Saturday, October 28, 2017

Chicago - June 25, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Gabe, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Marisol, Maricela, Milargros, Nelson, and Sonia
Marisol read Kardec's prayer for obsessive spirits, and that topic became the theme of our session.  (Read more about spirits and obsession here:  Nelson read Question 132 from Kardec's The Spirits Book (Chapter II, Incarnation of Spirits, Purpose of Incarnation): 132. What is the purpose of spirit incarnation?
“God imposes incarnation as a tool to reach perfection. For some it is a means of making amends, while for others it is a mission. Every spirit must experience the difficulties of physical existence to reach perfection, therein lies their atonement. Incarnation also requires a spirit to contribute to the work of creation. To fulfill this purpose, spirits assume physical bodies in harmony with the material state of each world to accomplish the missions that have been appointed to them by God. Through these missions they contribute to the general good while also achieving their own advancement.” The action of physical beings is necessary to the operation of the universe, but God has wisely designed this action to serve as a means of climbing closer to God. Thus, through the law of providence, all things are connected and everything in nature is united.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson reminded our group to, "Give from what you have, not from what you have left."  A spirit was emerging, and she was related to Milagros grandchild in Florida.  He was a 16 year old boy suffering from night sweats and cold spells, and it was often difficult for him to breathe.  When the spirit guides bring a presence to our table, the free will of that spirit is still intact.  They may have agreed to come to the table, but it did not mean that they would immediately sit.  The spirit guides were working on their side, and some additional conversation was needed on our side:
Nelson (to the group, referencing the spirit with Milagro's grandson):  Have you ever known an obsessive mother?  One who imposed so much love on her children that it eventually killed them?  Maybe it was a mother who wanted her human child to be with her in the spirit world so much, and she knew the only way for that to happen was for him to die.  I hear the spirit (the previous mother of Milagros' grandchild) saying, 'As long as he is with me...and he will be with me, and nothing else matters.'  She does not realize that her devoted love is causing him harm.  He cannot breathe when she hugs him so tightly.  She is not in any sort of reincarnation form, so the only way for her spirit to be with him is for her to move him into the spirit side. 
Nelson was icy cold, as the spirit wanted him to feel what it was like to be dead.  The grandson had stomach issues (vomiting) and he was always tired, as the spirit was slowly putting him into the same dead state.  He was still in the material world because of his spirit guides, and his own free will and determination to progress.  Milagros had provided a photo of her grandson, and in the photo, Nelson could see the spirit of his former mother standing right next to him.  The grandson had a darker skin tone, and the spirit mother was much whiter:
Spirit (calmly):  Take that photo away.  That is not my child.  My child is blonde, white and handsome.  You are trying to fool me.  (began to cry)  If that is not my child, where is he? I came here today to take him with me.  Where is he? 
Marisol: You are remembering something from the past.  He reincarnated.  Look at him, he's not the same.
Spirit: When I hug him, he is still the same.  I see myself the same, like I always was.  Classy and beautiful.
Marisol: Look closer.  You no longer have a body.
Spirit: I'm an elegant lady!  (pause)  I don't look the same now.  Why is that woman (the mother that the grandson has now in this life) telling him that she is his mother?  It's me.  He is my child! 
Marisol:  In this life, the one he has now, it is her.
Spirit (listening to the guides):  They are showing me.  It's different.  I died of something incurable.  (Note: The spirit died from Typhoid, a bacterial infection caused by Salmonella.  There is a gradual onset of high fever, weakness, abdominal pain, constipation, confusion and headaches.  Vomiting occurs, but it is not severe, and some people develop a skin rash with rose colored spots.  The spiritual mother of the grandson seemed to be trying to give him the disease that she had died from.)  
Spirit (with sadness): I didn't mean for him to get sick.  Is what they are telling me true?  He wants me to leave him?  (conferred silently with the spirit guides around her)  I must leave him?  They tell me if I continue with this craziness, I will never be able to see him again.  (pause)  He would be taken somewhere very far away.  By losing today, I could win tomorrow.  (to Marisol)  You were a mother, you know how hard it is.  How do I cope? 
Marisol: Have faith - that you will see him later.
Spirit: I will give him a kiss and go.  (to Milagros)  Can you kiss him for me?  Tell him I loved him with all my heart, and with everything I had. Someday, I hope that I will be able to tell him that myself.  It's time for me to leave.   Thank you for bringing me here.  Hopefully, I will be able to return.
After Nelson recovered, he advised Milagros to wait three days before contacting her grandson.  His pain would be gone, but he needed to study more, to understand how it happened.
Spirit 2 (via Sonia):  Sonia was being shown that someone was not supposed to be at our session.  There was a group of spirits who did not want Janet and Jose to attend.  A disgruntled spirit sat though Sonia to explain further:
Spirit: I did not like that prayer (for the obsessor spirits).  I want to keep knocking them down. (to Janet and Jose)  Where is the love?  Where is it?  If they didn't come here, they would not be together now.  Why did you open that door to them?  I feel no love for anyone.  It hurts, right here in my chest. 
Nelson: That is all mental, it's in your mind.
Spirit: I want her to get rid of him, and she takes him.  And them.  I love going around with them, and you cannot say anything that would change my mind.  I was going to clog her breathing, and boom!  She would be out of air.  That's how I went, I suffocated.  (slyly)  She was almost there.  Ask her how many pills she takes every day (it was about 23 daily).  All for love!  (the spirit laughed and tapped on the tabletop)  Her husband took the pills away.  I am not listening to anyone, but they are telling me I have to go.  I was treated wrongly, and now I'm the one who has to leave?  I don't want to hear it, but I don't want anymore pain.  I wanted to leave this for her (toxic pills), but they tell me I cannot.  The wrong pills were removed from her mouth that weekend.  (to the spirit guides)  I'm going, I'm going!  (to Janet)  Forgive me, my friend...
Seven spiritual dancers had been removed with the departure of the spirit.  It was a slow recovery for Sonia, as the spirit sat for a long time.  Sonia was given water to cleanse her body from the energy of the spirit, and Sonia said that she had felt suffocated and her ears hurt while the spirit was present.  Nelson gave Janet and Jose some advice in Spanish.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  There was another obsessor spirit emerging, and it was a female connected to Gabe.  The female spirit represented the feelings of Gabe's former girlfriend. 
Spirit: You thought it would be easy to break up with her, and it has not been that way.  She knows where you are, and what you have been doing.  Just because you have not seen her, it doesn't mean that she hasn't seen you.  (to the group)  He was not expecting to hear that!  She was at a place where he was.  She still wants to know what he's doing, if he found someone.  She doesn't want him to find anyone.  She wants him to come begging, running back to her.  It's not that she wants him back, she just wants to be the one to break up with him - to make him suffer.
Jeff: That sounds harsh.  Just forget about him - and her.
Spirit: He will really cry when it happens!  No one does that to me!  I have news for him, he is going to pay for it.  I know where he works, where he goes, I know everything about him. 
Jeff: Make a clean separation from him.  You can live your life, and he can live his. 
Spirit: He cannot start over.  He thought it would be so easy, that he would find a new girl the next day.  Well, has he found anyone?  (to Jeff)  Do me a favor, change seats with him.  I want him over here.
Jeff: No, that is not going to happen.  You need to move away from him, not closer.
Spirit: Old people like you, they are always bothering me - telling me what I should do!  I can make him happy.  We go with our feelings, with what feels good.  (to Alex)  What about him?  I could be with him.
Marisol: Let him go and move on.  There might be someone better for you than the ones here.
Jeff: He's suffered enough.  And who wants him anyway, he's a loser!
Spirit: There are a lot of us, and we all sit in a circle and talk about the same things. We dance around him and get him confused.  He is a loser!  We are going to leave him.  He thought he was going to find someone new really fast.  He thought it was going to be easy, but as long as I was there, no one was ever going to show up.  We are 15 girls, and we are going.  (to Gabe)  Don't blame me anymore if you are alone.
Marisol had another dream about the large male black spirit presence in her home.  She knew he was still around, and it seemed as if her husband could also sense him, as he was cautioning Marisol to be very careful around the house.  Marisol had episodes where it seemed as if her heart would stop, she was unbalanced, and she occasionally felt as if she needed to lie down.  There were also bad smells in her house.  Marisol said the spirit resembled an actor from the movie The Green Mile, and Nelson agreed:  

 Nelson's spirit guide was showing the obsessive spirit to him.  He wore a large crucifix with a red teardrop shaped object dangling from the end.  The spirit was rubbing the red object for protection.  The spirit spoke a French-Creole language, possibly from Haiti.  The family of Marisol's husband spoke the same language.  Twelve female madames were around the powerful spirit, and they were working with empty hen eggs to protect him.  (Note: The spirit referenced the word sambora, but there wasn't a translation or explanation of it online.)  The spirit was also wearing a brown, beaded necklace that had some significance. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson began to shake and sway in his seat.  One of the black spirit madames had decided to speak:
Spirit (pushing the chair away from the table): I am a protector!  You cannot touch him, so stop blathering!  I will put a curse on you.  You need to talk to me before him.  I pass along the messages, and he only receives my messages.  Aye, carumba.
Marisol: He doesn't need help doing his work.
Spirit: Those works have already begun, and something will be happening.  I'm protected too, I have the same brown necklace.  He gave it to me.  We are all professionals, and we are capable of unique things.  We have come from a very long, faraway place.  You should become a part of our group.
Marisol: You work with a different light.
Spirit: It's not white, but we have a white table.  I can bring you many things - jobs, money.  Do not criticize my work, as we do it all for him.  We must protect what is ours.  People are amazed with our work.  Not everyone is able to reach him, which is why I am talking for him. 
Marisol:  There isn't a need for the jobs that cause harm.
Spirit (angry): None of you have enough power to take his powers!  I have the eggs from a white hen, and who are you to make me sit and explain myself?  I know I'm a spirit.  We arrived here to defend him, but we knew if we came, we might have to leave - and lose all our powers.  We stopped you from reaching him.  You call what you do the purifying of the spirit, and that is very hard to do; as we have been doing our work for a very long time.  (pause)  Our group and yours, they are having a conversation.  They understand each other, even when they cannot understand what he (the powerful black spirit) says.   (pause)  That white man (Nelson's spirit guide, Caballito) he speaks that language! 
Carmen: He's educated.  And you seem intelligent.  We are also smart with our work.
Spirit: But you don't receive any hundred dollar bills for it!
Carmen: We are paid in a different way.
Spirit: The two groups are finishing the conversation.  They have reached a compromise.  The resolution is that he (the powerful black spirit) has more to do before he speaks.  He is the one who started it, and he is the only one who can remove it.  I would turn white if I tried (cackled with laughter)!  He wil be able to talk, but when he is ready.  He works on you, quietly.  I have to go where I don't want to go, away from my white table job.  My happiness was always in the bills, that money we made.  I was not doing my work for any personal satisfaction. We are twelve experienced, highly skilled mediums, and we are going now.
The spirit rapidly moved her hands along the side of her head, then she waved both arms in front of herself, and she was gone.  Nelson explained that he was shown the male black spirit removing the brown necklaces from the female madames as they boarded some form of transportation.  Without their necklaces, the madames no longer belonged to him.   
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide had arrived to refresh him:
Caballito (to Jeff):  The number twelve (the 12 madames) has a significance.  I know you like to research those things.  (Note: Yes I do!  The number twelve signifies the faith in something complex.  In the Bible, there were 12 sons of Jacob, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles, Jerusalem had 12 gates, 12 days of Christmas - in fact, there are 187 mentions of the number 12 in the Bible.)  Caballito had some other messages:
(for Marisol):  If you want to apologize to that lady (the human coworker who was using the powerful black spirit as a form of revenge on Marisol), do it.  Tell her you are sorry if the things you said caused her harm.  If she is harming you, forgive her.  With forgiveness, none of this would have had the energy to occur.  It's difficult.  When we are human, our feelings get hurt, but put into practice what we read here every week.  You have one other person that you need to forgive.  He is in Puerto Rico, and his name is Pedro.  Do not allow your heart to hold resentments.  You heart was made for love, not resentments. 
Marisol: That's one of the hardest to approach.
Caballito: That resentment has built up too much - for no reason.  That one (the powerful black spirit) will be here next week, and he will speak directly to you.  You will understand his resentment, and why he was doing what he was doing.  He will sit, and he will speak.  He will explain in detail, and you will understand many things.  Do not think he came for just one reason, he has been used by many.  He's always ready, and he is becoming more powerful.
(for the group): He (Nelson) told me, 'I'm feeling good, I don't need you to sit today,' but here I am.  I wanted to ask everyone today to let the resentments go.  Because he always says it, I will use Nelson as an example.  He has resentment for his sister.  He has given her a lot, and she has never said thank you.  He wonders how much more he has to give, before it is appreciated.  It's sad, because she could be receiving so much more.  His love for her in this life does not allow him to disregard her, although Jeff wishes he would sometimes. (Note: Nelson spoke to his sister for an hour and a half on Monday)  Remember that love can conquer anything and everything in your life.  If you want to be happy and healthy, do not let anything else into your hearts.  I am just a humble worker, but I work very hard every day.  It's the only way to obtain my first star.  Do you know why I want it?  So that I can build my first house.  I am a guest in someone else's house now.  With my work and effort, I can build my own home.  It will be a place for this one (Nelson) to go, and for Jeff, and for all of you, all of the others.  I want all of you to see me one day.  It's difficult, my friends.  That is why we ask all of you to be here at 2pm.  When we start late, there are spirit friends who cannot communicate, and I have to take them away quietly, after they hoped to speak.  Would you say that 10,000 was a big number?
Maricela:  We recently had a big party at my home...
Caballito: It was a material party.  You cleaned everything up after the material party, but you neglected the spiritual side.  if you do not clean the spiritual, those lost friends will still be there (Nelson explained later that he was shown the spirits of confused spirit priests wandering around in the space).   
(for Esperanza and Emiliano):  Caballito knew that Erika wanted to take a trip, and he asked both of her parents if it was alright with them, and they both agreed. 
Caballito:  In front of all of you, they said it was okay - so they cannot deny it.  We are good friends, she and I.  We talk a lot.  If your daughter says she would love to take a trip - when she opens up, say yes.  Tell her that her trip was approved by us, and that we deeply care for her. 
(for Denise):  How is your heart?  (hurting)  You and your mother are not alone.  (to the group)  She was worried that no one was going to ask how she and her mother were doing, but now someone has asked.
(for Sonia):  I wanted to ask you about meeting upstairs, once a month.  Some friends of this temple are requesting this.  A very good friend, the director of the temple at one time (Charlotte) wonders why you are down here, when she built such a beautiful space upstairs.  (Sonia agreed, and Caballito left the details up to the group.  We will meet upstairs on the last Sunday of every month, starting in July.)
(for Jeff): You are not thrilled, not happy about one thing (his upcoming marriage to Nelson).  Get happy about it.  Love is all that matters, and you saw that today.  That's all you take with you, the good love.
Jeff: Today our theme was obsessive love.
Caballito: Let's call it misguided love.  I will take 45 misguided spirits with me today, a little from everyone who is present.  There are 22 of them from this center, as they did not want us to move upstairs.  I wish all of you peace and happiness.
Before we closed, Caballito encouraged Nelson to speak to Carmen:
Nelson: Sometimes we put pebbles in our own road, without even noticing it, or wondering why.  Let's start with your family.  They have become more material than spiritual.  Every time I come back here, I hope to see your progress, but I always find you worse than when I left.  Put a sleep hold on the material, with your family.  When you do not work, you leave here tired.  Do not let your family dump everything on you and walk away refreshed, as their burdens are too much for you to handle.  (Their conversation continued in private after the session had ended)
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...