Thursday, July 20, 2017

What is Depression?

(From the Wednesdays in Chicago Spiritism Classes July 19, 2017)

What is depression? 
(as defined by the World Health Association:)
Depression is a common mental disorder characterized by:
- depressed mood
- loss of interest or pleasure
- feelings of guilt or low self worth
- disturbed sleep or appetite
- low energy
- poor concentration
These problems may become chronic or recurrent, and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities.  At it's worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic event that claims about 850,000 lives every year. 

Why is there depression on Earth?
(from Kardec's The Gospel According to Spiritism, Trial and Expiation) 
"Where evil predominates, with more evil than good, it is where our spirits have the opportunity of expiating (changing or amending) the mistakes of past lives and improving themselves.  Earth is a world of tests and atonements, not a place of happiness."

What causes depression?
- moral vices, selfishness and pride
- aggressiveness
- unresolved dissatisfaction with oneself and frustration about unfulfilled desires
- melancholy and lack of interest in life
- escapism from reality when it seems too hostile
- hate, jealousy or feelings of guilt

How can our mental thoughts have an effect on our physical bodies?
(from Dr. Roberto Brolio's book, Diseases of the Soul, page 5) 
"Being that the spirit is responsible for our thoughts, for our free will and actions, it is natural that the soul can influence not only our behavior, but the cells of our organism, leading to states of health or sickness."
(page 142)  "Self-esteem is to love yourself for what you are, accepting your own creative ability with self respect.  It is the inner state that allows a balanced value of yourself.  It is the recognition of your right to be happy."

Is it possible for man to enjoy perfect happiness upon the earth? 
(Question 920, The Spirits Book)
No, for corporeal life (human body cravings) has been appointed to him either as a trial or expiation.  It depends upon himself to lighten the evils of his lot, and to render it as happy as life can be on earth."

If earthly happiness is relative to the position of each person, what suffices for the happiness of one would be misfortune to another.  Is there a common standard of happiness for all men? (Question 922, The Spirits Book)
"In regards to material existence, it is the possession of the necessities of life.  In regards to moral existence, it is a good conscience and a belief in a future state."

How can we prevent ourselves from becoming depressed?
- inner reform or changes
- spend time socializing
- being kind to others, charity, and the ability to forgive
- work
- prayer and bonding with the superior spiritual life
- exercise
- strive for personal goals

"Much of the unhappiness of human life is a result of the undue importance attached by man to the things of this world: vanity, disappointed ambition, an intense selfish desire for wealth or possessions make up no small part of his troubles.  He who finds his happiness only in the satisfaction of pride and of gross material appetites is unhappy when he cannot satisfy them."  (response to Question 933, The Spirits Book)

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