Monday, July 24, 2017

How can we become better Spiritists?

(From the Wednesdays in Chicago Class for July 26, 2017)

To become a better Spiritist, we first need to understand the various levels of consciousness to determine where we are now: 

The Physical Level is when our consciousness is based primarily on the animalistic tendencies of our physical body (looking for food, shelter, or a sexual partner). All of our emotional expressions at the physical level are usually instinctive or reactive (jealousy, lust, frustration, etc.). Example: A child or someone who acts in a childish manner. 

The Emotional Level is when our physical desires are more connected to our personality. Emotions are complicated. We need food to satisfy our physical need, but where and how do we want it? Our emotional expectations are different with a picnic at a friends house then when we dine at an elegant restaurant. A capacity for devotion also exists at the emotional level, but it is often accompanied by unreasonable, negative feelings (we might feel devoted to those who seem more intelligent and wise, but it might cause us to have hatred toward others or ourselves). Inner conflicts, turmoil and ambivalence are common at the emotional level of consciousness. We feel waves of strong emotions as we react to what we experience, without giving it much thought.

The Mental Level is when the emotional body becomes increasingly more refined. Rather than choosing a material thing to find our emotional satisfaction (such as eating when we are angry or stressed), a person at the mental level has higher aspirations for intellectual understanding. (For example, wondering why we would eat when stressed, and finding a better way to handle that emotion.) Our own inner life becomes fascinating, as we can see and understand the concept that there are natural laws in life, and that all of our actions and reactions have consequences. We are also becoming conscious of our soul. We respond to emotional challenges with forgiveness, optimism, and trust. Our personal values become more distinct. Once we start analyzing our physical and emotional needs, we have a better understanding of ourselves and others. The sacrifices and compassion of others becomes evident as our mind begins to regulate and influence the body, brain and our emotions to search for positive values and experiences. 

The Integrated Personality Level is when our body, emotions and intelligence are united and used for a specific purpose, as directed by our own free will. Our personality becomes increasingly more integrated when our body, emotions and intelligence work together as a unit. Wisdom, which is merely knowledge with understanding, becomes more evident at this stage. Our focus now extends outward to the world, as we develop a reverence and compassion for all forms of life. The happiness of others becomes a motivating force. 

What Spiritists consider the key for any healing or personal transformation, “reforma intima” is essential to this level of development. Intimate reformation must be constantly sought, to continually learn how to improve our bad habits with better thoughts and actions. Study, meditation and service to one’s fellow man are the most effective tools for accomplishing personal transformation. Being part of a Spiritist Community helps with this understanding, because when a person gives him/herself to a path that has an impact to the well-being of the entire human family, he/she becomes increasingly more serene. 

Levels of Initiation: As we increases our connection to the soul and its energetic vibration, our “mission” (our unique contribution to evolution) is revealed. The light of intuition is no longer obscured by the rational mind, so we are free to dedicate ourselves to our own unique path without feeling constrained by the limits of personality and obsolete thinking patterns. As Spiritists, we use the word “perfection” to describe the ultimate goal of our spiritual evolution. An individual at this level knows that making a positive contribution accelerates and empowers the evolution of the whole human community. Mediums and healers who are dedicated volunteers at Spiritist Centers are developing their Integrated Personality and Initiatory Levels. Anyone who want to move into these higher levels will find support for that endeavor by taking part in mediums training and other activities at a Kardec Spiritist Center. States of serenity and bliss are characteristic of this level of growth, as is additional wisdom. The emotional states associated with our personality are replaced by states of joy, peace, and enlightenment, which radiates out to others. 

Kardec's Spiritism: A Home for Healing and Spiritual Evolution
Emma Bragdon - 2012 - ‎Body, Mind & Spirit

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