Friday, July 21, 2017

Chicago - January 29, 2017

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Danny, Denise, Elizabeth, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nazario, Nelson, Sonia, and X
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide (Caballito) was with us before the opening prayer was read, and he wanted to thank Sonia for her perseverance in keeping the center open.  "It's a difficult job," he told her, "and we gain dangerous enemies that we cannot see; but I need a place to do my job, and you have my love and devotion."  Marisol read the prayer for the sick and the prayer for peace in the world.  Marisol thought the world was out of focus, and Nelson said, "For those who are spiritists, our belief helps us.  Remember to pray for the others, not for yourselves."
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson told Juanita that her guide was the one who brought her to the session, and his energy was very strong.  He (the guide) explained to Nelson that he and Juanita had a job to do together, and he told Juanita that she was running out of excuses.  It was time for her to start doing her work (as a medium), as they made an agreement (in the spirit world, spirit to spirit).  Juanita's guide did not sit through Nelson, he spoke from his position near Juanita:  "You have been given a new opportunity.  You are better now because of this (spiritism).  Your promise begins today."  Nelson encouraged Juanita to tell him whatever she heard or saw - without fear - so her work could begin.  Nelson described her spirit guide as being more handicapped than she was.  He deliberately chose to be in that condition in order to understand her situation better.
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  As Juanita's guide stepped back behind her, Nelson asked Carmen how her week was.  He sensed that she had been angry all week, and that her mood was influenced by a spirit.  A beautiful female spirit (connected to Danny) sat through Carmen to explain why she was upset with Danny:
Spirit (very angry and irritated):  I am obligated to be here, and I want to leave.  I do not feel well.  I'm back and forth.  They say if you give nothing, then you receive nothing, but I gave my life and I got nothing in return!  That hurts me and it makes me want to hate him (Danny)!  I want him to disappear, he abused me.  It all feels like it happened yesterday.
Nelson: What happened?
Spirit: He took everything from me and left me with NOTHING!  I want revenge, I do not want him to have anything - nothing that he wants.
Nelson: Consider going with the one who brought you here.  You will be freed from that anger.
Spirit: But he needs to suffer for the way I was humiliated!  Get him out of here, not me.
Nelson: He wants to be here (Danny agreed) to learn.  Everything seems to go well for his grandmother, and he wants to follow her example.  And you need to learn how to forgive him.  It was another life, another time.
The spirit agreed to leave with the good guides, and Carmen's spirit guide arrived to cleanse her and bless our table.  Nelson sensed that Danny's brother also wanted to attend our sessions, but he was afraid.  Nelson hoped Danny would encourage his brother to participate, and he said that with the female spirit removed, Danny would now be able to find a job.
Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  Marisol was studying an angry spirit with Juanita.  The spirit did not Juanita working as a medium.  He slammed Marisol's fists on the table, and Nelson relocated his seat closer to Juanita:
Spirit (very intense): Why did you sit her there?  Why?  (coughed)  I smell a bad odor.  Get her out!  GET HER OUT OF HERE!  She is not doing anything - no work!
Nelson: Why are you so concerned with her?
Spirit: Can't you see how strong and big I am?  I came in here with others!
Nelson: We have a celebration for you today, to celebrate your freedom. 
Spirit: I am not alone!  And you only want to take my powers away.
Nelson: Who is with you?  I see someone dark (Nelson was being shown a shiny santero, or religious icon).
Spirit: He has more power than me.  No one can touch him. And no one should touch her (Juanita)!  Let her stay over there in that bed! 
Nelson: But look - she has a warrior spirit with her.  And look around - those who came in with you have abandoned you.  So you need to leave.  With happiness.
Spirit (confused): What will I do?
Nelson: Look for the good path.  I want you to become a friend with that friend who brought you here today.  You have won the battle for your freedom. Try to smell the roses, and that other odor will go away.
Spirit: They said I was losing the battle, but you are telling me I won?  I don't have to do what he (the negative spirit guide) says?  I was just doing my job.  It was all assigned to me by another.  But I will go with this one (the positive spirit guide) who has been talking to me.  It was nothing directly related to her.  It was a mistake, that job.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson turned his attention to Danny.  He was being shown a friend of his, and this person died when he was 19 or 20 years old.  Unlike the previous female spirit passed by Carmen, this spirit was from Danny's current lifetime, and he was male.  The spirit died suddenly, and he felt that no one ever  remembered him now.  Before he passed, he and Danny had a disagreement.  Danny told him that he would recover and be okay, but it did not happen:
Spirit (enthused):  And I told him to stop eating so much, or he would get fat!  Is it okay to say that?  I told him that all the time.  Look at him!  I told him!  I regret that I wasn't able to spend more time with him.  There were so many things I wanted to do.  I had plans!  I don't understand what happened.  My family doesn't remember me now.  I'm like a bird who flew too far away from them.  Why don't they remember me? 
Danny: I remember you.  I remember you, Jeremy.
Spirit: But everything hurts.  I don't want everything to hurt. 
Marisol: Those are memories.  You no longer have a body to feel any pain. 
Spirit:  But it's hard to breathe.  Where is that machine I had?
Jeff: You don't need it.  You are still alive, but you are a spirit now.
Spirit: I am tired of the suffering.  The pain.  He (Danny) always told me that I was never going to die.  I remember things, and I remember him.  I want to thank him.  He gave me a reason to live.  And he was right!  We don't die!  It took me a while to find him.  (long pause)  The pain is going away, and I can breathe again.  They are telling me that if I go and prepare myself, I can return and say hello to him - and that I will see him (laughed) skinny!  They said I will celebrate my 20-21-22-23 birthdays all at once, because today I have to say goodbye.  (to Danny)  I never forgot what you did for me.  I really loved you, and that's all I took with me, I took love with me.  I just wanted to say hello.  (crying)  And I wanted to thank you for never forgetting me.  Thank you, my friend.
Nelson wanted Danny to know that when we have energies around us (positive or negative), the things we want to accomplish become more difficult to achieve.  Nelson also told the Romero family that Erika was hiding and fearful - and her situation is very delicate.  He asked her family to communicate to her that her friend (Nelson) has returned - and he would love to see her.  "She had a little bit of freedom," Nelson said, "and she was able to see the world.  And now that she is back home, she doesn't like it." 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Marisol and Nelson had a conversation regarding his niece in Puerto Rico, with Marisol suggesting some possible treatments, and Nelson hoping to meet with his niece and her psychiatrist on his next visit to Puerto Rico.  Nelson wondered how things were with Sonia: 
Nelson: So many things have happened - and they were not always good.
Sonia: I'm letting it slide.
(Nelson was being shown a large group of spirits.  One of them said that when they got rid of Nelson, it was easier to do whatever they wanted.  But the spirits were also angry with Sonia for never closing the center.)
Spirit: Close it.  Everyone is sick.
Sonia: It has to stay open.  It will never close as long as I am here.
Spirit: You think you are smarter than us?
Sonia: I have a whole group (of good spirits) behind me.
Spirit: If I give you the whole flavor, everything, you will fall.  You got scared...that was us.  We like to destroy things.  We like to close and remove things. (the center had been damaged when a group broke in)
Jeff: You sound like a tough guy, but you are here now.
Spirit: I don't like you, you weren't even here.  Whatever I don't like, I get rid of it.
Sonia: It doesn't work like that, we are protected.
Marisol:  Do you enjoy doing what you do?  You are in a dark place.
Spirit: We like it. 
Sonia: You cannot do that forever.  Move on.  Your job ends today.  That's why you are here.
Spirit: I'm very smart, and I know my time is up.  Behind us, we have many more, but they trapped me. 
Marisol: It's time to go into the light.
Spirit: I don't like the light.  I know I have to go, but you have to understand me.  All the people, they are the ones who give us our power, and we do what we do.
Sonia: I do understand that...
Spirit: We had another surprise, but they stopped us  Do you know how many we are?  300.  We can move whatever we want - we have even moved cars!  You are a lucky lady.  I tried twice, and they wouldn't let me.  She's tough.  They told me not to lie, it's 300 plus two.  I was going to leave two behind, as a gift (laughed).  Don't give us that power...
Spirit 8 (via Sonia):  As the group of spirits were leaving, one of the temple guardian spirits came forward to speak through Sonia:
Spirit: The light of this place has always protected it.  We are all family here, and we give thanks and we welcome you (Nelson) back.  We waited anxiously for your return.  And to those who have been here, to those who are loyal, we protect you and invite you to return again.  (to Nelson's spirit guide, Caballito)  My group appreciates yours.
Spirit 9 (via Nelson):  Frank shared how stressful his work environment had become, and there was also some additional frustration from his wife over what was happening at Frank's job.  Nelson wondered if Frank's wife was married or involved in a relationship prior to their marriage.  She had lived with a man previously, but he died.  Nelson saw his spirit, but that man had another presence with him - the spirit of an aborted baby. And the spirit from the prior relationship with Frank's wife was enraged with Frank:
Spirit: I want to get rid of him!  He's in the middle of all of it.  He is with her, and she is a criminal!  And how do you punish a criminal?  With jail or death!  I came here today with vengeance, and there are three of us. My problem is with her, but he (Frank) is going to pay.  When I hurt him, she suffers.  She's a criminal!  My child is with me.  They took him, but they took him late.  And she gave the permission.  (to Frank)  I know you weren't responsible for her.  I want to kill myself, but I am already dead.  I was already a criminal when I died, and that's why they tied me up.  That's why I have to walk around with my child. 
Marisol: Everyone is responsible for their own actions.  But you don't have to be a criminal anymore if you listen to those around you...
Spirit: I want to stop being a criminal because I want to help my child - my son.  (to Frank)  Tell her not to forget about what she did!  Tell her for me and for our child.  Tell her to ask for forgiveness.  We are going to leave with this man (the good spirit guide), because my son is not complete.  (Nelson explained later that the baby was just body parts, with nothing resembling a human shape, as he had never been born)  To complete him, I have to go with him, so I will go.  And I will complete him.
The wandering spirit was keeping Frank from getting any sleep, and Nelson was feeling the same exhaustion.  He asked his spirit guide to refresh and energize him.  As he worked, he spoke to the group:
Caballito (to Isaac and Xavier):  How are things at home? 
X: It's all right.
Caballito: But it is not what you want.  Both of you are unhappy.  It's not right, and we will work on that.
Caballito (to Gabe):  Were you mad at your uncle (Nelson) over his discussion?  You might not like what he says, but he wants the best for you.  Listen to what he tells you.  If I pull on your ears, I am not angry; it is just a way to put you back into the right lane of the road.  You left that lane, and you need to come back.  As for the other one (Jeff), he is mad.  Is it okay to say that?
Jeff: Yes.
Caballito (to Gabe): He loves you, but he's mad at you.  Just talk, the two of you.  (to Jeff)  Don't be mad at him because he is doing stupid things.
Jeff: It's probably not the best way to guide him...
Caballito:  And he misses it, your guidance.  He misses it.  (to the group)  I am so happy to be back!  I love my work, and that is all that I am - a humble worker.  Learn that word so you will understand.  (to Marisol)  Is your body 100% recovered (from the fall she had)?
Marisol:  I'm still short of breath, and I have some pain in my side. 
Caballito: I need you back 100%.  I was there, I was with you when it happened.  That's why things did not go as it was planned, but I could not take the free will away from them to stop it from happening. They wanted you to be tortured, but not to die.  I did take that spirit friend to Nelson, to be removed.  (The spirit who pushed Marisol down the stairs was removed during a session in Puerto Rico.)
Caballito asked for a towel, and after folding it, he used it with different members of our group:
(for Marisol):  There is only one bone that is not in place, and it gives you that pain.  It will disappear, and you will be fine and be able to breathe.  For the painful leg, take a small towel with hot water and place it in a basket.  Put the towel on top of your pain for three nights.  Put nothing on the towel except for the water, as I will add something to it.  (Three spirits were removed from Marisol)
(for Bernardo, after asking him to hold hands with Carmen):  You have improved.  Carmen is the love of your life, isn't she?  When is your surgery?
Bernardo: In March.
Caballito:  Do not put your faith in Nelson, put your faith in Caballito.  We are removing some spirit friends to ensure that your surgery will go well.  I am taking twelve (spirits from Bernardo) with me.  They cannot sit, as they could harm the mediums. Their leader was from another lifetime of yours, and he has been waiting for an opportunity like this one to do what he wants.
(for Juanita): Keep moving forward.  Do not let anyone interfere with your work. 
(for Nelson): I gave Nelson a little more energy to help him with his material work. 
Jeff asked why his emails were now blank after typing the notes from the last session in Puerto Rico, and Caballito advised him that some parts of the story were too sensitive, and they should probably be removed. 
(Note: I removed what I thought was the problem, but the emails are blank.  But I have faith. **update - the emails returned in March**)  
Gabe wanted to ask Caballito about his transition from the material world into the spirit world as an autistic child, but he could not find the words in Spanish, so he was just giggling:
Caballito:  Why not ask me in English?  It was not what you said.  I was what your uncle is now (a medium), and others assumed it was something else.  (about Gabe)   He knows that he was my son in another life, and now he feels shame, because he knows that question did not come from him.  He has let others influence and guide his actions. 
(for Isabel):  Do not cry, as you are not alone.  And he is going to be fine.
(for Frank):  I gave you a message before it all happened, but you did not listen...
Frank: But now I learned. 
(for Elizabeth):  You grew up with a grandmother who heard the spirits, and you were always looking for information...
Elizabeth:  I hoped to have a conversation with my son.  He passed last October, and I say prayers for him every morning.
Caballito: But you cannot talk to him yet.  He is not awake, and he does not know that he is in the spirit world.  Recite the prayer for the recently dead every day next week, and we will see what happens on Sunday. And may all of you experience a very enjoyable week.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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