you if you want to come back.
Spirit: Don't judge us, like those others (began to cry)...oh my god, look who is here...
Jeff: It's your wife.
Spirit: (to his wife).  I have looked forever for you...are you really here with me now?  I'm not alone anymore.  She's coming to take me.  I am not invisible anymore.  Thank you...thank you...
Sonia: We said we would help you and we did.
Nelson described the spirit as being in his mid-forties, and handsome.  Although he was homeless, he kept himself shaved and groomed.  He died at age 48.  Nelson was curious as to why Caballito was providing so many additional details.  The wife of the homeless spirit died at age 42, so the spirit had been wandering for five and a half years.  Caballito told Nelson that someone in the last row knew this spirit.  After a few additional questions, it was determined that Janet knew this spirit (in New York), and she was the one who guided him to our session.  Janet said she had wondered what happened to him.
Nelson asked Erika about the biopsy on her lip (she had researched her own results, and they indicated there was not any issue).  Caballito stepped into Nelson to ask additional questions:
Caballito (referring to Erika's upcoming Wednesday follow-up): What is the next step?
Erika: Changing medications.
Caballito: That's what we need to work on.  We need your body to return to normal, and we will find something new to help you feel better.  I know how you feel now, and I want to take those feelings away.  Medicines are good, but they can cure a finger while they harm the rest of the arm.  The effects of your medicine have changed.
Erika: Steroids are the only thing helping now.
Caballito: We are treating the symptoms, not the problem.  (Erika explained her new medicine regimen)  Has the doctor asked you to drink something?  (Caballito recommended a detox, to cleanse her body)  Ask the doctor, and let's see what he says.  There are other things he can do.  You believe in reincarnation, right?  (Erika agreed)  You know you were not always a good person - can you sense that?  (she could)  I can give you a little of that background.  You were the queen of a tribe.  In that role, you had a lot of power to do good or bad.  You started out kind, and you were loved by many.  But something changed, and you became the most hated queen.  You fell in love, and he made you change.  So now you know why boys don't look kindly at you.  Don't blame them, it's him.  I'm telling some spirit friends the story of their time spent with you.  I'm showing it to them now, as I tell you the story.  I offered an invitation to him, so he could see his queen again.  He can tell you the rest of the story, when he is ready - later. 
Erika: Where was the tribe from?
Caballito: Not where you came from this time.  It was lower, in the amazon.  He's looking at you (the spirit), and he thinks it is not the same queen.  He's the husband who changed you.  Your liver gives you problems now because you poisoned people in that past life.  With small doses, very tiny amounts.  They died little by little.  He (the spirit) doesn't like it now when I treat you with kindness.  He has to understand who I am and what I do before he can talk, and that physical harm to your body can end.  Thank you for allowing me to tell your story.  Be happy to be alive, work on that.
(for the group):  Go home and apologize to those you may have offended, and you will see how quickly your life will change.  Be kind, loving, and truthful - even if it hurts.  Any questions?  Or a comment?  Gabe?
Gabe: We have spirits come here, so In our past lives, were we ever spirits that needed to pass?
Caballito:  Yes, of course.  All of you.  To reincarnate, yes, you had to pass.  You were angry and didn't want to die or let go, and all of you have been one of those angry spirits you see sitting here.  And your father is going to be okay.  But he is not one to accept that things are as they are because of his own actions.  Until he does that, the length of what he will experience will be a lot longer.  It's in his hands, to say to a few people that he is sorry and he was ignorant.  Until then, he will be a soul with very little happiness.
Emiliano asked a question regarding the presence of large flies in his house.  He was curious if the flies were related to his father's trip to Mexico.  Caballito replied: "He is commenting on things that he should not be commenting on.  That is part of what we will work on later, when he (Don Juan) is here.  Pray now for your oldest son.  He is not on the right path, and you know it.  I hope everyone learned something today, and that you remember everything has consequences.  I remain your humble worker, and may God bless all of you.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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