Saturday, February 13, 2016

Chicago - October 12, 2014

In attendance: Denise, Jeff, Nelson and Sonia   
After Nelson read the opening prayer, he felt compelled to read a selection related to mediums (see page 255 of Allan Kardec's The Mediums' Book or click below on the link). 

As he was reading, Sonia envisioned Nelson as a young man.  Nelson explained that his spirit guide was boyish and young.  The table discussed the selection, and Nelson reiterated that his mediumship abilities were "not mine".  Nelson said that he often received "hints" or insight about a session, but he had not been given any indication of what to expect for this reunion.

Nelson asked Sonia about her niece in Puerto Rico.  Sonia said that there were mental health issues, and Nelson sensed that although she was never hospitalized for her condition, her mind had persuaded her that she was institutionalized in her own home.  Nelson saw "a bunch of nuts" around her, spirits who were making odd noises and pulling out their hair.  Denise felt the same presences.  There was one spirit who spent the day staring at nothing, and Sonia confirmed that her niece often exhibited the same behavior.  Nelson knew that no doctor would ever understand her situation if these spirits were not removed. Their behavior was horrendous, with one spirit who was crying in the corner and another who was eating his own feces.  A spirit was present who said, "She doesn't deserve this.  There have been prayers for her, and those prayers will now be answered. She has been crying for 17 years."

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson began to cry as the spirit crying in the corner moved towards him, and he began to feel what the niece was experiencing.  "She wants to die," Nelson told the table, "And she doesn't want to be here if things have to be like this."  Nelson heard the thoughts of the niece when she said, "What an ugly thing I am."  The spirit arrived and sat through Nelson, as the conversation continued:

Spirit: I am her real mother.  The other one is not.
Sonia: Can't the two of you work together?
Spirit (making gagging noises and referring to the spirits around her): One jumps, another pulls hair...
Sonia: Take them out of that situation.  Come in peacefully.
Spirit: It's the time.  Time has arrived, and it's the time (repeated several times).  NO MORE OF THIS. No more suffering, no pain.  I don't want to feel like this any more.  I have been in the corner for so long, crying, asking, praying.  (Nelson tears up)  I never wanted to go and leave her alone, but they tell me for her to feel better, I have to go?  I've been listening to that lady who calls all the time (referring to Sonia's phone calls to her sister).  She's the one who convinced me.
Jeff: It's OK to go now...
Spirit: Do you want to know why I didn't want to leave her?  (looking at Sonia) You are a mother, you know it's hard to leave.  Will you watch over her?
Sonia: I will.  Thank you for being there for her.
Spirit: They say I have to tell you a little bit before I can move on.  The back of my neck hurts.  Really hurts.  She and I were supposed to come together.
Jeff: What happened?
Spirit: We couldn't come together, the place we were coming couldn't handle us.  My weight was too heavy, too hard.  I stayed in that corner.
Sonia: You will be released now.
Spirit: It's so hard to leave, but I want her to do well.  They tell me that one day I can see her - from a distance, in a little bubble.
Jeff: That would be wonderful.  Please take all the others with you.  How many will you take?
Spirit: 17 times two.  Plus one more - me.  She was my daughter...

As the spirit faded away, Nelson realized that the niece and this spirit were twins.  They were both supposed to reincarnate with similar mental issues, but this spirit was unwilling.  Sonia confirmed that her niece was a twin.  This spirit who remained behind believed that she was a mother for the niece.  Having a material mother and a spiritual mother only created more confusion for the niece.  Nelson advised Sonia to ask her sister if the niece ever mentioned her twin, as he was certain that she felt her presence.  Nelson also sensed that there was another twin in the family with the same circumstance.  Sonia explained that an older brother was also a twin with the exact same scenario - his twin stayed behind in the spirit world.  The table discussed the issue.  When they were both on the spiritual side, the brother had promised to help his sister in her current reincarnation.  The material world had left Puerto Rico, and he also left his sister and the memories of his own twin behind.  His prearranged responsibility cannot be avoided, and the spirit of a twin (his sister's twin or his own) will return.  A spirit will reincarnate soon through another family member (perhaps as a granddaughter), to give Sonia's nephew another opportunity to offer the care he promised when he was a spirit.  Nelson advised Sonia to ask her sister about when her son removed himself from the situation with his sister (and if he ever felt his own twin around him).
Nelson wondered if Sonia's parents were spiritists (and they were).  Nelson understood that this family came from a very long line of mediums, and some of them took the wrong path.  Sonia was experiencing a soft tapping in her ear, and Nelson explained that the tapping was a subtle message for Sonia to continue her own path of spiritual growth.   When Sonia's sister asks her if our group "did something today," in reference to her niece, Sonia should reply with, "I just did what was best for her." 

Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Don Polo had arrived, and he spoke to Jeff from his position behind Nelson.  Jeff had often wondered about twins.  Why did two separate spirits need to look alike in the spirit world?  Don Polo explained that it had nothing to do with the material world.  These spirits had made a commitment to reincarnate together before arriving in the material world.  The spirits were not strong enough to reincarnate as individuals, so they had to come connected, as twins (or triplets, etc.).  Don Polo knew that Jeff had often thought that it might be interesting to have been a twin.  He told Jeff that if he had come as a twin, Jeff would have hated him, as Jeff liked, "his own individuality."  Don Polo also told Jeff that he could ask to be a twin in his next reincarnation, and that if he did, he would be "two of the same" (an identical twin, not fraternal).  Don Polo also explained that Nelson and his spirit guide were not twins, although they were as close as twins, and like twins, they often sensed and understood each others feelings.  Don Polo added that, "At this level, you can imagine how difficult it is with triplets (and other large groups of siblings that look identical but have different spirits)."  Don Polo knew that we had many questions about the spirits that we hoped would be answered, but we could not understand everything yet.  "Keep studying," he advised.

Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Don Polo had brought the spirit of Nelson's grandmother with him.  They worked together in the material world, and now they were coworkers on the spiritual world.  She wanted to speak to Nelson, but her message influenced the entire table:
Spirit (for Nelson): I told you that everything would be OK.  Stop trying to make others do things.  Something is coming soon, and the gates will be opened.  Never forget where you come from, because that gives you the peace you are looking for.  It's a world of vanity and pride.  Be better than the others, as none of those things bring the happiness we are looking for.  It's been a long time.  I don't come around so often because they think I am coming to solve problems, and I am not here for that.  I am here to offer a hand to help take the right path.  Some things will come up, so keep your mind open.  We will tell him (Nelson) what he can do and what cannot be done.  Be prepared for the spur of the moment.  Do not make any long commitments for the next couple of months.  Things are moving fast.  Let me in when I am close by.  Sometimes you shake your head in disbelief asking, 'Is it really you?'
Spirit (addressing everyone):  He (Nelson) will remember many of us from the days of his development, as many of us from the material side are together on the other side.  We have lost many, for various reasons.  The material world is often seen as more interesting.  Do not be afraid or concerned, what is coming has been planned.  I knew he (Nelson) was something special.  He didn't want to come, but we convinced him.   It wasn't easy.  He is now in a process of interchanging mental messages.  Let him think about that.  (for Jeff)  Be kind to him.  Can you do that?  Be kind.  (for the group)  All of your lives are in transition.  A moment of moving to the next level.  For life to have meaning - it's right next to you.  Read, learn, grow.  If you can't find the answer, we're here.  Move to a level of spirits, not the material. 

Nelson's grandmother compared our material bodies to a car getting older.  The car still runs, but it constantly needed care and new parts.  She wanted us to "prepare for the real life" (the spirit life).  Her spirit quietly faded away as softly as she arrived.  Nelson's spirit guide wanted the table to know that when it was time, Nelson would not mind leaving the material world behind, because he and his guide would be together again.  Sonia described it as "a bond".

Spirit 4 (via Nelson): A group of soldiers were being ushered in by Nelson's spirit guide, and Nelson sensed that many of them needed to be removed.  Their influence had an effect on our material world, with a mentality of "not talking or thinking, just fighting."  Based on Nelson's description, Denise thought that these ancient soldiers might be part of the crusades.  Nelson described them further.  They were dressed as knights, wearing uniforms with gold crosses instead of red, with British accents.  Denise understood that they were the knights of King Arthur's round table, and these men were often monks.  Nelson saw them all as very well educated. 

Note: The Round Table was King Arthur's famed table, around which he and his knights congregated. King Arthur was a legendary British leader of the late 5th and early 6th centuries who led the defense of Britain against Saxon invaders in the early 6th century. As its name suggests, the round table had no head seat, implying that everyone who sat there had equal status. The table was first described in 1155.  After the session, Nelson confirmed that the drawing of the table below matched what he was shown (and yes, I know the photo is not centered - I'm not sure what happened):

All of the knights were talking all at once.  One of them said, "Everyone has an opinion!" while another group debated, "How will we end the war?"  The knights were shouting out east and west as directions in which to march, and Nelson realized that some of them liked the king and his policies, while others did not.  A spirit removed himself from the noisy confusion and sat through Nelson:

Spirit: Who are you people?  Nobody!  Just caretakers.  Where is your armor?  Does the king believe in all this?  Witches!  What do they want from me?
Sonia: We want peace,and you can take the message back to the others.
Spirit: Peace?  Do you understand nothing else?
Jeff: It's important for your group to understand.
Spirit (to Jeff): Your accent is different, but you are well educated.  (pause)  They tell me that the accent is not important.
Jeff: It's not...we can still understand each other.
Spirit: They are telling me to put everything down so we can communicate.  They took my hat, so you can see my face.  (pause)  I'm gonna go back and convince the others.  I have nothing but peace in my heart now.  And some of them will listen, he (the spirit guide) said.
Jeff: How many will you take with you?
Spirit:  How many do you think will fit?  It's a very long table...
Jeff: Two thousand?
Spirit: That's too many...
Sonia: Hundreds?
Spirit: Yes.  I had to convince 214.  I will go back.  I will stand up and be quiet, and they will notice me.  (looks at Jeff)  You know why I spoke to you?  (looks at Denise and Sonia) I thought those women were just here to serve the wine...

After the spirit left, Nelson's guide wanted our group to know that there were no limitations on what our table could do.  "Don't be surprised," he said. 

Nelson closed with a prayer.

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