Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Puerto Rico - June 3, 2017

In attendance: Bey, Christine, Eva, Helvia, Ivan, Jeff, Junior, Lourdes, Lydia, Lydia's sisters Elisa & Ivette, Lydia's mom, Nelson, Nestor, Nydia. Pedro and Rina  
Nelson began the session by reading a selection from Allan Kardec's The Spirit Book that was recommended by his guide.  The piece was called Caridad para con los criminales (Charity for criminals).  Read the English translation here:
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nydia and Pedro):  After the opening prayer, there was a brief discussion about the practices at another center as we waited for some participants to arrive.  As the latecomers were seated, Nelson, Nydia and Pedro all began to experience an intense heat.  The heat was related to Lydia's youngest sister (who was not in attendance).  This sister helped with the care of Lydia's mother.  Nelson began to shake as she was shown the details of the sister's past existence.  Nelson explained, "It's from her past, but it's having an effect now.  This spirit is angry, and it consumes her feelings."  The aggressive, forceful spirit moved into Nydia:
Spirit: Demon!  Listen to me, mira!  There is not change with her.  She needs humility.  Ohh, it's something with my stomach, I'm sick.  She's sick, in pain right now. 
Nelson and Pedro coached the insistent spirit, but the spirit was too angry to listen.  In the middle of a sentence, a new spirit overtook Pedro, and this spirit was empathetic to the spirit with Nydia,but the new spirit resented having to share the spotlight.
Nydia's spirit (yelling):  I am so angry with her!
Pedro's spirit:  I have learned that she is devil!
Nydia's spirit: She doesn't listen!  My stomach, ow, ow, it hurts.
Nelson: We can help you with the pain.
Pedro's spirit (to Nelson): Listen to me!  Is she done talking?
Nelson: I am concerned with her, but I am listening to you.  You were trapped in a bottle.  (Nelson's spirit guide had melted the bottle away to free the spirit)  You needed to be freed to progress. (Nelson asked Lydia and her family if it was always so hot in their house [it was] as the spirit with Nydia began to fan herself).
Nydia's spirit: It's too hot!  (yelling)  It's too hot!
Pedro's spirit:  I'm going to leave.
Nelson: No wait, don't go yet.  (to Nydia)  Feel that fresh air, it can cool you. (the coaching continued)
Nydia's spirit:  Woo-woo!  It's still to hot.  There are 17 of us and we've got to go.  Woo!
Nelson (to Pedro's spirit): Look at that bottle now.  What do you see?
Spirit: It's on fire!
Nelson: That's in your mind.  Look for happiness, not for heat.  (Nelson asked Lydia how old her mother was, and she replied that she was 97)
Spirit (noticing the mother): I'm confused.  Is she dead?  Hypocrite!  Now this is bad.  Am I dead?
Nelson: No one dies.  It's a change from body energy to the energy of the spirit.  You are still alive, and you can still learn.  We have a very good school for you.  Would you like a drink of water?
Spirit: Look at that!  I was remembering it as something else.  I'll go.  I'm going.  Family, yee haw, arrgh!
Nydia: It's not a coincidence that this family (Lydia's) was her today to find some tranquility. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): The two spirits causing all the heat in Lydia's family had left, but Nelson was studying a new spirit.  Nelson began to move uncomfortably in his chair, as this spirit was reluctant to speak.  When Ivette (Lydia's sister) was born, she was supposed to be a twin.  There was a circumstance that left one spirit twin behind.  The mother had another child after the spirit was unable to be born, and now that spirit was intent on getting revenge on the entire family. 
Spirit: No life for me, no life for none of you!  It's written.  I want all of you to have a difficult life.  (The spirit explained her plan in rapid Spanish.  She would reincarnate as a handicapped child to one Ivette's children, becoming Ivette's grandchild.  This would hurt Ivette, and it would hurt the mother.)
Spirit: I don't care how much I suffer, I just want to make her suffer!  That devil!  A handicapped child, that's suffering.  I have no compassion for her.  Criminal!
Pedro: Find some happiness, not suffering.
Spirit: It's all her fault!
Junior: Are you looking for Ivette?  That was another life.
Spirit: I don't care what you call her, she's a criminal.
Eva: She has changed, and now it's your time to change.
Spirit: Me?  Change? I will need to learn how...
Eva: Exactly.  The learning starts now.
Spirit: This guy (the spirit guide) is telling me that my plan to come back handicapped would not work.
Eva (to Ivette): Can you ask her (the spirit) for forgiveness?  (she did)
Spirit: Thank you for finally making her talk!  Use caution with that child of yours, the one I was going to come through.  There is someone with me, a friend of mine who is not very good.  We three will go.
Pedro: Can you take that friend with you?
Spirit: That has nothing to do with me.  (to Ivette) Listen to me and take action.  I said what I wanted to say.
After he recovered, Nelson advised Ivette to read and pray for guidance.  Her grandchild would not be arriving anytime soon, but when it happened, that child would need a lot of love.
Spirit 4 (via Pedro): After some questioning about another extended family member, a new spirit spoke:
Spirit: Aye, mama!  Look by those trees, such pretty roses!  Why is this important?
Nelson: It's important to you.
Spirit: Shut your mouth!  Those roses have spiders.  And thorns!  (Helvia helped coach)
Nelson: Why are you fascinated with them?  Here's a rose with all the thorns removed.
Spirit: They make me suffer.
Nelson: You can avoid the suffering.  If you knew three days ahead that a hurricane was coming, would you stay here or get on the first airplane out?
Spirit: What if the plane crashed?  My rose is dying.  It's wilted.
Nelson: That rose is only pretending to suffer.  To torture you.
Spirit: That must be why I am so tired.
Nelson: You need a new rose.  Something special.  Try another rose.  Feel that love.
Junior: You don't have a body!
Spirit: Look at that, an airplane just for me.  I need to get onboard. 
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nydia and Pedro): The spirit left smoothly. Two new spirits arrived together, and one sat through Nydia, while the other sat through Pedro.  They were both madames, and they were connected to Helvia.  They wanted her to start passing spirits:
Pedro's spirit: We are preparing her to be a madame!
Nelson (to Helvia):  The problem is that your mind must be empty and clear,  Not for a few minutes before you sit at a table, but a day or two before.  There are too many things going on in your life.
Pedro's spirit:  You have cockroaches in your head!  (as the group was discussing the process of mediumship, Nydia's spirit arrived)
Nydia's spirit: We are going to throw a tremendous party for you!
Nelson: You have negative intentions.  (At this point, all six people seated at the table began to talk at once)
Nydia's spirit: This is ridiculous!  She's not going to learn this way.
Pedro's spirit: She's not bad, she's good.  Her heart is noble.  I sympathize with her, but she needs to start her job!
Nydia's spirit (to Helvia): Listen to me, the black madame.  I'm going to tell my group not to bother you anymore.  I'll take them with me.  There are 27, and I'll take them all, but nobody else.
Pedro's spirit: I'll go with her!
Nelson: No, you are doing something else in that house.
Pedro's spirit (banged on the table): Gone! There are too many people here.  I'm the cockroach.  I'm going to a better place.  That house is filled up with people. (Helvia agreed)  I'm taking four with me, separate from hers.  (to Helvia)  Clean your head!
Nydia: That house is filled with resentment and rancor. 
Nelson (to Pedro's spirit): You have caused her a lot of suffering. 
Pedro's spirit: We can change her name to happiness now.  I will leave saying what she always says, 'Take these dead people away from me!'
But Pedro's spirit did not leave.  He stayed another 15 minutes, talking and looking at the house where Nelson's mother once lived.  When the spirit of the madame asked where the mother was, Nelson told him that she had gone on a vacation. 
Pedro's spirit: There are a lot of dead people over there.  They want to talk to me because I am a spirit who is alive. (a large mango fell from a tree and hit the roof)  Diablo!  What's that?  Oh my God, a devil!  I'm getting out of here.  (the spirit left, and Pedro described her as a crazy, funny madame)
Spirit 7 (via Nelson): Nelson began to cry, and it was heartbreaking.  There was the spirit of a young, very adorable little boy in his mother's former house.  The boy was crying because he knew that he was destined to be Nestor's son.  When Nestor and his wife did not bring him, he hoped that someone else connected to Nestor might bring him, but now he was devastated - as he realized that it was never going to happen:
Spirit (sobbing):  I don't care about anything, and I know that sounds crazy.  I wanted to be with him!  (intense crying)  I grabbed his hand.  Papi!  I wanted you to take me to a baseball game, because I love it like you, but now I know that cannot happen.  Oh my God, Papi!  Papi.  He loves the horses, I could have been a jockey.  I waited so long for you.  I held your fingers, they were all that fit into my hand.
Nestor:  Seguro, seguro.
Spirit: As much as I loved you, I couldn't convince you to be with me.  Papi, I only wanted to be your son.  I tried, I tried so hard.  I tried.  (It was alter explained that Nestor's mother - and his brother Nelson - had both explained to Nestor about bringing this boy into the world.  As his mother was transitioning back to the spirit world, she told Nestor that she would keep the boy with her, to spare Nestor any pain.)
Spirit: I'm going to go with grandma.  Wherever she is.  She was very good, and I won't have to wait anymore.  She will keep me calm.
Eva (to Nestor):  Did you know when this opportunity presented itself?  (yes)  Is that door closed now? (no)
Pedro (to the spirit): You will be offered a new, distinct reincarnation, but it's important now to find happiness.
Spirit: With my friend, the one next to me?  He's with me, telling me to find happiness today.  Do you want to know my name?  It's Alex.  Alexander Alejandro.  I like it, it's a beautiful name.  I would have been nicknamed Ali.  Alex.  I have to say goodbye to him now?
Nestor: We will see each other again.  It's not goodbye.
Nydia: You can make decisions about your life, just like he did.
Spirit: I don't like it, but I want to find happiness.  With God, I will go.  With two friends, and this man (Nelson's guide Caballito, the spirit guide who specializes in helping children) and grandma.  (slowly, with great sadness)  Adios, papi.  Adios. 
It was a difficult recovery for Nelson, and our entire group needed a break.  We discussed the two spirits that the boy took with him, and Nelson explained that they were two sons that Nestor and Nelson's mother had promised to bring - but she never did.  The three boys were together in her old house, and because she spent many years in a wheelchair, the spirit boys also took 14 spirits in wheelchairs with them.  Nelson said, "So many kids want to come into this world, and nobody wants to bring them.  (group discussion)
Spirits 8 & 9 (via Helvia and Nydia): There was another spirit, and Helvia started to pass it.  She reached a certain point, and Nydia took over.  The spirit was Helvia's mother (Norma) and she had another message for Nestor:
Helvia: This is definite.  It's with him.  You want a good relationship (with his ex-wife) but you have to make a final decision...
Spirit (Nydia):  ...she has not realized it's final.  She thinks she still has a chance.
Pedro: Communicate by phone with her.  Nothing else. 
Nelson: Do you still have that other friend?  (he did)  Your daughter is the one keeping you and your ex-wife separate.  She does not want you to reunite. 
Nestor: I understand it.
Spirit: Stand firm with your decisions.  This advice is not for nothing.  It's a physical, emotional, decision.  If you have a noble heart, demonstrate it.  Happiness comes from the heart, not from material things.  Even if it costs you more, you need to bring that relationship to an end.  (forcefully)  The work at this table is profound. We speak the truth at this table.  It's time.  It's your happiness.
Nelson: You are not alone, spiritually or materially.
Spirit: Make the decisions in your house.  You are not a puppet.
Junior: Draw the line!
Nestor: Seguro, seguro.
Spirit: To progress in spirit, stand firm.  That is my message, as strong as it can be.
Nelson (to Nestor): Mom cannot find happiness until you do.  And she needs to be happy.
Spirit: It's a process.  Ask for help in your life.  I wish all of you happiness.  Thank you for allowing me to work, and giving me the opportunity to speak the truth.  In the spirit world, happiness is not brought by the material things.  It's a lot of work, but it's important.
Nydia's spirit guide arrived to briefly refresh her after the spirit of Norma had departed.
Spirit 10 (via Pedro): Pedro saw the spirit of a child around Christine.  We explained the previous session when we met the spirit was to become her child.  We often assume that being born is a quick, biological process, but not that simple.  When a spirit wants to be born, there are spirit enemies who do not want that spirit to be born.  Pedro understood the spirit he was seeing was not the child, it was a friend of that girl.  Pedro called her a puppet, trying to manipulate things.  Nelson said, "It's a process, but we want it to be easy - there are hard times as well as the good."
Pedro asked Christine to stand (Eva stood behind her), and he placed his hand on the back of her neck.  His hand began to tremble as he told Christine, "They are preparing you for this opportunity.  It's strong.  (Pedro put his other hand on her forehead)  Let it release, all of it."  Nelson stood up and moved over to the group:
Nelson/Caballito:  When was the last time you saw your mother?  How is that relationship?
Christine: About six months ago.  It's not the best relationship.  We spoke yesterday.  She sent me a gift, but I wasn't home to receive it, and she was furious.
Nelson/Caballito: Invite her to visit you in Puerto Rico.  As soon as you can.  Introduce her to the mother (Eva) of your novio (Luis).  Let your mother meet her, to see the similarities.  (to Eva)  Make it a good experience.  (to Christine)  This Wednesday, it doesn't how many songs he (Luis) needs to write, he needs to be here.  Both of you need to be on the same page.
The group discussed the issue, along with some general questions on reincarnation.  Pedro wondered what had happened to a child he had helped many years ago at another center, and Eva said that baby was now an adult - but he had not amounted to much. 
Spirit 11 (via Nelson, his guide Caballito): Nelson asked Ivan how he was doing, and he replied that he was doing well, waiting for school to resume and working on his portfolio:
Nelson: Lets get to the point.  Are you planning to move out of Puerto Rico? (no)  She (his girlfriend) is planning to move, and she needs to understand that it is not an option for you.
Helvia: It's your future.
Caballito (to Helvia):  And that girl living in your house (the girlfriend of her son)?  She will be out of your house soon.  Make sure that everything is in place for it to happen. (back to Ivan)  Her life belongs to her, and yours is your own.  You are carrying her baggage, and it's very heavy.  What is that holiday called?  Halloween?  She has skeletons in her luggage, and you cannot continue to carry those for her.  The bones of the skeletons are dissolved and deteriorated.  There are only pieces of bones, and it would take a lot of glue to reconnect them all.  Even if you could do it, how would do it?  How would you know which bones to connect?  It's her burden to carry, not yours.
The group recited the closing prayer in unison.

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