Make peace with the past, make love to the present, and you will understand and enjoy the future.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Can Spirits Predict the Future?
In your future you will experience some good things, some bad things, some comedy and some tragedy. You will prosper and you will experience unexpected loss. You will love, and be loved, you will be betrayed. Yes I see it all in these cards, or with the palm of your hand, in your eyes or your face, the tea leaves, and in a crystal ball. I guarantee all of this will happen, because on earth - those things happen to everyone.
You cannot change what will happen, but you can change how you respond to it. Shrug off the bad, live through it, accept it and move on. If you dwell on the bad, it will possess your soul. You cannot ignore that it happened, but you can limit how long you let it occupy your mind and spirit. Make the most of the good, be kind to others, surround yourself with good people, and you will have more kindness, and more love and laughter in your life. Avoid negative people and you will have less tragedy, drama and betrayal. Decide what you want, seek it out, and be happy with it when you find it.
From Allan Kardec’s The Mediums Book 289. Questions on the Future.
7. Can spirits tell us of the future?
" If man should know the future, he would neglect the present. And it is where you always insist upon having a precise answer*; it is a great wrong, for the manifestation of spirits is not a means of divination (seeking knowledge by supernatural means: the methods or practice of attempting to foretell the future or discovering the unknown through omens, oracles, or supernatural powers). If you will, absolutely, need to have an answer, it will be given to you by a foolish spirit ; we tell you so always."
8. Are there future events sometimes spontaneously and truly announced by spirits?
" It may happen that the spirit may foresee things he thinks it is useful to make known, or that he has a mission to make known ; but there is greater cause for suspecting it to be deceiving spirits, who are amusing themselves by making predictions. Only by taking all the circumstances together can we ascertain the degree of confidence they merit."
9. "What kind of predictions should we most mistrust?
" All that have no motive of general utility. Personal predictions may almost always be considered apocryphal* (doubtful)."
10. What is the motive of spirits who announce events that do not come to pass?
" Most often it is to be amused by the credulity, the terror, or the joy they cause ; then they laugh at the disappointment. Yet these lying predictions have sometimes a more serious aim —that of putting to the test him to whom they are made, to see how he takes them, and the nature of the sentiments, good or bad, that they may awaken in him."
Remark: *Such, for instance, as the announcement of what might excite romance or ambition, the death of a person, or a prospective inheritance, etc.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Chicago - May 14, 2017
(Note: These notes were authored by Gabe)
Table: Denise, Sonia, Marisol, Gabe
Ron, Isabel
read the Opening Prayer, Prayer for Loved Ones, and Prayer for Those who Suffer
and ask for Prayers
(a former member of our group) sent Sonia a Happy Mothers Day text..
fell (she sprained her ankle)
was a message for Isabel from Sonia: Stop running around, and take care of
A group of forgotten spirits was arriving...they had died in a catastrophe, a
shipwreck. They were running away, and trying to find a new life, and instead -
they found death. The leader felt so guilty and responsible.
An unexpected storm wiped them out. The lifeboats were small, and they fit no
more than 30 people.
were trying to escape from war. They were old spirits from Greece who spoke
with an old English.
#1 via Marisol
This is strange..
You people dress so differently, we wear rags and shields.
We were trying to protect our village, but we were out numbered. Our kids and
families had to leave suddenly without any provisions. We left some of
them behind.
We were out to sea, for many days...
The water became rough, so we looked at the stars, and knew (we were doomed). I
didn't tell any of them.
I felt so guilty, I only wanted to protect them.
The last thing I remember were the waves getting bigger and people falling into
the sea...
He (the spirit guide) which you all know, tells me that I need to forgive
Staying was certain death. (pause) We all perished.
They told me I did the right thing...That prayer made me come today...
My group, was the last, and were 15. We are what's left. Thank you,
#2 via Sonia
Sonia found out what her mom's occupation was on the spirit side - she works as an entry counselor for all the spirits returning home. Eventually, once she earns her stars, she will be moved to another job, but for now, she is extremely busy.
Sonia found out what her mom's occupation was on the spirit side - she works as an entry counselor for all the spirits returning home. Eventually, once she earns her stars, she will be moved to another job, but for now, she is extremely busy.
The spirit world is very procedural (what our world lacks)
Order is very important for peace. And structure, what the White House/elected
officials now lack.
There is poor discipline as well, and there will be no more free passes for the
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
The Difference between Angels and Spirit Guides
Read an interesting comparison from the blog of TV's "The Happy Medium"
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Chicago - April 30, 2017
(Note: These notes were authored by Gabe)
Denise, Sonia, Carmen, Marisol, Gabe
Emiliano, Bernardo, Esperanza, Erika, X, Isaac, Isabel, Ron, Alex
read the Opening Prayer, Prayer for the Sick, and the Prayer for Loved
started off stating Mirelsa (Nelson's niece in Puerto Rico) was having an issue
with not eating.
spirit was in a rush (from last week)
if she wanted to eat, she couldn't eat because of this spirit
#1 via Marisol
Meddlers, why do you even care, you don't even know her!
When is this pain going to go away? When am I going die, I want to get rid of
This must be a trick, everything stinks.
Me and her, we are one, what happens to her, happens to me. We're stuck, I cant
leave. We both have to be on the same side.
Write this down: Today will be our last words, that one crying (Mirelsa's
mother?) should start preparing to pay for the funeral. This life was rough, we
haven't achieved any of our dreams. We wanted to be a mother, and we weren't
able to do so.
In the last life, she didn't wanted to be a mom, she misused that privilege. She
wont get it this time.
She was my mom, we were her slaves. She brought us and she used us. We ate when
she wanted us to eat, she lived a frivolous life. The pain she feels now, it is
the hunger we died from. The difference is she has food in front of her but
cannot eat it.
None of you know what is like. All of your mothers took care of you.
I have all these memories, I was the oldest and lasted longer. (age 11)
- Now
they are telling me that a banquet is waiting? We were kids (when they died),
and not only is a banquet waiting, but there is someone who will love us?
She feels unloved too. They are going to give us what we lacked.
said, "Everything always catches up to you."
dad moved back in...and she cant leave, what if the lady dies? (Referring to
Denise's mom)
#2 via Carmen
You need to appease the situation. She's a caretaker, our party starts with
Denise. When she brings food in, other people eat it (laughed).
I don't take up any space, I just laugh in the corner. Ohh, and when the old
one talks, it goes down.
I laugh at the expense of Denise, she should join them more often. This way you
wont suffer.
What do you want Denise?
To leave.
Nope. (the guides show the spirit its body) Why are you showing me
I only like happiness and laughter. Ohh, it stinks, how dare you show me
this...That smell is hers...
Why don't I feel good if I'm dead?
I'm rotting, very nervous. I have a mess in my head.
She (Denise) cannot leave, because if she does, I have to recognize that what I
am being shown is my body. (pause) I'm so cold.
(to Denise) Reassure your things, they might not be where you think they
They're going take my body. I'm going to go, and feel better.
to Denise, leave that hell!
for Marjorye
a medium. She needs to make a decision to stay (in Chicago) or go (back to
Brazil). However, she feels she can help more if she stays. Grandma is a big
reason to go back.
Make the best decision for herself ( no one else, and don't let anyone guilt
Also, if she's going to be part of the spiritual world. She needs to make a firm
decision (doesn't matter where). Don't poke the beehive and then expect that
nothing will happen. (Update: Marjorie returned to Brazil in
2 is the date for Isabel's leg checkup.
and Ron were offered an opportunity to visit Las Vegas in February, but
they currently have no plans to go. There was a spirit with Ron, and this
spirit was messing with Isabel.
#3 via Marisol
He ain't going anywhere! Right, Isabel? We cannot go (with her leg
There's too many little things going on. I use her to get him. Because he
luvhhhs her. I don't care about her, and sometimes he gets cranky.
Ronnie, we can't move around like we use to...
We use to do so much, and now he's go to drag that machine (his portable oxygen)
I want to eat wherever I want - Aren't we supposed to enjoy life. I ain't
hearing no doctor. Can the misery end? When he leaves, I leave, too. Just like
with him, don't tell me what to do.
I am going to do whatever I want to do!
Why do I have to leave him?
Its hot...
(to Ron) You and I used to be friends, we used to be good buddies.
It came to an end, when my brother took my loved one.
I drank until I died...
You will die miserable!
Why should I forgive? What's in it for me? They're telling me things I don't
Its confusing, if I forgive him I can feel better?
(to Ron) I forgive you for betraying me
I'm going to go learn, but I don't feel so well...Find happiness, the one
I never had. Goodbye
feels immense joy. (after you come back, you'll feel even more)
next spirit was attached with Bernardo's sister.
#4 via Carmen
I wanted to arrive differently, I'm tired.
It's all your fault Bernardo, don't ask her (the sister) anything! She's the
devil, if you only knew...
I'm going back over there, because the day will come that she will use that
She's crazy, she should let you be in peace.
She was not supposed to leave, and she won't escape this one.
Why does she call?
I was forced to be here. Why do I need to forgive when she didn't?
She drove me nuts, until I committed suicide. I want the same for her. She
doesn't deserve anything.
I'm so sick. They (the spirit guides) said they will take me to the
I, unlike her, can do my own work.
#5 via Carmen (Carmen's spirit guide, cleaning her)
was a message for Emiliano and Isabel (Ron's lungs)
#6 via Marisol (her mom)
Thanks to all of you and to that man child, Sonia.
Thanks for taking care of my daughter
She has so much work left for her. Life is full of surprises.
Sonia you were a good surprise to Marisol
I am never far from you...goodbye.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Spirit Guides
Guardian Angels: Protective, Familiar and Sympathetic Spirits
(From Kardec's The Spirits' Book)
489. Are there spirits who attach themselves to a specific individual to protect and help that person?
“Yes, they are spiritual brothers and sisters, and you may also call them your protective spirit or good spirit.”
490. What should we understand by the expression guardian angel?
“A high order protective spirit.”
491. What is the mission of a protective spirit?
“Similar to that of parents to their children – to lead their wards down the right path, give them advice, console them when they are sick or suffering, and support their courage in the trials of human life.”
492. Are protective spirits attached to individuals from birth?
“From birth to death. They often follow them after death into the spirit life, and even through several successive physical lives as these existences are very short phases of their existence as spirits.”
493. Is the mission of a protective spirit voluntary or obligatory?
“Your protective spirit is duty-bound to watch over you, having accepted that task. Spirits can choose their wards from a selection of like-minded beings. In some cases, this position is a pleasure, while in others it is a job or duty.”
a) By attaching to a person, does a spirit cease to protect other individuals?
“No, but the spirit does so less exclusively.”
494. Are protective spirits inextricably tied to the person assigned to them?
“Spirits often leave their position to fulfill various missions, but an exchange is carried out in that case.”
495. Do protective spirits ever abandon their charges when the latter continuously ignore their guidance?
"The spirits withdraw from their charges when they see that their guidance is fruitless and their charges are stubbornly determined to yield to the influence of inferior spirits. However, they are never entirely abandoned and the spirits continue to make themselves heard. Their wards are the ones who shut their ears. As soon as they are called back, the spirits return.”
It was God who has placed them at your side. They are there out of their love for God, and they fulfill an honorable but painstaking mission. Wherever you go, prison, solitude, the lepers’ house, or even the lowest haunts and taverns, they are by your side. Nothing ever separates you from your invisible friend, whose presence you cannot see but from whom your soul receives the gentlest impulsions and hears the wisest counsels.” Do not try to hide anything from them. Think of the future, and try to advance upward. This will shorten your trials and make your lives happier.
496. If spirits abandon their charges and no longer help them, can they harm them?
“Good spirits never cause harm to anyone. They leave that to inferior spirits. You may accuse fate of the bad luck or troubles that plague you, but they are the result of your own bad behavior.”
497. Can protective spirits leave their charges at the mercy of spirits wanting to do them harm?
“Wicked spirits band together to counteract the good, but if wards would so desire, they could restore all the power to the protective spirit. While waiting for the return of their charges, protective spirits may find other individuals whose kindness and openness make it easy to help them.”
498. When protective spirits allow their wards to go astray, is it because they are unable to manage the malicious spirits who mislead them?
“No, it is not because they can't, it is because they choose not to. Their wards will become wiser and better through the trials they have chosen for themselves. Protective spirits assist their wards through the wise guidance they provide. Unfortunately, sometimes they are ignored. The weakness, carelessness, or pride of humans is what gives strength to bad spirits. Their power over you comes solely from your lack of willpower to provide enough resistance to their action.”
500. Do spirits ever reach a point where they no longer need a guardian angel?
“Yes, when they are able to guide themselves, in the same manner that students reach a point where they no longer need a teacher. However, this does not take place on Earth.”
501. Why is the role that spirits have in our lives hidden? Why do they not openly protect and guide us?
“If you counted on their support, you would not act of your own accord, which would cause your spirit to remain stationary. All human beings need to acquire experience, often at their own expense, in order to advance. They need to exercise their own power, otherwise they remain stunted, like a child who is not allowed to walk alone. The action of spirits is regulated so that your free will is maintained. Without responsibility, you would not advance on the road leading to God. Human beings put forth their own strength because they do not see their invisible support. Their guides continue to watch over them, and call out to them to warn them of danger when necessary.”
502. When guardian angels succeed in leading their charges down the right path, do they gain any benefit for themselves?
“It is an admirable task, which is credited to them for their advancement or happiness. They celebrate when they are successful, and feel a sense of triumph in the same way that teachers are elated at the success of their students.”
a) Are they responsible if their wards do not succeed?
“No, since they have done everything that they could.”
504. Can we know the name of our protective spirits or guardian angels?
“How can you know their names if they have no existence for you? Is it not possible that there are spirits whom you do not know of?”
a) But how can we call them if we do not know who they are?
“Give them any name you wish – that of any superior spirit with whom you identify and respect. Your guardian angel will answer this call because all good spirits are brothers and sisters who are always ready to assist one another.”
506. Will we recognize our protective spirit when we enter the spirit world?
“Yes, because you often knew it before you reincarnated.”
509. Do savages and morally inferior human beings have protective spirits?
“All human beings have a spirit who watches over them, but their missions depend on their charge. A child who is learning to read does not have a professor of philosophy for this task. The advancement of the familiar spirit is always relative to that of the spirit it protects. While you have a higher spirit who watches over you, you may in turn become the guardian of a spirit who is lower than you. The progress you help that person make contributes to your own advancement. God does not ask for more from a spirit than its nature and degree of evolution can provide.”
511. With the exception of protective spirits, are there wicked spirits who attach themselves to individuals to tempt them and cause them to struggle between good and bad?
“‘Attached’ is not accurate. It is very true that bad spirits try to draw you from the path of righteousness when they find an opportunity to do so. However, when one of them attaches to an individual, it does so simply because it hopes the person is going to listen to them. In such a case, there is a struggle between a good and a bad spirit, and whoever successfully influences that individual prevails.”
512. Could we have multiple protective spirits?
“Every one of you has a number of sympathetic spirits of varying degrees of elevation around you. They care about you out of love, and you have others who help you to do wrong, as well.”
514. Are “familiar spirits” the same as “sympathetic spirits” and “protective spirits”? “There are many levels of protection and sympathy, and you may call them whatever you like. A ‘familiar spirit’ is usually a friend of the home.” Based on observing the nature of spirits connected to human beings, we can draw the following conclusions:
Protective spirits, familiar spirits or guardian angels have a mission to accompany the individuals they are protecting over the course of their lives and help them to advance. The degree of perfection in these protective spirits is always superior to that of their charges.
Familiar spirits connect with specific people, for longer or short period of time, to be useful to them within the confines of their possibilities, which can be quite narrow. They have the best intentions, but sometimes can be inappropriate and even flippant. They are concerned with the everyday details of human life and only act when permitted or ordered by a protective spirit.
Sympathetic spirits are drawn to us by personal affection, and similar good or bad inclinations. The length of their relationship with us is almost always dependent on circumstances.
A wicked spirit is an imperfect or perverse spirit who connects with someone in order to corrupt them. It acts on its own, with no mission, and its persistence is proportionate to the access it has been granted. A person is always free to follow the suggestions of a bad spirit or to resist them.
517. Do spirits attach themselves to every member of a family to protect them?
“Some spirits attach themselves to family members who live together and are united by affection, but you must not think that guardian spirits are guilty of racial pride.”
518. As spirits are attracted to individuals based on their like-mindedness, are they attracted to groups of individuals for special purposes?
“Spirits go where they meet others like them, where they are more at ease and sure that someone will listen to them. Every one attracts spirits according to their predispositions, whether as an individual or as an element of a collective whole, such as a society, city or country. Societies, cities and countries are visited by various spirits, according to their predominant character and passions. Imperfect spirits withdraw from those who resist them. The moral excellence of collective wholes, like that of individuals, drives away bad spirits and attracts good ones, who maintain the sense of good among the masses, as others may spread the worst passions.”
Among nations, spirits are attracted by the habits, manners and dominant characteristics of their people, and, particularly their legal system, because the character of a nation is reflected in its laws. Those who uphold righteousness resist the influence of wicked spirits.
522. Is a presentiment always a warning from a protective spirit?
“A presentiment is private guidance from a spirit who wishes you well. The same may be said of the intuition that leads a spirit to choose a specific life when about to be reincarnated. This is a voice of instinct. A spirit, before incarnation, is aware of the kind of trials it is about to endure. When these trials are of a very clear nature, the spirit maintains an impression of them. This impression, the instinctive voice, becomes more intense or louder as the crucial moment draws near, and eventually becomes a presentiment.”
523. As presentiments and the voice of instinct are always somewhat vague, what should we do when uncertain?
“When in doubt, call out to your protective spirit, or pray to God to send you a messenger – one of us.”
524. Do our guardian spirits warn us in our personal affairs?
“Guardian spirits warn you with respect to everything that concerns you. Your guardian spirits try to lead you to the best possible course in everything that you do. Unfortunately, you often ignore their open guidance, and get into trouble through no fault other than your own. Our guardian spirits give us guidance and awaken the voice of our conscience. However, as we do not always attach enough importance to these hints, they give us more direct warnings through the people around us. If humans reflect upon the various circumstances of their lives, they will see that, on many occasions, they received advice that would have spared them a good deal of aggravation or pain if they had not ignored it.
We wrongly assume that spirits only manifest themselves through extraordinary phenomena. We would like to see them aid us through miracles, and we imagine them to be armed with some sort of magic wand. This is not the case, as their guidance is only through natural means, and their intervention usually takes place without our being aware of it. For instance, they may cause the meeting of two individuals who seem to have been brought together by chance; they suggest to the mind of an individual the idea of going in a particular direction. They call attention to some special point, and if the individual unknowingly follows their suggestions, this brings about the result they seek to obtain. This way, human beings believe they are following their own impulses and always maintain their free will.
526. As spirits possess the power of acting upon matter, can they cause incidents to happen to guarantee a given event? For example, are individuals destined to die in a specific manner at a given time. If a person climbs a ladder, the ladder breaks, and the person dies. Have spirits caused the ladder to break to fulfill the destiny accepted by or imposed upon this person?
“Spirits can act upon matter, but only through natural law and not by deviating from it to cause an unforeseen event opposing these laws. In the example above, the ladder breaks because it is rotten or not strong enough to bear the man’s weight. However, as this demise was this man’s destiny, the spirits around him influence him to climb the ladder that will break under his weight, and his death will take place naturally. In this case, no miracle was required to bring it about.”
527. Let us take another example, in which the natural state of matter does not intervene. A man is destined to be killed by lightning. He is caught in a storm and seeks shelter under a tree, the lightning strikes the tree and he dies. Have spirits made the lightning bolt strike to kill this specific person?
“The explanation of this case is the same as in the previous example. Lightning strikes the tree at this particular moment because it was in accordance with the laws of nature. Lightning was not made to strike the tree because the man was under it, but the man was inspired with the idea of seeking shelter under a tree that was about to be struck by lightning. The tree would have been struck regardless of whether the man had been under it or not.”
528. A nasty person hurls an object at someone that nearly hits the person but does not make contact. Has the object been defected by a friendly spirit?
“If the individual aimed at was not destined to be hit, a friendly spirit would have suggested the thought of stepping outside the trajectory of the object, or would have impacted the enemy’s sight to give that individual poor aim.”
530. Can flippant and mocking spirits cause pesky annoyances that defeat our projects and upset our plans? Are they the architects of our petty troubles of human life?
“These spirits take pleasure in causing disturbances that test your patience, but they tire of this game when they see that they are unsuccessful in perturbing you. However, it would be neither just nor correct to blame them for all your disappointments your own recklessness causes the majority of them. When your a glass breaks, it is much more likely to have been caused by your own clumsiness rather than by a spirit.”
a) Why do spirits cause pesky annoyances? Is it out of personal animosity or do they attack someone who crosses their path for no other reason than pure spite?
“They act out due to both of these motives. In some cases, they are enemies whom you have made during your present or former life, and who pursue you accordingly. In others, they act without any fixed objective in mind.”
b) Can we put an end to this sort of torture? If so, by what means?
“In many cases, you can do so by praying for them. Wish them good, in spite of their wickedness, and you will gradually make them see that they are wrong. In all cases, they will stop attacking you if you can show them that you are able to rise above their behavior with patience, as they realize that they gain nothing by their misdeeds."
533. Can spirits obtain the gifts of fortune for us if we ask them?
“They may sometimes agree to such a request as a trial for you. However, they often refuse, just as you would deny the selfish demands of a child.”
a) When such favors are granted, is it by good spirits or bad ones?
“Both. The condition of the request and whether it is granted depends on the intention. Acceptance is more frequent on the part of spirits who try to lead you astray and find an easy means of doing so through the material pleasures obtained by wealth.”
534. When obstacles seem destined to get in the way of our plans, is it always through the influence of spirits?
“Such obstacles are sometimes thrown in your way by spirits, but they can more often be attributed to your own poor decisions. Social standing and character have a large role in your successes or failures. If you persist in following a path that is not the right one for you, you become your own wicked genius.”
535. When anything good happens to us, should we thank our guardian spirits for it?
“First thank God, without whose permission nothing takes place, and next thank the good spirits who have acted as God’s representatives.”
a) There are individuals who neither pray nor give thanks, and seem to succeed in everything they do in spite of this.
“Yes, but just wait and see the end of their lives. They pay dearly for the fleeting prosperity that they have not merited. The more they receive, the more they have to account for.”
Monday, September 18, 2017
Chicago - April 16, 2017
notes were authored by Gabe)
Gabe, Marisol, Jeff, Nelson, Sonia
Alex, Erika, Esperanza, Emiliano, Ice, X, Alex and Danny
(to the group): Make spiritism part of your life, give it the respect
it deserves. When you decide this is what fulfills me, energizes me. Until you
realize that, no one can do it for you. Follow your heart, find what fulfills
you. Sometimes all you need is just yourself.
- Denise
feels as if something is going to burst out.
- Its
like a savage thing inside her life, and it wants her life, creating a constant
fight within herself. And the spirit always wins. It has been putting into her
mind to run her car into the lake, or crash it into a tree.
- He's
so close to winning too, and Denise is about to throw in the towel.
- She
receives no help, and with her energy, she has fed this monster.
- This
is the male twin she was supposed to be born with in this life! He's been
attached to her all of her entire life.Today
will be a liberation of both spirits (hers and him).
- He
doesn't understand why he has to leave now.
- He
lives inside of her (in the belly).
- He
absolutely hates her mother. Furthermore, her mom has never been happy, ever, but Denise is the target of the mother's wrath. When she (the mother) sees Denise, she sees him (the male twin child she
never had).
- The mother always wanted a blue eye baby: "That one was me, the one she always wanted, but will
never have."
#1 via Nelson
I'm so crazy, everybody tells me. I'm so angry, the anger consumes me.
I laugh, cry, laugh, cry. I'm living in hell.
They have awakend me today.
I don't understand, I thought I was alive, but they tell me I am not.
I don't want to live like this...if this is living, take it away.
I had a very short existence, something killed me.
I took a few breaths and then a shock came.
What now?
Now I understand.
But when you awaken from this dream, it is not easy. They said I had to be
awakened. I'm so sorry, I didn't know I was not alive. I felt like I was.
Today is the first day of my life, I can finally be happy and re-establish
(to Denise) It's a first day for you, too.
I don't know any of you people, but thank you.
I'm alive again, goodbye.
spiritual extraction was performed, which is extremely difficult.
Last time, it failed, with a member who is no longer here and she ended up in the
Create your own happiness (her thoughts are here, because she is looking for help, but knowing
and acting are two different things)
- She is mentally ill, physically handicapped...and only she knows how to stop it.
#2 via Sonia (for Maritza)
tell me that when my family is gone, I am the only full one left (all the other ones are
I've been taking it little by little.
I am going to agitate them and see what happens
I pushed the chair, I take the cane.
No one will know, they're all by themselves (referring to Maritza's
I wanna be there when it happens, its fun.
She's in a worse condition than I am, but I want a better place.
l will learn to help. All my confusion is leaving, I'll leave now, pray for
#3 via Nelson
was shown a big group of old men with beards, and they were walking and
spreading smoky incense.
You are all dangerous, you need this incense.
You people deal with crazy stuff, we close groups like this because you're
dealing with the devil and what we cant see.
Today is our ceremony, you don't have any.
More are coming, and the other groups have a little house and later a cross. At the
end, one will speak. You're all dirty, leave the dead alone. You are all crazy.
You will hear the bells, and they will be here!
Without the ceremonies, we were nothing. All of you, follow us.
Follow me to God, he's for us.
I came to stop you from awakening dead people. And don't play any tricks on us,
they told me you were going to confuse me. I'm very strong.
But, if the incense doesn't work, where are we?
We've been stuck doing the same thing? I don't know what else to do.
I found this place interesting, curiosity killed me.
What year is it? The last year I remember is 1875. Where is Jesus then?
They're going to shave me now. Without my beard, where I come from, I am
I knew you guys were crazy! OK, take my incense. I don't know what I will do
I understand that I'm not that person anymore. So no more rituals?
My group is of 17 members.
The other group is 19, they're the ones carrying the cross.
We look younger now. Without the beards.
We are leaving now, thanks for letting me speak. Goodbye (we believed the spirits were
Greek Orthodox).
Alex (Welcome back!) from Caballito
Now you do accept some recommendations, but in the end, you are going to do
what you have to do.
And you are thinking that you have grown so much and everything else has stayed
the same. Why haven't they changed? You do not want go back to what it once was
(living again with his parents), but keep the conversation channel open - we
(the spirit side) need it.
It might create some conflict, but don't change who you are.
- You
would like to help them grow, but you are not sure if your family is willing to
However, one can express oneself in a non-pretentious way. Not expressing
yourself is dangerous. Here and now, it is a good time to start.
Also, your new empowerment, also empowers her (his sister, Erika)
Experience teaches much, explain that to the others. Open the line of
Follow your heart and you will be successful. Help Erika, she has been waiting - as she only opens up to you. If you don't
know what to say, call me.
This is a different type of work. I am happy that you came back home and
returned here.
Don't worry about those who are not here today, because they don't need the help.
Things will go back to normal for Nelson and Jeff soon.
He asked for guidance, and it was granted.
Guide yourself, learn from others, ask for help, and you will receive it.
Express yourselves. Don't close the door! If you don't know, ask questions and
let them in. If you close it for one, it may close on you.
will see you all soon, remember that I am only a thought away.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Friday, September 15, 2017
Chicago - April 9, 2017
attendance: Carmen, Denise, Danny, Elizabeth, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac,
Janet, Jeff, Jose, Marjorye, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and X
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson was drawn to Carmen and the
recovery process for Bernardo. He was shown that Bernadro feels that he needs
to be bed, as he thinks he is dying. Sonia said that she was experiencing a
terrific headache just by sitting next to Carmen, adding, "She doesn't know what
is going on." Nelson saw it as Bernardo enjoying his ability to manipulate
everyone in the house. All of the mediums sensed a heaviness in the house, and
Carmen agreed. After the opening prayer, Marisol read the prayer for the
Nelson wanted to continue with Carmen and Bernardo, but his spirit guide
insisted that there was a more severe matter. The last two weeks for
Marjorye had been very difficult, and she had been wondering what it was.
Nelson said that she did not feel well anywhere she went, and Marjorye agreed.
She was missing peace and comfort in her life, because she had been put in a
position where everyone was pulling her into pieces, and the sad part was that
none of them wanted what was best for her - only what was best for them. Nelson
described it as a twirling carnival ride, spinning out of control, and Marjorye
was the only rider. Nelson said, "That happiness you are looking for is in
your hands." As the twirling ride slowed down, Nelson was shown that Marjorye
was not the only rider. The spirit of a young man (Nelson described him as
selfish and not kind) was also on the ride, and he moved forward to speak.
The spirit saw Marjorye as his possession, and he hated to see her looking
pretty for others:
Spirit (to Jeff): I don't like you. I heard you today. Don't
help her! (to Gabe) And yooou! You know she's mine, so don't get
involved. I will do whatever I need to do to take you out.
Marjorye: What do you want from me?
Spirit (coughing): You. Are. Mine. I am so angry that I
am sick. You do what I say, when I say it. I got rid of everyone else who was
close to you (more coughing).
Marjorye: It's not very kind to be that way...
Marisol: ...and you are a spirit. Look at the body you are talking
Spirit: Why am I sick?
Marisol: You are living with the memories from when you died.
Spirit: I use that one she is with (Marjorye's current
Marisol: You have no body, so you use his.
Spirit (being shown his actual body by the guides): That's a sick
body! It's not possible that it is mine. No, no, no! It is not! No!
Marisol: You died alone and sick because you were just as possessive back
then, in that life. See that body they are showing you? That's how you will be
forever if you don't let go.
Spirit: I see her, I'm with her, I sleep with her - but I'm not
alive? That body they showed me - that's me?
Marisol: You have to let go and move on.
Spirit (crying): I am going to speak from my heart. (to
Marjorye) I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I did what I did. I didn't know
that I couldn't be with you, I didn't know! I apologize. I just wanted to be
with her.
Marisol: You were confused by your obsession.
Marjorye: I forgive you.
Spirit: that one you see there (the current boyfriend),
he is as bad as I was. So I am going to say goodbye the only way I know - I
love you.
It took Nelson a while to recover after the spirit had gone. Nelson
explained that he was taken to a deep cavern. The spirit died there alone.
After he killed Marjorye in that previous life, everyone was searching for him,
so he hid as far back into the cave as he could. He became sick and died
alone. His spirit was removed today, along with seven more. Nelson had some
advice for Marjorye: "You are on a the path to repeat what happened in that
previous existence, with the guy you are with now. It's okay to say goodbye to
him. Sometimes our memories from a past life are so vivid, we assume we have to
travel the same path.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson refocused his attention on
Carmen again. He saw her stuffed into a blue recycling trash bin. There were
many blue bins lined up in a row, and 12 spirits were all sitting on top of
Carmen's bin, making it difficult for her to breathe:
Marisol: It's collateral damage.
Nelson: She wants to leave everything behind, and just take a break alone -
away from all of it. (Carmen agreed) I see a (spiritual) snake in her
house, why is it there? (pause) It's to take him (Bernardo). There
is also a (spirit) horse. And a black cat. The snake has a rattle. Her house
is filled with spirits, all of them showing themselves as animals. When
Bernardo sees them, he's scared, so he calls Carmen.
Marisol: I see them putting something into his lungs.
Spirit (quietly moving into Nelson): He was not a nice person.
Now that he's old he's nicer. Everyone thinks he will die tomorrow, but he
hasn't endured anything yet! (looked at Carmen) And she is isn't
nice, either! She was there, in that house that is a hospital for the crazies.
She got tired of them today, so she came over here. (laughing)
Anything is better than over there! How is he doing, how is he doing,
how is he doing? I laugh so much! I do so much to cause conflicts and
arguments. Jokes aside, I want to convert him to join us, to be what we are.
We are collectors, and we will collect his soul.
Marisol: You do know that you are the one who is dead...
Spirit: Watch out for that snake! He shouldn't see things, but I
love scaring him. We call him a coward. He gives us our power and strengthens
our numbers. We are the collectors of souls, but he had many souls at one time
- with many secrets. That black cat is our food. (After some additional
coaching, the spirit agreed to return to Carmen's house and collect everyone and
everything.) I don't want to crawl anymore (like a snake), so I'll pick up
everything. Carmen - take care of you. You are sicker than he is. Oh. He
(the spirit guide) said that he will pick everything up. I wanted to
leave the horse behind. We are 16 and one snake.
Carmen explained to the group how distraught she was when she was unable to
attend her sister's funeral last week in Puerto Rico.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson was being shown something
puzzling. It was a large group of Jewish people patiently waiting "to be lifted
up." (Note: Judaism is based on the Torah, and there has always been a
belief that there was another life after this one. The Torah speaks of a
physical place called Sheol, which is where one "goes down" to wait after this
life. Sheol was thought to be located in the center of the earth. On earth,
there would be an end to time as we knew it, and it would be brought by the
Messiah. Those waiting in Sheol would have a complete body resurrection.)
The spirit of an educated, well mannered doctor spoke for the assembled group,
and he had been listening to our discussion of the Jewish faith:
Spirit (gently): I don't understand who is more confused - you or
me. What is happening here? We were not told about this. I was expecting
something very different. I'm a smart man, a doctor.
Marisol: So as a doctor, you know that energy cannot be destroyed - only
Spirit: These people woke up today, and I'm speaking. How is that
Marisol: Think of it like a phone.
Spirit: So I am using the energy of someone to speak? We thought
we were waking up because another war was coming and they needed our places (in
the tombs) for others. I understand the science and the mind, but the religion
aspect confused me. I need to understand, so that I can explain it to the
Marisol: Your body died, but your spirit lives on.
Spirit: I knew what they told us was a lie. I knew it was
impossible! I have seen many decomposed bodies and they were never fully
restored. So I am not in front of the Messiah? We were so tired of
Marisol: You can still be a spiritual healer - not of the body, of the
Spirit: So my studies were not wasted? We are from the 1800's,
they said to tell you that. I needed some answers and I was tired of waiting
so I followed him (the spirit guide) here. It was a short journey. We
were taught to follow, but I should have followed my heart. I never believed in
that hocus-pocus. (looked at Marisol) I believe you - you are one of
us (in the medical profession)! How many of us are we? They want me to tell
you. We are 3,012. We don't have to waste any more time. I'm free! Thank you
for lifting our spirits. You have been very kind. Thank you so much!
Spirits 4
& 5 (via Marisol): Marisol was smelling chlorine gas, and it was
making her gasp and cough. She thought it might be related to the recent attack
in Syria, but what she was experiencing was related to the
previous congregation of spirits. It was another group of Jewish spirits, and
they had died in one of the Nazi concentration camp gas chambers:
Marisol (coughing and covering her mouth and nose): I've never felt this...can't breathe...
Marisol (coughing and covering her mouth and nose): I've never felt this...can't breathe...
Nelson (speaking to the spirits
around her): You can show us who you are, but do not harm the
Spirit (still coughing and
speaking in Spanish): I can't breathe. We are dying. What cruel men.
This is hell. (crying) Look! Women! Children! Oh God, babies.
They are planning to kill more this way. Mucho, mucho. There is more coming.
We are 5,000. Goodbye...goodbye.
Once the spirit had departed,
Marisol's lively spirit guide had arrived to refresh and cleanse her. She
danced and sang, "Mundo, Mundo, Mundo!"
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide had arrived
with some brief messages. Although we did not realize it during the session,
Nelson explained later that Caballito was being observed by some superior
spirits. Nelson tried to look at them, but their light was so bright it hurt
his eyes:
Caballito (to Janet): Have things calmed down a little (with her
daughter)? If it isn't going to end, at least you have it under control.
(noticed the towel behind him) have it. (to the
group) Will you give me five minutes? He (Nelson) said no when I asked
him why he was looking at the clock. (to Marjoyre)Sometimes there is a
residual effect of what we do. (Marjoyre was asked to stand with her hands
outstretched. Caballito placed the towel on her hands to remove some things from
her with his energy.) Tell your grandma that you are doing very well.
She's worried because she cannot see you or protect you - and that's all she
wants to do. I want to make sure that you leave here today better than when you
came in. That (negative) energy is sent by those who say they love you, but
they really don't.
Caballito asked for another towel, and he draped it over Marisol's
shoulders. He placed Nelson's hand behind her neck:
Caballito: You try to carry things that do not belong to you.
Don't take them on. What happened to that patient you were dealing with? Is he
going to make it?
Marisol: I'm concerned. I wish he would come here.
Marisol: I'm concerned. I wish he would come here.
Caballito: Invite him again. Bring him, and I will help him.
It's not his time yet, but it's not too far from now.
(to the group) Are there any questions for me?
Marisol: Why did Andres want to die alone - without me or Evelyn?
Caballito: How did he come into this world? (alone)
His last request was not to see you suffer. And it was granted. I know it's
hard, and it's deep inside of you, but aren't you glad he earned that? All that
suffering was not lost. And one day, we will have a big surprise for you. You
always wanted to hear his voice, and one day you will.
Marjorye: Is there any way the selfish person can get help?
Caballito: There are human places to treat that condition.
Marisol: And the person has to be willing...
Caballito: Offer the help, and let him be the responsible one to
decide. There are plenty of places and locations. Tell him you want him at his
best. His problem is deep inside. It's not you. He has to accept himself for
whom he is.
Milagros asked a question in Spanish regarding a young male relative (age
16) who was experiencing heart issues. Although he slept with air conditioning
and a fan, he spent his nights drenched in sweat. Caballito said that the boy
needed treatment from both sides - the spiritual and the material world. He
asked Milagros to notify Nelson regarding the results of a test that would be
conducted in two weeks. And he advised her to remain positive.
Carmen asked if anything could be done for Bernardo, and Caballito said
that his condition was in his own hands.
Caballito: Each of you, before reincarnation, made a plan. You
decided things before you came here. Now that those things make you suffer, if
we were to remove that, we would take your free will. My work is who I am. My
work is what lifts my spirit to a different place. I do it because it is my
work. This one (Nelson) asked me how long I thought it would be before he heard
from his mother! What nerve! When she was in that bed, he could have called
her - but he didn't want to suffer by seeing her that way. Sometimes he is
selfish, and he cannot do that. He knows some of the things he needs to put to
the side. I am here today with my superiors (the enlightened spirits that
Nelson saw). The suffering of the body makes the spirit grow. I suffered
a lot. In my last reincarnation, my plan was to live until age 12. When that
time arrived, I did not want to leave. I rebelled, and I did not want to do any
work, because I couldn't understand why I would plan something like that - to
live for only 12 years. Now I work to repair something that I should have
accepted from day one.
Make peace with the past, make love to the present, and you will understand
and enjoy the future.
Nelson closed with a
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