Saturday, September 23, 2017

Chicago - April 30, 2017

(Note: These notes were authored by Gabe)

Table: Denise, Sonia, Carmen, Marisol, Gabe
Attending: Emiliano, Bernardo, Esperanza, Erika, X, Isaac, Isabel, Ron, Alex

We read the Opening Prayer, Prayer for the Sick, and the Prayer for Loved Ones.

Marisol started off stating Mirelsa (Nelson's niece in Puerto Rico) was having an issue with not eating.
This spirit was in a rush (from last week)
Even if she wanted to eat, she couldn't eat because of this spirit

Spirit #1 via Marisol
- Meddlers, why do you even care, you don't even know her!
- When is this pain going to go away?  When am I going die, I want to get rid of this...
- This must be a trick, everything stinks.
- Me and her, we are one, what happens to her, happens to me.  We're stuck, I cant leave. We both have to be on the same side.
- Write this down: Today will be our last words, that one crying (Mirelsa's mother?) should start preparing to pay for the funeral. This life was rough, we haven't achieved any of our dreams. We wanted to be a mother, and we weren't able to do so.
- In the last life, she didn't wanted to be a mom, she misused that privilege. She wont get it this time.
- She was my mom, we were her slaves. She brought us and she used us.  We ate when she wanted us to eat, she lived a frivolous life.  The pain she feels now, it is the hunger we died from. The difference is she has food in front of her but cannot eat it.
- None of you know what is like. All of your mothers took care of you.
- I have all these memories, I was the oldest and lasted longer. (age 11)
- Now they are telling me that a banquet is waiting?  We were kids (when they died), and not only is a banquet waiting, but there is someone who will love us?
- She feels unloved too.  They are going to give us what we lacked.  Goodbye!

Marisol said, "Everything always catches up to you."

Lisa's dad moved back in...and she cant leave, what if the lady dies? (Referring to Denise's mom)

Spirit #2 via Carmen
- You need to appease the situation.  She's a caretaker, our party starts with Denise.  When she brings food in, other people eat it (laughed).
- I don't take up any space, I just laugh in the corner.  Ohh, and when the old one talks, it goes down.
- I laugh at the expense of Denise, she should join them more often. This way you wont suffer. 
- What do you want Denise?
Denise: To leave.
- Nope.  (the guides show the spirit its body)  Why are you showing me this?
- I only like happiness and laughter.  Ohh, it stinks, how dare you show me this...That smell is hers...
- Why don't I feel good if I'm dead?
- I'm rotting,  very nervous.  I have a mess in my head.
- She (Denise) cannot leave, because if she does, I have to recognize that what I am being shown is my body.  (pause)  I'm so cold.
- (to Denise) Reassure your things, they might not be where you think they are..
- They're going take my body. I'm going to go, and  feel better.

Carmen to Denise, leave that hell!

Message for Marjorye
She's a medium. She needs to make a decision to stay (in Chicago) or go (back to Brazil). However, she feels she can help more if she stays. Grandma is a big reason to go back.
1. Make the best decision for herself ( no one else, and don't let anyone guilt you)
2. Also, if she's going to be part of the spiritual world. She needs to make a firm decision (doesn't matter where). Don't poke the beehive and then expect that nothing will happen.  (Update: Marjorie returned to Brazil in September)

August 2 is the date for Isabel's leg checkup.
She and Ron were offered an opportunity to visit Las Vegas in February, but they currently have no plans to go.  There was a spirit with Ron, and this spirit was messing with Isabel.

Spirit #3 via Marisol
- He ain't going anywhere!  Right, Isabel?  We cannot go (with her leg issue).
- There's too many little things going on.  I use her to get him.  Because he luvhhhs her.  I don't care about her, and sometimes he gets cranky.
- Ronnie, we can't move around like we use to...
- We use to do so much, and now he's go to drag that machine (his portable oxygen) around...
- I want to eat wherever I want - Aren't we supposed to enjoy life. I ain't hearing no doctor.  Can the misery end?  When he leaves, I leave, too. Just like with him, don't tell me what to do.
- I am going to do whatever I want to do!
- Why do I have to leave him?
- Its hot...
- (to Ron)  You and I used to be friends, we used to be good buddies.
- It came to an end, when my brother took my loved one.
- I drank until I died...
- You will die miserable!
- Why should I forgive? What's in it for me?  They're telling me things I don't understand.
- Its confusing, if I forgive him I can feel better?
- (to Ron)  I forgive you for betraying me
- I'm going to go learn, but I don't feel so well...Find happiness, the one I never had. Goodbye

Sonia feels immense joy. (after you come back, you'll feel even more)
The next spirit was attached with Bernardo's sister.

Spirit #4 via Carmen
- I wanted to arrive differently, I'm tired.
- It's all your fault Bernardo, don't ask her (the sister) anything!  She's the devil, if you only knew...
- I'm going back over there, because the day will come that she will use that rope.
- She's crazy, she should let you be in peace.
- She was not supposed to leave, and she won't escape this one.
- Why does she call?
- I was forced to be here.  Why do I need to forgive when she didn't?
- She drove me nuts, until I committed suicide.  I want the same for her.  She doesn't deserve anything.
- I'm so sick.  They (the spirit guides) said they will take me to the hospital.
- I, unlike her, can do my own work.
Spirit #5 via Carmen (Carmen's spirit guide, cleaning her)

There was a message for Emiliano and Isabel (Ron's lungs)

Spirit #6 via Marisol (her mom)
- Thanks to all of you and to that man child, Sonia.
- Thanks for taking care of my daughter
- She has so much work left for her.  Life is full of surprises.
- Sonia you were a good surprise to Marisol
- I am never far from you...goodbye.

Closing Prayer

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