Friday, September 29, 2017

Can Spirits Predict the Future?

In your future you will experience some good things, some bad things, some comedy and some tragedy. You will prosper and you will experience unexpected loss. You will love, and be loved, you will be betrayed. Yes I see it all in these cards, or with the palm of your hand, in your eyes or your face, the tea leaves, and in a  crystal ball. I guarantee all of this will happen, because on earth - those things happen to everyone. 

You cannot change what will happen, but you can change how you respond to it. Shrug off the bad, live through it, accept it and move on. If you dwell on the bad, it will possess your soul. You cannot ignore that it happened, but you can limit how long you let it occupy your mind and spirit. Make the most of the good, be kind to others, surround yourself with good people, and you will have more kindness, and more love and laughter in your life. Avoid negative people and you will have less tragedy, drama and betrayal. Decide what you want, seek it out, and be happy with it when you find it. 

From Allan Kardec’s The Mediums Book  289. Questions on the Future. 

7. Can spirits tell us of the future?
" If man should know the future, he would neglect the present. And it is where you always insist upon having a precise answer*; it is a great wrong, for the manifestation of spirits is not a means of divination (seeking knowledge by supernatural means: the methods or practice of attempting to foretell the future or discovering the unknown through omens, oracles, or supernatural powers).  If you will, absolutely, need to have an answer, it will be given to you by a foolish spirit ; we tell you so always."

8. Are there future events sometimes spontaneously and truly announced by spirits?
" It may happen that the spirit may foresee things he thinks it is useful to make known, or that he has a mission to make known ; but there is greater cause for suspecting it to be deceiving spirits, who are amusing themselves by making predictions. Only by taking all the circumstances together can we ascertain the degree of confidence they merit." 

9. "What kind of predictions should we most mistrust? 
" All that have no motive of general utility. Personal predictions may almost always be considered apocryphal* (doubtful)."

10. What is the motive of spirits who announce events that do not come to pass? 
" Most often it is to be amused by the credulity, the terror, or the joy they cause ; then they laugh at the disappointment. Yet these lying predictions have sometimes a more serious aim —that of putting to the test him to whom they are made, to see how he takes them, and the nature of the sentiments, good or bad, that they may awaken in him." 

Remark: *Such, for instance, as the announcement of what might excite romance or ambition, the death of a person, or a prospective inheritance, etc. 

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