Friday, July 7, 2017

Puerto Rico - May 17, 2017

In attendance: Eva, Jeff, Junior, Luis, Nelson, Rina and Yiri 
After the opening prayer, Nelson was asked by his spirit guide to read the prayer for our enemies and those who do not want us to do well.  This is the prayer in English:
"My God, may I forgive the evil that has been done to me and the one who wanted it.  And I ask for you to forgive me, and may he or she forgive me for what he/she thinks I have don against him/her.  If you placed it in my path as a test, you wish has been fulfilled.  God, turn away from me the idea of cursing you and all malevolent desire against him or her.  Make me not experience any joy for the misfortunes I have, nor sorrow for the benefits that may be granted to him/her, in order to not tarnish my own soul.  Lord, may your goodness spread over him or her, and lead him/her to better feelings towards me.  Good spirits, inspire me to forget evil and remember good, so that neither hatred nor resentment - nor the desire to render evil for evil - enter into my heart, because hatred and vengeance belong only to the evil spirits, incarnate and disincarnated.  On the contrary, I am ready to offer a brotherly hand, to render good for evil, and help that person if possible.  I desire to prove the sincerity of my words, so may I be offered the opportunity to be useful to you.  But above all, my God, keep me from doing anything out of pride or ostentation by confusing you with a humiliating generosity, which would lose the fruit of my action, because then it would merit that those words of Christ be applied to me: "You already received the reward."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  As Nelson was reading the prayer, a spirit was listening.  He wanted to know how to knock the smile away from Nelson's face.  He seemed to represent the thoughts of many.  The spirit said, "When he's here, he's always smiling.  I want to stop him!  No one can sell their house and he sold his.  I don't know why he uses his mediumship for all those other people, when he should be using it only for me!"
Nelson began to cry, as he realized the enormity of the thoughts of hatred that were directed towards him.  He said, "I never thought anyone would think this way about me.  I'm human, and I have feelings.  The ignorance of people - it hurts."   A laughing spirit sat through him to explain more:
Spirit (robust with power):  Open a door, close a door, listen!  I have a lot to say.  Everything is to be kept a secret - shh, shh.  No happiness is allowed.
Junior: How ignorant.
Spirit: Look, I have that same type of prayer with me (against enemies and those who wish harm), do you want to hear it?  (The spirit recited something rapidly in Spanish).  The problem is, nobody is listening to me!
Junior: That's a big problem.
Spirit (demonstrating the type of prayers he has been hearing): I want only happiness in my house!  Send me no demons!  I only want my friends with me!  (laughed)  All of them are so ignorant.  I will close the door here, and none of them will get into this place.
Jeff: Those thoughts are all wrong.  You know that cannot happen.
Spirit (laughing and referring to Nelson):  And he wants to be alone on a mountain!  (a strong, cooling breeze began to blow, and the spirit noticed it)  What's that?  How fresh.  It's so hot, and now it's refreshing.  All that heat must be from a demon!  (Eva helped coach the spirit)  I've been thinking.  It's hot in that casa, with no air conditioning and no breeze to refresh us.  I have a group with me (the brisk wind started again, and the spirit turned to the side to address his group):  Doesn't that feel fresh?  We have to consult our crystal ball (demonstrated).  This guy (the spirit guide) is telling us to get away from all that sickness.  But it's so funny!  Everyone is so hot, looking for an ice cube to cool off!  (more laughter)  There's a woman near me marching!  No wonder she is overheated.  There are 14 who think like me with me, and four marshals (guards) who are watching the doors.  And 16 women, all of them representing different (negative) thoughts.  Those 16 have all come here (or to other sessions in various locations), looking pious and good.  But the evil thoughts are their real thoughts.  I know - they call me.  (hunched forward)  It's been giving me a headache, so we will all go.  And I am telling you the truth - nothing else.
After the spirit departed, Nelson was despondent and confused.  He told the group, "I don't control anything, I just do my work.  They set the agenda, they bring the spirits, I don't choose.  I am not going to back to the spirit world to hear that I didn't do my job when I was here.  I'm doing my job as they tell me - the best I can."
Nelson asked Luis how his life was going, and if he found time for tranquility:
Luis: Yes, but problems come up.
Nelson: And your relationship with your girlfriend?
Luis: It's good, but there are some things that are having an impact.  Outside things.
Eva: It's a form of change that happens over time with relationships.
Luis: She (the girlfriend) lives with me at my mother's house, but she wants to leave.
Eva: It's important that if the material does not work out, you still continue on your own spiritual path.
Nelson: Her mood has an effect on you.  That's why you are here, you couldn't stand it anymore.  (pause)  It's nothing to do with you, it's all with her.  She has two (material) female friends, and they live in the US.  They are both telling her that if she doesn't like things, she should terminate her relationship with you, and come live with them.  If you want to follow later, fine, but she doesn't care.  They tell her that she is more fun alone than when she is with you, and she listens to them.
Eva: Their dislike for you is incredible.
Nelson: When you got into your car today, a spirit came here with you.  She also wants your girlfriend to leave, and she is describing how she uses her hair in this life (it's down to her waist) to seduce you and other men - just like she did in her previous life with this spirit.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  As Junior was explaining something to the group, the female spirit arrived:
Spirit (to Junior):  Who invited you to speak at this funeral?  It's my moment, and this is my road.  I have no problem with him (Luis), but someone will be moving to another house.  His name is "Luis Angel," but we call him "Angelito"...she has to move out, so all three of us can be together to dance (demonstrated while seated in the chair) and have fun!  Mira!  Dance! 
Eva: Do you want to leave him dancing alone?
Spirit:  I will surround him with beautiful flowers from her funeral.  Once I get her alone, I will become her novio (or sweetheart).
Eva: That was in another lifetime, not in this one.
Spirit: That's not important.  We talk together all the time.
Junior: You do not have a physical body to be with her.
Spirit: What do you know about it?  Nothing!  I talk to her a lot.  Here's my plan for that house.  She will move, because I need her alone. 
Eva: There will be consequences for those actions.
Spirit: She will suffer the consequences!  Do you know what she did?  She married my boyfriend the night before our wedding!  Imagine the shame, the humiliation.  I want to do to her what she did to me.  It's a circle that needs to be completed.
Eva: Can you forgive her for that offense?  It's not easy, but you will be happier.
Spirit: That devil?  I'm not going to cry, I only want revenge.  I already took the life of that boy that one who betrayed me with her.  I found him from that past life, and I ended the life he had this time.  I only need her.  But they are telling me that I shouldn't have another death on my record, and there are other ways.  I'm curious about that, so I will go.
After Nelson recovered, he told Luis that although his girlfriend was planning to leave him, Luis still cared enough for her to show up today - and by doing that, he helped her.  There was a brief discussion about lives that are cut short.  It was followed by a lengthy discussion regarding Carmen's condition in the hospital, and her refusal to let male nurses touch her (she was biting them).  Her condition did not seem to be improving, but the hospital sent her home anyway.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Caballito asked Nelson to visit his niece (Mirelsa) yesterday (the daughter of Junior and Rina) and he told Nelson that he would be with him to perform an extraction.  Thirty years ago, when Mirelsa's spirit reincarnated and she was born, the spirits of her siblings and her parents from her prior existence did not want to be separated from her - so they all came along with her.  In less than a half hour, Caballito extracted eight spirits that had been with her since the day she was born.  Those spirits were now present at our session.  Junior wanted to thank the spirit world in general for what happened, but the spirit of the mother was angered by his words, and she stepped forward to speak:
Spirit (firmly to Junior):  I heard you saying thank you.  For what?  Explain it to me!  Thanks for the moon?  Explain it to me!
Eva: For caring about helping his daughter.
Spirit:  I am not interested in hearing that.  He mistreated her, he never cared.  Those prayers he said?  He was always wondering what was in it for him.  All that suppression (for Mirelsa), and no happiness.  It's crazy.  Nobody faced the truth.  She wasn't crazy.  (to Junior)  Hey, 13th month!  That's you, the 13th month on the calendar.  It doesn't exist, and you were a non-existent father to her.  (laughed)  Hey 13!  It's easy to abandon someone, isn't it?
Rina: Physically, emotionally, I saw it, and as a nurse I know it.  He cared.
Spirit: Really?  He said, 'I love you, I care for you,' but it meant nothing.  And if she asked for a glass of water, it was an inconvenience.  I will not talk to him (Junior), only to her (Rina).  Did you know it was me?  I was there with her.  I promised her she would never be alone, and over time, we had numerous conversations together.  I am here now, with her six siblings and her real father.  She was the only one who left, and we have never left her side.  La unica.  The 13th month only visited when he wanted.  They think she's crazy. but she is not.  (Rina began to tear up)   Nobody goes to see her,  it's no wonder she wants to be free.  Let.  Her.  Go.  If you free her, you will free me.  And after 30 years with her, it will not be easy for us to go.  Her grandmother (Dona Patria) is in our world now.
Eva: And that's where you and the rest of your family belong now.
Spirit: It's easy to abandon someone isn't it, 13?  But she was never alone, and she will not be alone when we are gone.  It was difficult for this man (Caballito) to persuade me (began to cry).  She was my daughter! 
Eva: It's time to go and prepare yourselves.
Spirit: Thank you with all my heart.
Nelson asked Luis about his brother, who was living and studying in Montreal.  When he lived in Puerto Rico, Luis and his brother had their own band, and now the brother was in a new band that was getting ready to tour in Canada.  Nelson was curious over the former band members still in Puerto Rico.  He sensed that the band had performed in a hazy, negative environment of drugs, violence and sex.
Eva: It's a dark world.
Nelson: They treated humans like things.  It was like they owned the girls and they could loan them out for a night, and everyone slept with each other.  It was all about the material pleasures of the body.
Luis shared that his brother would be visiting Puerto Rico soon, and the band was excited over the possibility of reuniting for a reunion tour.  Luis was apprehensive, as his life had changed, and Nelson recommended that both brothers should run from the idea.  "There are some things waiting for your bother here," Nelson cautioned (which included an ex-girlfriend), and I see the reunion show ending in an ambulance ride."  Nelson suggested that the show could be on a beach or a mountaintop, to avoid the negative spirits that congregate in the dark, dank venues that are often favored for hardcore bands.  "The world around that performance is very dark, "Nelson concluded.  He compared the situation to the scene in "Nosso Lar," where the elevated spirits tried to rescue spirits mired in the mud.  Nelson's guide wanted to invite the spirits to sit at our session, but they needed some softening up.  Even the light from a cell phone would be too bright for them.  Luis said that when he was performing with the group, he would often see the faces in the crowd slowly becoming deformed and grotesque (reflecting the spirits within).  He was in the band for 10 years, and he wasn't eager to go back.  Nelson was being shown scenarios from the reunion tour - a possible drug overdose at the club, a girl who aborted a fetus in the restroom and said, "Good, now I can sleep with that one I really wanted."  Nelson explained that when the elevated spirits went into a dark place filled with spirits like that, it was often a rescue mission to save just one spirit - not the entire group.
The group recited the closing prayer in unison.

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