(Note: We had 18 participants at this session, and 13 of them were from
the same extended family. Some of them had not seem each other for several
years, so I omitted the family histories, updates, and basic spiritual education
portions of the notes, in an attempt to keep the focus on the spirits who
visited our table)
Nelson's spirit guide had been preparing him for three days prior to this
session. The spirit of Nydia's brother would be coming to our table, and it
would not be an easy situation for Nelson or the rest of the family. The
brother was a severe alcoholic when he was in the material world, and it led to
his death. We often think that suicide only involves a gun, jumping off a
bridge, or something similar, but there are many forms of suicide that we create
for ourselves over time. Alcoholism, overeating, taking drugs, and smoking are
all forms of suicide when used to excess. It's a slow, and often painful
(Read more on Kardec and suicide here: http://kardecspirit.blogspot.com/2016/03/kardec-on-suicide.html)
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nydia's brother passed away seven
or eight years ago, and once he was on the spirit side, he had no problem
finding a group of kindred spirits who had ended their lives in a similar manner
as he chose. He was surrounded by drunks, addicts and smokers with lung
diseases, and over time, he had become the leader of this group of spirits. He
was being prepared by the good spirit guides to sit at our table, and his group
was disturbed to discover that he was gone. Before we could deal with the
spirit of the brother, we had to deal with the group who surrounded him:
Spirit: I'm searching for him. I will not speak to anyone else.
Where is he? (rocking in his seat) He was our leader, he was
Nydia: It's necessary for you to have light and progress now. You have to
leave that life behind.
Spirit: No, no, no! I need to talk to him! It's necessary!
(Nydia and Pedro continued to coach the spirit)
Pedro: You are not responsible for his condition. Look at your own
Spirit: I'm sick.
Pedro: Exactly. The consequences of your behavior.
Spirit: My stomach hurts, and this guy (the spirit guide)
keeps on talking! I'm so sick. He talks a lot. I want to tell you something,
we are 16 drunks and 4 from too many cigarettes. We will all go.
Nydia: All of you will be taken to a school, to learn about morals and
Pedro: Can I ask you a question? Is there a child with
Spirit: It's a dwarf (midget). That's the one who kept us supplied over here with alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.
Spirit: It's a dwarf (midget). That's the one who kept us supplied over here with alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nydia began to cry. When her
parents were alive, they always wondered where their son was in the
spirit world. Nelson explained that they were still worrying over him on the
spirit side, and they were unable to progress until his issue was resolved. Our
group discussed the transitioning process from earth to the spirit world.
Nelson began to sense the spirit of the brother. When he died, he was morbidly
obese and unable to speak for the last 21 days of his life, so he never had a
chance to say goodbye to his family. The spirit was now concerned for his son.
He saw his son on the same road to alcoholism as he was. He gave his son the
first drink, and the father and son had gone out drinking together in the
material world. Nelson's body was feeling everything the spirit had
Nelson: Aye, aye, aye. (began to cry) This is so difficult. So
much sentimentality. It's overwhelming.
Pedro (referring to Nydia's brother): Sometimes we don't accept
where we find ourselves.
Spirit (arriving through Nelson): Papi, Papi! I hear my son
calling me. Nunca! Papi! Forgive me my son, forgive me!
Nydia: Leave behind those material things.
Spirit: Forgive me, my sister! Please do not abandon my children,
my son! Help him.
Nydia: He has distanced himself from my family.
Junior: You are the one suffering now. A new door is opening.
Nydia: It's a chance to return to your family. And they are happy and
content. (Note: Before the session, it was explained to Nelson that Nydia's
brother would start the reincarnation process once he left our table. He would
reincarnate into the same family he left - as a grandson born to one of his
Spirit: How can they forgive me? All the suffering I caused. And
my daughter. (pause) She was never the same. I'm responsible.
(Nelson began to shake) I'm responsible! My pain is large. I caused
this to myself. This friend with me is telling me it's the first part of a
Eva: Of continuation. Back to the same family.
Nydia: In another form.
The spirit wept as he left, asking everyone for forgiveness. It was a
difficult recovery for Nelson, as the spirit had left him gasping for air. The
group discussed the experience. After he recovered, Nelson asked Mildred if her
mom (Pedro's wife) would have wanted to attend the session (she
would have, but she was recovering from an illness and content to rest).
When Nelson was 14 years old, Pedro helped Nelson develop his mediumship
abilities. Pedro was also a medium, but he had not worked in eight years:
Nelson (to Pedro): You told me that being a medium wasn't easy,
that it would be difficult. And now I have the same advice for you. It's as
difficult for spirits to change as it is with humans.
Pedro: Exactly. It's not easy. It's difficult, but not impossible. (we
discussed the topic as a group)
Spirit 3 (via Nydia): Nelson began to concentrate on the
house of Mildred's mom. His spirit guide (Caballito) wanted to
spiritually take him there for something, but then Mildred explained that her
mom was staying with someone else, so Nelson and Caballito had to postpone the
journey. A group of spiritual madames arrived through Nydia, and one of them
spoke for the group:
Spirit (strong and happy): Ayeee, ayeee! You talk a lot! Why don't you listen a little? (Mildred coached the spirit) My spirit is content, or are you not interested?
Nelson: Are you the one giving her (Mildred) all that heat?
Spirit (laughed): The reason is - yes! She finds peace in her parents house, but I'm not interested in having her there.
Spirit (strong and happy): Ayeee, ayeee! You talk a lot! Why don't you listen a little? (Mildred coached the spirit) My spirit is content, or are you not interested?
Nelson: Are you the one giving her (Mildred) all that heat?
Spirit (laughed): The reason is - yes! She finds peace in her parents house, but I'm not interested in having her there.
Nelson: Why don't you do your work for good, instead of bothering
Pedro: I have seen you, as a moreno (darker woman).
Pedro: I have seen you, as a moreno (darker woman).
Spirit (laughed): Of course! I am a madame!
Pedro: The other night, I had a lot of heat.
Spirit (laughed): But now I'm leaving - forgive me!
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): The madame took 33 other madames
with her - and four "other blacks". Nelson was studying a spirit who had
arrived at the session with Mildred. Thirty years ago, before Mildred married
her husband, she had a dark-skinned boyfriend. Whenever he came over to see
her, Pedro (Mildred's dad) had to leave the house - because the spirit
energy of the boyfriend was so intense. Mildred lost track of the boyfriend,
but he never got over his love for her. She last saw him when he drove by her
house on the day of her wedding - thirty years ago. The spirit was very
materialized, and he was with her now. Mildred said she had felt his presence
and smelled his cologne when no one else was in the house:
Spirit: What is this curiosity over me? I'm protecting her. I talk to her all day, because she is my friend, but she never answers.
Spirit: What is this curiosity over me? I'm protecting her. I talk to her all day, because she is my friend, but she never answers.
Pedro: You are in different worlds. When you plant a lemon tree, you
cannot expect it to produce avocados.
Mildred: You are a spirit, you are not material.
Spirit: Love can transform everything. To me, she is a flower. I
can talk to her, and she can hear me. I'm her 'negro lindo' (beautiful dark
boy) and this is my work.
Pedro: What is your desperation with her?
Nydia: Think of your own salvation.
Spirit: I was thinking about hers.
Mildred: That's a past history.
Pedro: I see a thin woman with you.
Spirit: She has nothing to do with me. She's in another group.
Three of us are in my group.
Spirits 5 (via Nydia): Nelson asked Pedro if he knew who
the spirit of the thin spirit woman was, and he thought it might be his
grandmother. Nelson said it was his grandmother's grandmother, and she wanted
to speak. Nelson described her as very thin, very pale, and curious. She was
also extremely picky or fussy. Pedro was explaining more about her until one of
Nydia's spirit guides interrupted him:
Spirit (respectfully to Pedro): I have to interrupt. Give me your
hands. I represent humility, and I am so happy to see you back at a table. My
speciality was creating herbal masks (similar in consistency to Silly
Putty) to cure burns.skin marks, and those types of things. I want to
create one for your wife, to help her healing process. (Pedro agreed)
Your wife is not alone, she has a group around her. They work with her when she
sleeps. (pause) It's finished. Thank you for the opportunity to
Spirits 6 & 7 (via Nydia): As the spirit departed,
Nelson said that he saw Pedro's wife wrapped tightly - like a mummy - from the
waist down. Mildred (her daughter) said it represented where she was
feeling the most pain. Nelson understood that a spirit was causing the pain, as
the spirit wanted to hurt Mildred and Pedro, and the spirit thought it could be
accomplished by hurting someone they loved to hurt them. The angry spirit sat
through Nydia:
Spirit: Diablo! Devil! It's her pain all the time. I want it
gone, immediately! (labored breaths and struggling)
Pedro: What was her offense with you!
Spirit: She's a demon! She will never find salvation!
Junior: Find it for yourself. Your own salvation.
Nelson and Pedro discussed the situation, while the spirit moaned and
seethed in the seat. The spirit became louder and placed both hands on her
head. The coaching continued until the spirit agreed to depart, saying, "The
case is closed." Nydia's spirit guide arrived to cleanse her.
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): There was another spirit with the
mother of Mildred (Pedro's wife), and this spirit also wanted the mother to
suffer. Pedro counseled the spirit:
Spirit: She's a liar. I want her to suffer.
Pedro: That's not your problem.
Spirit: Not everyone who comes in with a smile to hug her really
means it. There are enemies. I speak the truth, she needs to suffer more. She
is not my friend, and neither are you. Don't talk to her! I have a girlfriend
of mine here with me.
Pedro: Spirits do not have any gender.
Spirit: It's a girl with me! Helping me work!
Junior: That work will be on your conscience.
Nydia: Don't you want better things?
Spirit: I don't like those things. Like prayers. I don't listen to prayers. Prayers, prayers, prayers for her!
Spirit: I don't like those things. Like prayers. I don't listen to prayers. Prayers, prayers, prayers for her!
Pedro: The important thing is for you to give up the material and find
your own road.
Junior: How many are you?
Spirit: We are four - no more. Goodbye.
Spirit: We are four - no more. Goodbye.
Spirit 9 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Lydia's sister about
her mother. She was suffering. Nelson gave her some brief advice. Lydia said
that her mother was doing very well, but Nelson understood that there was a
member of Lydia's family who was not happy with what Lydia was doing. The
mother spent her nights at the house of one of Nydia's sisters, and Nelson saw
the sister with documents in her hands. She was keeping written records of
every second that the mother spent with her - what she did, what she watched on
TV, who visited, etc. The sister already had one of Lydia's three brothers on
her side. Lydia said her mother did not like going to the sister's house.
Nelson was shown that the mother and her granddaughter were enemies in a
previous life, and they needed to be friends in this life. The granddaughter
was living elsewhere, and Lydia was stressed over everything that was
happening. Nelson's spirit guide asked Jeff for a towel. He folded it into a
compact package and asked Lydia to hold it over her heart - to warm it. He also
energized a glass of water and asked Lydia to drink it. Caballito asked if the
mother could attend our Saturday session.
Caballito: These are not the words of Nelson, I am his guide.
(to Lydia) On Saturday, we may be able to help you find some
happiness. There is a lot of work to be done, just like today, and all that
work wears my friend (Nelson) out. It's strong.
Pedro: Such grand work cannot all be done in one day.
Caballito: Yes. Little by little. It's the same with the
happiness replacing your sadness. Once you have internal happiness, you will
find complete happiness. It's energy to energy, and hers was low. We will have
a good talk on Saturday. Some spirit friends are confused, and we will clear
that away. I want to thank all of you for allowing me to do my work. (to
Pedro) Your friend (spirit guide) is a friend of mine. Speak to him. He
enjoys the work as much as I do.
Pedro: Very good. Of course.
Spirit 10 (via Pedro): Pedro wanted to extract a spirit
from Mirelsa, and because he had not worked in a while, he asked Caballito to
stay. Pedro placed his hands tightly on each side of Mirelsa's head. Next, he
touched his forehead to hers, and the spirit moved away from Mirelsa and into
Pedro. Caballito mentally told Nelson that he would step aside, so Nelson could
coach the spirit.
Spirit (slamming Pedro's glasses on the table): I have suffered a
Nelson: That is your suffering, not hers. She was alone in a hospital, and
now we want to help you avoid that same situation. Your obsessions are yours,
not hers.
Spirit: I'm crazy.
Nelson: It's her birthday today, and it will be a birthday for you as
Junior: A celebration.
Spirit (to Junior): Sit down! I will not speak with you! (It
was revealed that in a previous existence, Junior, Mirelsa's father, and
this spirit were enemies. Junior put the spirit on a horse, and then he kicked the
animal. When the horse reacted and became wild, the spirit fell off - but it
did not kill him. Junior kicked the body of the spirit down a steep hill, where he
remained until his body was nothing but bones.)
Nelson: You have also been causing problems for her mother (Rina).
Spirit: That's her child?
Nelson: Yes. there is a lot of love between them, and Mirelsa will not be
abandoned if you leave.
Spirit: Is it really her birthday today? I don't have any friends
in this life.
Nelson: They are all around you. They are the friends planning your
celebration, in the spirit world.
Spirit: I'm dead? A spirit? What I was doing was wrong? They
will only take me somewhere to clean me, there will not be any celebration.
(pause) I see they are bringing a horse for me. I'll go with those
Nelson: You will find happiness and so will she. (nine spirits were
removed) Go completely.
Eva had a question. When she was at the table, she felt the intense energy
of the spirits, and she wondered why she could not pass spirits. Nelson
(speaking for Caballito) said, "Do you want the truth? You need to clean your
heart. Let others in your family do what they want to do, and do not try to
control their lives."
Spirit 11 (via Nydia): The spirit of Norma arrived
through Nydia to close out the session:
Spirit: My spirit is happy, but I am concerned over my daughter
(Normita). It's cause and effect (Normita was the caregiver for Carmen, and
it was wearing her out). I'm content to work, and I am happy in my heart.
(to Pedro) It's no coincidence that you are here. We were good
friends in the material world. Normita, my daughter, physically she is
exhausted. I'm worried. It's important. She has a large responsibility - it's
the mission she chose. Don't let her become sick in a bed next to the other
one. It's not been easy for her. She can only give what she has, no more.
Continue the beautiful work.
Pedro had some questions relating to spiritism for Nelson. It was ironic
that Nelson, who was once the student, was now the teacher. The group recited
the closing prayer in unison.
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