Friday, February 26, 2016

Florida, January 22, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jeff, Nelson, Santiago and Tessa
As an educational topic before the start of the session, Nelson wanted to discuss the "perispirit"
- Gloria described it as a part of the body. We are a material body while we are here, and our perispirit exists here and travels with us in the spirit world
- Nelson saw the perispirit as "memory", but the ability to remember some events and circumstances for each individual would depend upon how far along we have advanced spiritually
- Astrid said that the perispirit keeps some of the physical features of the material body from lifetime to lifetime
- Santiago described it as "the hard drive of a computer"
We discussed some examples of the perispirit. Astrid said that any recollection from a prior life might be brief sometimes - such as speaking to a German woman just once for only ten minutes. Gloria said that seeing someone in a restaurant and not understanding why we are drawn to them might be another example.
(Confused?  Read more about the perispirit in the next post)
Spirit 1 (via Nelson ): Astrid read a prayer for Enrique's brother (José). Enrique and his brother both live in Argentina, where Enrique and his wife are both mediums at the spiritist center. Jose has in a coma, suffering from Septicema (a bacteria in the blood that often occurs with severe infections).  Nelson saw a microscopic animal - similar to a black leech - all over the body of Jose. Instead of sucking and removing his blood, these symbolic animals were putting the bacteria into his body. Gloria saw them giving him spiritual toxins to cause the infection. Nelson saw one of the leeches with a long, thin tongue. He seemed to be the group leader. Nelson wanted to try and eliminate these bacterial leeches, but he was warned that while some are spiritual, there is also additional bacteria present from the material world. Astrid reminded the group that we could help Jose's suffering, but his karma in the material world may have been predetermined.
Nelson said that it would be difficult to pass any sort of spirit, as the small creatures he saw he could not sit or talk. The tiny animals were accompanied by another spirit that was here to help. This spirit was also unable to sit at the table, but he would use Nelson as a method of transportation to travel from our table to the hospital. While this was happening, Astrid and Gloria prayed (in Spanish), and Nelson asked everyone to hold hands.  When he returned from his journey with the spirit guides, Nelson said he saw Jose in a coma in the hospital. He followed his spiritual guide into the hospital room, and he observed the good spirits removing the spiritual leeches (or bacteria) successfully. Jose's previous actions (karma) and his ability to fight the material bacteria will determine the extent of his further recovery. "We only get what we deserve," Nelson heard a spirit say.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson described an angry, authoritative spirit who thought that our group (and other spiritist tables) were working contrary to what this spirit was trying to accomplish:
Spirit: You are trying to take my power. I do not like him. I do not like any of you.  I am not here because I want to be. You want to remove what gives me power (negative spirits)
Astrid: You do not use your powers for good.
Spirit: I know the purpose for bringing me here. I know my time has come. What I have to do now is not nice, it is my time to suffer. I did not want to come here.  If you could see what they are showing me...they are showing me my book of what I have done.  I'm sorry, I'm sorry. With me, there are so many others, and I am taking what belongs to me with me. I caused this. Forgive me, I am sorry.
Spirit 2 (Nelson and Gloria): Nelson asked Tessa if she and her husband had ever thought of adopting a child. She and her husband had already decided not to have children, either biologically or by adoption.  "It's not too late," Gloria heard a spirit say. Nelson saw the tiny fetus of a baby entering a tube shaped like a straw. It appeared that this baby was ready to be born, which meant that a spirit would be reincarnated. 
Gloria realized that the baby was entering a fallopian tube, and Nelson was shown that this tiny fetus was a baby girl. In a previous life, Tessa promised to bring this girl into this existence with her, and now the spirit of the baby saw this as a promise that was not fulfilled.
The fetus was unable to speak, but the spirit jumped into Gloria's body. Nelson realized that an extraction needed to be done. If not, the spirit would still try to use Tessa's body as a way to enter this existence - possible causing harm or death. Nelson asked Jeff to stand behind him as his spirit guide performed the extraction. Nelson fell to the floor, and Jeff caught him. The group determined that someone (a human, not a spirit) was sending Tessa the negative energy that led this spirit to Tessa.  Uncertain over who it might be, Tessa shared that her mother-in-law has been pressuring her and her husband to have a child. "It's hard to believe that someone could have brought us so much negativity because we made a decision to do  nothing," Tessa said.
Spirit 3 (via Gloria in Spanish): This was the spirit of a gynecologist/doctor from Puerto Rico.  He was the doctor who delivered Tessa, and when he was alive in this reincarnation, he was also her godfather. One of his medical accomplishments was the development of a process to reverse a vasectomy.
Santiago asked for a prayer for a recently departed friend named Dolores. Astrid read a prayer for her, and the group prayed silently for a peaceful transition.
Astrid closed with a prayer.

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