Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Florida - January 19, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Jeff, Gloria, Gregory, Nelson and Santiago
In our previous session, we agreed to have an educational topic for discussion before each session.  The topic for this session was,"What is Spiritualism?"
Nelson: It's a way of living. Trying to be a better human every day. A belief in reincarnation.
Jeff: It's a system of beliefs that helps us make better choices while we are in the material world.
Gloria: Our spirit (energy and light) in the material body is the fuel that keeps the body functioning. We are more spiritual than material. We are always surrounded by spirits, and they are in continuous contact, attempting to communicate with us, in hopes that we will be encouraged to communicate with them.
Astrid: It's a way of living in the material world.
Gregory: He was curious about how to "let go" and channel spirits in an attempt to discover additional good spirits that may be around us. The group discussed the issue.
Santiago: He always tries to follow the Ten Commandments. After years and years of spiritualism and past lives, he often wonders how something so complicated could also be so easy.
Read more about the eight main points of spiritism that Kardec established here: 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson and Gloria): Nelson had been experiencing lower back pain for three days before the session. Gloria saw something there as well, and Nelson began to feel cold and clammy, as if he were deceased. It was the spirit of Ivan (the longtime friend of Jeff and Nelson who passed away on September 11, 2011).  Gloria saw him as very pale, and Nelson described him as anxious. He wanted to speak before the good spirits who brought him took him away:
Spirit: This is right, this is important (referring to spirit sessions and hitting the table to empathize his point).  Not the house, or a job or the money, now I realize it is only this.
He spoke directly to Jeff, regarding the friendship that Jeff and Nelson shared with him, and he encouraged them to "be nice" to the people he left behind.  He described his transition from the material world into the spiritual realm:
Spirit: My grandmother kept reaching her hand out for me, and I finally took it. I was tired of the suffering and the constant pain. I am not in a bad place, but I am not in a great condition.
(Nelson's back pain was related to what this spirit was still feeling from his lung cancer in the material world)
Spirit: Many thanks (gracias - gracias - gracias). It was my time to go. They are taking me to that hospital to remove the pain in my body.
He explained that he didn't listen to some of the spiritual things that Nelson said to him while he was still in the material world, because:
Spirit: I was attached to so many things, I forgot what was important. This is what matters. Prepare yourself and the transition will be very easy. I am well protected and taken care of.
Nelson felt an easing of the back pain he had experienced, and Ivan promised to return to the group in the future to speak more about what we can expect when we pass. He hoped to educate himself so that one day he could offer his hand in guidance to others who are ready to pass on, in the same way that his grandmother helped him with his transition.  Ivan had donated his body to science, and it had not yet been returned to his family.  His spirit was looking for the body, and he described himself as, "only having a head."
The group discussed the "perispirit", with Astrid describing it as a fluid body or memory of what occurred in the material world. In Allan Kardec's The Book on Mediums, he described the perispirit in terms of a "fluidic body" with the following properties:
  • It is made of the "Universal Cosmic Fluid", which in different densities and states, is the source of all matter;
  • It enclosed the spirit proper;
  • It gave the spirit an appearance drawn from his previous life and his current state, serving as a shape by which spirits saw each other;
  • It sends forth "fluidic" emanations that can affect those around;
  • Being "subtle" and semi-material, it was able to act as a bond between the physical body (material) and the spirit (immaterial);
  • It allowed the spirit to act over matter other than that of its body, to some extent;
  • It is constantly under change, as the spirit progresses and may eventually be harmed, even destroyed.
  • It won't be necessary any more when all spirits attain perfection.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson, Gloria & Astrid): Several months ago, Gloria and Nelson saw a spirit attached to Gregory - a beautiful woman with long flowing hair, who was using her long hair and seductive dancing as a way to control him. She described herself as a mother from one of Gregory's past existences, but Gloria saw her as a lover - as her behavior was more seductive than parental.  She sat through Nelson:
Spirit: I am the special one in his life. I want him all to myself, with nobody else around him. Every night he would come to watch me dance and give me money. I am the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.  I love his long hair.  (Gloria saw this woman and Gregory in Europe, possibly in France.)
Astrid: Look at him now, he is not the same man you remember.
Spirit: They are putting my hair up. I cannot use it anymore to entice him. There is a gentleman who is taking me away. There are six of us, and now we are going to learn a new dance.
Astrid: There are some items left on the table.  Take those things with you.
(The items on the table were the skeletons of babies that had been aborted by the dancers).
Spirit: We had a good time. The show was good, but no more.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson realized that Santiago also enjoyed similar dancers. Astrid described Santiago as "very proper now," so these dancers were from a past life. Nelson spoke with Santiago in Spanish, as he saw dancers resembling gypsies gyrating all around him.  One of the dancers moved into Nelson to speak:
Spirit (for Santiago): I hate him. We are all from the same large group. We are three dancers and sixteen men.  Do you know what he did to us?  He was young and he wanted to control us.  If we misbehaved, he would chop off the heads, arms or legs of our male relatives (husbands, fathers, brothers) with a scimitar.
(Note:  A scimitar was a sword with a curved blade, which was popular in Arabic countries of the Middle East, see below),d.eWU&psig=AFQjCNEoyr8np_hT8gQcgL7PyppmyD0toQ&ust=1358785995760422
Astrid reminded the group that the Arab culture had a bloody history. Gregory described the culture as brutal with no remorse over any killing. The spirit of the dancer was persuaded to leave, but before she would go, she showed Nelson the male with missing limbs were left to die in some sort of cavern.  Santiago apologized for his role and the spirit moved on.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): This message was largely in Spanish and it was for Gloria and Astrid. Nelson's spirit guide wanted the three of them to hold hands, as he spoke to them in Spanish.  The messages was from Nelson's spirit guide, and he also had some additional messages:
(for Jeff:) What you perceive as 'the luck of Nelson' is the price he is paying from his past - of all the work he has yet to do and all the work that he has in front of him.  He has a weight on his shoulders that was very heavy and he needs to work, because he still owes a lot and he must progress.  You see how easy I can change from Spanish to English. There are no language barriers here.
(for the group:) Continue to meet and work, while he (Nelson) is in Chicago.  In the next reunion, you (the other mediums) will work more, as Nelson is tired sometimes.
Spirit 5 (via Astrid): Gloria's mother spoke to her briefly in Spanish. She had been in the room, observing the entire session.  After she left, Gloria shared that she had asked for her mom to arrive today via Astrid.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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