Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, create a database, buy a house, love a child, spot a scam, talk someone out of suicide, or figure out what was important to me. Not knowing how to do these things is what messes people up in life, not whether they know algebra or can analyze literature.” ~ William Upski Wimsatt

Monday, November 20, 2017

Chicago - July 26, 2017

In attendance: Denise, Gabe, Isaac, Jeff, Nelson, Sonia, and X 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson wanted to make a petition (an earnest request) to the spirit world for three people:  Claudia, Mildred, and Lourdes.  All three were suffering in different ways for various reasons.  Nelson said it was becoming more disheartening to hear from anyone, as it seemed to be a constant stream of negative news.  Caballito arrived to add his comments:  "Get used to it.  This will happen more and more, and you need to be prepared.  No reluctance (a lack of willingness or desire to accept something); become more open to deal with this."  After the opening prayer, Nelson read the Prayer for the Sick.  Caballito extended the prayer with his words once the reading was over.  Sonia was being shown puffs of fluid (like steam) floating up.
Caballito needed to take Nelson somewhere with him, but Nelson was reluctant.  "Don't take me anywhere," he said softly, "Don't take me, I'm here.  Oh my God."  Nelson asked Sonia if the liquid she saw was yellow, and she replied that it was white:
Nelson: It's contaminated.  All three of them have the same yellowish poison inside of them, with different levels of intensity.
Sonia: There's no material there, it's all spiritual.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson started coughing, and he was having difficulties breathing.  He placed his hands on each side of his face, and he said he felt like vomiting:
Nelson (with his hands over his eyes):  Oh my God.  He's taking them out of there.  Easy, easy, easy. 
Sonia: I see them being removed.
(Caballito had taken Nelson to the hospital room of Claudia.  Her bed was surrounded by the spirits of military soldiers who wanted revenge.  One of them sat through Nelson to explain more.)
Spirit (with authority):  Who are you, to come and get me?  I am where I belonged, and I was not finished with my job.  (pause)  How difficult it is to suffer.  But (Claudia, in a previous life) made me suffer, and she laughed.  (referring to Claudia)  Now who is going to help you?  (laughed)  You can call all you want, ask for anyone, but I will not leave until you are no longer with me.  She thinks she is suffering?  It hasn't even begun!  Criminal!  She is a criminal!  Don't look so surprised.  (Sonia, Denise and Gabe coached the spirit)  No one is going to save her, we are taking her.  Pray all you want, I don't care.  My solution is taking her.  This man came to pick me up, from very far away.  He told me he picked me up to help me, but I only came here to tell you that I will finish my assignment, the deal I made.  I'm good at my work, and I am slowly taking her.  Now she asks for mercy?  I'm taking her.  I only think of her in that bed.  (pointed at Jeff, referring to the trip to Buenos Aires that he and Nelson will take this autumn)  Don't you dare show up over there!  You call her Claudia, but I call her 'General'.  And I call her 'devil'.  She committed treason against us with no compassion, so now I do not have any compassion for her!  I'm taking her.  Open your eyes to that demon!  No one helped us.  And she's not different, she is still the same general.  She sent us down that mountain, into the camp of the enemy, and then she betrayed us and left!  And now we finally found her.  (to the spirit guides)  Don't touch me!  Let me suffer, I'm used to it.  We have found our happiness by finding her.  We will bury her.  We will take her to the location where we died.  You will not convince me of anything else.  We spent so many years trying to find that CRIMINAL!  We could not forget what happened.  My last words to that general were, 'You betrayed me!'  Look at her begging.  How easy it all was.  Nobody asked us anything until this guy (Caballito) showed up.  He was dressed like a commander (in a military uniform resembling theirs), so how could we refuse?  I can go now, we all can go, but the problem is that if we I do, I have to leave her.
Gabe: How many of you are there?
Spirit: 250 soldiers.  We all died together because of that general.  It was all her fault.  All of you have been nice to us, so we will leave - and put her in the hands of whomever wants her.  I did what I wanted.  It's done.  We are 250 that she killed with an act of treason.  They are saying we will wake up someplace new.  Thank you for letting my hate flow freely.  (to his troops)  Let's go, my friends! 
Nelson returned, but Caballito stayed in Claudia's hospital room to clean away the residue left behind.  As he was recovering, Nelson said that the same group of spirits were responsible for the death of Claudia's father.  it was their way to hut her.  The spirits were insistent that no spiritual passes given to Claudia would have any effect.  Nelson did not want to travel to the hospital with Caballito, but now he was remembering the details.  Claudia was asleep when they arrived, with oxygen (or something else) in her nose.  She had an IV drip attached to her arm.  There was a material world woman in the room with her (possibly her mother or Mary), and the room was overflowing with the spirits of the soldiers.  When Caballito arrived, his uniform and rank caused the soldiers to clear a path to Claudia.  This occurred on Wednesday at 1830 to 1900 hours AR time (6:30pm to 7pm US time).  At 19:50 AR time (7:15 US), Caballito was preparing to leave Claudia's room, as the spirit guide from the center in Gerli was there with her.  Nelson was shown that Claudia was sitting up and talking, and she asked for some juice.  The guide from Gerli and Caballito were giving her passes and energy, but only as much as was allowed.  They wanted to remove what did not belong there, but there was a mass of a meat-like substance in her shoulder near the breast that could not be removed.  It had to stay.  Nelson began groaning in agony, and exhaling deeply.  Claudia had become overexcited, and she had to be calmed down.  Nelson/Caballito spoke gently to Claudia:  "Just relax.  It's us.  Close your eyes, go to sleep." 
Nelson jumped in his seat as Caballito returned to speak again. Caballito had brought everything he took from Claudia and the hospital to our table.  He called it a spiritual operation:
Caballito (in preparation for the spiritual operation on Claudia):  We will remove as much as we can.  Nobody needs to get excited.  It is not that difficult or important.  Don't attach any unnecessary value.  When the damage is already caused, it's more difficult.  Don't tell Nelson, but to do this type of operation, I need a human, so I'm using his hands.  He is not crazy, tell him that I am.  I never do anything half done.  (pause)  Now we are done.  He (Nelson) thinks that he will never come back.  He thinks that everyone will think that he can cure, and he cannot.  I can.  Now I can remove myself.  I want you to continue (with the class).  To discuss what you were going to discuss.  (referring to Claudia)  We forget where we came from, and what we did.  (to Sonia)  On Sunday can I request something?
Sonia: I may not be here...
Caballito: I knew that, and that is why I am directing this to you.  I want you to do something, because you will not be here.  (Caballito asked Jeff to give Sonia a towel to place on her usual chair at the table.  Sonia said she would mentally be with us at 2pm, but Caballito asked her not to do it.  The towel would represent Sonia, so it was fine that she would not be with us physically.)
Caballito: I want you to not be here, don't think about this.  It will come to your mind (laughed), but just have a glass of wine.  Remember not to think of it.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Chicago, July 23, 2017

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Don Juan, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isaac, Isabel, Jeff, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and X 
Briefly, before the opening prayer:  Marisol smelled word burning again, and Nelson had the same sensation that he experienced on the way to the session - he should get into his car and drive away.  He said, "I don't know what is here that does not want me here, but I'm not going anywhere."  Denise's mother was back at rehab, but she was mentally gone.  She insulted everyone who came near her.  Nelson explained that her mind was unfiltered, and she was telling everyone what she really thought of them.  He advised Denise to respond with, "I love you, mom," as it would have an impact on the spirit(s) near her.  Carmen read the prayer for loved ones, and she asked for peace for those who had passed in her own family. She hoped it was a way to keep spirits from bothering her other family members who were still in the material world. 
Marisol sensed angry, cursing spirits, and they were the ones making Nelson feel as if he should drive away.  They wanted Marisol to tell Nelson that they were just getting started with him.  These spirits felt that Nelson "stuck his nose in where it didn't belong," when he passed a group of spirits who alerted Sonia and her daughter to a situation that could cause the daughter to lose her job.  Something that everyone already known or assumed was exposed, and the extremely irate spirits were looking for someone to blame for the unraveling of something that took them so long to build. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson cautioned X that he would also be a target in the material world.  His relatives might assume that X confirmed the allegations, and they wanted to set him up in their home to be arrested.  Nelson advised X to stay away from the house as long as possible, as there was a huge battle going on in both the material and spiritual worlds to maintain what had already been established.
Sonia: There are negative and positive forces clashing.  My head is spinning.
Nelson: They are so angry.  They are capable of anything for revenge.  (to X)  The harm they want to do to you - nobody would believe it.  I cannot let them harm you...
(After mentally urging the spirits to be respectful and calm, Nelson channeled one spirit from the group)
Spirit: He (X) is not a part of us anymore.  We are not going to be kind to him.  He got us into trouble.
Jeff: you got yourselves into trouble.  You cannot violate laws.
Spirit: No one tells us what to do!  (to X)  Get away from us.  Do not get involved!  We are capable of a lot, and none of you can do anything about it. 
Jeff: You think that's freedom, but it's not.  Someone is telling you what to do.
Spirit (to Sonia):  And her!  That old hag, telling everyone what to do!  They came in, and I kicked them out. (laughed)  She ran for her life!  She thought it would be so easy, but she walked in, and ran right back out.  She had no idea what was involved.  That house belongs to us!  Tell this one (Nelson) not to be involved.  Tell him to shut his mouth.  We are not a rug to walked on. 
Jeff: We know, you are very powerful.
Spirit: Don't tell me I'm a spirit either.  (to X)  You are a traitor, we don't want you near us!  We slit the heads of traitors (demonstrated).  We worked so long to have that place, and we will not let it go easily.  They (the material people living in the house) can do whatever they want.  We only care about the spiritual.  I'm here today because I have free will, and you are not going to convince me of anything.  I only came here to confront the traitor. 
Jeff: But after coming here, you cannot go back there.
Spirit: I know I cannot go back!  I'm intelligent.  I left that place, but there are others who stayed behind.  Don't think that I didn't leave trained replacements over there!  We own that place.  I only wanted to see his face, I wanted to confront the traitor face to face.
Jeff: And you have done that, so now you can move on.
Spirit: I don't like some of the people we will face when we go there.  We are 7 x 4 (28 spirits).  Do you understand that number?
Jeff: Seven days a week times the four people living in that house.
Spirit: He's very smart!  Don't think that's the end of it, the danger isn't over.  There are many more.  I will leave with my group, and we are really 29, it's 28 plus me.  I will leave the same way I came in, with respect.
Nelson advised Xavier to lay low and avoid that house and his relatives until they shifted their focus to someone or something else.  There wasn't any reason for him to be penalized.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Carmen asked a question about her brother.  Nelson described him as a charlatan (an imposter, fraud or hoaxer).  He created situations to harm himself, and then laughed at the antics.  The conversation shifted to Marisol's vacation.  A female spirit from the trip had returned to Chicago with Marisol, and Marisol invited her to our session.  Nelson said that the spirit refused to sit, because she knew it would only be a way to encourage her to move on - and she had no intention of leaving.  She was "collecting things" (debts she felt were owed) from an old man.  His suffering was her happiness.  The spirit was surprised by Marisol's visit, and she followed her to make sure that Marisol would not interfere with her plans.  Marisol said she had a horrible night with the spirit.  The spirit would return to the old man, to wait until he passed from his prostate illness/cancer.  The spirit guides were able to remove four of her friends and take them away, but the spirit said, "I will only go once I have him."   Juanita added something she saw to the conversation.
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  The spirit of Marisol's mother was arriving.  She was grateful that Marisol did the things she asked when she passed (colored her hair, made her look pretty, and took her to Puerto Rico).  Marisol shared that her mother asked if she was dying while she was in the process, and it was difficult for Marisol to respond.  The spirit sat through Carmen:
Spirit: Thank you for those things.  In that moment, I saw myself, and I felt like I was coming back.  I didn't want people to look at me and call me ugly.  I had to accept it, and I appreciated it when you told me the truth - that I was passing.  I will always take any opportunity to protect you.  I want to work hard, so I can come back.  Thank you.  Take care.
Marisol asked Sonia if she was planning a vacation, and Sonia responded that it would not be until January.  Marisol advised her to take it sooner, as vacations were a necessity for our material bodies.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson was studying something with Gabe's mom (Nelson's sister, Lourdes).  Now that her mother had passed, Gabe's mother felt that she had no one to protect her.  Nelson heard her thinking: "She's gone, and she was the only one.  Who can I call?"  Jeff said that no one was ever really alone, because the spirit guides were always with us, and that there were other family members (all of them were spiritists like Lourdes) that she could contact for support.  No spirit sat through Nelson, but he continued to hear the thoughts of his sister:  "Mom, I miss you so much.  If you were here, none of this would be happening.  My world is crumbling, little by little.  I'm all alone.  You have kids, and they grow up and move away, and you are lucky if they give you a phone call.  The one next to me (her husband) brings me more problems than solutions.  I'm lonely, with no one to talk to, but I'm also proud.  They should be calling me."
Sonia: It doesn't work that way.
Thoughts: They all know what I'm going through.  I know they must talk about it.  Why don't they help me?
Sonia: You are isolating yourself from them.
Thoughts: Mom, if you hear me, it's okay.  Come and get me.  I have nothing here, so I'll go with you.  I'm so alone...Who thought it would all end like this?  When it's not one thing, it's another.  I used to go to mom.
Nelson saw an image of Gabe's mom walking on the beach.  As she continued, she became smaller and smaller, without any one around her.  Nelson sensed that his sister was looking at the ocean, and she was wondering how far she could walk into it before she disappeared completely.  Nelson was the last person she wanted to hear from, as she felt that he had all the good luck, while she was stuck with all the bad luck. She blamed him for her issues.  Marisol said that happiness only came from within ourselves.
Spirit 5 (via Carmen):  When the spirit guides bring a spirit to our table, they still have free will to decide if they will sit or not.  When the female spirit with Marisol was brought in, she decided to return to where the guides found her, instead of sitting.  Our job at the table is to speak about the spirit - so they can hear our voice, understand our intentions, and make a determination to sit or leave.  When Nelson was shown the thoughts of his sister, his vocalization of those thoughts was not for our benefit.  He was speaking to the spirit with Lourdes, as a way to encourage that spirit to sit.  The male spirit would not sit through Nelson, but he agreed to sit through Carmen:
Spirit (standing): I'm so happy - I'm laughing and dancing!  Everything has been taken away from her (Lourdes) and now she is only taking care of me!  (to Nelson)  Not everyone wants to be like you!
Nelson: She's not happy.  She has even forgot how to smile. 
Spirit: We laugh together at night.  She's free from everyone - happy!  I don't let her sleep much, because I need her.  She's my partner.  How could I ever leave her?  No one is removing me.  I get so jealous of him (Nelson)!  Every time he comes around, she changes.  When he comes, I move to the side, but then I come right back once he goes.  We have so many fun moments!  I need her over here (in the spirit world) with me.
Nelson: She feels you around her.
Spirit: And who is going to remove me?  I used that other one (her husband).  I'm the owner of that house, and I sleep with her.  Sometimes I look at you (Nelson) and I don't understand your love for her. That's when I get involved.  I don't want him, that dumb one (the husband) to get close to her either.  She is so pretty!  My queen!
Nelson: Learn to love her in a different way.
Spirit: But that dumb one will be leaving soon.  I didn't ask to come here, and now I need to go?  Seeing my body scared me, but my queen will be fine.  She will sleep deeply, perfectly.  My queen will progress, so I will go to a nice palace.  Tell her I'm sorry.  I was blind.  My energy (darkness) was bad for her.  I will come back to her again, once I've learned.
Emiliano said that all the large flies in his garage were gone after the session last Sunday.  Nelson asked about his brother (Nazario) who sometimes lived in Chicago but also lived in Michigan.  Again, it was an attempt to get a spirit to sit at our table, but it only led to confusion among the Romero family.  The brother only lived in Chicago part time, so when Nelson asked who the fourth person was living in the house, they claimed there wasn't anyone living there full time.  Nelson also understood that Nazario did not live alone in Michigan, but none of his relatives could confirm anything.  Someone had performed a recital in the house on Wednesday at 7:30am, and a white candle was lit and it became stuck in a pot.  Was it a spiritual attempt to kick everyone out?  Regardless of all the conflicting stories, Nazario was suffering from something spiritual, and it was having an impact on his material body.  He had headaches and neck pains.  The person he lived with in Michigan was still a secret, and the spiritual work we needed to do for him was related to a coworker.  Nelson asked if he could attend our next Sunday session to clear up the confusion. 
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Nazario had a mini-stroke, and Nelson needed to pass the spirit who caused it, even if Nazario was not present:
Spirit (calmly): We are enemies.  I can't stand him.  I want him to slowly die.  I want him in bed.  He's bad.  How did you see me?  I don't care who interferes.  Keep praying, but don't pray for me.  I look like a demon.  What light are you talking about?  Do you see what is around me?  I came here from a place of the dead.  I want him (Nazario) to be the same.  Being dead is the best.  No more suffering.  I want him here, with me.  He has never been happy.  No one kisses him, or shows any affection.  I make them spit on him.  He wonders if he is really that ugly, because I make them see him as disfigured.  Never help him. Everything on me hurts.  I lived too long in the fast lane.  And he's always in a rush.  Those ants biting him?  They are my ants.  That's what he did to us.  We are many.  We died in a cave.  He put us there.  We ate ants and bread.  Now they expect good things?  (pause)  Can you remove the ants?  I'm hot and itchy.  We are missing some body parts.  That's why sometimes his legs don't work.  (pause, as the spirit listened to the guides around him)  I can leave without pain, if I forget about him?  We call him 'Rushy'.  Pray for him, but not for me.  We were just with him, but I'm tired of running.  I want to lie down and relax.  (to the spirit guide)  I will leave the ants with you, sir.  We are 16 ants, and 18 others with me.  I'll go now, to feel better.
There was a discussion regarding Nazario arriving at the Chicago house and leaving all of his spiritual baggage there when he returned to Michigan.  Nelson was exhausted from trying to extract information to entice the spirit to sit, and from passing the spirit.  But he saw an insistent, sad spirit with Isaac.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Isaac if he felt any sadness around himself when he was at home.  There was a spirit with him who wanted him to feel that way.
Nelson (to Isaac):  You don't like sadness, you hate it.  You move people away from you because you do not want to be sad.  But you do notice that in your house, people are sad.  (Ice agreed)  Sometimes, even though we come here, we don't notice what is around us.  You feel it, but you don't see it.  You feel that way in your house.  Why don't you like sadness?
Isaac: It puts me in a bad mood, I guess.
Nelson: I am talking to a spirit who doesn't understand that you have reincarnated.  In your previous life as a Franciscan monk, this spirit was with you.  He is all dressed in brown (see below for an example), and he was in charge of you in that life.  It was a silent order.

Frank: The Franciscan monks also believed in self punishment (flagellation, or the act of hitting oneself with a whip as part of a religious ritual.  It started with the Roman Catholic Church, and it's still common today with Spanish, Italian, and Philippine Franciscan orders.)  
Jeff: To be a better human, they had to suffer.
Spirit (arriving through Nelson):  Why is he (Isaac) talking?  He needs to be silent and sad.  My spirit will grow if I punish myself with sadness.
Denise: It's a different life for him now.
Spirit: He left our group, and I needed to find him.  We were told that the only way to get closer to God was to punish ourselves.  Why do you say he is different?  He looks the same.  He needs to be sad.  He has a sad face, and I always remind him to be sad. Why is he one of us but not with us?  (Note: Several members of the group coached the spirit, but he insisted on hearing Isaac's voice.  Isaac remained silent.)  I have been looking for him because we were very worried about our group missing a member.  No one was allowed to talk.  We were told to punish ourselves, to work, and to pray if we wanted to improve.  When someone went missing, we looked out for each other. 
Marisol: This is a new opportunity for you to find happiness. 
Spirit: Are you telling me I don't need to be sad anymore?  (to Ice)  I was tired of not feeling happy.  You don't need me anymore, if you are happy.  We will go, and find our own happiness.  We are twelve.  (pause)  I'm going to try to smile (made a weak attempt).  That's all I can do for you.  I'm going to go.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Chicago - July 16, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isaac, Isabel, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Milargros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and X 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) wanted to speak briefly to our group before the opening prayer was read:
Caballito: Sadness makes the lower level spirits happy.  Don't give them that.
Sonia: They feed off of it.
Caballito: They cannot feed from you when you are happy.  We create the spirits that are around us.  Do your own work - for yourself - and you will progress.  These Sundays together are a way to help you understand what needs to be done to make yourself happy.  Learn to accept all that you are.
Spirit 2 (via Sonia):  After the opening prayer, Sonia was with a spirit who made her feel as if her head would explode.  The spirit was related to Denise and her mother's transition back to the spirit world, and the influence Denise's family was having on the process:
Spirit: I want to scream out to them, 'Let me go!'  I want prayers for peace, I want to feel that peace and tranquility.  (quietly)  Let me go.
Nelson (to Denise): Let her leave, it's what she wants.  Be cautious over what is said near the bed of someone dying.  The hospital says they cannot understand you, but the spirit (of that person) can hear you.
Denise: My brother tells her to fight...
Nelson: And her spirit is in nothing but pain. 
Spirit (crying): Unite.  I am crying out, I am in pain.
Denise: She is receiving treatment, so she can eat.
Spirit (painfully): Let me go!  Get rid of it! 
Nelson: It's time to let go.
Spirit (speaking softly): I want prayers, I need peace...
Nelson: We will do that for you right now.  (Nelson read the Prayer for Suffering Spirits, and the spirit faded away from Sonia.  A total of six spirits were removed.  Read the prayer here: http://www.kardecpedia.com/en/study-guide/887/the-gospel-according-to-spiritism/7067/chapter-28-a-collection-of-spiritist-prayers/4-prayers-for-those-no-longer-on-earth-for-someone-who-has-just-died/for-suffering-spirits-who-ask-for-prayers)
Nelson was shown that Denise's mom would soon have a feeding tube inserted by the hospital, and he advised against it.  "All it will do is extend a life of misery," Nelson said.  Carmen also offered some spiritual advice.  We had a similar spirit in pain visit our table two weeks ago, and that spirit was around Rafael's father in Florida.  The father was in hospice, and although Maricela told the group that he seemed to be recovering, Nelson said last week that his time left on earth was short.  The father transitioned back to the spirit world yesterday.  Nelson read the Prayer for the Recently Departed, and once the prayer was finished, Caballito returned, to add his own words at the end of the prayer. (Read the prayer here: http://www.kardecpedia.com/en/study-guide/887/the-gospel-according-to-spiritism/7079/chapter-28-a-collection-of-spiritist-prayers/4-prayers-for-those-no-longer-on-earth-for-someone-who-has-just-died/for-suffering-spirits-who-ask-for-prayers/65)
Spirit 3 (via Carmen): Carmen was dealing with a spirit for the last four days that seemed intent on killing her. The spirit was drawn to our table for two reasons.  She had been listening to the prayer for the passing of Rafael's father, and Carmen's granddaughter had been asking for money she was promised after Carmen died and her house had been sold:
Spirit: I'm listening to everything.  She's dying tomorrow.  I had doubts of what I was looking for, but now I have it.  I have a knife, and these papers for her to sign.  Creating confusion is not good, I just need that will, that testament, those papers to be signed.  That young one (the spirit was with Carmen's granddaughter) is trying to find them, not the daughter.
Nelson:  Those friends, those spirit guides around you?  They have already taken those papers from you.
Spirit: I'm confused.  I was actually just looking for a pen, to sign those papers and get it all.  This one (Carmen) doesn't want to sign the papers, because she thinks she will die if she does.  (Nelson continued to counsel the spirit, until she agreed to go)  I'm leaving with the papers.  She can talk to that other friend, the next one coming up...
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): A new spirit connected to the previous spirit arrived through Nelson:
Spirit: She (the granddaughter, who is 23 years old) wants to know if she's getting it all.  If grandma (Carmen) goes, that other one (Carmen's daughter) will be easy for her.  I need the papers, so it will all belong to me.  I am not sharing.  Give it to me NOW!  I'm busy, I've got other things to do.  I'm already looking at that house, because I am not someone who wants to do a lot of work.  I'm not taking care of grandpa in his underwear, I will put him into a home.  I will visit him once every three months.  (becoming impatient)  Why don't you want to give me what is mine?  (Carmen coached the spirit)  They told me I would receive the papers today!  I'll treat that mondongo (silly one) right, I'll make sure of it.  (to Bernardo, the grandfather/mondongo)  Don't be afraid of the dark!  Don't forget about us and we won't forget you.  (pause)  I came here with this person (the spirit guide), and now I am still waiting for those papers!  I feel tricked.  That mondongo would just give the house to anyone.  He could remarry and give it to the new wife!  She and I (the granddaughter) we don't like to work.  We will take a vacation with the money you leave us, during your funeral, while it is happening.  (pause)  Now what is this?  I have to leave here with nothing?  With empty pockets?  Fine.  We are four, with one who likes the darkness.
The spirit left, and Nelson was spiritually shown Carmen's granddaughter as a vampire.  She was reclined in a chair, sucking the life from everyone around her.  She was only focused on schemes to get more money.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked the group if we felt a heaviness hanging over the world.  It was a sense of tension, ongoing conflict, and general malaise (cynicism and despair).  A group of spirits began to arrive, and they were marching down the stairs to the lower level of our center.  It looked like 300 soldiers, armed for battle and ready to fight at any moment.  The spiritual soldiers were just waiting for an incident to start a war - and they were ready to go anywhere.  This military battalion contained soldiers from all over the world, with different uniforms and varied hats.  Nelson saw dynamite and grenades, and Frank called it, "old fashioned technology," as a way for us to determine how long these soldiers had been assembled.
An arrogant commander was stepping forward, and he wanted our group to salute him.  The spirit was over six feet tall, and of a mixed race.  He told Nelson that he was just waiting for the orders to start a war and blow up half of the world:
Spirit (very cocky, with an arrogant attitude):  We are ready to go anywhere.  What everyone thinks, only we have the guts to do it.  They told me that this was the place.  Everything is set, we just need the location for the war.  We do not receive any calls for peace, all we hear are phone calls - so many phone calls - for war.
Jeff: You are very powerful, but that mission has been canceled.  There is a new assignment.
Spirit: Do not compliment me!  It's my job to be organized and ready, and my mission cannot be canceled.
If that happens, it means I have failed.
Jeff: It's not a failure, just a new assignment.  To a peaceful place.
Spirit: I have to tell my men to put down their weapons?  They will only listen to me.  (pause)  I thought today was the day, for the war to start.  We were not expecting these new orders.  Only cowards go back!  We will confront anyone and move forward.
Jeff: Your soldiers are tired.  It's exhausting to be that way, always be on alert.  Think of them - and yourself.
Spirit: My men are not tired, and I am the only one who gives orders here!  (to the solders)  Rest now!  I need to finish my conversation with this man (the spirit guide).  I do not like this.  Now my men are being disarmed.  I do not feel safe, so I will keep my armed guards with me.  I earned all of this, it was my work.  We are a battalion of 3,000 solders, not 300.  I do not want to give everything up so easily.  I know that I do not like this, but I will understand it later.  We are ready to move on.  I am putting my trust in you, do not betray us.  We are many, and we are all going - right through the front door.
As the spirits were departing, Nelson was shown that some of the soldiers were leaving against their will, and they were only obeying the orders they were given by the commander.  The spirit world was fighting an uphill battle with the constant potential of a world war.  Nelson overheard a spirit say the war did not necessarily have to be a big one, as many spirits prefer the quiet, smaller war happening with drugs - as "influencing the young ones is easy." 
Ron: There is so much hate in the world.
Nelson: And that hate is powerful.  It's not that easy to digest.  And the ones easiest to attack are the young ones.  They are the ones dying now. 
Caballito was showing large red ants to Nelson, and they were connected to Don Juan and his trip to Mexico.  Emiliano said that everything went well with his father's trip, but Nelson sensed that something Don Juan did caused the symbolic anthill to erupt.  One purpose of the Mexico trip was to participate in a Catholic celebration for a saint named San Juan.  The village that Don Juan comes from was told that he was a wealthy man in Chicago, so the San Juan celebration was a way to honor him and the saint with cash and gifts.  There were other darker reasons for the trip, and the situation was like a volcano, ready to burst.  Nelson encouraged Emiliano to invite his father next Sunday - as the spirit queen of the red ants wanted to speak directly with him.
Spirit 6 (via Sonia):  Sonia sensed something for Isabel with her sleeping habits.  Was she getting enough rest and sleeping soundly? 
Nelson: Do you ask Ron for help around the house?
Ron: She does most of the work.
Spirit (arriving through Sonia):  I'm sooo sleepy.  When is it going to stop?  I'm tired.  Sleepy.
Nelson (to Isabel):  Acknowledge that you are getting older, and you cannot do all the things you used to do.
(to Ron)  Take that trip to Vegas.  Sometimes we forget to be kind to ourselves. 
Spirit: She tells him to do something, but when he doesn't do it right away, she does it.  What is the rush?  Get away from that routine.  For your moral capacity and physical health, let things go.  Relax, and enjoy what you have.  When is that vacation? 
Ron: I wish I knew.
Spirit: You know that you are a grown-up.  You can go whenever you want.  Don't put obstacles in your way.  Don't worry about others.
Nelson (to Isabel):  What would happen if you got sick and end up in bed?  What's the urgency?  All it brings is anxiety.  We have limitations, and some of them come with age.  Deal with them.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Caballito was ushering in a new spirit who sat through Nelson:
Spirit (to the guides bringing him to our table): You can all talk until your mouths are dry and you can no longer speak, but I am still going to do what I want.  Stop talking.  (to our group)  No one cares about us, who we are, or how we feel.  No one cares.  (sadly)  Have any of you ever felt that way?  Why am I here?  No one cares.
Jeff:  I think someone does care for you.  And we want to hear your story.
Spirit: I hear you talking about love, but we go all around the world, and no one cares.  What is the purpose?
Sonia: When you come here - we care.  We listen.  We will give you the best care possible.
Spirit: We are invisible people - an invisible army.  Nobody notices us.  Who are we?
Sonia: We can help you find your way.
Jeff: You are in a spirit form, so not everyone can see you.
Spirit: I was here before, in this place.  But not up here.  It was in another room.  Nobody noticed me.
Jeff: What do you remember of your life?
Spirit: I was homeless.
Jeff: So you were wandering then, and now you are still wandering as a spirit.
Spirit: They spit on us.  I heard them when they say we are ignorant or stupid.  They look at us with pity when they do notice us, but they never talk to us.  Do you know how many of us are out there?  I hear them (humans who are still on earth) when they wonder whatever happened to us.  I will tell you what happened to me.  It's a sad story.  (pause)  I lost my wife.  I couldn't deal with life without her.  I became quiet, withdrawn. Until one of my own people (his family members) said I was crazy.  My own son and my own daughter!  I wasn't going crazy.  I just didn't know how to deal with being alone.  They threw me out of my own house, and then I wandered.  (pause)  Something weird happened.  I saw myself lying on the ground, on a street corner sidewalk.  No one in my family ever looked for me.  You just cry, until you become who I am now.
Jeff: What you saw was your material body on that sidewalk.  You are still alive, but you no longer need that body.  And I think your wife is looking for you now.
Spirit: I don't even know my name.  I brought some of my friends here with me, because they told us that today we would have our names back.  Do you know how many nights I cried out for help?  No one came until today.  Don't react that way to anyone, that way that we were treated. 
Jeff: How many friends are with you?
Spirit: 119.  We are an invisible army of good souls, he (the spirit guide) says to tell you.  Where we are going, will someone be kind to us?
Jeff: Yes.  Look how many you have helped!  All of you will all be comfortable now, and we are always here for you if you want to come back.
Spirit: Don't judge us, like those others (began to cry)...oh my god, look who is here...
Jeff: It's your wife.
Spirit: (to his wife).  I have looked forever for you...are you really here with me now?  I'm not alone anymore.  She's coming to take me.  I am not invisible anymore.  Thank you...thank you...
Sonia: We said we would help you and we did.
Nelson described the spirit as being in his mid-forties, and handsome.  Although he was homeless, he kept himself shaved and groomed.  He died at age 48.  Nelson was curious as to why Caballito was providing so many additional details.  The wife of the homeless spirit died at age 42, so the spirit had been wandering for five and a half years.  Caballito told Nelson that someone in the last row knew this spirit.  After a few additional questions, it was determined that Janet knew this spirit (in New York), and she was the one who guided him to our session.  Janet said she had wondered what happened to him.
Nelson asked Erika about the biopsy on her lip (she had researched her own results, and they indicated there was not any issue).  Caballito stepped into Nelson to ask additional questions:
Caballito (referring to Erika's upcoming Wednesday follow-up): What is the next step?
Erika: Changing medications.
Caballito: That's what we need to work on.  We need your body to return to normal, and we will find something new to help you feel better.  I know how you feel now, and I want to take those feelings away.  Medicines are good, but they can cure a finger while they harm the rest of the arm.  The effects of your medicine have changed.
Erika: Steroids are the only thing helping now.
Caballito: We are treating the symptoms, not the problem.  (Erika explained her new medicine regimen)  Has the doctor asked you to drink something?  (Caballito recommended a detox, to cleanse her body)  Ask the doctor, and let's see what he says.  There are other things he can do.  You believe in reincarnation, right?  (Erika agreed)  You know you were not always a good person - can you sense that?  (she could)  I can give you a little of that background.  You were the queen of a tribe.  In that role, you had a lot of power to do good or bad.  You started out kind, and you were loved by many.  But something changed, and you became the most hated queen.  You fell in love, and he made you change.  So now you know why boys don't look kindly at you.  Don't blame them, it's him.  I'm telling some spirit friends the story of their time spent with you.  I'm showing it to them now, as I tell you the story.  I offered an invitation to him, so he could see his queen again.  He can tell you the rest of the story, when he is ready - later. 
Erika: Where was the tribe from?
Caballito: Not where you came from this time.  It was lower, in the amazon.  He's looking at you (the spirit), and he thinks it is not the same queen.  He's the husband who changed you.  Your liver gives you problems now because you poisoned people in that past life.  With small doses, very tiny amounts.  They died little by little.  He (the spirit) doesn't like it now when I treat you with kindness.  He has to understand who I am and what I do before he can talk, and that physical harm to your body can end.  Thank you for allowing me to tell your story.  Be happy to be alive, work on that.
(for the group):  Go home and apologize to those you may have offended, and you will see how quickly your life will change.  Be kind, loving, and truthful - even if it hurts.  Any questions?  Or a comment?  Gabe?
Gabe: We have spirits come here, so In our past lives, were we ever spirits that needed to pass?
Caballito:  Yes, of course.  All of you.  To reincarnate, yes, you had to pass.  You were angry and didn't want to die or let go, and all of you have been one of those angry spirits you see sitting here.  And your father is going to be okay.  But he is not one to accept that things are as they are because of his own actions.  Until he does that, the length of what he will experience will be a lot longer.  It's in his hands, to say to a few people that he is sorry and he was ignorant.  Until then, he will be a soul with very little happiness.
Emiliano asked a question regarding the presence of large flies in his house.  He was curious if the flies were related to his father's trip to Mexico.  Caballito replied: "He is commenting on things that he should not be commenting on.  That is part of what we will work on later, when he (Don Juan) is here.  Pray now for your oldest son.  He is not on the right path, and you know it.  I hope everyone learned something today, and that you remember everything has consequences.  I remain your humble worker, and may God bless all of you.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Friday, November 10, 2017

The Process of Reincarnation (and the role of the Perispirit)

(NOTE:  We are in Buenos Aires, where the sessions we attend are preceded by a class.  This was a portion of our class from the November 9, 2017 session.)

 PRINCIPAL POINTS - How Does the Spirit Reincarnate as a Human Baby?
- The union of the soul to the body begins at conception and is completed at the moment of birth.
- When a Spirit must incarnate in a human body in the process of formation (a fluidic link, which is nothing more than an expansion of his perispirit), links him to the embryo that attracts him with an irresistible force from the moment of conception.
- The Spirit, since it is caught by the fluidic tie that binds it to the embryo, enters a state of turmoil that increases as the loop adjusts. That state is very similar to the Spirit incarnated during a dream of the body.
- The Spirit after birth continues in a state of turmoil; in a situation that dissipates gradually, as the organs develop.
- Childhood is not only useful, necessary and indispensable, but it is also the natural consequence of the laws that God has established and that govern the Universe.
- Spirits only reincarnate to perfect themselves and the fragility of the first years makes them flexible to education, to reform their character and repress their bad inclinations. It is the duty of the parents, to guide their children in the path of good, the sacred mission for which they will have to respond.
THE UNION OF THE SOUL TO THE BODY - An irresistible force

§ 344. At what moment does the soul join the body?
"The union begins at conception, but is only completed at the moment of birth. From the moment of conception, the Spirit appointed to inhabit a body is united by means of a fluidic bond, which becomes narrower and narrower until the moment in which the child is born. The cry that comes out of his lips announces that he belongs to the group of the living and servants of God."

The reincarnation is produced by a gradual approach, but it is definitive:
§ 345. Is the union of the Spirit with the body definitive from the moment of conception? During that first stage, could the Spirit renounce and decide not to dwell in the designated body?
"The union is definitive, in the sense that another Spirit could not replace the one that has been designated for that body. However, as the ties that bind it to the body are very weak, they are easily cut. This can happen by the will of the Spirit, who recoils when realizing the tests he has chosen for the upcoming life. In that case, the child does not live."

§ 353. Given that the union of the Spirit with the body is only carried out completely and definitively after birth, can the fetus be considered to have a soul?
"The Spirit that should animate him exists, in a certain way, outside of him. Therefore, to speak properly, the fetus does not have a soul, since the incarnation is only in the process of being in operation. However, it is linked to what it will have."

In The Genesis, the Encoder describes this union: "When a Spirit must incarnate in a human body in the process of formation (a fluidic link, which is nothing more than an expansion of his perispirit), links him to the embryo that attracts him with a force irresistible from the moment of conception. As the embryo develops, the loop shortens. Under the influence of the this vital principle of the embryo, the perispirit, which possesses certain properties of matter, joins molecule by molecule to the body that is formed. That is why it is possible to say that the Spirit, through its perispirit, is rooted in a certain way, as a plant on earth does. When the embryo reaches the fullness of its development, the union is complete, and then it is born to the outer life ".

What irresistible force would be that of which Kardec speaks?
As explained by the Spiritual Instructors to André Luiz, reincarnation obeys automatic embryogenic principles, based on magnetic harmony with the parents and the strong desire of the reincarnating Spirit. There is no doubt, then, that the magnetism of the father and the mother, among other corporeal structures, acts decisively on the candidate for reincarnation.
The perispirit is important in the process of incarnation. In this regard, Léon Denis says: "The perispirit thus plays the role of a fluid, elastic mold that lends its form to matter. Hence, for the most part, the physiological conditions of rebirth are deduced. The qualities or the defects of the mold reappear in the physical body, which is not, in most cases, but an ugly and gross copy of the perispirit."

§ 339. Is the moment of incarnation accompanied by a disturbance similar to that which occurs when the Spirit leaves the body?
"Much older, and especially longer. With death, the Spirit comes out of slavery; with birth, it enters it."

§ 351. In the interval between conception and birth, does the Spirit enjoy all its faculties?
"That is relative, it depends on the period of gestation, because it is not yet incarnated, but it is linked. From the moment of conception, turbulence begins to take over the Spirit. That turbulence warns him that the time has come to start a new existence, and it is increases until the child is born. In that interval, his state is approximately that of a Spirit incarnated during the sleep of the body. As the time of birth approaches, his ideas are diluted, as is the memory of the past, of which as a man he no longer has consciousness once he entered life. However, that memory gradually returns to his memory during the state of Spirit."

In his book, The Genesis, Allan Kardec explains:
- In the final period of gestation "the Spirit loses consciousness of himself, so that he never witnesses his birth".
- The Spirit "loses the memory of his past, although he does not lose the faculties, the qualities or the aptitudes acquired previously," that remain "transiently in a dormant state and that, upon returning to the activity, will help him to develop more and better than before. "
Léon Denis describes the turbulence of the reincarnating Spirit as "a clumsiness, a kind of annihilation that invades him little by little. His faculties are watched, one after the other; his memory fades and his consciousness falls asleep. The spirit remains as if buried under a thick chrysalis. "
INFANCY - Childhood and Adolescence 

The Superior Spirits explain that the confusion that accompanies the incarnation does not suddenly cease with birth, but it dissipates gradually:

§ 380. In a young child, the Spirit, beyond the obstacle that the imperfection of the organs opposes to its free manifestation, do you think as a child or as an adult?
"When it is a child, it is natural that the organs of intelligence, not being developed, can not confer the intuition of an adult. In fact, his intelligence is very limited, waiting for the years to mature the spirits' reason. The confusion that accompanies the incarnation does not cease suddenly at the moment of birth. It dissipates gradually, as the organs develop. "

§ 382. Does the incarnated Spirit suffer during childhood the constraints that the imperfection of the organs imposes on it?
"That state is a necessity. It is natural and in accordance with the designs of Providence. It is a period of rest for the Spirit."
- Children have the appearances of innocence. Even in a child of bad tendencies, their faults are hidden behind the unconsciousness of their actions.  However, that innocence does not constitute a real superiority, but the image of what they should be.
- The purpose of this innocent aspect is to encourage adults to give them love and protection, necessary to their fragility.
- When the Spirit reaches adolescence, a change in character occurs. "It is the Spirit who recovers his nature and shows himself as he was - his real and individual character reappears in all his nakedness. This character will continue to be good if the child was fundamentally so, although in all cases there will be evidence of nuances that early childhood kept hidden.

"Childhood also has another use. The Spirits only enter the corporal life to perfect themselves, to improve. The fragility of the first years makes them flexible, accessible to the advice of the experience and of those who should make them progress. That is when you can reform your character and repress your bad inclinations. Such is the duty that God has entrusted to the parents, the sacred mission for which they will have to respond. "

"In this way, childhood is not only useful, necessary and indispensable, but it is also the natural consequence of the laws that God has established and that govern the universe."
EPILOGUE - Summary

Like all the other periods in the life of beings, reincarnation is subject to laws: the degree of purity of the perispirit and the molecular affinity that determine the classification of the Spirits in the Hereafter, also fix the conditions for a reincarnation.

In a visual format:

A man (in the brown shirt) who is already incarnated, is met spiritually by his future son (kissing his hand) who will reincarnate, with the spirit guide for the future son (blonde hair), and the instructor (spirit guide for the incarnate.  So we have started the process for a spirit in the spirit world who will reincarnate as a son in the material world.

The instructors in the "Reincarnation Department" studying the future body of the spirit who reincarnate.  They are always reasons why we reincarnate in the body we will receive.

The spirit guides involved are accompanying and encouraging the spirit to reincarnate, and helping to clarify the process and the promises.

The individual spirit guide and all the other spiritual collaborators, in the process of the reduction of the perispirit down to infant size.

The spiritual meeting where the spirit guide gives the spirit guide of the mother the infantile form of the son to be reincarnated. 

The two spirit guides realizing the primordial (embryonic) union. The circle represents the expanded vision of fertilization.

Chicago - July 9, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isaac, Isabel, Jeff, Maricela, Milargros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and X 
After the opening prayer, Carmen read the prayer for obsessive spirits.  Maricela told the group that her father and sister would be driving back to Chicago this week.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Carmen shared that Bernardo's often unstable uncle in the spirit world had been locked up.  The spirit of the uncle wanted vengeance, and he wanted to (spiritually) move in with Bernardo's sister.  The uncle felt mistreated and that he was never accepted by anyone in the family while he was on earth, and now in the spirit world.  Until he found some sort of retribution against his family members, the uncle insisted that he did not want the help of anyone.  His spirit was still very material.  The spirit of the uncle thought that anytime someone from his family parked their car, that person was running over his body, which was lying on the ground.
Nelson glanced a Maricela, and the discussion about Bernardo's uncle was postponed.  About a month ago, Maricela's family held a large party at their house.  Maricela said that spiritual prayers were said before the event, but during the celebration for her father's 90th birthday, there was also a Catholic ceremony - with people dressed in white, priestly robes, and someone waving incense.  The ceremony had attracted several Catholic spirits, and they had been lingering in the house for five weeks.  Nelson explained that these spirits believed that the Catholic ceremony was their invitation to the party, and now they were waiting for the party to resume.  (We cannot combine Spiritism with Catholicism.)  The spirits left at the house were bored, and tired of waiting for the party to resume.  They were creating their own "jamboree" party.  The spirit of a priest was present, and when he stood up in Maricela's house, the hair on her dog would also rise.  The priest sat through Nelson:
Spirit: I am a priest, and that is why I am putting incense and holy water on that place.  We protected ourselves from magic spells.  They invited others to that party, and we do not get along well with them.  Those things cannot be there!  Let's have our own party!  And damages?   We are capable of so much more.  (Carmen coached the spirit)  I'm waiting for one more to arrive (looked over his shoulder).  Never mind, that one is afraid.  He ran away.  It's so hot in here!  Well, I am not leaving, I am waiting for him to return.  I need to hear four bells.  Then it will be a real party!  That other party was horrible.  Our parties had four bells, until we had sixteen.  We would be so loud!  (looked over his shoulder again)  I am waiting here to take that old one (Maricela's father) with us.  Our party, our celebration - it will be when he passes on.  To forgive, they say, is easy.  But that family asks for forgiveness, and then they don't change.  I did not like seeing those other people (spirits) there.  Always talking about the past - what past?  That old guy (Don Juan) he was the devil in this life!  (pause)  They just put all of us into a corner.  I don't like that, I belong right in the middle of things.  (to Maricela)  Why would you invite us over there?  With that cowardly old guy?  (to the spirit guide)  Let go of me!  I'm all wrapped up now, he cannot mess with me like that!  I was planning an unforgettable night. We had all the cars arranged, ready to pick everyone up, but now he (the spirit guide) doesn't want me to be there, waiting for that old man.  (whispered)  After the dancing, that old guy was going to end up in a box.  (Maricela advised the spirit to look for light)  I don't want to see any light!  Darkness is better.  Some people here are shutting their eyes, to avoid seeing the light.  Let me tell you who we are.  We are
14 bell ringers
21 priests (curing)
18 nuns (females)
24 monjos (male monks)
and one more - me.  We are leaving, and playing all of our bells.  (to Maricela)  Don't let them fool you.  Don't call us when you want to have a party - it will only call others to you.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen): The spirit of the priest and his group danced away, and his energy left Nelson exhausted.  Carmen wanted to refocus on the spirit of Bernardo's uncle, as he was ready to speak:
Spirit (mournful): How can anyone forgive something so unforgivable?  They are still punishing me over here.  I'm being shoved, and people are putting out their lit cigarettes on my arm.  They used to give me rum (in the material world) to get me drunk, and then they (Bernardo and his siblings) would do things to me.  Why didn't anyone see the abuse?  (Nelson coached the spirit)  Sometimes I pack up all my stuff (in the spirit world) and I am ready to leave, but not until they pay for what they did!  That one (Bernardo's sister) was the leader behind those things.  She stole my clothes, and I was a naked old man.  I could have showered myself, but they burned me and then put the cold water on it!
Nelson: Today you will be happy.
Spirit: But how are they going to pay for what they did?  Bernardo could have said something!
Nelson: There is no need for you to drink anymore and be unhappy.  You can come and see them, but you cannot mock them or cause harm.
Spirit: Will I ever feel better?
Nelson: Learn to love yourself, and later you will be able to forgive them.
Spirit: They are giving me a clean white shirt - and water.  I am going to go with them and learn.  I can't live with this suffering.  (to Bernardo)  Don't forget about me!  I'm sorry for all the events from this past week...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson commented that the room was filled with angry, obsessive spirits.  He asked X and Isaac if they spoke to their father about the behavior of their younger brother.  They did (and so did Sonia), but nothing had changed.
Nelson: The resentment is getting stronger between the brothers - on both sides.  He (Sebastian) is doing wrong things, and no one says anything to him about his behavior.  It's a house filled with angry energy.  (to Isaac and X)  I see your father, and when something happens, he just turns his head and smiles at your brother's behavior. 
Carmen: There is a spirit in the house saying that there was nothing to talk about.
Nelson: Sebastian wants to divide and conquer.  He has created animosity among the entire family.  There was a fight over a pizza?  He ate the entire pizza, instead of sharing it?  He does whatever he wants, and he knows that no one will do anything about it.  He says, 'I'm little, but I will take all of you down.' 
A cocky spirit influencing Sebastian arrived through Nelson:
Spirit: Say something to me, go ahead!  I have friends.  It's what I want, when I want it.  (laughed)  I threw away that last piece of pizza away, just so they couldn't have it!  I don't want to talk to them (Isaac and X), I only want everything to be for me.  I'm all that matters.  I want them to leave, to get out of that house.  Go live with grandma!  I'm the owner of that house.
Sonia: They are not going to leave.  And you are not the owner.
Spirit (regarding Sonia):  She bothers me again!  Always over there, always with a story! 
Sonia: I am telling you my story, why don't you tell us yours?
Spirit: The little one, he does everything I say!  When I say it, how I say it.  I tell him what to do and say.  I fill his mouth with those (profane) words. 
Sonia: Don't do that to him anymore.
Spirit: Do you want to know what he thinks?  He thinks he has no one, except for me.  And we have plans.  We are going to shut everyone up.  He gets his anger from me - he's my best friend.  What we have planned, in the near future -  it will shock the hell out of everyone!  Everyone will finally respect me for who I am. 
Sonia: He doesn't need that.
Spirit: Yes he does!  He belongs with us, not them.
Jeff: He is in another dimension.  You are still alive, but you are in the spirit world, without a body.  But he is in the material world, and he has a body.
Spirit (confused): He doesn't belong to me?  But I can talk to him!  I smelled the pizza!  He cannot leave us, or we will be uneven.
Jeff: Uneven?
Spirit: Are you stupid?  An uneven number.  We are twelve, and if he goes, we will only have eleven.
Jeff: He has a different family now.  It's time to let all that go.  Be with your spirit family, not his material one.
Spirit: It's time to go?  Now this guy (the spirit guide) is giving the orders?  I have to leave him behind, and I don't like it.  But let me tell you something, you better keep an eye on him.  There are others.  Eleven of us will leave.  (to Isaac and X)  I'm sorry I ate your pizza.  He (the spirit guide) said to tell you that we are eleven confused boys...
After the spirit was removed, Sonia recommended that X and Isaac include their brother more, to make his life a part of theirs.  It would be a way for Sebastian to feel that he was a part of them, as long as they cautioned him to leave his attitude behind. 
Carmen noticed the spirit of Cando (Marisol's uncle, who had his own center when he was in the material world).  His spirit was still unsettled (not elevated), as he had been making fun of the people that he once charged money for his advice/visit.  He thought he had the power to clean away spiritual debris from homes, but now he was discovering that what he did needed to be repaid.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Cando's spirit was being used as an example by a group of spirits who wanted to close down centers such as ours.  Nelson heard a spirit say, "If you worked with chickens, cow blood and bells, this place would be packed! He (Cando) is now reaping what he sowed."  It seemed that Cando's center was not always organized, and there was a spirit who hoped to encourage us to work in a similar manner.  The spirit was a black madame, and she sat through Nelson, with Carmen coaching:
Spirit: We all have fifteen different specialities, and I need a chance to work!  Let me blow some smoke in your direction.  We are all lined up - with crystal balls, shells, cards, cigars - and all of us want the chance to bring our element in here.  We are all here, right next to him (Cando).
Sonia: And if someone doesn't have the money, then they do not receive anything.
Spirit (laughing):  I only accept those who can pay me!  I check them all out before they arrive.  I can get you some virgins - $200 a pop - but of course (laughing) they are not really virgins. I have eggs with no yolks, and when you get one of those, you need to pay me to find love.  We do everything - kill someone, divorce, I can bring you a dozen of those eggs with no yolks, and if you get a red one, for $600 you will not die that week!  I convinced everyone that Cando was coming to this table (laughing)!  We used him!  I see everything.  I am a madame, a white one, but I can turn into an Aunt Jemina if you want it!  I use fools.  They work for me.  I do have a boss, but if I ask him things, I can be kicked out.  I short-change him anyway.  I can speak several languages, and everyone always comes back to me - until they can't pay me!  I know I am a spirit, and if I get caught, I will just take all of my eggs and run.  The places I go are always packed.  I can tell all of you a lot about your friends for $20, but I only take $100 bills and (laughing) I cannot make any change!  What a job!  You should see what a charge to light four candles.  (pause)  But I don't like this place, all of you are cheap.  I was holding out a basket, and I only decided to talk to make some money, but it's empty.  People can fool themselves, but not us.  This guy next to me (the spirit guide) keeps talking - telling me this is a "test" day for me.  What test?  I see everything, I can convince anyone.  But this guy knows all about me.  We are eight madames and two others with cigars, but they are not with us.  He knows it all.  I thought he was with us when he asked me to sit.  That cigar one?  He can keep that black candle.  It's not good.  They want me to clean Cando.  He tells me it will be my first job.  Be careful when you open that door (Nelson saw the madame spirit standing in the back of the temple when we started), and you have to be careful, because we can see you, too.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  At the start of the session, Carmen noticed a spirit with Jeff.  Nelson was studying the spirit now, and he told Jeff it was a female spirit in a wedding dress:
Nelson: She loves him, and only him.  He can try to avoid her as much as he wants, but he belongs to her.  She has been with him for a long time, and if he thinks he will marry someone else, he is wrong.  He will marry her.  It will be only the two of you.  (The spirit moved forward to explain more through Nelson):
Spirit: He likes me, he wants to be with me, he's mine!  (to Jeff)  And he (Gabe) is not your son!  Your son is here with me, and he does not like it when you call the other one your son!  Where is my veil?  I need it for the wedding, and I cannot find it.  Our son was mad at you yesterday, and I had to control him.  Why do you continue to deny us?  Do not plan a wedding, we are having our wedding, as soon as I can find my veil.  Now you know why you never had a single female get close to you, I kept them all away.  But when I heard about those wedding plans, now where is my veil?  I am never letting you go.  I'm almost ready for the wedding, just a few more details to go.  I have the dress, the flowers, the shoes, but I am missing my veil, and I cannot get married without it.  I came to ask you where my veil is.  (began to cry)  Are you hiding it?  Where is my veil?  I need it to get married, and we are getting married, because we have our son!  I did something before the wedding that I shouldn't have, and now our son will be at the wedding.
Jeff: I think he has your veil with him.
Spirit (very emotional): That's not the veil I need, I need to concentrate on my veil.  If I take that veil, I have to leave, without getting married.  We need you.  I have been with you for so long, and I left you alone, as long as you never married anyone.  I don't want to let you go.
Jeff: Our son needs you to be with him - and he can help you understand everything better.  That wedding was in another place, and in another time.  Look closely.
Spirit: I never forgave myself, because I let you get too close, and it happened (the pregnancy).  You were so handsome, I couldn't wait until the wedding.  (slowly)  I was the one making you clumsy.  If I could not marry him, I was determined that nobody would.  That one (Nelson)...I have never been too crazy about that one.  I tolerate that one.  I have been watching you for such a long time.
Jeff: Think of our son now, and help him find happiness.  Think of yourself.  Both of you can be happy.
Spirit: I'm only going to go because of him.  Just the two of us.  He gave me the veil, and I am taking it with me.  I am going to go, but I don't forgive you.  I have in my memory who we were, and you are as beautiful as I remember.  You always made me laugh, with that sense of humor.  I loved you.  But they will take me to a better place, because I only wanted you all for myself.  I'm okay, and I'm ready to go.  Your son's name is Gustavo, and he is ready, too.  Come on Gustavo, let's go. 
Nelson explained that the spirits were from Argentina, and they did not want Jeff to visit Argentina and be married to anyone else.  The veil that the bride was looking for was very long, so it would trail down the wedding aisle.  The son (Gustavo) had agreed to hide the veil and play along with the good spirits who brought his mother to the table - by telling the spirit that her wedding to Jeff would be today.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson was exhausted, but Caballito reminded him that the two of them had made a promise to Alex last week, and the spirit who wanted to speak with him was present.  Nelson said that sometimes we say things to make others happy, without realizing how serious someone might take it.  It was not something that Alex meant literally, but there was someone who took something he said to heart, and now that person was hurting.  Nelson added that sometimes the illusions that we create can become the reality for others.  The spirit was a very handsome Asian, and he was talking rapidly, as way to let Alex know it was him.  He was very nervous:
Spirit: I don't want to say anything out of place.  (to Alex)  Be careful what you say.  I'm wondering if I did something?  Did I say something?  What was it?  I thought he was my friend.  (sadly)  I don't know what happened.  I'm afraid to say anything now, because someone will get hurt.  Am I welcomed here? 
Sonia: We are nonjudgmental,  you can say whatever you want.
Spirit (tearfully):  Maybe it was my fault.  Something I didn't say, or do.  I don't want to hurt him.  He's a very nice guy, but I don't know where I belong, and it causes me pain, so I don't want to look at him.  I know I caused him a lot of pain.
Alex: You are not going to hurt me.
Spirit: I want him to be happy, and I know if I stick around, he will not be happy.  One day, one day I will understand what I did wrong.  I'm sorry if I am offending anyone.  (to Alex)  I didn't want to harm you, but I didn't want you to be happy with anyone.  How confused we get.  I didn't want to leave him, and I didn't want things to go well for him.  I hope you can forgive me, and that one day I can forgive you.  I can't say that now, I have to be honest with myself.  One day I will understand it.  I will miss you very much.  I have the right to say that.  I hope that one day, if they will allow me, I can come back and talk to you.  I would like for you to know who I am, and where I come from, so you will know more about yourself.  But I can't interfere now.
Jeff: Let him make his own choices.  You are welcome to come back here anytime.
Spirit: One day I will.  When I am able to talk.  I'm not ready yet, but I want him to hear my story.  He will understand so many things about himself, and it will help him find himself.  (referring to the spirit guide)  He promised me that opportunity.  Thank you, sir.  You allowed me to say what I wanted to say for so long.  (softly to Alex)  Goodbye, my friend, goodbye. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson): Nelson gasped and took several deep breaths as the spirit left his body.  He stood up and supported his weight with the back of the chair, until his spirit guide (Caballito) arrived:
Caballito (lightly):  Feelings - who needs them?  Who wants them?  Look how they screw you up.  From a friend, a brother, loved ones (referring to the spirits we passed), look how hard feelings are!  You don't know what to do with them.  They are emotions we cannot control, but they make us who we are.  Without feelings, we are not human.  We need a philosopher to help us determine what to do with feelings.  Maybe I can ask some of you?  Gabe, how would you tell Alex to deal with his feelings?
Gabe: Express them.  Don't be afraid to get hurt.
Caballito: Understand them.  The love, hate, like, dislikes. Anger is created in our minds, and those feelings can come back to harm you. (to Gabe)  Now that you have the experienced it, is the love of an ex-girlfriend any different for you?
Gabe: Now it's probably anger.
Caballito: Don't let that happen.  Understand that feeling, but don't get angry.  That anger can bring new feelings that can harm you.  Wish her the best whenever you think of her feelings, so you can be open to new love - instead of allowing anger to take over.  (to Jeff)  That one who was here today, she was forcing her love on you, but you were not angry.  We say, 'I love you!' to everyone so easily, without knowing that we might be creating feelings that can later harm us.  Don't be so openly fast to say I love you - do you see what we can create?  Feelings!  How difficult they are.  Sometime we go into another person's home and offer our opinions - and those opinions can lead to negative feelings.  (pause)  Feelings.  Think about it.  That will be the theme for our discussion on Wednesday. 
Jeff: I was wondering what to write about.
Caballito: What a wonderful afternoon we had today.  We worked very hard (the session was three and a half hours).  It takes a lot of work and planning for one of these days.  How can I explain to a spirit that by coming here, it will be the start of a new life?  How difficult it is to convince them of their own feelings.  Not everyone goes to the same place; we have to divide ourselves.  And I understand him (Nelson) when he says he is tired, because I know he is.  I tell him that he can sleep as many hours as he wants, and he will be okay.  And Carmen?  He (Bernardo) will be okay.  Alex, are you happy?  (He was, and so was Erika).  Gabe, will you deliver a message to your mother for me?  Tell her that faith comes from knowledge, and not from a prayer.  She has little faith, and she requests a lot.  She's a good person, but sometimes her feelings are not the correct ones.  The worries of the body can become the worries of the mind.  Thank you for allowing me to do my work, in my way.  I will let you know when I have earned my first gold star.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...