Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson was drawn to Carmen and the
recovery process for Bernardo. He was shown that Bernadro feels that he needs
to be bed, as he thinks he is dying. Sonia said that she was experiencing a
terrific headache just by sitting next to Carmen, adding, "She doesn't know what
is going on." Nelson saw it as Bernardo enjoying his ability to manipulate
everyone in the house. All of the mediums sensed a heaviness in the house, and
Carmen agreed. After the opening prayer, Marisol read the prayer for the
Nelson wanted to continue with Carmen and Bernardo, but his spirit guide
insisted that there was a more severe matter. The last two weeks for
Marjorye had been very difficult, and she had been wondering what it was.
Nelson said that she did not feel well anywhere she went, and Marjorye agreed.
She was missing peace and comfort in her life, because she had been put in a
position where everyone was pulling her into pieces, and the sad part was that
none of them wanted what was best for her - only what was best for them. Nelson
described it as a twirling carnival ride, spinning out of control, and Marjorye
was the only rider. Nelson said, "That happiness you are looking for is in
your hands." As the twirling ride slowed down, Nelson was shown that Marjorye
was not the only rider. The spirit of a young man (Nelson described him as
selfish and not kind) was also on the ride, and he moved forward to speak.
The spirit saw Marjorye as his possession, and he hated to see her looking
pretty for others:
Spirit (to Jeff): I don't like you. I heard you today. Don't
help her! (to Gabe) And yooou! You know she's mine, so don't get
involved. I will do whatever I need to do to take you out.
Marjorye: What do you want from me?
Spirit (coughing): You. Are. Mine. I am so angry that I
am sick. You do what I say, when I say it. I got rid of everyone else who was
close to you (more coughing).
Marjorye: It's not very kind to be that way...
Marisol: ...and you are a spirit. Look at the body you are talking
Spirit: Why am I sick?
Marisol: You are living with the memories from when you died.
Spirit: I use that one she is with (Marjorye's current
Marisol: You have no body, so you use his.
Spirit (being shown his actual body by the guides): That's a sick
body! It's not possible that it is mine. No, no, no! It is not! No!
Marisol: You died alone and sick because you were just as possessive back
then, in that life. See that body they are showing you? That's how you will be
forever if you don't let go.
Spirit: I see her, I'm with her, I sleep with her - but I'm not
alive? That body they showed me - that's me?
Marisol: You have to let go and move on.
Spirit (crying): I am going to speak from my heart. (to
Marjorye) I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I did what I did. I didn't know
that I couldn't be with you, I didn't know! I apologize. I just wanted to be
with her.
Marisol: You were confused by your obsession.
Marjorye: I forgive you.
Spirit: that one you see there (the current boyfriend),
he is as bad as I was. So I am going to say goodbye the only way I know - I
love you.
It took Nelson a while to recover after the spirit had gone. Nelson
explained that he was taken to a deep cavern. The spirit died there alone.
After he killed Marjorye in that previous life, everyone was searching for him,
so he hid as far back into the cave as he could. He became sick and died
alone. His spirit was removed today, along with seven more. Nelson had some
advice for Marjorye: "You are on a the path to repeat what happened in that
previous existence, with the guy you are with now. It's okay to say goodbye to
him. Sometimes our memories from a past life are so vivid, we assume we have to
travel the same path.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson refocused his attention on
Carmen again. He saw her stuffed into a blue recycling trash bin. There were
many blue bins lined up in a row, and 12 spirits were all sitting on top of
Carmen's bin, making it difficult for her to breathe:
Marisol: It's collateral damage.
Nelson: She wants to leave everything behind, and just take a break alone -
away from all of it. (Carmen agreed) I see a (spiritual) snake in her
house, why is it there? (pause) It's to take him (Bernardo). There
is also a (spirit) horse. And a black cat. The snake has a rattle. Her house
is filled with spirits, all of them showing themselves as animals. When
Bernardo sees them, he's scared, so he calls Carmen.
Marisol: I see them putting something into his lungs.
Spirit (quietly moving into Nelson): He was not a nice person.
Now that he's old he's nicer. Everyone thinks he will die tomorrow, but he
hasn't endured anything yet! (looked at Carmen) And she is isn't
nice, either! She was there, in that house that is a hospital for the crazies.
She got tired of them today, so she came over here. (laughing)
Anything is better than over there! How is he doing, how is he doing,
how is he doing? I laugh so much! I do so much to cause conflicts and
arguments. Jokes aside, I want to convert him to join us, to be what we are.
We are collectors, and we will collect his soul.
Marisol: You do know that you are the one who is dead...
Spirit: Watch out for that snake! He shouldn't see things, but I
love scaring him. We call him a coward. He gives us our power and strengthens
our numbers. We are the collectors of souls, but he had many souls at one time
- with many secrets. That black cat is our food. (After some additional
coaching, the spirit agreed to return to Carmen's house and collect everyone and
everything.) I don't want to crawl anymore (like a snake), so I'll pick up
everything. Carmen - take care of you. You are sicker than he is. Oh. He
(the spirit guide) said that he will pick everything up. I wanted to
leave the horse behind. We are 16 and one snake.
Carmen explained to the group how distraught she was when she was unable to
attend her sister's funeral last week in Puerto Rico.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson was being shown something
puzzling. It was a large group of Jewish people patiently waiting "to be lifted
up." (Note: Judaism is based on the Torah, and there has always been a
belief that there was another life after this one. The Torah speaks of a
physical place called Sheol, which is where one "goes down" to wait after this
life. Sheol was thought to be located in the center of the earth. On earth,
there would be an end to time as we knew it, and it would be brought by the
Messiah. Those waiting in Sheol would have a complete body resurrection.)
The spirit of an educated, well mannered doctor spoke for the assembled group,
and he had been listening to our discussion of the Jewish faith:
Spirit (gently): I don't understand who is more confused - you or
me. What is happening here? We were not told about this. I was expecting
something very different. I'm a smart man, a doctor.
Marisol: So as a doctor, you know that energy cannot be destroyed - only
Spirit: These people woke up today, and I'm speaking. How is that
Marisol: Think of it like a phone.
Spirit: So I am using the energy of someone to speak? We thought
we were waking up because another war was coming and they needed our places (in
the tombs) for others. I understand the science and the mind, but the religion
aspect confused me. I need to understand, so that I can explain it to the
Marisol: Your body died, but your spirit lives on.
Spirit: I knew what they told us was a lie. I knew it was
impossible! I have seen many decomposed bodies and they were never fully
restored. So I am not in front of the Messiah? We were so tired of
Marisol: You can still be a spiritual healer - not of the body, of the
Spirit: So my studies were not wasted? We are from the 1800's,
they said to tell you that. I needed some answers and I was tired of waiting
so I followed him (the spirit guide) here. It was a short journey. We
were taught to follow, but I should have followed my heart. I never believed in
that hocus-pocus. (looked at Marisol) I believe you - you are one of
us (in the medical profession)! How many of us are we? They want me to tell
you. We are 3,012. We don't have to waste any more time. I'm free! Thank you
for lifting our spirits. You have been very kind. Thank you so much!
Spirits 4
& 5 (via Marisol): Marisol was smelling chlorine gas, and it was
making her gasp and cough. She thought it might be related to the recent attack
in Syria, but what she was experiencing was related to the
previous congregation of spirits. It was another group of Jewish spirits, and
they had died in one of the Nazi concentration camp gas chambers:
Marisol (coughing and covering her mouth and nose): I've never felt this...can't breathe...
Marisol (coughing and covering her mouth and nose): I've never felt this...can't breathe...
Nelson (speaking to the spirits
around her): You can show us who you are, but do not harm the
Spirit (still coughing and
speaking in Spanish): I can't breathe. We are dying. What cruel men.
This is hell. (crying) Look! Women! Children! Oh God, babies.
They are planning to kill more this way. Mucho, mucho. There is more coming.
We are 5,000. Goodbye...goodbye.
Once the spirit had departed,
Marisol's lively spirit guide had arrived to refresh and cleanse her. She
danced and sang, "Mundo, Mundo, Mundo!"
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide had arrived
with some brief messages. Although we did not realize it during the session,
Nelson explained later that Caballito was being observed by some superior
spirits. Nelson tried to look at them, but their light was so bright it hurt
his eyes:
Caballito (to Janet): Have things calmed down a little (with her
daughter)? If it isn't going to end, at least you have it under control.
(noticed the towel behind him) Ahh...you have it. (to the
group) Will you give me five minutes? He (Nelson) said no when I asked
him why he was looking at the clock. (to Marjoyre)Sometimes there is a
residual effect of what we do. (Marjoyre was asked to stand with her hands
outstretched. Caballito placed the towel on her hands to remove some things from
her with his energy.) Tell your grandma that you are doing very well.
She's worried because she cannot see you or protect you - and that's all she
wants to do. I want to make sure that you leave here today better than when you
came in. That (negative) energy is sent by those who say they love you, but
they really don't.
Caballito asked for another towel, and he draped it over Marisol's
shoulders. He placed Nelson's hand behind her neck:
Caballito: You try to carry things that do not belong to you.
Don't take them on. What happened to that patient you were dealing with? Is he
going to make it?
Marisol: I'm concerned. I wish he would come here.
Marisol: I'm concerned. I wish he would come here.
Caballito: Invite him again. Bring him, and I will help him.
It's not his time yet, but it's not too far from now.
(to the group) Are there any questions for me?
Marisol: Why did Andres want to die alone - without me or Evelyn?
Caballito: How did he come into this world? (alone)
His last request was not to see you suffer. And it was granted. I know it's
hard, and it's deep inside of you, but aren't you glad he earned that? All that
suffering was not lost. And one day, we will have a big surprise for you. You
always wanted to hear his voice, and one day you will.
Marjorye: Is there any way the selfish person can get help?
Caballito: There are human places to treat that condition.
Marisol: And the person has to be willing...
Caballito: Offer the help, and let him be the responsible one to
decide. There are plenty of places and locations. Tell him you want him at his
best. His problem is deep inside. It's not you. He has to accept himself for
whom he is.
Milagros asked a question in Spanish regarding a young male relative (age
16) who was experiencing heart issues. Although he slept with air conditioning
and a fan, he spent his nights drenched in sweat. Caballito said that the boy
needed treatment from both sides - the spiritual and the material world. He
asked Milagros to notify Nelson regarding the results of a test that would be
conducted in two weeks. And he advised her to remain positive.
Carmen asked if anything could be done for Bernardo, and Caballito said
that his condition was in his own hands.
Caballito: Each of you, before reincarnation, made a plan. You
decided things before you came here. Now that those things make you suffer, if
we were to remove that, we would take your free will. My work is who I am. My
work is what lifts my spirit to a different place. I do it because it is my
work. This one (Nelson) asked me how long I thought it would be before he heard
from his mother! What nerve! When she was in that bed, he could have called
her - but he didn't want to suffer by seeing her that way. Sometimes he is
selfish, and he cannot do that. He knows some of the things he needs to put to
the side. I am here today with my superiors (the enlightened spirits that
Nelson saw). The suffering of the body makes the spirit grow. I suffered
a lot. In my last reincarnation, my plan was to live until age 12. When that
time arrived, I did not want to leave. I rebelled, and I did not want to do any
work, because I couldn't understand why I would plan something like that - to
live for only 12 years. Now I work to repair something that I should have
accepted from day one.
Make peace with the past, make love to the present, and you will understand
and enjoy the future.
Nelson closed with a
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