Friday, February 19, 2016

Trust the Mediums? Trust the Spirits?

A common misconception is that people study Spiritism in order to learn how to become mediums.  Spiritism cannot create mediums.  It serves only to educate them.

Spiritism, with its scientific study and the practice of mediumship, demonstrates that communication with the beings of the spirit realm is a completely natural occurrence.  Spiritism is able to explain the physical and scientific mechanisms of how and why mediumship is possible.   
So why doesn't everyone follow the philosophy of Spiritism?  Some skeptics or critics distrust the practice of mediumship because they are very suspicious of fraud - either with the medium, or with identity of the spirit who is communicating.   We need to be rational and understand that there are deceptive people in all walks of life - and all kinds of activities -  and there are those who play with the practice of mediumship.  Some are not mediums at all, and they only want to put on a show or to make money at the expense of others.  Others may actually be mediums, but they use their abilities inappropriately, or mix truth with untruth out of self interest.  Mediums are not the only ones capable of giving unreliable information (for any reason), as deceit can also originate from the communicating spirits.  A true medium questions the spirits carefully before allowing them to sit. Deceptive spirits dislike intensive questioning.

So how can we protect ourselves against fraudulent practices and deceitful communication? 

True spiritist mediums:
  • work without self-interest and work only with the intention of helping others
  • do not charge for their assistance, for they work with humility and recognize that they are merely acting as an instrument for the message or the aid given to others 
  • are taught how to guard and protect against the negative or deceitful influence of spirits, or those who may try to lead them astray 
  • seek, through their own study and moral efforts, to work with higher spirits who communicate with seriousness and compassion, with the ultimate purpose of contributing to the moral and spiritual progression of humanity
  • use no "visual aids" such as crystal balls, tarot cards, tea leaves, Ouiji Boards, etc., which are not necessary for the communication, and do not attract serious spirits   
  • do not guarantee communication with any spirit, for they know that spirits communicate at will and according to their conditions at a specific time.  There is a trusted affinity between the spirit and the medium that is necessary for any communication to occur.  This affinity is very specific to each medium, and without it, the communication could be incomplete, false, or misleading.  Every medium develops this affinity over time.  Spiritism is believing that the person who is trusted will do what is expected (as with every other relationship we have in our lives).

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