Friday, July 28, 2017

Chicago - February 5. 2017

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Elizabeth, Eva, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Sonia, and X
After the opening prayer, Jeff read the prayer for the recently departed and Marisol read the prayer for the sick.  Marisol also read the "Prayer for a Suicide" after Nelson's guide asked him to randomly open the prayer book, and it landed on that page (see it here:
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Elizabeth shared that her thirty year old son had committed suicide last October.  He jumped from the 28th floor of a building after saying, "I love you guys, I love you all.  I'm happy, I'm so happy!"  Nelson, Carmen and Marisol understood that his actions were not random, as he had secretly planned his death, and obsessive spirits were involved.  (Obsessive spirits became the theme for our session, and obsession is defined as the domination of ones thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image or desire.)  Nelson saw a group of spirits near Elizabeth's son, and all of them were suicides.  One of the spirits said, "He wanted to be here, but it's too late - and he's crying."  The spirit smoothly moved into Nelson to clarify:
Spirit (in a calm, measured tone): Crazy!  Loco!  We are everywhere, and we do everything.  Be afraid of us.  even the most sane go crazy.  No one helps us, we are all crazy.  That's what they said about us (when the group of spirits was in the material world).  Can I ask you something?  Why can I see and hear things that others cannot?
Jeff: You have a different reality from them.
Marisol: You no longer have a body - you have been freed from that...try to forgive yourself.
Spirit: But when I was on the other side (in the material world), when I tried talking, nobody answered me.  I took seven pills not to see them (the obsessive spirits) and they laid me down.  I am still in that bed. And now that I am on the spirit side, he (Nelson) was the only person who has ever heard me.  Every time I woke up, they put me back down.  I don't remember what I did, so how can I forgive myself?  I was in an entirely different place.
Jeff: What do you remember just before you found yourself where you are now?
Spirit (quietly): I jumped.  Every day, you hear different voices until you don't want to hear them anymore.  How do I get out of this?  There are so many of us here - you don't want to know.  So many, all for different reasons.
Jeff: And all of you are suffering...
Spirit: It's 14 drunks, 22 from sexual encounters, 21 from smoking and other drugs, and 44 jumped (106 total).  Now what?  (to Elizabeth)  Lady, we looked for your son, but here's not here, he's not one of us.  We are not even allowed to go where he is.  (pause)  He's talking to us, his man (the spirit guide)  He's telling us that we didn't understand ourselves, and today we will find peace.  You don't know where we are - and what we do.  Forgive me, all of you (the spirit began to cry), and now it's my time to go.
Marisol: You will be okay - forgive yourself.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): The spirit put Nelson's hands in the air and sobbed.  Nelson's spirit guide arrived to help him refresh and recover:
Caballito (to Elizabeth):  If you do not talk to your other children and start a discussion over this, it will happen again.  The one who is suffering now is the girl, the one who was with your son.  This was not easy, and I need to supply some energy to Nelson to keep him working.  When a child does not communicate with a parent, it is the responsibility of the parent to reach out to that child.  Approach them as a friend.  Tell them that as a friend, you will not judge, as you may not understand it as well as they do.  Do not let something like this happen again.  This could have been avoided.  Tell them that you just want them to hear you, and they do not need to talk.  Do it with love and humility, and they will hear you.  Sometimes we are too forceful with a message.  Spirits are not bad, they are just ignorant, but I do not judge them.  My job is to bring the spirits into to the light, not to comment on what they have done.  Did you think it was easy for us to collect all of them up today?  There were more of us than them. and we approached them with love and humility.  If you understand that and act on it, your life will be everything you want.  (Note: Humility is defined as freedom from pride or arrogance, and the quality or state of being humble).  Be humble, and you will have everything you need.  It is my pleasure to do this work.  I selected it, because I was not very humble the last time I was around all of you.
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  Caballito stepped back, and Nelson asked Isabel about her husband.  she replied that Ron was recovering at home, which caused a spirit to sit through Carmen:
Spirit (sarcastically):  Good, how good, so you have a rest.  How long has he been your spouse?  Because it is coming to an end, very soon.  She (Isabel) is the weak one!  It is my place to be there with him, not yours. She is taking care of him, my Ron, and I want him back!  I pinch him to shorten his breathing.  You cannot own anything that is already owned.  (angry)  She keeps looking in him, and he asks her, 'Why are you here?'  This is my work, and she is in the way!  He is not yours, he is MINE!
Isabel: I might be tiny, but my heart is huge.
Spirit (ignoring her): I'm so cold.
Nelson: Because that body is not yours.
Spirit (stunned):  Where is my body?  So I am not going to be able to complete things with him?
Nelson: He wanted to come today, and he will be here next week.
Spirit (being offered a hand form one of the good spirit guides):  Do I need to grab his hand? 
Nelson: Take that hand and breathe easier.
Spirit:  I am nauseous, I can't breathe, and my stomach hurts.  So I will take that hand.
Nelson: You do not have a body to have those symptoms.
Spirit (reluctantly): voy...aye...
The spirit took a long time to depart.  Ten spirits (a total of 11 with the spirit who sat) were removed, and  Carmen's spirit guide arrived to refresh her. 
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Marisol):  There was a discussion in Spanish regarding Marisol's uncle, and the conversation triggered the arrival of an irate, arrogant spirit:
Spirit: Diablo!  I'm the devil and I want him DEAD!  He's a devil as well, which is why he doesn't come back.  His hands are dirty!  He will never be back here, he only likes himself.  Look at me, he thinks he can do whatever he wants.  He's so full of himself - always bragging!  And do you know why I am here?  Because of her (Marisol)!  She's always meddling.  She told me once that I could do more with love than with hate, but love was never given to me.  I needed to defend myself!
Nelson: You do not need to keep fighting now.
Spirit: Do you really think my hands can be cleaned?  Can he (the spirit guide) wash them?  I've done a lot...
Nelson: Try to worry, and think only about yourself for now.  Face the consequences later.
Spirit:  Fine.  I will not waste my time anymore.  I will leave with the 57 (spirits) on my right; all of us are unhappy creating chaos.  And I will feel love for the first time.  Thank you.
Marisol's guide arrived, and she spoke to the group as she cleansed her:
Spirit: Stubborn rocks (the previous spirits)!  We always need the help of many to accomplish moving those rocks.  If they are not removed, the crime in your world would be even worse.  We live in a world of obsessions.  (to Elizabeth)  Take your time, and be patient.  Things will take time, because those things were created over much time.  Patience.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson turned his attention to Sonia, as he sensed that an obsessive spirit was around her daughter.  Nelson was tired, but he knew it would be important for Sonia, and he needed to pass the spirit to help her daughter.  Caballito returned, to help usher in the spirit:
Caballito:  If I asked you to visit this place (the center), would you rather come in walking - or on your knees?
Sonia (immediately):  Walking.
Caballito:  You daughter.  She thinks one thing and says another?  Does she believe that her mother will not let anything bad happen to her?
Sonia: Sometimes...
Caballito: She doesn't always make the best decisions or choices.  (Note: There was a discussion about how confident and exact the daughter was with work related issues, and how her personal choices were often seemed to be more confused.)  She is uncertain of her new boyfriend.  There are those around her who do not like him, but they do not tell her.  Shhhh.  They keep it quiet.
Jeff: Maybe they think she is happy with the relationship?
Caballito:  Her house is very full.
Sonia: She recently moved.
Nelson (being shown the house and replacing Caballito): But she likes to have the house full.  But whatever is coming to that house, I don't like it.  You should not meet the boyfriend.  He is there to destroy her, and he is nothing but trouble.  He is her enemy.  He is coming in with a purpose, and it's not what she thinks.  They come in like an angel, but when that gift is unwrapped, and the error is realized... 
Spirit (arriving abruptly and speaking in Spanish and English):  None of you can do anything.  Do not get involved, or we will knock you out!  We need to get her alone, so we can do what is needed.  We are almost there...almost done...
Jeff: But now you are here with us.
Spirit: I'm just here to let you know what is going to happen.
Marisol: What do you want to do with her?  What's your goal?
Spirit: are very smart.  I will talk to you, and not that chicken (Jeff).  She is going to be put into a mental institution!  She put all of us in one!
Marisol: Because she wanted all of your (material world) stuff?
Spirit: And now she will be in a mental institution - all alone!  (to Sonia)  Do not get involved!
Sonia: Until today, and now - that's it, it's over.
Spirit: I want her to be where she put me!  (laughing)  Do you know what she does?  She gets in the car and says she is going to drive someplace and then she drives to a different place.  It's so funny!  We laugh at her because she laughed at us!
Jeff: So you have a lot of power?
Spirit: That doesn't make me a bad person.  She laughed at me!  I didn't mind the mental institution, it wasn't bad, but her laughter was.  She laughed at me and I will laugh at her!
Sonia: Can you forgive her?
Marisol: Go to the light, and be happy.
Spirit: I CANNOT FORGIVE HER!  You know that friend we put in there?  I needed someone in there from your world.  The (material world) man we sent there works for me.
Marisol: Listen to that other man, the one next to you (the spirit guide)...
Spirit: He is telling me what I already know.  I know I am a spirit!  But now I realize that I cannot go back there.  But let me tell you something, I still have him (the material world man) in place!  He (the spirit guide) is telling me not to commit a crime that we will later be judged for, so now she will be responsible.  We are leaving.
Jeff: How large is your group?
Spirit: We are 22.  (pause)  He is telling me not to lie, it's 25.  I was going to leave two behind.
Jeff: Take everything with you.
Spirit: I left it all in the old house.  I told them (the two spirits) to hide.  Useless!
The spirit left quietly, and Nelson had some questions for Eva.  He wondered how her daughter was coping, and Eva said that she was not working yet.  Nelson reminded her when Caballito advised her in December not to take the trip to Texas and Chicago.  The potential pregnancy for her daughter was a difficult situation, and Eva's interference has now complicated many lives.  Nelson, Marisol and Carmen were all being shown a very large group of rigid spirits who were with Eva and her daughter's family.  The spirits were all high ranking military commanders - admirals, generals, sergeants - and it was an enormous, ugly situation.  One of them wanted Eva to know, "You may be small, but if you interfere, you are done." 
Jeff (to Eva): They don't want your daughter to have the baby.  (Eva agreed)
Nelson: They can be terrible.  How long have you been sick?
Eva: For a while now.
Nelson: They have your daughter's new son, and they are holding him as a prisoner.  The good spirits are attempting to protect him, but we do not know how long they can keep it up.
Eva: I have been doing prayers.
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): Caballito returned with a specific message for Isaac and X.  He told them, "Things can be rough for you at home, and we will work on that."  Caballito also had a message for Gabe:
Caballito:  You have a tornado around you, and it is getting faster and faster, and you want to get out of it, but it sucks you in.  And that tornado is holding you back (Gabe agreed).  A female spirit arrived, and she appeared to be rocking back and forth in a rocking chair as she sat through Nelson:
Spirit:  He doesn't understand it.  He's funny, clever and nice - so why don't they (his girlfriend's family) like him?  He is determined to make them like him! 
Marisol: It doesn't work that way.
Spirit: They don't like you in their house!  You are beneath them.  And I don't like him.  I don't like him!
Jeff: Did he harm you in some way?
Spirit: He keeps showing up over there - in that house!  I don't want to look at him, he doesn't belong there.  I am the owner of that house!
Jeff: So you are the one influencing the people who live there now?
Spirit: He is not in their class.  And look at me, dressed in pants!  I'd prefer a dress.
Jeff: Listen to those around you.  They have a nicer house prepared for you - a bigger house. It's a mansion!
Spirit: They are bringing me some clothing, as I cannot go like this.  let's see what they bring.  (elated)  It's a very nice skirt - and nylons!  And a hat, a very nice hat.
Jeff: You are nicely dressed and ready for that new house.  Forget him and those others and move on.
(The spirit decided to leave with her six servants.  Caballito returned to speak to Gabe...)
Caballito: It is okay sometimes to be alone.  When we are alone, we get to know who we really are.  You already knew that she was not the one.
Gabe: The reason it's lasted longer than expected is that I don't want to hurt her..
Caballito (laughing): But waiting so long only prolonged her pain and yours!  I am going to remind you of something you asked me once... 
Caballito spoke to Marisol in Spanish (no notes) and performed a healing for Frank in Spanish (no notes) with the towel.  Sonia received a message in Spanish (no notes), and Caballito said that he would take seven spirits away with him.  He told Janet that he would remove four spirits who were associated with her.  Caballito spoke briefly to Carmen, telling her that one day in the future, he would work with her guide to bring spirits to our table - and it would astound everyone.  He placed his hand behind Eva's head, and spoke to her in Spanish (no notes).  There was also a message for Nelson:
Caballito:  He told me he was tired after the first group (of suicidal spirits).  I told him that if he had the energy to prepare that drink he likes so much last night, he had the energy to work.  I want to thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to do my work.  If they (the spirits) do not progress, neither do I.  I work for them, so my spirit can do the work that I promised.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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