Saturday, February 6, 2016

Chicago - October 5, 2014

In attendance: Denise, Jeff, Marisol, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 
After Mia read the opening prayer, Marisol offered an additional prayer for the spirits.  Nelson sensed a spirit who believed that everyone at our table was thinking of someone in need that they wanted to mention.  Sonia asked for prayers in regards to her niece who needed maturity.  Denise spoke about her mother, and hoped that her health would be steady and strong.  Marisol asked that her recently passed uncle (who was still in the process of transitioning) be given guidance. Nelson wondered how Marisol's son was doing.  Marisol said he was stable, but there was also a sadness in his eyes.  She sensed that he wanted (or knew) that his own transition back to the spirit world was not that far away. Nelson agreed, saying that the conflict was that his spirit did not want to go but, "his body cannot take it anymore."  His spirit understood the transitioning process, but Marisol's son was still was sad at the thought of leaving his mom.  Throughout their time together in the material world, Marisol had done everything necessary for her son, and Nelson saw that the eventual transitioning was a form of "relief" for both of them.   
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A strong, authoritative spirit sat through Nelson, and he spoke in Spanish.  This spirit was the former director of a spiritist center in Puerto Rico, and he wanted our group to know that he was around now to "help his disciple" (meaning Marisol's uncle).  He wanted Marisol to know that he was also frequently with her, and that she was not alone.  This spirit said that he had other spirits with him to assist Marisol and her uncle whenever they were needed.  The spirit sensed that he was in a slightly unfamiliar location at our table.  He promised to return again to become more familiar with our group.  He mused, "Observe...and then..." The spirit reminded Nelson that they had met before, at a center in Puerto Rico in the material world.  Because of his age, this spirit was no longer working as a medium at that time, but he remembered Nelson and his mother when they visited his center.  The spirit said they were seated in the back, and he said, "I am now going to do what you did earlier in my center - sit back and observe."  The spirit quietly moved away from the table.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw several different groups of Shamans (or male witches) near our table.  He sensed that they were there to practice some type of "white magic".  While some of the groups were positive, others were not.  One of the spirits stepped forward to clarify the situation, speaking from a position behind Nelson.  "We do what humans do," the spirit said, "Vengeance, and controlling the behavior of others.  We like to create things.  Chaos, fights.  More humans are on this dark side than the light."  Before we sat at the table, our group had a discussion about Argentina, and Nelson understood that this group of spirits was somehow connected to that conversation.  The language changed to Spanish, and we realized that these spirits were related to Marta's son, Sebastian.  Sonia told the spirit that his conversation needed to be positive at our table, as the spirit rocked back and forth with indecision over what to say.  The spirit explained that he was, "brought here to stop them, and I told them they must stop."  The spirit explained that there were many others with him, and these attached presences needed to realize that their behavior and influence over Sebastian were not acceptable.  The spirit banged loudly on the table, and said, "A family should be love, not conflict!"  The energy level of this spirit was very strong, so he was unable to sit.  Another spirit was speaking for him.  He wanted us to deliver a message to Marta.  She should not be close to her son at any time now.  Marta needed to wait until things calmed down and returned to normal.  She and her son are opposites in temperament and they cannot be together.  The spirit wanted our table to know that he had also undergone a transformation.  He told us his "work is for good now, not how it used to be."  As proof, he offered to take his group of 175 spirits away with him.  Nelson shivered, describing the group as "so cold," and Sonia added that they were "stone faced".
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol had a message for Mia.  Despite her feelings of "espíritu de pánico" (panicked spirit), Marisol believed that Mia would one day be working as a medium.  She just needed to allow herself to be open to the spirits.  Nelson sensed that Mia hoped to be "the perfect medium," and he knew that before she worked, Mia would "need to be certain" of her abilities.  He saw her as a working "madame" in one of her previous lives, and he said that her uncertainty in working as a medium now was related to this past existence, when her skills were used for negative purposes.  Without realizing it, Miaa was apprehensive about taking the same path in this life.  Marisol offered an example of a tarot card reader.  They have a gift, but when they try to make money from their ability, the gift becomes negative.  Mia was advised that when she saw things, she needed to say them.  "You are a medium," Marisol told her, "and it's a process that comes with time, over meditation and being still.  It's scary, but open yourself."  Marisol added that the breathing involved with meditation changed our energy level, giving the spirits permission to come in.  Nelson encouraged Mia to establish a solid relationship with her spirit guide(s).  The table discussed the situation, encouraging Mia to continue her growth and development.
There was something related to one of Nelson's brothers, and Marisol was trying to discern the message.  One of the brothers saw Nelson's life as "easier," while he viewed his own life as misunderstood and lonely.  The table determined that these feelings belonged to Nelson's older brother, Junior.  He felt separated from his family, and Marisol sensed that he had recently been experienced some type of "enfermo" or illness.  She was correct, as Junior was still recovering from a fall.
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Marisol):  Marisol explained her process of passing spirits at the table.  She communicated with her guide first, and then a spirit would pass into her, almost as if her spirit guide acted as a secure gateway or guard for the spirit to pass.  As she was explaining the process, it was illustrated with an example, as an angry spirit moved into Marisol.  The spirit demanded to know, "Why was I brought here?"  He was agitated and upset, moving around in his seat as if he wanted to be freed.  The conversion continued:
Spirit: Dolor!  Dolor! (Spanish for pain)
Nelson: Be calm, you cannot push him (referring to his brother, Junior)
Spirit: Dolor!
Nelson (referring to his brother): What is your relationship with him?
Spirit: To be evil.  (There was a pause, as the spirit realized that his answer was not what we wanted to hear)  He's my friend (the spirit hit the table with his fist).  Huh!  Why all these questions?  Huh!  (Turning away, the spirit shook his head in frustration).  The memory remains from when we were friends.  Now he is a traitor (laughing).  Treason!  Traitor.  Who is next to him now?  NO ONE!
Nelson stood and walked over to Marisol in an attempt to calm the spirit.  "Betrayed!" the spirit said, "Dolor!"  Whatever pain this spirit experienced, he now wanted Junior to feel the same way.  There was silence as Nelson (and everyone else at the table) tried to remove the pain.  The spirit loudly cried out, "NO!" and his demeanor seemed to shift.  He asked for forgiveness.  Referring to Junior, the spirit said, "There is no reason for his spirit to be ill." The spirit began to realize that he was tired, and he asked for forgiveness again, as he slowly accepted that he was being called away.  The spirit had decided to leave, and as he departed, he said softly, "How beautiful it is!"
Marisol's "madame" spirit guide had brought this spirit to our table, and she had returned to cleanse Marisol.  As with so many spiritual situations, the passing of this spirit was not the only lesson.  Nelson understood that when Mia was able to one day work as a medium, the process that was shown to us today would be similar to how she would work.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Earlier in the living room, Mia had updated the group on the health of her brother-in-law.  Nelson sensed a spirit who stressed that this individual was not okay, and he needed further testing.  "Don't wait too long," the spirit advised.  "Is he diabetic?  Check it.  Something is not right, and it needs to be discovered."  Denise felt as if someone was dizzy, and she thought it might be related to Mia's parents.  When she realized that the symptoms were not for them, Denise understood that the dizziness was related to Mia's brother-in-law.  Nelson saw a doctor with paper files saying, "Things are OK".  Standing behind the doctor was a spirit repeatedly urging him to "look deeper."  Nelson clearly understood that this doctor had treated his patient with extreme disrespect.  The spirit that was behind the doctor was now with the brother-in-law, and Nelson envisioned him as a solid military man, a father figure to Mia's brother-in-law.  "Look deeper," the spirit repeated.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  "This one is too close to me," Nelson said, and Marisol understood.  A group of spirits had arrived, and they were related to Jeff.  They were surprised to see Jeff as "not the man he used to be." This group was dancing and partying as the conversation continued:
Spirit (speaking to Jeff): What is wrong with you?
Sonia: He is not into that now.
Spirit: C'mon.  The party is in full throttle.  He liked to dance.
Jeff: The party has ended for me.  You need to find the same peace and contentment.
Spirit (dancing and moving in his seat): Let's get on top of the table and dance!
Denise: There are other ways to have fun.
Spirit: We don't like him anymore.  I don't like him.  He's not handsome anymore.  The nights, the weekends we spent together...
Marisol: He is no longer in your world.
Spirit: We were told there was a party.  We thought this table was a stage.  We had a good time!  Give him a microphone, and you will see!
Jeff: I have learned and moved on.
Sonia: Your spirit needs education now.
Marisol:  Do you have a body?  Look at yourself.
Spirit: We take over other peoples bodies.  (addressing Marisol)  We don't like you.  (noticing Sonia) We like her better.  They are telling us that this is the last party?
Sonia: Yes.  The last hurrah.
Spirit: We will leave a lot of our friends behind?  There is a different party?  Instead of what we like to drink, they are giving us plain water.  Where is the vodka?  (referencing Jeff) He is not that guy anymore?  I am taking the party with me.  Seventeen of us.  No more party.  I'm going with him.  I'm sorry, all we liked was the party.  (long pause)  Can I say something else?  And the boys!
After the spirit departed, the table discussed several topics.  Nelson's spirit guide was standing behind him, and he wanted the group to know that the work today would now continue, silently in the background.  He also wanted us to know that other spirits had been brought in to observe the work at our table today. 
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): Directing his attention towards Mia, Nelson's spirit guide told her, "You finally have a place where the knowledge is there for you.  Don't waste time.  Go directly from A to B, no longer routes.  Don't go all around the mountain to get to the top."  Noticing Denise, the spirit guide happily told her, "What a difference!  And it's not finished yet."  With Sonia, Nelson's guide wanted to know what was going on with the niece that was mentioned at the start of the session. Frustrated at having to speak from his position behind Nelson, the spirit guide decided to sit through Nelson:
Spirit: I always have to fight him.  For this one, I wanted to ask the questions myself. 
(in regards to Sonia's niece) What kind of action has been taken?
Sonia: Some spiritual, but it hasn't worked.
Spirit: This is a very delicate situation, my friend.  Where is she living?
Sonia: In Puerto Rico, with her mother.
Spirit: And her living situation?
Sonia: Terrible.
Spirit: Would her situation improve if she were to move?
Sonia: She has been told many times...
Spirit:  Real help will come for her now.
Nelson's spirit guide asked Sonia to phone her sister twice in the upcoming week.  She could talk about any topic except the niece.  The message was repeated (call twice within the week but do not discuss the niece), while the spirit guide swayed gently in his seat.  If the niece entered the conversation, Sonia should immediately change the subject.  The table understood that the two phone calls were a way for the spirit world to establish a connection.  "We will see what we can accomplish," Nelson's spirit guide said.
Nelson's guide also had a message for Nelson:  "Tell him it's okay for me to take a couple of minutes of time.  He thinks he is in control, and he is not.  He tries very hard, and he is a very good spirit.  A very good soul, but he still has a lot to learn."  Glancing towards Marisol, the spirit guide welcomed her to the table and gave Nelson more advice: "Use her to share your experiences.  He needs that.  Both of you will grow with the knowledge and the group will grow in size.  We need you.  Continue.  We are here."
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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