Monday, September 18, 2017

Chicago - April 16, 2017

(These notes were authored by Gabe)
Table: Gabe, Marisol, Jeff, Nelson, Sonia
Att: Alex, Erika, Esperanza, Emiliano, Ice, X, Alex and Danny

Nelson (to the group): Make spiritism part of your life, give it the respect it deserves. When you decide this is what fulfills me, energizes me. Until you realize that, no one can do it for you. Follow your heart, find what fulfills you.  Sometimes all you need is just yourself.

Opening Prayer

- Denise feels as if something is going to burst out.
- Its like a savage thing inside her life, and it wants her life, creating a constant fight within herself.  And the spirit always wins.  It has been putting into her mind to run her car into the lake, or crash it into a tree.
- He's so close to winning too, and Denise is about to throw in the towel.
- She receives no help, and with her energy, she has fed this monster.
- This is the male twin she was supposed to be born with in this life!  He's been attached to her all of her entire life.Today will be a liberation of both spirits (hers and him).
- He doesn't understand why he has to leave now.
- He lives inside of her (in the belly).
- He absolutely hates her mother.  Furthermore, her mom has never been happy, ever, but Denise is the target of the mother's wrath. When she (the mother) sees Denise, she sees him (the male twin child she never had).
- The mother always wanted a blue eye baby: "That one was me, the one she always wanted, but will never have."

Spirit #1 via Nelson
- I'm so crazy, everybody tells me.  I'm so angry, the anger consumes me.
- I laugh, cry, laugh, cry.  I'm living in hell.
- They have awakend me today.
- I don't understand, I thought I was alive, but they tell me I am not.
- I don't want to live like this...if this is living, take it away.
- I had a very short existence, something killed me.
- I took a few breaths and then a shock came.
- What now?
- Now I understand.
- But when you awaken from this dream, it is not easy. They said I had to be awakened. I'm so sorry, I didn't know I was not alive. I felt like I was.
- Today is the first day of my life, I can finally be happy and re-establish myself.
- (to Denise) It's a first day for you, too.
- I don't know any of you people, but thank you.
- I'm alive again, goodbye.

A spiritual extraction was performed, which is extremely difficult.
- Last time, it failed, with a member who is no longer here and she ended up in the hospital.
- Create your own happiness (her thoughts are here, because she is looking for help, but knowing and acting are two different things)
- She is mentally ill, physically handicapped...and only she knows how to stop it.

Spirit #2 via Sonia (for Maritza)
-You tell me that when my family is gone, I am the only full one left (all the other ones are step-siblings)
- I've been taking it little by little.
- I am going to agitate them and see what happens
- I pushed the chair, I take the cane.
- No one will know, they're all by themselves (referring to Maritza's parents)
- I wanna be there when it happens, its fun.
- She's in a worse condition than I am, but I want a better place.
- l will learn to help.  All my confusion is leaving, I'll leave now, pray for me.
- Goodbye

Spirit #3 via Nelson
Nelson was shown a big group of old men with beards, and they were walking and spreading smoky incense.
- You are all dangerous, you need this incense.
- You people deal with crazy stuff, we close groups like this because you're dealing with the devil and what we cant see.
- Today is our ceremony, you don't have any.
- More are coming, and the other groups have a little house and later a cross. At the end, one will speak.  You're all dirty, leave the dead alone. You are all crazy.
- You will hear the bells, and they will be here!
- Without the ceremonies, we were nothing.  All of you, follow us.
- Follow me to God, he's for us.
- I came to stop you from awakening dead people.  And don't play any tricks on us, they told me you were going to confuse me. I'm very strong.
- But, if the incense doesn't work, where are we?
- We've been stuck doing the same thing? I don't know what else to do.
- I found this place interesting, curiosity killed me.
- What year is it?  The last year I remember is 1875.  Where is Jesus then?
- They're going to shave me now.  Without my beard, where I come from, I am nothing.
- I knew you guys were crazy! OK, take my incense. I don't know what I will do now.
- I understand that I'm not that person anymore.  So no more rituals?
- My group is of 17 members.
- The other group is 19, they're the ones carrying the cross.
- We look younger now.  Without the beards.
- We are leaving now, thanks for letting me speak.  Goodbye (we believed the spirits were Greek Orthodox).

For Alex (Welcome back!) from Caballito
- Now you do accept some recommendations, but in the end, you are going to do what you have to do.
- And you are thinking that you have grown so much and everything else has stayed the same. Why haven't they changed?  You do not want go back to what it once was (living again with his parents), but keep the conversation channel open - we (the spirit side) need it.
- It might create some conflict, but don't change who you are.
- You would like to help them grow, but you are not sure if your family is willing to change.
- However, one can express oneself in a non-pretentious way. Not expressing yourself is dangerous. Here and now, it is a good time to start.
- Also, your new empowerment, also empowers her (his sister, Erika)
- Experience teaches much, explain that to the others.  Open the line of communication.
- Follow your heart and you will be successful.  Help Erika, she has been waiting - as she only opens up to you.  If you don't know what to say, call me.
- This is a different type of work.  I am happy that you came back home and returned here.

- Don't worry about those who are not here today, because they don't need the help.
- Things will go back to normal for Nelson and Jeff soon.
- He asked for guidance, and it was granted.
- Guide yourself, learn from others, ask for help, and you will receive it. Express yourselves.  Don't close the door! If you don't know, ask questions and let them in. If you close it for one, it may close on you.

I will see you all soon, remember that I am only a thought away.

Closing Prayer

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