Thursday, September 7, 2017

Chicago - March 26, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Denise, Danny, Don Juan, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Soly, and Sonia
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Similar to last week, Nelson's guide was with us before the opening prayer.  He wanted to illuminate the central theme for the session before we started.  He asked each of us to consider, "What is it that I want from life?  Just for me."  Marisol spoke about the importance of faith, telling the group, "Our faith is shown in our actions," and Nelson shared how helpful his faith was in regards to his mom's recent passing.  Caballito advised, "Learn how to love someone the way they are, without asking them to change."
Marisol read the opening prayer and the prayer for a medium.  Nelson sensed that someone from our group was feeling sick, and there were two people suffering - Janet and Don Juan.  Janet felt weak, and her stomach hurt.  She also experienced a dream/vision with "a very evil thing," that wanted to show himself to her, but she would not allow the apparition inside:
Nelson: He wants to suck the life out of you (Janet agreed), and that is what he is doing.  Do you know what he is?  He is a collector of souls.
Marisol: Everything eventually has a consequence.
Nelson: Who else was in that dream?
Janet: A few others.
Nelson/Caballito: But one was more prominent - your daughter.  She is the one he wants, not you.  You are in the way, and if he has to take you out to get to her - he will.  (pause)  You know, she has not been a kind person.  She has caused a lot of pain.  And when we do that, we invite those friends in.  As a collector, think of the power, all the prestige he will earn if he can get two for one (both Janet and her daughter).  Keep your distance until some things are sorted out.  There are many things to be settled, so keep your distance.  Don't even open the door if she knocks.  The separation is for your protection.  It will be a while before things are settled.  In a former life, you were a collector - and now a collector is coming for you (which is what Marisol implied when she told Janet earlier, "Everything eventually has a consequence." )
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Marisol):  Don Juan was also tired, and he also had a stomach ache.  His situation was related to a parcel of land in Mexico.  A seething spirit sat through Marisol to explain more:
Spirit (head held high, and speaking in an elegant cadence):  He took my land!  Now he complains over little aches and pains?  (laughed)  No prayer you have will work on me.  (to Don Juan)  Tell those people to pack up and go!  You better not dare to come back (to the land) or you will feel worse - and nothing will ever be found (to diagnose the illness or to cure Don Juan)...
Nelson: What he does, it doesn't hurt you...
Spirit: You want a contract?  Fine!  They leave.  That's the contract, that's the deal.  I am not leasing my land.  They kicked us out, and we were left hungry and in the dark. 
Nelson:  Listen to my offer.  You keep your land, and they will keep it fertile.  They will work it for you.
Spirit: We died of hunger.  That's why all of them (the Romero family) have stomach issues now.  We died, and we were eaten by worms.  (the spirit began to cry, and then gestured as if holding an infant)  I saw my baby...I saw my baby being eaten!  I had to take action.  (to Don Juan)  And that aunt of yours?  She is covered with worms.  There are some who survived from my tribe.  I know I am a spirit, but maybe you can see those (the spirits who survived) today.  To help them move forward.  As you can see, it wasn't him (Don Juan) I wanted to harm, it was someone who already had a home here (on the spirit side), that aunt.  She died all alone, with people around to give her water; but nobody would, because they all disliked her.  She died alone in a room, and now the worms are eating her.  She caused all that harm, and now she is in that condition.  So I will go, and I will take the others with me.  We are 45, with 12 children and three elderly.
Marisol's exuberant guide arrived, dancing and celebrating the "mucho trabajo."  As she danced, she refreshed and replenished Marisol's energy.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson turned his attention to Soly.  He asked if Soly was a nickname for "Solidad" (Spanish for "Alone"), but it was not.  Regardless, Nelson understood that Soly always felt lonely, and she often wondered why.  When the good spirit guides bring any spirit to our table, it is still a challenge to persuade them to sit through a medium.  We retain our free will on the spirit side, so a medium needs to establish a connection between the spirit and the human that has been targeted by the spirit.  When we reincarnate, our appearance and gender can change.  A spirit can only recognize us by our energy, so it's very important that we speak.  Truthful answers in full sentences convince a spirit that they have found the correct person.  It was extremely difficult to get Soly to say anything, despite the efforts of Nelson, Marisol and Sonia.  After much questioning, it was determined that the spirit was connected to Soly and her mother.  The spirit was male, and in a prior existence, Soly was also a man.  She and the spirit were both in love with a female, and that spirit was now Soly's mother in this lifetime.  In that prior life, Soly's mother killed her, which explained why it was so difficult for the mother to love Soly in this life.  The spirit used his energy to fill Soly with unexplained rage, as he was determined that Soly should now kill her mother.  In the mind of the spirit, it was the perfect revenge - the mother would be dead, and Soly would be punished:
Spirit (snarling with rage):  Leave me alone, don't trap me, I am not sitting!  I don't want to see her (Soly), she betrayed me!  I want her to betray the other one now.  I AM SO ANGRY!  So angry, I want to hit myself!
Sonia: This is where it is going to stop.
Jeff: All that anger is harming you.
Spirit: I don't understand why I am so angry, but I know I will be better the day she does that.  (laughed)  And now she has a gun!  My plan is in motion.
Jeff: Look at her, she's not the same.  That happened in another place, and another time.
Spirit (defiant): She's the same.  When I get close to her, she gets really angry.  None of you know what I am capable of doing.  I want both of them to feel betrayed, because they both betrayed me!
Marisol: Forgive and forget - if you want to feel better.
Spirit: She (Soly's mom) killed me!  They set me up.  My anger is with that one (the mom) but I will use her to do it.  I cannot forgive her (the mom), but I will leave you (Soly) alone.  I am in a dark hole, and I will leave you alone, because I don't want to be there.
Marisol: Come into the light...
Spirit: That man (the spirit guide) convinced me.  With his words.  I showed up today because I didn't believe that she (Soly) would be here.  That did it for me.  I'm going to find love.  (to Soly)  I am sorry I made you feel that way.  I will be free, and so will you.  Thank you for taking me out of that hole.  He's reaching out, he's grabbing my hand...
The spirit left tearfully, but his heavy presence was still being felt by Nelson.  Caballito arrived to cleanse him, and as he worked, he spoke to the group:
Caballito (to Soly):  If I asked you to do something, would you try it?  I want the effect of what we have done here to resonate through your entire family.  Go to your mom.  Tell her that you are sorry for everything you have done, and ask her to forgive you.  Soon.  Even today.  Do it alone or in front of everyone.
Sonia: We are all meeting over there later today.
Caballito: Wonderful!  Then I will ask you to look at your daughter and say the same words.  You will not be alone when that happens.  We will light up a lot of things, and this is the best way to start.  This will open her heart.  It's been shut down for so long.  You can call it a celebration of mothers and daughters!  (to Alex)  Are you going to be there?  (she was)  Tell Soly's mother that you would like to start all over with her.  I am going to open that heart.  (looking at Danny)  All of them, in that family, they are suffering. 
Danny: Sometimes, yeah.
Caballito:  Let's see if we can put a family together.  To learn how to love each other and accept the differences in all of you.  You can ask her at the end of it all if she felt love.  If she didn't feel it, she will never know what it is.  She has never understood what happened to her life.  Today is the end of all that, and the beginning of something beautiful.  Take that love and learn from it.  I'm talking, but I am also working.  Do you know who is here?  Someone who has a lot of love in her heart, but she is terrified to give it.  (Alex)  She's nothing but love, but she's terrified.  She can cry if she wants, and I will even cry with her.  Love can cure that.  (Alex stood in front of the table)  It's okay to give love without expecting anything back.  Things in your life will turn around.  I'm removing a (spiritual) friend of yours.  (whispering)  He is not a nice man.  He can never harm you again.  (to Jeff)  It was three spirits and one man.  (to Alex)  Continue with this, and one day, I will tell you that story.  (to Janet)  Keep that door closed.  Please.  I'm working on it.  It's difficult.  (tapping his fingers on the table)  I am taking 27 Indians, 21 soldiers and 16 madames with me.  Some things are not where they should be, but we will get things in place.  (to Marisol)  Don't worry about that one (Carmencita in Puerto Rico).  Extend an invitation and see if she can visit us.  She would be kind to herself. 
Marisol: I offered her the ticket...
Caballito: Offer it again, and I will intervene. 
(for Denise):  What should I do with this one?  Put her outside?  You are telling everyone that you are taking care of your health, and it's not where it is supposed to be.
Denise: I am working on it.  I'm waiting on insurance.
Caballito:  You are always working on something, but nothing ever happens.  Don't wait.  Please.  Don't wait until the tears come out.  Start with drinking a glass of water instead of that brown liquid you like.
Sonia: No more words - show some action.
Caballito: I'm glad she said it, not me.  I sound like the good guy.  Are there any questions?
Emiliano:  How can I help more?
Caballito: Educate yourself more.  Ask the mediums.  It's a tough road.  Learn, and then decide if you want to walk this path.  I will ask this one (Nelson) to give you a book.
Maricela:  I just want to say thank you...
Caballito: No need to thank me.  I need this job.  It's the only way that I can pay back my misdeeds.
Jeff: And you enjoy your work.
Caballito (referring to Nelson):  And if he fights with me, he fights himself.  We are one.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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