Friday, January 1, 2016

What Are Passes?

Passes are given in Spiritual Centers. The object of the Pass is to supplement our vital fluids to improve the harmony of our body, which should result in better physical and mental health.
The vital fluids of our bodies are specifically altered to fit our own individual spirit and body. Think of these fluids as an energy force that maintains the various force centers in our bodies. We call these Chakras, and they are responsible for keeping the bodily functions in harmony. The more vital fluids you have, the healthier and more vitality you will possess.

Spirits are energy, and when passes are given to someone, spiritual energy (fluid) is transferred from a spirit benefactor, to a medium, to the recipient of the pass.  There are three types of passes:
1) Magnetic (the energy source is the human pass giver)
2) Spiritual (the energy source is from a spirit)
3) Mixed (the energy source is both of the above, and this is the most common)
The pass is a transfusion of energy that occurs from human to human, but it requires the intervention of a spirit .When a spiritual problem hits us, our vital energy is at a level below our standard . With the spiritist “passe,” the normal energy level is restored. The pass is a transfusion of energies that alters our entire cellular field.

Once we renew our thoughts, everything within us is modified. The sending and receiving of this spiritual assistance helps the receiver to help themselves. Our energized and enlivened mind is able to renew the microscopic organisms in the body and healing begins. The pass has a decisive influence in healing when it is received with respect and confidence.
Andre Luiz, our spiritual friend from many books, asked about the benefits of passes.  He received an answer from the spirit leader of a group of spirits who gave passes to incarnates and discarnates:

“Just as the physical body can ingest poisonous foods that intoxicate its tissues, the perispiritual body can also absorb degenerative elements that corrode its energy centers with repercussions on the material cells. If an incarnate person’s mind has not yet managed to discipline the emotions, if it nourishes passions that disharmonize it with reality, it can at any moment become poisoned with the mental emissions of those with whom it lives, and who are also in the same state of imbalance. Sometimes, these absorptions are simple phenomena of no major importance; however, in many cases they are susceptible of causing dangerous organic disasters. This happens particularly when the interested parties do not have a prayer life, the beneficial influence of which can annul many ills.”

(From: Xavier, F. C. (2009). Missionaries of the Light. Brasilia (DF), Brazil: International Spiritist Council.)

What Training is Required to Give Passes?

Humans and spirits must both be trained to be able to effectively aid others through the transfer of vital fluids (energy) via passes.  When Andre Luiz inquired about any special training or qualifications that were prerequisites to providing passes. He received this answer:

“As they do their work, goodwill alone is not enough, as is also the case in other areas of our work. They need to display certain qualities of a superior order and certain specialized knowledge. Even when discarnate, servants of the good cannot act satisfactorily in this type of service if they cannot yet maintain a higher standard of continuous mental elevation, an indispensable condition for the exteriorization of radiant faculties. Missionaries involved in magnetic assistance, either on the physical plane or here in our sphere, must have great self-control, naturally balanced sentiments, a purified love for their fellow beings, a higher understanding of life, strong faith and a deep trust in the Divine Power."
(from Xavier, F.C. Missionaries of the Light, EDICEI, p. 322)

- The spirit workers undergo a rigorous training to fulfill their mission
- On our side, we must possess an understanding of the Doctrine of Spiritism and the required goodwill toward our fellow beings before we can give passes
- For those receiving the passes, they only need to have faith and openness to allow the refreshing energy waves to be absorbed into the body
- The Spiritist who is acting as the channel must also be prepared, in mind and body, as Chico Xavier pointed out:

“Before anything else, they must balance their emotions. It isn’t possible to offer constructive energies to somebody else, even if acting as a useful instrument, if one systematically wastes one’s own vital radiations. A worn out and oppressed nervous system is a channel that does not respond to the interruptions that take place. Excessive bitterness, unbridled passion and obsessive anxiety are barriers that impede the passage of auxiliary energies. On the other hand, it is also necessary to examine physiological requirements as well as requisites of a psychic order. The monitoring of elements destined for the cellular reservoirs is indispensable for anyone interested in attending to the tasks of the good. Excessive eating produces fetid odors that emanate through the pores as well as through the outlets from the lungs and the stomach, harming the radiating faculties because it causes abnormal ejections and great disharmony in the gastrointestinal system, which in turn affects the inside of the cells. Alcohol and other toxic substances create disturbances in the nervous centers, altering certain psychic functions and annulling the best efforts for the transmissions of regenerative and salutary elements.”
(from Xavier, F.C. Missionaries of the Light, EDICEI, p. 324)

Isn't any amount of positive energy better than none at all?

No. It's not the good deeds we do, it's the thought that caused it.  A pass from an unqualified medium is not effective.  Our bodies are finely tuned instruments. We see this mainly when we feed ourselves, exercise, procreate or do anything physical. If the medium administering the pass is not mentally and physically prepared, the pass is ineffective showmanship.  Mentally, we need to become devices for good, by maintaining the emotional and physical health of our physical covering while we are doing our time on earth, but also by our thoughts and actions. When we do that, we improve ourselves while benefiting our fellow humans. 
(Note: This piece is condensed from this well researched, very informative article:

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