Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Chicago - April 2, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Denise, Danny, Don Juan, Elizabeth, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Jeff, Juanita, Maricela, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Soly, Sonia, and X 

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Caballito had two specific messages for our group, and he asked Nelson to deliver them after the opening prayer, instead of before it was read.  What's the difference?  Before the opening prayer, the room where we meet only contains the human participants and Caballito.  As the opening prayer is read, the other spirits (those participating, the ones observing, and Caballito's assistants) are ushered in.  Caballito asked that his comments be delivered after the opening prayer (and the prayer for the sick), so they were able to be heard by everyone:
Caballito:  No spirit guide will ever come here and order anyone to do anything.  We only offer suggestions.  we never order, because if we did that, it would break the law of free will.  Second:  Forgiveness.  Do not be strong in judging yourselves so harshly.  Realize that you are human, and you made a mistake.  I made mistakes in my past, and now my work is a way to reverse it.  (to Isabel, who was in a car accident on the way to the session)  An accident is okay - so do not be so hard on yourself.  There were some other specific messages:

(for Ron):  Talk to your daughter.  She doesn't listen, but you might say, "I love you, and I am your dad.  This is still my house, and things need to be done in the way we say."

(for Soly and Alex):  How was the experience (last Sunday with Soly's mom)? 
Soly: It was good.
Alex: She was thrown off by it.
Caballito:  Now you can say, 'I love you,' every day if you want.  Sometimes, the only way to remove certain spirits are with those actions.  When they saw you as friends instead of enemies, they decided not to stay around any longer.  It's similar to those (humans) who visit here (the center) and never return.

Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Caballito turned his attention to Gabe, asking him, "Are you stressed?  Do you feel that the end of the world is coming?  Do you know how real sickness feels?  Instead of complaining, you should have asked yourself, 'What did I do to deserve this?'  Learn from it, so that the next time it happens, you can own it, treat it, and move on.  Part of growing up is being responsible for what you do.  Take the necessary actions to take care of yourself, because you are an adult.  Instead, you created a circus.  You should have thought twice before contacting everyone to pamper you."  A female spirit replaced Caballito:
Spirit (authoritative):  He needs me!  He thought it was over, but I am not done!  I want him to suffer.  He thought I was so easy...you know he almost called her (Gabe's former girlfriend).  I was waiting for that call.  (pause)  Next time, he will call her.  He hurt both of us, and as you can see, we find ways to retaliate. 
Jeff: Why are working for someone else, instead of for your own benefit?
Spirit: I was laughing through the whole thing!  It wasn't work.  I'm not a worker, I am a commander.  He thought I was disposable, and I disposed of HIM!  He was thinking, 'What am I going to do now?'  One, two three strikes all at once and he was out.  We've got power!  I want him alone.  (pause)  This guy (spirit guide) tells me that I should forgive myself?  I am a pretty girl, and he deserves an ugly girl.  I learned a lot, but now it's costing me.  (looked at Jeff)  I bothered you, too.  For helping him.  I made you itch all over!  (laughed, as Jeff agreed)  Stop protecting him!  We are 14 dancing, voluptuous, sexy hot women.  (pause)  Okay.  there are two more, I was going to leave them behind, but they said I cannot.  I don't care anymore, I am going to be free.  I like being free.

Spirit 3 (via Nelson): After the spirit departed with her group, Nelson asked Milagros about her daughter.  He sensed that whenever she offered advice to her daughter, it escalated into an argument (and Milagros agreed, saying that her daughter only phoned her with bad situations).  Nelson said the phone lines were giving off static, and the connection was not good.  He described a triangle of telephone lines, connecting Milagros, her mother and her daughter.  Nelson said it was a frayed exchange of mother to mother to mother - with the confused grandson of Milagros somewhere in the middle.  A spirit moved into Nelson to clarify:
Spirit (to Nelson): Nobody asked for your opinion!  I hate her, I never loved her (referring to Milagros)!  She should have provided me with a better life, and instead, she tells ME what to DO!  There are so many obstacles in those phone lines - rocks, holes, barriers.  (to Milagros)  We are enemies because you killed me and left me all alone.  It (our journey) has never been completed. I'm so angry every time I see her - everything hurts!  (laughed)  Look at her, she's petrified of losing her hair.  I shake all over (demonstrated) whenever I think of her - and so does the other one.  What will happen to us?
Sonia: Learn to love.
Spirit: Love? Ha!  She calls thinking she will receive love, and I don't answer because I hate her.  But I'm tired.  There is something in that boy (the grandson caught in the middle of the three mothers).  He was one of mine.  That's why he suffers, I make him remember.  That situation will never be fixed.  I am picking up all of my stuff.  Look at all the photos I have in this album!  They are photos of our enemies.
Sonia: That guide next to you will keep the photos for you...
Spirit: I'm sleepy.  I was always planning.  Give me a pill to sleep.  We are three for each corner of that triangle (the three mothers) with seven others in each corner to assist (a total 21 spirits).

Nelson and Sonia both sensed an onslaught of negative energy as they were reading the prayers at the start of the session.  That energy was now intensifying, as a new spirit stepped forward to speak.

Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  The spirit was a soldier, and he had an enormous task.  Although he did not speak English or Spanish, he had to communicate his message to our group in both languages.  He had messages for three individuals at our session, but his conversation began with a torrent of words in English explaining the wars that were already occurring all over the planet:
Spirit: War in Venezuela, already happening over oil!  They clear the land for oil, when they should plant something they can eat.  The war in Poland with the Ukraine, and now others are involved!  In Africa, they are starving and the tribes are fighting!  Mexico has the cartels, in Puerto Rico they are ready to close all the schools, everyone is angry, and this may be the end!  I don't know who we are, what we are doing, or why we are here.  Where are we, where am I?
Jeff: You are with friends - our group can help you.
Spirit: We are ready for war!  Everyone keeps calling us.  Send the Mexicans back, close Puerto Rico down, everybody tells us to be ready, because they are all going to kill themselves.  Everyone calls, and we go here, we go there, I don't even know where I am now or what I should do!
Jeff: You can put your weapons down - that's a start.
Spirit: We cannot put them down, who would protect us?  We are so tired.  (noticed Elizabeth and started speaking in Spanish)  I have some friends related to you here.  I'm sorry, this is not my language, and they are not really friends.  They are here because they have caused harm.  They were with your son (in the military) and they cannot move until we move.  The one who made that limp when he gets near?  He will leave with me. I am speaking a new language?  There were 16 others with him.
Jeff:  Thank you for taking them with you.  You are helping those others, so why not help yourself?
Spirit (in English): That guy (Ron) he also brought some friends.  They caused a problem.  They were in the army, and they are armed - I'm sorry, I don't speak this language very well - I'm from Montenegro.  

(Note: Montenegro is a Balkan country with rugged mountains, medieval villages and a narrow strip of beaches along its Adriatic coastline.  The spirit understood that Ron was from this area in a previous lifetime.  We were told at a previous session that if a new world war was to break out, it would happen in Kosovo.) 

Spirit: He (Ron) was from there, and he had a brother from there. They brought the brother here today because Ron is here.  Those friends, they have a battalion!  It's large.  They caused another accident prior to the one today (the car accident).  They all want to thank him (Ron) from waking them from that fight, that war they were involved in. 
Jeff: How big is the battalion?
Spirit: It's 102.  They didn't mean any harm, and they didn't mean to cause that pain in his head.  He's been getting that, but it's not his pain - it's our pain.  They are taking away that pain.  (tearfully)  I would like to speak in my language (crying) but I don't remember it!  (Note: Serbian was once the official native language of Montenegro, but after the war, they currently speak a combined dialect of Serbo-Croatian and Albanian.)
Spirit (attempting to speak his own language):  Hssh!  Mahh.  Huss!  Hush...If all of you only knew how close you are to starting something that you do not want.  Close the doors, hush.  Hush.  I have another battalion here with me.  It hasn't been easy for any of us to get here.
Jeff: you have done a wonderful job of collecting everyone and bringing them here.  You are a leader!
Spirit (looking at Danny):  Does it say what I think I see on his shirt?  (Danny's shirt had RSVP on it)  Does it say RIP?  Rest In Peace?  They are marching with him (drummed on table) and he has no peace.  He cannot rest in peace.  It's another battalion with him, a group of 49, and with him, it's 50.  I don't know where they are marching, I need to get out of my confusion.  I'm taking them with me.  (pause)  They are showing me my tomb, and it says, 'rest in peace,' but I am also not in peace.  There is a tribe of Indians in Venezuela, and it's another language that I cannot speak. (the crying intensified)  They are killing the tribe, to take their land for oil!  Stop, stop it. (Note: The war the spirit referred to has been occurring since 2011. Read more about the tribe here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yanomami) There are 149 of them - and me, because I brought them here.  Where are they taking me?  (pause)  It's back to my country, to see my tomb, back to Montenegro. 
Jeff: Once you see it, you will understand that your body died, but your spirit is still alive.
Spirit: And I will rest in peace.  Pray, please pray for peace.

The spirit left Nelson shuddering and confused over where he was.  Nelson's skin was ice cold, but he was sweating.  It took a while for him to recover.  Caballito arrived to refresh him and close out the session:

Caballito (to X):  How was your trip?  Interesting?  Did you learn anything?
Xaver: I learned that I don't want to live that way (on campus in a small town).
Caballito: You wanted a clue about what you want from life, and you got one.  Sometimes when we go places, we bring back things we do not want (spirits who attach themselves to us).  And you know you did that, right?  They are taking them away.  Next time, prepare yourself.  Read a couple of prayers before the trip for protection.

(to Isaac):  How is school?  (good)  He is doing very well.  Against all odds, he is doing fantastic.  99% percent of that effort is coming from you, and 1% is from this - so keep coming here.  And that plan you have for the future?  The one you think about in your head?  It will happen.

There were also brief messages for Frank (he seemed more relaxed), and for Ron regarding his trip to Las Vegas (why is he waiting to purchase the tickets?).  Caballito recommended that Ron and Isabel purchase their tickets in the next month or so.  He said, "Everything is clean, now it's up to you."  Caballito sensed that Sonia might be planning a trip, and he told her not to worry about the center while she was away.

Nelson closed with a prayer.

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