Friday, July 28, 2017

Chicago - February 5. 2017

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Elizabeth, Eva, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Sonia, and X
After the opening prayer, Jeff read the prayer for the recently departed and Marisol read the prayer for the sick.  Marisol also read the "Prayer for a Suicide" after Nelson's guide asked him to randomly open the prayer book, and it landed on that page (see it here:
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Elizabeth shared that her thirty year old son had committed suicide last October.  He jumped from the 28th floor of a building after saying, "I love you guys, I love you all.  I'm happy, I'm so happy!"  Nelson, Carmen and Marisol understood that his actions were not random, as he had secretly planned his death, and obsessive spirits were involved.  (Obsessive spirits became the theme for our session, and obsession is defined as the domination of ones thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image or desire.)  Nelson saw a group of spirits near Elizabeth's son, and all of them were suicides.  One of the spirits said, "He wanted to be here, but it's too late - and he's crying."  The spirit smoothly moved into Nelson to clarify:
Spirit (in a calm, measured tone): Crazy!  Loco!  We are everywhere, and we do everything.  Be afraid of us.  even the most sane go crazy.  No one helps us, we are all crazy.  That's what they said about us (when the group of spirits was in the material world).  Can I ask you something?  Why can I see and hear things that others cannot?
Jeff: You have a different reality from them.
Marisol: You no longer have a body - you have been freed from that...try to forgive yourself.
Spirit: But when I was on the other side (in the material world), when I tried talking, nobody answered me.  I took seven pills not to see them (the obsessive spirits) and they laid me down.  I am still in that bed. And now that I am on the spirit side, he (Nelson) was the only person who has ever heard me.  Every time I woke up, they put me back down.  I don't remember what I did, so how can I forgive myself?  I was in an entirely different place.
Jeff: What do you remember just before you found yourself where you are now?
Spirit (quietly): I jumped.  Every day, you hear different voices until you don't want to hear them anymore.  How do I get out of this?  There are so many of us here - you don't want to know.  So many, all for different reasons.
Jeff: And all of you are suffering...
Spirit: It's 14 drunks, 22 from sexual encounters, 21 from smoking and other drugs, and 44 jumped (106 total).  Now what?  (to Elizabeth)  Lady, we looked for your son, but here's not here, he's not one of us.  We are not even allowed to go where he is.  (pause)  He's talking to us, his man (the spirit guide)  He's telling us that we didn't understand ourselves, and today we will find peace.  You don't know where we are - and what we do.  Forgive me, all of you (the spirit began to cry), and now it's my time to go.
Marisol: You will be okay - forgive yourself.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): The spirit put Nelson's hands in the air and sobbed.  Nelson's spirit guide arrived to help him refresh and recover:
Caballito (to Elizabeth):  If you do not talk to your other children and start a discussion over this, it will happen again.  The one who is suffering now is the girl, the one who was with your son.  This was not easy, and I need to supply some energy to Nelson to keep him working.  When a child does not communicate with a parent, it is the responsibility of the parent to reach out to that child.  Approach them as a friend.  Tell them that as a friend, you will not judge, as you may not understand it as well as they do.  Do not let something like this happen again.  This could have been avoided.  Tell them that you just want them to hear you, and they do not need to talk.  Do it with love and humility, and they will hear you.  Sometimes we are too forceful with a message.  Spirits are not bad, they are just ignorant, but I do not judge them.  My job is to bring the spirits into to the light, not to comment on what they have done.  Did you think it was easy for us to collect all of them up today?  There were more of us than them. and we approached them with love and humility.  If you understand that and act on it, your life will be everything you want.  (Note: Humility is defined as freedom from pride or arrogance, and the quality or state of being humble).  Be humble, and you will have everything you need.  It is my pleasure to do this work.  I selected it, because I was not very humble the last time I was around all of you.
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  Caballito stepped back, and Nelson asked Isabel about her husband.  she replied that Ron was recovering at home, which caused a spirit to sit through Carmen:
Spirit (sarcastically):  Good, how good, so you have a rest.  How long has he been your spouse?  Because it is coming to an end, very soon.  She (Isabel) is the weak one!  It is my place to be there with him, not yours. She is taking care of him, my Ron, and I want him back!  I pinch him to shorten his breathing.  You cannot own anything that is already owned.  (angry)  She keeps looking in him, and he asks her, 'Why are you here?'  This is my work, and she is in the way!  He is not yours, he is MINE!
Isabel: I might be tiny, but my heart is huge.
Spirit (ignoring her): I'm so cold.
Nelson: Because that body is not yours.
Spirit (stunned):  Where is my body?  So I am not going to be able to complete things with him?
Nelson: He wanted to come today, and he will be here next week.
Spirit (being offered a hand form one of the good spirit guides):  Do I need to grab his hand? 
Nelson: Take that hand and breathe easier.
Spirit:  I am nauseous, I can't breathe, and my stomach hurts.  So I will take that hand.
Nelson: You do not have a body to have those symptoms.
Spirit (reluctantly): voy...aye...
The spirit took a long time to depart.  Ten spirits (a total of 11 with the spirit who sat) were removed, and  Carmen's spirit guide arrived to refresh her. 
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Marisol):  There was a discussion in Spanish regarding Marisol's uncle, and the conversation triggered the arrival of an irate, arrogant spirit:
Spirit: Diablo!  I'm the devil and I want him DEAD!  He's a devil as well, which is why he doesn't come back.  His hands are dirty!  He will never be back here, he only likes himself.  Look at me, he thinks he can do whatever he wants.  He's so full of himself - always bragging!  And do you know why I am here?  Because of her (Marisol)!  She's always meddling.  She told me once that I could do more with love than with hate, but love was never given to me.  I needed to defend myself!
Nelson: You do not need to keep fighting now.
Spirit: Do you really think my hands can be cleaned?  Can he (the spirit guide) wash them?  I've done a lot...
Nelson: Try to worry, and think only about yourself for now.  Face the consequences later.
Spirit:  Fine.  I will not waste my time anymore.  I will leave with the 57 (spirits) on my right; all of us are unhappy creating chaos.  And I will feel love for the first time.  Thank you.
Marisol's guide arrived, and she spoke to the group as she cleansed her:
Spirit: Stubborn rocks (the previous spirits)!  We always need the help of many to accomplish moving those rocks.  If they are not removed, the crime in your world would be even worse.  We live in a world of obsessions.  (to Elizabeth)  Take your time, and be patient.  Things will take time, because those things were created over much time.  Patience.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson turned his attention to Sonia, as he sensed that an obsessive spirit was around her daughter.  Nelson was tired, but he knew it would be important for Sonia, and he needed to pass the spirit to help her daughter.  Caballito returned, to help usher in the spirit:
Caballito:  If I asked you to visit this place (the center), would you rather come in walking - or on your knees?
Sonia (immediately):  Walking.
Caballito:  You daughter.  She thinks one thing and says another?  Does she believe that her mother will not let anything bad happen to her?
Sonia: Sometimes...
Caballito: She doesn't always make the best decisions or choices.  (Note: There was a discussion about how confident and exact the daughter was with work related issues, and how her personal choices were often seemed to be more confused.)  She is uncertain of her new boyfriend.  There are those around her who do not like him, but they do not tell her.  Shhhh.  They keep it quiet.
Jeff: Maybe they think she is happy with the relationship?
Caballito:  Her house is very full.
Sonia: She recently moved.
Nelson (being shown the house and replacing Caballito): But she likes to have the house full.  But whatever is coming to that house, I don't like it.  You should not meet the boyfriend.  He is there to destroy her, and he is nothing but trouble.  He is her enemy.  He is coming in with a purpose, and it's not what she thinks.  They come in like an angel, but when that gift is unwrapped, and the error is realized... 
Spirit (arriving abruptly and speaking in Spanish and English):  None of you can do anything.  Do not get involved, or we will knock you out!  We need to get her alone, so we can do what is needed.  We are almost there...almost done...
Jeff: But now you are here with us.
Spirit: I'm just here to let you know what is going to happen.
Marisol: What do you want to do with her?  What's your goal?
Spirit: are very smart.  I will talk to you, and not that chicken (Jeff).  She is going to be put into a mental institution!  She put all of us in one!
Marisol: Because she wanted all of your (material world) stuff?
Spirit: And now she will be in a mental institution - all alone!  (to Sonia)  Do not get involved!
Sonia: Until today, and now - that's it, it's over.
Spirit: I want her to be where she put me!  (laughing)  Do you know what she does?  She gets in the car and says she is going to drive someplace and then she drives to a different place.  It's so funny!  We laugh at her because she laughed at us!
Jeff: So you have a lot of power?
Spirit: That doesn't make me a bad person.  She laughed at me!  I didn't mind the mental institution, it wasn't bad, but her laughter was.  She laughed at me and I will laugh at her!
Sonia: Can you forgive her?
Marisol: Go to the light, and be happy.
Spirit: I CANNOT FORGIVE HER!  You know that friend we put in there?  I needed someone in there from your world.  The (material world) man we sent there works for me.
Marisol: Listen to that other man, the one next to you (the spirit guide)...
Spirit: He is telling me what I already know.  I know I am a spirit!  But now I realize that I cannot go back there.  But let me tell you something, I still have him (the material world man) in place!  He (the spirit guide) is telling me not to commit a crime that we will later be judged for, so now she will be responsible.  We are leaving.
Jeff: How large is your group?
Spirit: We are 22.  (pause)  He is telling me not to lie, it's 25.  I was going to leave two behind.
Jeff: Take everything with you.
Spirit: I left it all in the old house.  I told them (the two spirits) to hide.  Useless!
The spirit left quietly, and Nelson had some questions for Eva.  He wondered how her daughter was coping, and Eva said that she was not working yet.  Nelson reminded her when Caballito advised her in December not to take the trip to Texas and Chicago.  The potential pregnancy for her daughter was a difficult situation, and Eva's interference has now complicated many lives.  Nelson, Marisol and Carmen were all being shown a very large group of rigid spirits who were with Eva and her daughter's family.  The spirits were all high ranking military commanders - admirals, generals, sergeants - and it was an enormous, ugly situation.  One of them wanted Eva to know, "You may be small, but if you interfere, you are done." 
Jeff (to Eva): They don't want your daughter to have the baby.  (Eva agreed)
Nelson: They can be terrible.  How long have you been sick?
Eva: For a while now.
Nelson: They have your daughter's new son, and they are holding him as a prisoner.  The good spirits are attempting to protect him, but we do not know how long they can keep it up.
Eva: I have been doing prayers.
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): Caballito returned with a specific message for Isaac and X.  He told them, "Things can be rough for you at home, and we will work on that."  Caballito also had a message for Gabe:
Caballito:  You have a tornado around you, and it is getting faster and faster, and you want to get out of it, but it sucks you in.  And that tornado is holding you back (Gabe agreed).  A female spirit arrived, and she appeared to be rocking back and forth in a rocking chair as she sat through Nelson:
Spirit:  He doesn't understand it.  He's funny, clever and nice - so why don't they (his girlfriend's family) like him?  He is determined to make them like him! 
Marisol: It doesn't work that way.
Spirit: They don't like you in their house!  You are beneath them.  And I don't like him.  I don't like him!
Jeff: Did he harm you in some way?
Spirit: He keeps showing up over there - in that house!  I don't want to look at him, he doesn't belong there.  I am the owner of that house!
Jeff: So you are the one influencing the people who live there now?
Spirit: He is not in their class.  And look at me, dressed in pants!  I'd prefer a dress.
Jeff: Listen to those around you.  They have a nicer house prepared for you - a bigger house. It's a mansion!
Spirit: They are bringing me some clothing, as I cannot go like this.  let's see what they bring.  (elated)  It's a very nice skirt - and nylons!  And a hat, a very nice hat.
Jeff: You are nicely dressed and ready for that new house.  Forget him and those others and move on.
(The spirit decided to leave with her six servants.  Caballito returned to speak to Gabe...)
Caballito: It is okay sometimes to be alone.  When we are alone, we get to know who we really are.  You already knew that she was not the one.
Gabe: The reason it's lasted longer than expected is that I don't want to hurt her..
Caballito (laughing): But waiting so long only prolonged her pain and yours!  I am going to remind you of something you asked me once... 
Caballito spoke to Marisol in Spanish (no notes) and performed a healing for Frank in Spanish (no notes) with the towel.  Sonia received a message in Spanish (no notes), and Caballito said that he would take seven spirits away with him.  He told Janet that he would remove four spirits who were associated with her.  Caballito spoke briefly to Carmen, telling her that one day in the future, he would work with her guide to bring spirits to our table - and it would astound everyone.  He placed his hand behind Eva's head, and spoke to her in Spanish (no notes).  There was also a message for Nelson:
Caballito:  He told me he was tired after the first group (of suicidal spirits).  I told him that if he had the energy to prepare that drink he likes so much last night, he had the energy to work.  I want to thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to do my work.  If they (the spirits) do not progress, neither do I.  I work for them, so my spirit can do the work that I promised.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Monday, July 24, 2017

How can we become better Spiritists?

(From the Wednesdays in Chicago Class for July 26, 2017)

To become a better Spiritist, we first need to understand the various levels of consciousness to determine where we are now: 

The Physical Level is when our consciousness is based primarily on the animalistic tendencies of our physical body (looking for food, shelter, or a sexual partner). All of our emotional expressions at the physical level are usually instinctive or reactive (jealousy, lust, frustration, etc.). Example: A child or someone who acts in a childish manner. 

The Emotional Level is when our physical desires are more connected to our personality. Emotions are complicated. We need food to satisfy our physical need, but where and how do we want it? Our emotional expectations are different with a picnic at a friends house then when we dine at an elegant restaurant. A capacity for devotion also exists at the emotional level, but it is often accompanied by unreasonable, negative feelings (we might feel devoted to those who seem more intelligent and wise, but it might cause us to have hatred toward others or ourselves). Inner conflicts, turmoil and ambivalence are common at the emotional level of consciousness. We feel waves of strong emotions as we react to what we experience, without giving it much thought.

The Mental Level is when the emotional body becomes increasingly more refined. Rather than choosing a material thing to find our emotional satisfaction (such as eating when we are angry or stressed), a person at the mental level has higher aspirations for intellectual understanding. (For example, wondering why we would eat when stressed, and finding a better way to handle that emotion.) Our own inner life becomes fascinating, as we can see and understand the concept that there are natural laws in life, and that all of our actions and reactions have consequences. We are also becoming conscious of our soul. We respond to emotional challenges with forgiveness, optimism, and trust. Our personal values become more distinct. Once we start analyzing our physical and emotional needs, we have a better understanding of ourselves and others. The sacrifices and compassion of others becomes evident as our mind begins to regulate and influence the body, brain and our emotions to search for positive values and experiences. 

The Integrated Personality Level is when our body, emotions and intelligence are united and used for a specific purpose, as directed by our own free will. Our personality becomes increasingly more integrated when our body, emotions and intelligence work together as a unit. Wisdom, which is merely knowledge with understanding, becomes more evident at this stage. Our focus now extends outward to the world, as we develop a reverence and compassion for all forms of life. The happiness of others becomes a motivating force. 

What Spiritists consider the key for any healing or personal transformation, “reforma intima” is essential to this level of development. Intimate reformation must be constantly sought, to continually learn how to improve our bad habits with better thoughts and actions. Study, meditation and service to one’s fellow man are the most effective tools for accomplishing personal transformation. Being part of a Spiritist Community helps with this understanding, because when a person gives him/herself to a path that has an impact to the well-being of the entire human family, he/she becomes increasingly more serene. 

Levels of Initiation: As we increases our connection to the soul and its energetic vibration, our “mission” (our unique contribution to evolution) is revealed. The light of intuition is no longer obscured by the rational mind, so we are free to dedicate ourselves to our own unique path without feeling constrained by the limits of personality and obsolete thinking patterns. As Spiritists, we use the word “perfection” to describe the ultimate goal of our spiritual evolution. An individual at this level knows that making a positive contribution accelerates and empowers the evolution of the whole human community. Mediums and healers who are dedicated volunteers at Spiritist Centers are developing their Integrated Personality and Initiatory Levels. Anyone who want to move into these higher levels will find support for that endeavor by taking part in mediums training and other activities at a Kardec Spiritist Center. States of serenity and bliss are characteristic of this level of growth, as is additional wisdom. The emotional states associated with our personality are replaced by states of joy, peace, and enlightenment, which radiates out to others. 

Kardec's Spiritism: A Home for Healing and Spiritual Evolution
Emma Bragdon - 2012 - ‎Body, Mind & Spirit

Friday, July 21, 2017

Chicago - January 29, 2017

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Danny, Denise, Elizabeth, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nazario, Nelson, Sonia, and X
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide (Caballito) was with us before the opening prayer was read, and he wanted to thank Sonia for her perseverance in keeping the center open.  "It's a difficult job," he told her, "and we gain dangerous enemies that we cannot see; but I need a place to do my job, and you have my love and devotion."  Marisol read the prayer for the sick and the prayer for peace in the world.  Marisol thought the world was out of focus, and Nelson said, "For those who are spiritists, our belief helps us.  Remember to pray for the others, not for yourselves."
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson told Juanita that her guide was the one who brought her to the session, and his energy was very strong.  He (the guide) explained to Nelson that he and Juanita had a job to do together, and he told Juanita that she was running out of excuses.  It was time for her to start doing her work (as a medium), as they made an agreement (in the spirit world, spirit to spirit).  Juanita's guide did not sit through Nelson, he spoke from his position near Juanita:  "You have been given a new opportunity.  You are better now because of this (spiritism).  Your promise begins today."  Nelson encouraged Juanita to tell him whatever she heard or saw - without fear - so her work could begin.  Nelson described her spirit guide as being more handicapped than she was.  He deliberately chose to be in that condition in order to understand her situation better.
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  As Juanita's guide stepped back behind her, Nelson asked Carmen how her week was.  He sensed that she had been angry all week, and that her mood was influenced by a spirit.  A beautiful female spirit (connected to Danny) sat through Carmen to explain why she was upset with Danny:
Spirit (very angry and irritated):  I am obligated to be here, and I want to leave.  I do not feel well.  I'm back and forth.  They say if you give nothing, then you receive nothing, but I gave my life and I got nothing in return!  That hurts me and it makes me want to hate him (Danny)!  I want him to disappear, he abused me.  It all feels like it happened yesterday.
Nelson: What happened?
Spirit: He took everything from me and left me with NOTHING!  I want revenge, I do not want him to have anything - nothing that he wants.
Nelson: Consider going with the one who brought you here.  You will be freed from that anger.
Spirit: But he needs to suffer for the way I was humiliated!  Get him out of here, not me.
Nelson: He wants to be here (Danny agreed) to learn.  Everything seems to go well for his grandmother, and he wants to follow her example.  And you need to learn how to forgive him.  It was another life, another time.
The spirit agreed to leave with the good guides, and Carmen's spirit guide arrived to cleanse her and bless our table.  Nelson sensed that Danny's brother also wanted to attend our sessions, but he was afraid.  Nelson hoped Danny would encourage his brother to participate, and he said that with the female spirit removed, Danny would now be able to find a job.
Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  Marisol was studying an angry spirit with Juanita.  The spirit did not Juanita working as a medium.  He slammed Marisol's fists on the table, and Nelson relocated his seat closer to Juanita:
Spirit (very intense): Why did you sit her there?  Why?  (coughed)  I smell a bad odor.  Get her out!  GET HER OUT OF HERE!  She is not doing anything - no work!
Nelson: Why are you so concerned with her?
Spirit: Can't you see how strong and big I am?  I came in here with others!
Nelson: We have a celebration for you today, to celebrate your freedom. 
Spirit: I am not alone!  And you only want to take my powers away.
Nelson: Who is with you?  I see someone dark (Nelson was being shown a shiny santero, or religious icon).
Spirit: He has more power than me.  No one can touch him. And no one should touch her (Juanita)!  Let her stay over there in that bed! 
Nelson: But look - she has a warrior spirit with her.  And look around - those who came in with you have abandoned you.  So you need to leave.  With happiness.
Spirit (confused): What will I do?
Nelson: Look for the good path.  I want you to become a friend with that friend who brought you here today.  You have won the battle for your freedom. Try to smell the roses, and that other odor will go away.
Spirit: They said I was losing the battle, but you are telling me I won?  I don't have to do what he (the negative spirit guide) says?  I was just doing my job.  It was all assigned to me by another.  But I will go with this one (the positive spirit guide) who has been talking to me.  It was nothing directly related to her.  It was a mistake, that job.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson turned his attention to Danny.  He was being shown a friend of his, and this person died when he was 19 or 20 years old.  Unlike the previous female spirit passed by Carmen, this spirit was from Danny's current lifetime, and he was male.  The spirit died suddenly, and he felt that no one ever  remembered him now.  Before he passed, he and Danny had a disagreement.  Danny told him that he would recover and be okay, but it did not happen:
Spirit (enthused):  And I told him to stop eating so much, or he would get fat!  Is it okay to say that?  I told him that all the time.  Look at him!  I told him!  I regret that I wasn't able to spend more time with him.  There were so many things I wanted to do.  I had plans!  I don't understand what happened.  My family doesn't remember me now.  I'm like a bird who flew too far away from them.  Why don't they remember me? 
Danny: I remember you.  I remember you, Jeremy.
Spirit: But everything hurts.  I don't want everything to hurt. 
Marisol: Those are memories.  You no longer have a body to feel any pain. 
Spirit:  But it's hard to breathe.  Where is that machine I had?
Jeff: You don't need it.  You are still alive, but you are a spirit now.
Spirit: I am tired of the suffering.  The pain.  He (Danny) always told me that I was never going to die.  I remember things, and I remember him.  I want to thank him.  He gave me a reason to live.  And he was right!  We don't die!  It took me a while to find him.  (long pause)  The pain is going away, and I can breathe again.  They are telling me that if I go and prepare myself, I can return and say hello to him - and that I will see him (laughed) skinny!  They said I will celebrate my 20-21-22-23 birthdays all at once, because today I have to say goodbye.  (to Danny)  I never forgot what you did for me.  I really loved you, and that's all I took with me, I took love with me.  I just wanted to say hello.  (crying)  And I wanted to thank you for never forgetting me.  Thank you, my friend.
Nelson wanted Danny to know that when we have energies around us (positive or negative), the things we want to accomplish become more difficult to achieve.  Nelson also told the Romero family that Erika was hiding and fearful - and her situation is very delicate.  He asked her family to communicate to her that her friend (Nelson) has returned - and he would love to see her.  "She had a little bit of freedom," Nelson said, "and she was able to see the world.  And now that she is back home, she doesn't like it." 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Marisol and Nelson had a conversation regarding his niece in Puerto Rico, with Marisol suggesting some possible treatments, and Nelson hoping to meet with his niece and her psychiatrist on his next visit to Puerto Rico.  Nelson wondered how things were with Sonia: 
Nelson: So many things have happened - and they were not always good.
Sonia: I'm letting it slide.
(Nelson was being shown a large group of spirits.  One of them said that when they got rid of Nelson, it was easier to do whatever they wanted.  But the spirits were also angry with Sonia for never closing the center.)
Spirit: Close it.  Everyone is sick.
Sonia: It has to stay open.  It will never close as long as I am here.
Spirit: You think you are smarter than us?
Sonia: I have a whole group (of good spirits) behind me.
Spirit: If I give you the whole flavor, everything, you will fall.  You got scared...that was us.  We like to destroy things.  We like to close and remove things. (the center had been damaged when a group broke in)
Jeff: You sound like a tough guy, but you are here now.
Spirit: I don't like you, you weren't even here.  Whatever I don't like, I get rid of it.
Sonia: It doesn't work like that, we are protected.
Marisol:  Do you enjoy doing what you do?  You are in a dark place.
Spirit: We like it. 
Sonia: You cannot do that forever.  Move on.  Your job ends today.  That's why you are here.
Spirit: I'm very smart, and I know my time is up.  Behind us, we have many more, but they trapped me. 
Marisol: It's time to go into the light.
Spirit: I don't like the light.  I know I have to go, but you have to understand me.  All the people, they are the ones who give us our power, and we do what we do.
Sonia: I do understand that...
Spirit: We had another surprise, but they stopped us  Do you know how many we are?  300.  We can move whatever we want - we have even moved cars!  You are a lucky lady.  I tried twice, and they wouldn't let me.  She's tough.  They told me not to lie, it's 300 plus two.  I was going to leave two behind, as a gift (laughed).  Don't give us that power...
Spirit 8 (via Sonia):  As the group of spirits were leaving, one of the temple guardian spirits came forward to speak through Sonia:
Spirit: The light of this place has always protected it.  We are all family here, and we give thanks and we welcome you (Nelson) back.  We waited anxiously for your return.  And to those who have been here, to those who are loyal, we protect you and invite you to return again.  (to Nelson's spirit guide, Caballito)  My group appreciates yours.
Spirit 9 (via Nelson):  Frank shared how stressful his work environment had become, and there was also some additional frustration from his wife over what was happening at Frank's job.  Nelson wondered if Frank's wife was married or involved in a relationship prior to their marriage.  She had lived with a man previously, but he died.  Nelson saw his spirit, but that man had another presence with him - the spirit of an aborted baby. And the spirit from the prior relationship with Frank's wife was enraged with Frank:
Spirit: I want to get rid of him!  He's in the middle of all of it.  He is with her, and she is a criminal!  And how do you punish a criminal?  With jail or death!  I came here today with vengeance, and there are three of us. My problem is with her, but he (Frank) is going to pay.  When I hurt him, she suffers.  She's a criminal!  My child is with me.  They took him, but they took him late.  And she gave the permission.  (to Frank)  I know you weren't responsible for her.  I want to kill myself, but I am already dead.  I was already a criminal when I died, and that's why they tied me up.  That's why I have to walk around with my child. 
Marisol: Everyone is responsible for their own actions.  But you don't have to be a criminal anymore if you listen to those around you...
Spirit: I want to stop being a criminal because I want to help my child - my son.  (to Frank)  Tell her not to forget about what she did!  Tell her for me and for our child.  Tell her to ask for forgiveness.  We are going to leave with this man (the good spirit guide), because my son is not complete.  (Nelson explained later that the baby was just body parts, with nothing resembling a human shape, as he had never been born)  To complete him, I have to go with him, so I will go.  And I will complete him.
The wandering spirit was keeping Frank from getting any sleep, and Nelson was feeling the same exhaustion.  He asked his spirit guide to refresh and energize him.  As he worked, he spoke to the group:
Caballito (to Isaac and Xavier):  How are things at home? 
X: It's all right.
Caballito: But it is not what you want.  Both of you are unhappy.  It's not right, and we will work on that.
Caballito (to Gabe):  Were you mad at your uncle (Nelson) over his discussion?  You might not like what he says, but he wants the best for you.  Listen to what he tells you.  If I pull on your ears, I am not angry; it is just a way to put you back into the right lane of the road.  You left that lane, and you need to come back.  As for the other one (Jeff), he is mad.  Is it okay to say that?
Jeff: Yes.
Caballito (to Gabe): He loves you, but he's mad at you.  Just talk, the two of you.  (to Jeff)  Don't be mad at him because he is doing stupid things.
Jeff: It's probably not the best way to guide him...
Caballito:  And he misses it, your guidance.  He misses it.  (to the group)  I am so happy to be back!  I love my work, and that is all that I am - a humble worker.  Learn that word so you will understand.  (to Marisol)  Is your body 100% recovered (from the fall she had)?
Marisol:  I'm still short of breath, and I have some pain in my side. 
Caballito: I need you back 100%.  I was there, I was with you when it happened.  That's why things did not go as it was planned, but I could not take the free will away from them to stop it from happening. They wanted you to be tortured, but not to die.  I did take that spirit friend to Nelson, to be removed.  (The spirit who pushed Marisol down the stairs was removed during a session in Puerto Rico.)
Caballito asked for a towel, and after folding it, he used it with different members of our group:
(for Marisol):  There is only one bone that is not in place, and it gives you that pain.  It will disappear, and you will be fine and be able to breathe.  For the painful leg, take a small towel with hot water and place it in a basket.  Put the towel on top of your pain for three nights.  Put nothing on the towel except for the water, as I will add something to it.  (Three spirits were removed from Marisol)
(for Bernardo, after asking him to hold hands with Carmen):  You have improved.  Carmen is the love of your life, isn't she?  When is your surgery?
Bernardo: In March.
Caballito:  Do not put your faith in Nelson, put your faith in Caballito.  We are removing some spirit friends to ensure that your surgery will go well.  I am taking twelve (spirits from Bernardo) with me.  They cannot sit, as they could harm the mediums. Their leader was from another lifetime of yours, and he has been waiting for an opportunity like this one to do what he wants.
(for Juanita): Keep moving forward.  Do not let anyone interfere with your work. 
(for Nelson): I gave Nelson a little more energy to help him with his material work. 
Jeff asked why his emails were now blank after typing the notes from the last session in Puerto Rico, and Caballito advised him that some parts of the story were too sensitive, and they should probably be removed. 
(Note: I removed what I thought was the problem, but the emails are blank.  But I have faith. **update - the emails returned in March**)  
Gabe wanted to ask Caballito about his transition from the material world into the spirit world as an autistic child, but he could not find the words in Spanish, so he was just giggling:
Caballito:  Why not ask me in English?  It was not what you said.  I was what your uncle is now (a medium), and others assumed it was something else.  (about Gabe)   He knows that he was my son in another life, and now he feels shame, because he knows that question did not come from him.  He has let others influence and guide his actions. 
(for Isabel):  Do not cry, as you are not alone.  And he is going to be fine.
(for Frank):  I gave you a message before it all happened, but you did not listen...
Frank: But now I learned. 
(for Elizabeth):  You grew up with a grandmother who heard the spirits, and you were always looking for information...
Elizabeth:  I hoped to have a conversation with my son.  He passed last October, and I say prayers for him every morning.
Caballito: But you cannot talk to him yet.  He is not awake, and he does not know that he is in the spirit world.  Recite the prayer for the recently dead every day next week, and we will see what happens on Sunday. And may all of you experience a very enjoyable week.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

What is Depression?

(From the Wednesdays in Chicago Spiritism Classes July 19, 2017)

What is depression? 
(as defined by the World Health Association:)
Depression is a common mental disorder characterized by:
- depressed mood
- loss of interest or pleasure
- feelings of guilt or low self worth
- disturbed sleep or appetite
- low energy
- poor concentration
These problems may become chronic or recurrent, and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities.  At it's worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic event that claims about 850,000 lives every year. 

Why is there depression on Earth?
(from Kardec's The Gospel According to Spiritism, Trial and Expiation) 
"Where evil predominates, with more evil than good, it is where our spirits have the opportunity of expiating (changing or amending) the mistakes of past lives and improving themselves.  Earth is a world of tests and atonements, not a place of happiness."

What causes depression?
- moral vices, selfishness and pride
- aggressiveness
- unresolved dissatisfaction with oneself and frustration about unfulfilled desires
- melancholy and lack of interest in life
- escapism from reality when it seems too hostile
- hate, jealousy or feelings of guilt

How can our mental thoughts have an effect on our physical bodies?
(from Dr. Roberto Brolio's book, Diseases of the Soul, page 5) 
"Being that the spirit is responsible for our thoughts, for our free will and actions, it is natural that the soul can influence not only our behavior, but the cells of our organism, leading to states of health or sickness."
(page 142)  "Self-esteem is to love yourself for what you are, accepting your own creative ability with self respect.  It is the inner state that allows a balanced value of yourself.  It is the recognition of your right to be happy."

Is it possible for man to enjoy perfect happiness upon the earth? 
(Question 920, The Spirits Book)
No, for corporeal life (human body cravings) has been appointed to him either as a trial or expiation.  It depends upon himself to lighten the evils of his lot, and to render it as happy as life can be on earth."

If earthly happiness is relative to the position of each person, what suffices for the happiness of one would be misfortune to another.  Is there a common standard of happiness for all men? (Question 922, The Spirits Book)
"In regards to material existence, it is the possession of the necessities of life.  In regards to moral existence, it is a good conscience and a belief in a future state."

How can we prevent ourselves from becoming depressed?
- inner reform or changes
- spend time socializing
- being kind to others, charity, and the ability to forgive
- work
- prayer and bonding with the superior spiritual life
- exercise
- strive for personal goals

"Much of the unhappiness of human life is a result of the undue importance attached by man to the things of this world: vanity, disappointed ambition, an intense selfish desire for wealth or possessions make up no small part of his troubles.  He who finds his happiness only in the satisfaction of pride and of gross material appetites is unhappy when he cannot satisfy them."  (response to Question 933, The Spirits Book)

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Chicago - January 15, 2017

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)

Attendees: Gabe, Sonia, Marisol, Carmen, Denise
Guests: Ron, Isabel, Xavier, Isabel, Danny (Sonia’s grandson), Bernardo

Frank is at home – his test results revealed that his health issues are caused by stress.
Carmen is having a new pacemaker installed on Tuesday and Bernardo will find out when his surgery is scheduled (Carmen feels that it will be this Thursday)
After the prayers were said, Sonia was directed to relate a message from the good spirits – they were very grateful and appreciative of all the prayers that have been and are still being said.
(for Frank): Frank was a good person, but he has no faith in himself and feels inferior.  Marisol continued with the theme of faith:
- Our faith is demonstrated in our actions
- We doubt our situations – why me, I’m a good person? – it shows no faith if this is what we are asking
- We are presented with situations to grow and learn, and it gives us the opportunity to show our faith
- Janet has the same issue of not having faith and her mind is very perturbed
(for Danny): He is seeking that faith; and by finding this (spiritism) he will move forward
(for Bernardo, in regards to his upcoming surgery): Surrender; everything is ready; go with the assurance that everything is going to be OK. Your thinking and affirmation will help you. Carmen related to Bernardo that the spirit of his grandfather was with him and helping him.  He was telling Bernardo to have patience and to have faith in himself; as faith would help him have strength.

Xavier’s mom is currently stable and continues to take her medications.  We need to have a harmonious balance physically, mentally and spiritually.

(for Gabe):  Who do you see in your house spiritually?  He has felt peaceful except for yesterday; there are mixed vibrations (peace/soft; laziness – wants to do one thing only)  There was a spirit of a man who thinks he’s alive – and he sees Gabe as his partner/buddy/roommate – and doesn’t want him with his current girlfriend.  This week Gabe has wanted to be alone and not be bothered with anyone or anything.  The spirit was actually hers (connected tot eh girlfriend and not Gabe), but if she leaves he will stay with Gabe.  Gabe’s guide was saying it was time for this to end (the relationship with the girlfriend).  It was not a relationship to end in a marriage with kids, and Gabe had left behind some things that he was doing when he were alone.  They have stopped since he started dating her.
(for Donny, a deceased friend of someone from the session):
Marisol asked if he had any medical issues.  He had diabetes, and he was part of the Rosicrucian religion. Marisol saw that he had some kind of problem with his medication – either he wasn’t taking enough, or he was taking too much.   He had some kind of reaction to the medication – and his death was sudden.  Prayers were needed for his spirit’s progression.  The prayer for the recently departed was read by Marisol.
Spirit #1 (thru Carmen) Spirit with GabeSpirit: I didn’t think I would be seen.  You think you know everything...”
This spirit was very against Gabe’s relationship with his girlfriend, and he was determined that they break up.  He had no intention of making things easy for Gabe because Gabe didn't listen at the start of the relationship, so now he would have to pay.  The end wasn’t going to be easy or fast.  After much counseling, the spirit was persuaded into moving on by being shown a prettier girl for him to attach himself.
Spirit #2 (thru Carmen) Spirit with Bernardo – his grandfather
Spirit: How do you feel now?  I am cleansing you, and I have always been around helping you with the dark times - and will be with you until the end.  Open yourself to those good spirits to help you.  I will be there on the day of the surgery and I am not alone.  I will always be by your side protecting you.
Spirit #3 (thru Carmen) Carmen’s guide
She was cleansing the whole group, and she left us a spiritual bouquet of white flowers.
Marisol asked Danny if he had a girlfriend – positive response given.  She sees a spiritual girlfriend that is possessive.  Danny is also looking for a full time position in the field he has studied.
Spirit #4 (thru Marisol) Spirit with Danny
The spirit spoke to Danny and wanted him to leave the temple because, "these people are crazy, talking to dead people."  The spirit was from a previous existence and she was very confused.  Sonia was able to counsel her and convince her to go with the good spirits to a better place.  Marisol stated that she decided to help this spirit because she saw a potential of the spirit interfering with Danny’s interviews for a new job.
Spirit #5 (thru Sonia) for Marisol.  Sonia had a message for Marisol:
“How quickly you are able to get back to where you were – the counseling and the guidance.  Congratulations – we are proud you. We are also proud of Carmen – the new apparatus will give her more energy and more confidence.

Gabe related that Nelson’s mom was back in the hospital and is having surgery on an ulcer.
Closing Prayer

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Chicago - January 8, 2017

(These notes were authored by Gabe)

Table: Denise, Carmen, Sonia, Marisol, Gabe
Attendees: Janet, Jose, Bernardo, Isaac, X, Don Juan, Maricela, Esperanza, Emiliano

Frank had checked in the hospital (he may have already checked out) due to high blood pressure (stress)

Opening Prayer+Prayers for Peace+Sick+Enemies+Thanks

Carmen started off with Janet (she sensed a health issue) and that Janet was stuck in her way of the thinking.  A spirit arrived to explain more:

Spirit #1 via Carmen
o   Who tied me up? Who brought me here? I'm doing well
o   Why are you so mad if I’m not doing anything?
o   I just want to love, why are you running away? 
Why you looking for her?
o   She pushed me away…
I would push the dead away too…
o   But, she sees/feels me...Why don’t you want me now? I like your energy
o   I want to stay. She also takes my energy.   If I leave, I’ll feel worse…We can be happy together.
No we cannot
o   I see you, you see me…so  I’m not dead, I don’t know why they don’t let me go.
They will bring something you need to see (the body of the spirit)
o   Why you do that? Take that away.
o   It’s cold, help me Janet.  They let me go, but now I’m tired.
o   Take care of yourself, even though you turned me in…
o   I'm going to go to a warm place, to learn different things. You are responsible now…Goodbye

Spirit #2 via Carmen Carmen's spirit guide arrived to clean her and supply energy

Marisol (to the Romero family): Erika (their daughter) is depressed isn’t she? If she could come around/stop by the center, it would be beneficial. Look at the things you have, instead of feeling pity for the things you don’t have.

Marisol: Her Uncle Roberto was not doing well. Carmen/Bernardo agreed. It was difficult for him to live in a “spiritist” home with so much negativity. (This uncle joked about suicide, and that he was still here because there are some things he might get when some other people die.)  Marisol did not receive the permission to pass any spirits related to him (health), but a spirit guide (Grandma) agreed to sit:

Spirit #3 via Marisol
o   (To the group) Thank you for being here for her.  Marisol is lonely (but you know).
o   My family doesn’t appear to be a family.
o   We cry when you go in the wrong direction. In life, we taught you otherwise, but sometimes there’s no explanation.  You have to water the peace plant as well as prayer.  We pray a lot, too.
o   This year, pray to protect yourself at all times  We are living in dark moments, pray!  We protect everyone, despite the lack of love and forgiveness.
Carmen: Don’t look back, and don’t worry about us. Progress.
o   I will, but I’m still a Mom.  Thank you - Goodbye.
Carmen shared that Fidel might have been a light spirit.
Carmen saw a parranda/posada (a hotel or hostel) sent by Nelson.

Spirit #4 via Carmen
o   Thanks for letting me in, I always have an eye.
o   You guys have done well/worked.
o   The world is upside down, but we are here.
o   This is the message I'll send back.

Marisol: Understood that Bernardo's surgery was pushed back to February for a specific reason - there’s another spiritual work ahead for him.

Marisol (for Sonia): Remember the spirit guide you passed?  (vaguely, but yes)  I think he was there.
Marisol (or Maricela in response to a question she had about not sleeping well:  There is a spirit of a man advising her to be careful in the stairs.

Marisol gave a pass to Sonia
Spirit #5 via Sonia
o   Thank you, she needed that (it refilled her batteries)
o   She will always be protected

Closing Prayer

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Discussion on Feelings

At the end of our Sunday session on 07/09/17, Nelson's spirit guide said: "Feelings!  How difficult they are.  Sometime we go into another person's home and offer our opinions - and those opinions can lead to negative feelings.  Feelings.  Think about it.  That will be the theme for our discussion on Wednesday."  I could not find anything on that topic (or on emotions) by Allan Kardec, so I just summarized a few talking points on the subject for our Wednesdays in Chicago class...
What are Feelings?

"Feelings" is a word used to describe the physical sensation of touching -  either through experience or perception.  Examples of perception feelings would be a feeling of warmth, or feeling loved.  In psychology, therapists study the feelings of someone to determine their emotional state.  A perception of the physical world does not necessarily result in a universal reaction among receivers.  Our emotional state is also determined by our mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation.  For example, if we believe that we are in a dangerous situation, it has an effect on our body's nervous system (rapid heartbeat and breathing, sweating, muscle tension) and we say we are “feeling afraid.”  Our mental abilities are essential to our interpretation of events.

People buy products in hopes that the product will make them feel a certain way: either happy, excited or beautiful. Or they view the product as indirectly useful (when they purchase something to support a charity or for economic reasons).  A social psychologist (Daniel Gilbert) conducted a study on the influence of feelings.  His results showed that when the participants predicted a positive feeling for an event, the chances were higher that they wanted to relive that event.  Our past experiences with feelings influence our current decision making.  Gilbert also conducted a study to show how pleased a person would feel if they purchased flowers for themselves for no specific reason and how long they thought that feeling would last. People who had never purchased flowers for themselves and those who had had experienced buying flowers for themselves were tested. The results showed that those who had purchased flowers in the past for themselves felt much happier and that feeling lasted longer for them than for a person who had never purchased flowers for themselves.

Feelings are deemed appropriate if they fit a current situation. Since individuals want to fit in and be seen as normal, they are constantly working on their feelings in order to fit a specific situation. Feelings are not permanent, but an ongoing thing, as we constantly try to bring up, suppress, or manage our feelings.  There are two main things we do with our emotional feelings - evocation and suppression. Evocation is used to obtain or bring up certain positive feelings, and suppression is used to put away or hide certain unwanted feelings.
Our human lives can be divided into three major stages: childhood, adolescence and adulthood.  During each of these phases, our regulation of emotional feelings drastically improves. Emotional regulation of our feelings is essential to our socialization, and it varies with the culture in which we live, as well as the specific social context of a situation.

Childhood:  It is difficult for children to regulate their feelings. This is why whenever a child needs or wants something, they often cry or throw temper tantrums until they get it. As children get older, the frequency and intensity of these outbursts declines. When children learn to talk, they now have a new way to communicate an issue or request, instead of using only expressions or actions.

Adolescence: The biological changes that take place during adolescence improve the regulation of our feelings. The maturation of the frontal lobes of our brains (which are essential for controlling attention and inhibiting thoughts and behaviors) enables adolescents to inhibit undesirable or painful feelings and enhance desirable or pleasant feelings. As adolescents grow in maturity, they also learn how to regulate their emotions, which has both positive and negative effects on their relationships with family and friends.

Adulthood:  Feelings affect us especially in our later life. As we get older, our motivation is to find the emotional meaning of our life.  We tend to be more judgmental in regards to hearing the feelings of others, as our social losses and health changes increase when we get older. Adults have multiple motivations for regulating their feelings - pain/pleasure (our willingness to move towards a goal or away from a threat), conforming to varied or new social roles, facilitating tasks, managing our self-presentation, and regulating the feelings of others.

Regulation of our emotional feelings is something that becomes a habit throughout our lives. It is essential to our socialization.  When individuals cannot alter their feelings or change them to fit a social situation, they are more likely to have emotional disorders. Women who were exposed to interpersonal (domestic) violence often exhibit a negative care giving behavior with their own young children. But not all emotional regulation of our feelings is negative, as the ability to regulate one’s emotional feelings often determines the amount or the quality of our relationships and social interactions. Over time, we need to develop a deeper understanding of how other people might feel in different situations, which should result in better developed interpersonal and intrapersonal skills for ourselves. 

Friday, July 7, 2017

Puerto Rico - May 17, 2017

In attendance: Eva, Jeff, Junior, Luis, Nelson, Rina and Yiri 
After the opening prayer, Nelson was asked by his spirit guide to read the prayer for our enemies and those who do not want us to do well.  This is the prayer in English:
"My God, may I forgive the evil that has been done to me and the one who wanted it.  And I ask for you to forgive me, and may he or she forgive me for what he/she thinks I have don against him/her.  If you placed it in my path as a test, you wish has been fulfilled.  God, turn away from me the idea of cursing you and all malevolent desire against him or her.  Make me not experience any joy for the misfortunes I have, nor sorrow for the benefits that may be granted to him/her, in order to not tarnish my own soul.  Lord, may your goodness spread over him or her, and lead him/her to better feelings towards me.  Good spirits, inspire me to forget evil and remember good, so that neither hatred nor resentment - nor the desire to render evil for evil - enter into my heart, because hatred and vengeance belong only to the evil spirits, incarnate and disincarnated.  On the contrary, I am ready to offer a brotherly hand, to render good for evil, and help that person if possible.  I desire to prove the sincerity of my words, so may I be offered the opportunity to be useful to you.  But above all, my God, keep me from doing anything out of pride or ostentation by confusing you with a humiliating generosity, which would lose the fruit of my action, because then it would merit that those words of Christ be applied to me: "You already received the reward."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  As Nelson was reading the prayer, a spirit was listening.  He wanted to know how to knock the smile away from Nelson's face.  He seemed to represent the thoughts of many.  The spirit said, "When he's here, he's always smiling.  I want to stop him!  No one can sell their house and he sold his.  I don't know why he uses his mediumship for all those other people, when he should be using it only for me!"
Nelson began to cry, as he realized the enormity of the thoughts of hatred that were directed towards him.  He said, "I never thought anyone would think this way about me.  I'm human, and I have feelings.  The ignorance of people - it hurts."   A laughing spirit sat through him to explain more:
Spirit (robust with power):  Open a door, close a door, listen!  I have a lot to say.  Everything is to be kept a secret - shh, shh.  No happiness is allowed.
Junior: How ignorant.
Spirit: Look, I have that same type of prayer with me (against enemies and those who wish harm), do you want to hear it?  (The spirit recited something rapidly in Spanish).  The problem is, nobody is listening to me!
Junior: That's a big problem.
Spirit (demonstrating the type of prayers he has been hearing): I want only happiness in my house!  Send me no demons!  I only want my friends with me!  (laughed)  All of them are so ignorant.  I will close the door here, and none of them will get into this place.
Jeff: Those thoughts are all wrong.  You know that cannot happen.
Spirit (laughing and referring to Nelson):  And he wants to be alone on a mountain!  (a strong, cooling breeze began to blow, and the spirit noticed it)  What's that?  How fresh.  It's so hot, and now it's refreshing.  All that heat must be from a demon!  (Eva helped coach the spirit)  I've been thinking.  It's hot in that casa, with no air conditioning and no breeze to refresh us.  I have a group with me (the brisk wind started again, and the spirit turned to the side to address his group):  Doesn't that feel fresh?  We have to consult our crystal ball (demonstrated).  This guy (the spirit guide) is telling us to get away from all that sickness.  But it's so funny!  Everyone is so hot, looking for an ice cube to cool off!  (more laughter)  There's a woman near me marching!  No wonder she is overheated.  There are 14 who think like me with me, and four marshals (guards) who are watching the doors.  And 16 women, all of them representing different (negative) thoughts.  Those 16 have all come here (or to other sessions in various locations), looking pious and good.  But the evil thoughts are their real thoughts.  I know - they call me.  (hunched forward)  It's been giving me a headache, so we will all go.  And I am telling you the truth - nothing else.
After the spirit departed, Nelson was despondent and confused.  He told the group, "I don't control anything, I just do my work.  They set the agenda, they bring the spirits, I don't choose.  I am not going to back to the spirit world to hear that I didn't do my job when I was here.  I'm doing my job as they tell me - the best I can."
Nelson asked Luis how his life was going, and if he found time for tranquility:
Luis: Yes, but problems come up.
Nelson: And your relationship with your girlfriend?
Luis: It's good, but there are some things that are having an impact.  Outside things.
Eva: It's a form of change that happens over time with relationships.
Luis: She (the girlfriend) lives with me at my mother's house, but she wants to leave.
Eva: It's important that if the material does not work out, you still continue on your own spiritual path.
Nelson: Her mood has an effect on you.  That's why you are here, you couldn't stand it anymore.  (pause)  It's nothing to do with you, it's all with her.  She has two (material) female friends, and they live in the US.  They are both telling her that if she doesn't like things, she should terminate her relationship with you, and come live with them.  If you want to follow later, fine, but she doesn't care.  They tell her that she is more fun alone than when she is with you, and she listens to them.
Eva: Their dislike for you is incredible.
Nelson: When you got into your car today, a spirit came here with you.  She also wants your girlfriend to leave, and she is describing how she uses her hair in this life (it's down to her waist) to seduce you and other men - just like she did in her previous life with this spirit.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  As Junior was explaining something to the group, the female spirit arrived:
Spirit (to Junior):  Who invited you to speak at this funeral?  It's my moment, and this is my road.  I have no problem with him (Luis), but someone will be moving to another house.  His name is "Luis Angel," but we call him "Angelito"...she has to move out, so all three of us can be together to dance (demonstrated while seated in the chair) and have fun!  Mira!  Dance! 
Eva: Do you want to leave him dancing alone?
Spirit:  I will surround him with beautiful flowers from her funeral.  Once I get her alone, I will become her novio (or sweetheart).
Eva: That was in another lifetime, not in this one.
Spirit: That's not important.  We talk together all the time.
Junior: You do not have a physical body to be with her.
Spirit: What do you know about it?  Nothing!  I talk to her a lot.  Here's my plan for that house.  She will move, because I need her alone. 
Eva: There will be consequences for those actions.
Spirit: She will suffer the consequences!  Do you know what she did?  She married my boyfriend the night before our wedding!  Imagine the shame, the humiliation.  I want to do to her what she did to me.  It's a circle that needs to be completed.
Eva: Can you forgive her for that offense?  It's not easy, but you will be happier.
Spirit: That devil?  I'm not going to cry, I only want revenge.  I already took the life of that boy that one who betrayed me with her.  I found him from that past life, and I ended the life he had this time.  I only need her.  But they are telling me that I shouldn't have another death on my record, and there are other ways.  I'm curious about that, so I will go.
After Nelson recovered, he told Luis that although his girlfriend was planning to leave him, Luis still cared enough for her to show up today - and by doing that, he helped her.  There was a brief discussion about lives that are cut short.  It was followed by a lengthy discussion regarding Carmen's condition in the hospital, and her refusal to let male nurses touch her (she was biting them).  Her condition did not seem to be improving, but the hospital sent her home anyway.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Caballito asked Nelson to visit his niece (Mirelsa) yesterday (the daughter of Junior and Rina) and he told Nelson that he would be with him to perform an extraction.  Thirty years ago, when Mirelsa's spirit reincarnated and she was born, the spirits of her siblings and her parents from her prior existence did not want to be separated from her - so they all came along with her.  In less than a half hour, Caballito extracted eight spirits that had been with her since the day she was born.  Those spirits were now present at our session.  Junior wanted to thank the spirit world in general for what happened, but the spirit of the mother was angered by his words, and she stepped forward to speak:
Spirit (firmly to Junior):  I heard you saying thank you.  For what?  Explain it to me!  Thanks for the moon?  Explain it to me!
Eva: For caring about helping his daughter.
Spirit:  I am not interested in hearing that.  He mistreated her, he never cared.  Those prayers he said?  He was always wondering what was in it for him.  All that suppression (for Mirelsa), and no happiness.  It's crazy.  Nobody faced the truth.  She wasn't crazy.  (to Junior)  Hey, 13th month!  That's you, the 13th month on the calendar.  It doesn't exist, and you were a non-existent father to her.  (laughed)  Hey 13!  It's easy to abandon someone, isn't it?
Rina: Physically, emotionally, I saw it, and as a nurse I know it.  He cared.
Spirit: Really?  He said, 'I love you, I care for you,' but it meant nothing.  And if she asked for a glass of water, it was an inconvenience.  I will not talk to him (Junior), only to her (Rina).  Did you know it was me?  I was there with her.  I promised her she would never be alone, and over time, we had numerous conversations together.  I am here now, with her six siblings and her real father.  She was the only one who left, and we have never left her side.  La unica.  The 13th month only visited when he wanted.  They think she's crazy. but she is not.  (Rina began to tear up)   Nobody goes to see her,  it's no wonder she wants to be free.  Let.  Her.  Go.  If you free her, you will free me.  And after 30 years with her, it will not be easy for us to go.  Her grandmother (Dona Patria) is in our world now.
Eva: And that's where you and the rest of your family belong now.
Spirit: It's easy to abandon someone isn't it, 13?  But she was never alone, and she will not be alone when we are gone.  It was difficult for this man (Caballito) to persuade me (began to cry).  She was my daughter! 
Eva: It's time to go and prepare yourselves.
Spirit: Thank you with all my heart.
Nelson asked Luis about his brother, who was living and studying in Montreal.  When he lived in Puerto Rico, Luis and his brother had their own band, and now the brother was in a new band that was getting ready to tour in Canada.  Nelson was curious over the former band members still in Puerto Rico.  He sensed that the band had performed in a hazy, negative environment of drugs, violence and sex.
Eva: It's a dark world.
Nelson: They treated humans like things.  It was like they owned the girls and they could loan them out for a night, and everyone slept with each other.  It was all about the material pleasures of the body.
Luis shared that his brother would be visiting Puerto Rico soon, and the band was excited over the possibility of reuniting for a reunion tour.  Luis was apprehensive, as his life had changed, and Nelson recommended that both brothers should run from the idea.  "There are some things waiting for your bother here," Nelson cautioned (which included an ex-girlfriend), and I see the reunion show ending in an ambulance ride."  Nelson suggested that the show could be on a beach or a mountaintop, to avoid the negative spirits that congregate in the dark, dank venues that are often favored for hardcore bands.  "The world around that performance is very dark, "Nelson concluded.  He compared the situation to the scene in "Nosso Lar," where the elevated spirits tried to rescue spirits mired in the mud.  Nelson's guide wanted to invite the spirits to sit at our session, but they needed some softening up.  Even the light from a cell phone would be too bright for them.  Luis said that when he was performing with the group, he would often see the faces in the crowd slowly becoming deformed and grotesque (reflecting the spirits within).  He was in the band for 10 years, and he wasn't eager to go back.  Nelson was being shown scenarios from the reunion tour - a possible drug overdose at the club, a girl who aborted a fetus in the restroom and said, "Good, now I can sleep with that one I really wanted."  Nelson explained that when the elevated spirits went into a dark place filled with spirits like that, it was often a rescue mission to save just one spirit - not the entire group.
The group recited the closing prayer in unison.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...