Thursday, September 7, 2017

Puerto Rico - May 27, 2017

In attendance: Bey, Diane, Diego, Eva, Helvia, Helvia's partner, Ivan Jeff, Junior, Lourdes, Mirelsa, Nelson, Nydia and Yiri  
The theme for our session was disclosed to Nelson just before he was leaving for the session.  His spirit guide asked him to read a short selection from Obreros De La Vida Eterna by Francisco (Chico) Candido Xavier (page 32).  Translated into English, the basis of the writing was that humans do not understand how the words we say can create real, vibrant images that can later develop into projected thoughts.  Those thoughts can produce many consequences later, depending on how the thoughts originated.  When the  thought images arrive in the spirit world, they travel everywhere, to all types of spirits.  If we consider that most of those thoughts are inferior aspirations by humans, the destructive actions that come from those thoughts encourage the negative spirits to want to harm humans.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Helvia's partner who was sick in his house.  Nelson demonstrated how he saw one person was breathing (with deep, labored breaths), and he was being shown that a total of four people were sick.  Nelson also saw a castle in Spain from a past life.  The castle had four turrets, and in that life, the partner was with his current father and two children from this life.  The castle had a drawbridge, with a watery moat around it, filled with crocodiles.  In that life, the job of the partner and the three others was to open and close the drawbridge by hand.  The man who directed the lowering and raising of the drawbridge was the best friend of the partner, and they trusted each other completely.  The best friend asked that the bridge be opened one day without his supervision, and when the family of four did it, they used the opportunity to escape.  The spirit of that best friend has been haunting the partner for his entire life.  He felt betrayed when the four escaped, and he and his family were punished severely for letting it happen:
Spirit (very emotional):  You think you are suffering?  I have been suffering all the time - surrounded by demons!  It's about me, not your suffering.  I want it to end, to terminate, but they won't learn or leave!
Junior:  You are what is important, it's you.
Spirit: But I will not go until I finish my work with him.  He was my friend, and he treated me like I was not important to him! 
Junior: You have to pardon that offense.
Spirit (crying):  I am crying with anger!  Enraged.  I want to free myself!
Junior: You are not a slave anymore.  You are suffering, so take this opportunity from God.
Eva: Forgive him and find your freedom today.
Spirit: I will do it for my family, not for me.  They have suffered a lot for what he did.  They were punished for many years.  My family is four - tell him that, 'friend to friend' - and they will all go with me.  There is a distinct road for me, I will no longer be responsible for him.  (to Helvia)  I've seen you there, with him.  I talked to you, and you felt me, but you had nothing to say to me, so I have nothing to say to you now.
Spirit 2 (via Nydia): While Nelson was passing the first spirit, Nydia was trying to contain a new spirit who wanted to sit at the same time and speak to the partner.  As Nelson's spirit was fading away, the new spirit began to emerge.  The spirit was Norma (Nelson's aunt), who had assumed many spiritual responsibilities since she passed.  She often functioned as a guide for our table:
Spirit: Buenos tardes.  I made many sacrifices and compromises with the material world for me to be here.  (to Nelson)  It's me, your second mother.  There is an evolutionary process in the spiritual world, and I am happy to assist today.  It's difficult to change the strength of the material world and replace it with the spiritual, but we are dedicated.  (the spirit asked the partner to stand)  I have not forgotten you.  When I was in the material world, I gave you good advice, and I will continue to do it from the spirit world.  Forgive your spouse.  Stop assigning blame.  Don't permit it, don't allow that manipulation, and there is a lot of it. Spiritual evolution is needed.  Use positivity, and address one thing at a time, until you achieve balance and harmony. Spiritism comes from your heart.  (pause)  My spirit is happy.  Spiritism is transparent, clear.  (to the group)  I wish all of your spirits much illumination. 
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide arrived, and he asked Jeff for a half glass of water.  Once he had it, he placed his hand over it steadily and spoke to the partner:
Caballito: This is not Nelson, but I am using him to do this work.  This glass of water is being energized.  You are low on energy, and energy is needed for life.  The water will be hot when you drink it.  Jeff will you stand behind him?  Helvia will you read the prayer for obsessor spirits as he drinks the water?  (Note: Find more on obsessed spirits and read the prayer here:
Nelson's guide winced with pain and caused Nelson's body to double over in pain as the obsessor spirit was removed from the partner and transferred into Nelson.  The spirit immediately sat down and began to speak:
Spirit: What's going on?  Que paso?  What?  (whispering)  This is crazy.  Crazy!  (to the partner)  Think, think, think, it's all you ever do, and there is never a conclusion.  It's crazy.  I'm tired, so tired.  I just wanted to stay in bed, and that's how you feel.  Exhausted.  (agreed)  So tired, all the time.
Junior (to the partner): That spirit was with you!
Spirit (irate):  I'm tired, and I'm tired of him!  So now what happens?
Eva: Little by little, it will make sense to you.  Listen to those around you.
Spirit: I am so tired.  Tired of not having happiness, just this feeling of tiredness.  This senor (Caballito), I think I will go with him.  I am only one, only one obsessor spirit.
Nydia sensed a group of madames around Helvia, and she thought they were with her to help.  As she was studying them, Caballito returned after removing the obsessor spirit:
Caballito (to the partner):  Don't abandon this.  When you do, you give them (obsessor spirits) power.  Don't wait so long to return.  The longer a spirit is with you, your spouse, the kids, the stronger it becomes.  My work is with the children.  For yours, their differences are not bad, they are good, and you need to see them that way.  Make it your goal that you are only interested in finding happiness.
Partner:  I feel the spirit energy sometimes, and I think that I will fall to the floor.  Do they want to sit through me, like a medium?
Caballito: No.  Ask them for forgiveness from your heart, instead of your mouth, and they will abate.  There's a friend of yours who is suffering more than you.  Do you know who it is?  (It was explained that the partner's 18 year old son left the house in November, and none of the family members have heard from him.)
Caballito: Can you forgive him for that?  There were some strong words said, and he resents his grandfather.  It's delicate, but he needs to know his words can hurt.  Could you arrange to meet with your father (the grandfather) in a nice park setting?  Let Nelson know the day and time, and I will go with you.  I will step aside, so the work can continue.
Eva (to the partner):  Spiritism illuminates your life, but it isn't easy.
Spirit 5 (via Nydia):  One of the madames that Nydia saw around Helvia was moving forward to speak.  She was angry with Helvia because she was in the way of the madames reaching Helvia's partner:
Spirit (to Helvia):  Demon!  Get out of here!  I have been trying to remove you.  Leave him alone!  You have caused me many problems, and I am furious with you!  You are ridiculous. I will send you some more heat!  (Helvia shared that she was recently feeling extremely hot in air conditioned rooms for no reason)  Why, why, why are you here?  We are a group of madames from Guatemala and we want you gone! 
Nelson:  If you are too hot, we can get you some water.  Why do you want to bother her about him?
Spirit: It's my work, my intention.  She's such a demon, and she wants to be happy.  Aye.  I'm going, it's to hot here.  I'm going to learn with my other madames.
Eva: That one next to you, he's filled with love.
Spirit: And light!  He talks a lot, so I'll go.  No more drama.  After all that time with her.  We are 14 amigas.  Thank you for letting me speak at this table.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Yiri how she was feeling.  She had been considering a medical procedure, but now everything was fine.  Nelson asked Junior if he was feeling anything in his house, and he said that he was okay.  Nelson began to understand that Junior's second wife was sending negative thoughts to him, and they had an impact on his daughter (Yiri).  The negative spirits often try to hurt a loved one, believing that their suffering is more painful than attacking someone directly.  The conversation continued:
Nelson: She blames you for many things (Nydia was sensing the same thing).
Junior: That's normal.
Nelson: She's saying that she never understood why the two of you got married.  You were together for five years, and everything was fine.  Then you got married, and it lasted two months.
Junior: I told her the problems she had were not my responsibility.
Nelson:  She has three kids?
Junior: It was four, one is deceased (as Junior continued to speak, a spirit settled into Nelson):
Spirit: Do you see this long, plastic covering?  It's bigger than a box.  It's for my wedding dress.  I have to cover it to protect it.
Eva: Let those material things go.
Spirit: I only wanted to get married to have that wedding.  But then I later burned that white wedding dress, and that cover.  I bought a black dress instead.  To wear to his funeral.  (The spirit spoke rapidly, never looking at Junior, only at the floor.  Eva and Nydia coached her.)
Spirit:  I was abandoned!  Have you ever been abandoned?  It's horrible!  (Junior had not spoken to his ex in five years)  What kind of compromise is this?  I need a reason to wear that black dress.
Nydia: Let that go.  Let her (the second wife) go.
Eva: Let her make her own decisions.
Nydia: She is not doing well physically.
Spirit: Because SHE IS A DEMON!  (curiously)  This man (the spirit guide) is telling me there will be a celebration, but it's not a wedding.  Who is it for?
Nydia: For you.  And you won't need that black dress.
Spirit: I don't want to leave it behind!  I'll give it to one of the others with me (there were four spirits total).  There is someone here who is still a demon. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson commented that individuals who are doctors in the material world are not necessarily doctors when they transitioned to the spirit world:
Nelson: There's a doctor here now, and he knows he's a spirit.  (to Lourdes)  How is your husband doing?
Lourdes: Everything is good, he's very good.
Nelson: But there is still a problem with him, he thinks he need a doctor when he doesn't.  He puts all his faith in them, nothing else.  He loves to go to the doctors!  (Lourdes agreed)  He tells them to check him out, head to toe, then he wonders why he's still in pain.  (a spirit arrived who agreed with what Nelson was saying)
Spirit: He goes to the doctor for a pain, and the doctor tells him he's fine.  Then he returns home, and the pain is back!  Explain it!  The whole world is fine, and I still get migraine headaches!
Eva: It's within you.
Spirit: Why doesn't the doctor just come to my house and remove the headaches?
Junior: Your mother is a doctor.
Spirit: And she knows nothing!  She doubles my headaches.  I have been to many doctors.  I have four specialists with me now, and all of us are in pain.
Eva: Give us that pain.
Spirit: Are you a doctor?  (to Lourdes)  If he could, he would go to a doctor everyday. 
Lourdes: Exactly!  I wanted to ask for some help with my older son.  (tearfully)  He's not well physically.
Spirit: Do you want me to write him a prescription?  He's another one who only believes in doctors!  He needs a specialist, someone with an important, impressive title.  Specialists are everything!  Until something else comes up.
Eva: We have something for you.  It's a spiritual specialist title.  It's easy to learn.
Spirit: I don't have to research it on the computer?
Eva:  No it's like a seminar.
Spirit: What if that prescription is incorrect?
Eva: It's a simple form, not a prescription.  It's easy.  All four of you can do it.
Spirit (after conferring with the others): We will go and study it, myself and the other specialists.  (pause)  Do you want to know my specialization?  It's the heart.  I'm a doctor of the heart.  We will close our office and go.  (the spirit left very quietly
Spirit 8 (via Nydia):  Nydia was also sensing something for Lourdes, and it was about her daughter:
Nydia:  It is not a coincidence that she is in the US.  She's learning to be independent, to study.  Your husband and your older son were together in another life, and that's why they are here with you, and the other two are not.  (Lourdes began to tear up)  Those two have a lot to settle, and the other two do not.  They have always butted heads, those two, and the only solution is optimism.
Eva: There is too much machismo with the two of them, like bulls charging each other.
Nydia: It's important that your daughter remains independent, away from them. 
Lourdes: She is alone in the US.
Nelson: She is not alone!  None of us are.  She's been to my house, and we've eaten meals together, gone shopping.  And she's very educated.
Nydia: So you have helped guide her material side, but she needs spiritism.
Nelson: She has also received that help, little by little.  (to Lourdes)  Did you even know that she wanted to stay in Chicago for the summer? 
Nydia: I see her on the correct path - to the light, with humility and respect.  She needs more spiritual communication.
Nelson: The spirit part is in the hands of her parents.  When I have the opportunity, I reveal things to her, a little at a time.  She's hungry for it, and I want to fulfill her, but it's an internal process.
Lourdes: She's in her second year of college, and she's not having any problems.  She told me she wanted to stay in the US or get an internship.  At the moment, the plan is that she will take classes in Puerto Rico.
Nydia: She and her father are not friends!
Lourdes: It's his child! 
Nelson/Caballito (Nelson's guide wove himself into the conversation): There are no harmonious words between them.  He's a dictator.  They do not have conversations, he only tells her what to do.  It's a delicate situation.  The mother is a spiritist, but her younger son had to move to Chicago, to study spiritism, where he never misses a Sunday session. 
Lourdes: I want her to be happy.  She will be with her family here, and she can visit her brother.
Nelson/Caballito: So you would rather have her repeat the same old experiences instead of opening new doors for her?  Its difficult, but persuade your spouse.  She has seen Nosso Lar, she asks questions, and she may grow more spiritually in Chicago.  But that's not my decision.  It's hers.  There is resentment between her and her father.  I won't say anymore, I know my position.  For your other son (Gabe), it's not like an uncle/nephew relationship when I am with him, I feel like his father.  It's crazy but that's my work.  It's just material, but it has a spiritual impact.  Don't close that door on your daughter.
Eva: She has to be mentally prepared.  Will she find that here with her father?
Nelson/Caballito: She's very intelligent, but she needs to find her heart.  Her father doesn't see her as an adult, so they never have a conversation.  He tells her what to do, and then gets angry when she doesn't do it.  That is not a conversation.
Bey (stood up):  A father has to communicate to his children with love.  Dona Patria and I, we had problems with our kids, and a lot of them were with Nelson!  But we talked to them and resolved it.  Do that.
Junior: Turn off the TV and do a prayer to God with them!
Nelson: That would be difficult.
Spirits 9 & 10 (via Nydia): At the start of our session, we were told that the central theme for today would be about how thoughts can create images that are received by the spirit world.  Negative thoughts about others can cause negative spirits to gather around someone, and at our Wednesday session, Nydia passed a spirit who gave us a preview of that process.  We had some former members of our group who were harboring negative thoughts about Nelson.  Although they no longer attended the sessions, they seemed to be angry that the sessions with Nelson were continuing: 
Spirit (to Nelson): Get out of Puerto Rico!  We don't want you here!  You should not be doing anything here, nothing.  Do not come back here - ever!  Get out!  He thinks he knows it all.
Nelson: Forgive me if I offended you.
Spirit (refusing to look at Nelson):  He's a demon to me!  And another thing about that instrument, he is evil!  It's him, all the time.  Like it's his world. His world!
Nelson: Just because you do not want nourishment, it's not a reason to deny others.
Spirit: You were opening doors!  I had to speak!
(The spirit of Don Polo, one of the spirit guides for our table and a mentor for everyone for Puerto Rico when he was alive, replaced the group of spirits and spoke to our table)
Don Polo (speaking in solemn voice):  It was a group of 17 sent to harm you from those you helped.  I need this group to continue the work.  It's deep and extensive. 
Eva: We will continue, regardless of others.  It took me 18 years to find a table like this.
Junior: If Nelson stops coming, so will Nydia and myself.
Jeff:  It's just like TV, if you don't like programming, change the channel.  But don't limit everyone else. (The group continued to discuss the issue)
The next day, Nelson was reading the Chico Xavier book again, and he read this:  "When you attend a spiritist center, you cannot have thoughts of hate or maliciousness towards anyone.  Go with pure, clean thoughts."  (page 33)
The group recited the closing prayer in unison.

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...